Dragon Quest

Did you enjoy Dragon Quest XI?
Are you going to get the Definitive Edition?
Are you going to play the 3DS version when the fanmade english patch is finished?

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Was bored the entire time. It dragged on too long, then I dropped it.

waiting for the PS4 patches. You guys are dreaming to think the S enhancements are exclusive.

I loved it.

I'll wait and see if the other versions will get updated since I have the PS4 version. If not, I'll get it.

No, I could've played it already if I wanted to, but I'm not interested in the 3DS version.

Keep seething, and thanks for beta testing.

>Did you enjoy Dragon Quest XI?
Outside of the 3rd part, I found DQ11 to be a great game. Overall, it is the best SE game of this console generation

>Are you going to get the Definitive Edition?
no Switch

For someone new to the series, should I play DQVIII first on my 3DS, and wait to play DQXI until the new edition comes out?

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>Did you enjoy Dragon Quest XI?

>Are you going to get the Definitive Edition?

>Are you going to play the 3DS version when the fanmade english patch is finished?
You better have a source for that. If true, then fuck yeah.

Not really. It's 6/10 game and has the same problem every DQ game has since VII - it's just too long for absolutely no reason.
No. And when (IF) it goes on sale, it will still be no.

Isn's the 3ds version exclusive shit going to be in the S version?

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Play 8 since you have it already.

is DQ9 worth it even though the online doesn't work anymore?

I'm playing the PS4 version and thinking I should just wait for the switch one to get released. Still collecting orbs, but the beginning is so boring.

The 3ds version of viii is an atrocity so play the PS2 version if you can.

Play 8, I mean you already have it and it's a pretty damn good game.

>Did you enjoy Dragon Quest XI?
I'm ~70 hours in and so far it's been rather good. All the problems I have with it are pretty much universal to all the jrpgs I've ever played which isn't that many
Planning on playing DQV straight after I'm done with it.
Also I wish there were more gambling games with actual gameplay like the poker one and I also wish Jade wasn't such a shit character that I'll never ever use.
>Are you going to get the Definitive Edition?
I already have the PC version.
>Are you going to play the 3DS version when the fanmade english patch is finished?
No, not a fan of the midi renditions of the OST.

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Yes, I loved it
Hell no
If I find a download for it/remember it's being worked on, sure

I just finished part 2, what's wrong with the 3rd part?

t. graphicsfag

Yes. You can get all the stuff that online unlocked via save editing.

Yeah I thought so, good time to play it.
Really? Honestly even if that is true I'll still play the 3DS version, far, far more convenient than using an emulator.

>Also I wish there were more gambling games with actual gameplay like the poker

Play most other DQ games and Yakuza 0.

>and I also wish Jade wasn't such a shit character that I'll never ever use.

I'm always mystified at such comments. I used her for most of the game. She kicked ass.

Played PS4 version and loved it, but holy shit is this game long. Got up to Calasmos and got my ass so crushed in the boss fight, I put the game down after 100 hours of playing and decided to play other games. Will probably one day go back and finish the side quests and level up to beat Calasmos, but not any time soon lol

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8, Download the orchestral soundtrack mod if you hacked your 3DS.

>switch version

Depends how much you like 30fps games

>what's wrong with the 3rd part?

I can't say without spoilers

Play it and find out. You'll want to play it to actually finish the story anyway, you aren't done.

I did, a lot. Have only played 8,9 and now 11 but so far it was my favorite overall.
Not gonna get it again, I don't even have a switch

It drags on and feels kinda unsatisfying. It sorta builds up and then it's like "here's the final boss, do your thang"

Yeah, I enjoyed it a lot. Maybe I'll get it on Switch too, if the extra content is worth it. I want Jade to sit on my face

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I have done literally everything the game has to offer with the exception of the side quests that require a kill with a pep power.
All that's left is to fight calasmos
I almost dont even have the will to do it. The 5th wheel of harma took so much energy and will, as did the 5th drustan trial.
All I have to do is fight the final boy, but I'm just too tired to do it or something. I cant tell.

>a hundred something hours of midi cacophony shredding your ears into mushy stool

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>I want Jade to sit on my face

A man of fine tastes, I see.

My biggest problem with act 3 is that they just undo all the character development the party gets in act 2. The party in act 3 is not the party that went through everything in act 2. I really didn't like that.

It is way easier the 5th trial boss, just remember to use the sword as an item

Take a break and play something else . Complete a few other games before coming back to it. It's what I intend to do

I played the 3ds version already. I might buy the switch version if it has the yocchi village stuff in it.

I hated that. I mean, what the fuck? It was bad enough that they undid everything that happened to the world and everything they went through, and erasing character development, especially for those that had no characters before like Senya, was a terrible decision. Also, I liked Senya with Veronica's abilities.

As far as gameplay goes it was fine though.

this but pc
being able to play in 4k/60 fps makes the switch version too much of a downgrade, even if it has extras.
ive actually held off on playing the english release until we know whats going on

You don't have to take my word for it, just Just look up a YouTube video comparing them. It isn't even just the lower resolution. The color palette, the draw distance, everything is completely fucked. The entire presentation of the game is ruined. That said it's such a great game you'll probably still enjoy it anyway. There are some good QOL changes and additional content too.

What is the combat like in Dragon Quest? Are there random encounters?

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I didn't mind the ost that much desu, the music isn't even bad, but those trumpets fucking ruin it. At least the overworld theme got replaced by a better one later.
Post cute Jades

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in the good ones yeah

Didn't play it.
You bet!
No, I can already play the 16 bit mode on the Switch.

I really wish Japanese text was an option for the PC release. It's becoming increasingly common in games these days, but DQ isn't included yet.

No, I must do it now. I've put 200 hours in, I cant let the ending sit there. Fuck hard mode though. I'm glad I stuck through with it all the way, but my gosh, I have never ever played a game that is so heavily reliant on RNG as this game on hard. If you dont get a near perfect start of a boss fight, you'll almost never win.

More like you run out of the bucket list of things to do, then have to fight the boss as there's nothing left.
This game was weird in that production values gradually decreased through the game, there isn't a point you can really say "yep this is an extra", the "postgame" transitions very smoothly

Yeah gameplay wise it was fine.
Did you play the game in Japanese?

Yes, because 60 fps is really important in turn based RPGs.

Yeah, that's why I always use the Japanese names. I've played all the mainline games (except X) in Japanese.

There is no way in hell the S content is a patch, if it comes over it will be DLC for like $30 or more or a full $60 release

Do you live in Japan or do you just import them all? Do you have no interest in DQ10?

>200 hours
Ouch, I'm at 80 something and not much left to do, just the roulette quest and a couple of costumes. I've already feel squeezed out to have played for so long, can't imagine 200h.
Filling the bestiary and crafting everything will probably take dozens of hours, not gonna go for it desu

America, I just taught myself Japanese. I import the games except for the ones I've just downloaded ROMs of. I'm not terribly interested in DQ X because I'm not an MMO guy, thought I do intend to play around with it a bit one of these days just because. Last time I tried was a pain in the ass though. Can't get it from Amazon without a Japanese IP, but I guess they figured gaijin couldn't navigate Rakuten, so I got it from there. Actually, I had a VPN, so I'm not sure why I had issues with Amazon. I think I forgot to use a VPN for one tiny step and it fucked me, so I told myself that I'd just try again another day (that was a year ago).

>I just taught myself Japanese.
How long did it take you to learn? I started a month ago, and it is slow going.

>Did you enjoy NTR Quest XI?
I'm not a cuck

Got a source for that you fag?

What resources did you use to learn Japanese?

i enjoyed it, but still salty about the time fuckery
might get deinitive if it drops on pc

I started six years ago. You never stop learning of course, but I assume you mean "When can I actually USE it?". Can't be answered though, there's way too many factors. I was able to start playing games in several months, but I was a NEET at the time and threw myself into my studies all day every day for four months before I did anything else with my free time again, including games. And yeah, it seems slow at first, you've got a lot of work to do, but just keep at it. Make sure to put what you've learned into practice at every opportunity, make sure to start reading, to start listening, writing also helps. You'll hit walls now and then, but eventually hit a point where you're no longer in danger of giving up, even if you do run into another wall.

Genki, Tae Kim, Anki for kanji and vocab (would be great for kana too, but I didn't know it existed at the time), and I just practiced with a lot of reading and games. Language exchange partners can be helpful too.

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Already played the 3DS version and the PC version. Loved both of them, but can't muster the motivation to play the game a third time when it comes to the Switch.
Guess I'm just gonna watch the additional story content and Martina's/Jade's marriage on YouTube.

Yes, even if you can't save edit the extra content in. The main game is still plenty of fun.

>Not doing it for Martina

Come on, user, she's waiting for you.

So there's no source on the 3ds claim is there?

its a rumor but announcing 3ds translations before they're finished is risky atm

Have you beat mordegon and seen credits yet?

Understandable have a nice day

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>Not just using one of the easily available methods of announcing it anonymously

I don't understand fan groups.

Maybe this is their subtle way of announcing it though.

I follow a translation group, and they have a similar way of doing so since a few years ago when SE and nintendo were both sending out C+D's to anyone they could find. Recently the team made a breakthrough that could have implications for other projects (same roadblock stopped progress).

What lvl do I need to be to beat calasmos (on normal difficulty)

I literally breezed through the entire game and didn't struggle or need to grind a single time, it was easy and comfy as fuck, suddenly bam! Final boss is superboss who kills your entire team without breaking a sweat

>Are you going to play the 3DS version when the fanmade english patch is finished?

for some reason nobody is doing the patch for superior version.


Don't understand why this and Xenoblade 2 get so much praise on here. Oh wait, I do know. It's because of waifufags.

I guess, but mean, it's not hard to talk about things. I translated some C&D ripe stuff a few years ago and I just created a free Blogspot account and used a different name. There was more precautions I could have taken, list masking my IP, but I didn't feel it was necessary, and I was right. I just see fan groups constantly leave a neon trail to themselves and wonder why they lack any common sense. The ones that don't seem to be very tight lipped, very few ever think of my method, which is not exactly esoteric. I'm not mad or anything, I just don't understand people.

Don't let the waifu threads fool you, a lot of people like DQ XI for being a classic JRPG, the waifus are just a bonus. Xenoblade 2 though, I don't know. I tried playing that game and it was utter shit, the waifus seem like one of the few good parts of that game.

fan of both games here
there just arent a lot of big jrpg releases anymore

I would have loved X2 a lot more if Adam had been the protagonist and not the most beta bitch to ever grace a JRPG protagonist.

yes mostly, yes, no

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See, this shit right here is why I can't stand JRPGs anymore. Difficulty spikes so enormous they'd probably dwarf a category 10 earthquake on the scale.

Not a waifu fag. I just love DQ. I also played about 70 hours of Xenoblade 2 and I hated almost all of it. I dropped it and I'm never going back.

I guess I'm lucky that I've been playing through a shitload that I've missed over the last 25 years. I'd actually love to get back to a point where I can actually play new games as they come out, but I guess one perk of plowing through years worth of games is I don't starve for new ones. I think that's why some JRPGs people get super excited over are just "Meh" for me, because I've played plenty recently and I've played some pretty good ones.

I was level 99. It takes about 30 minutes to get there by summoning Metal Kings once you hit level 70.

I didn't think that was much of an issue in most modern JRPGs. I can't remember the last one that was made within the last ten or so years had a notable difficulty spike, anyway.

>I also played about 70 hours of Xenoblade 2 and I hated almost all of it. I dropped it and I'm never going back.

How far did you get? I got to chapter 4 and couldn't proceed. I left it for a year and tried again from the beginning, thinking maybe if I got a hang of the battle system I'd like it more. I did get the battle system down, but it got boring fast and the cutscenes, characters, and writing are still awful, and I hit chapter 4 again and haven't touched it in two weeks. I usually hear "It gets good at chapter 5!" or "It gets good at chapter 8!"

I did it at 99
I tried using the super sword of light to dispel his aura instead of the normal sword of light which was my first mistake so I grinded until I hit the max level
Probably didn't need to be that since Erik is fucking broken

Bosses now oneshot at least one party member and CC two other every single turn. You are forced to die to them to learn what CC they use, and craft 8 perfect accessories for all your team to be immune.

Also you now redo the entire game for the third time, but now the monsters have green eyes instead of red.

I forgot the chapter, but the last thing I did was reach the foot of the world tree. I just couldn't stand the game anymore. I understood the entire mechanics of the game, I just didn't enjoy them. I was forcing myself to play the game. I realized that I was wasting my time and that I should just play something I enjoyed instead.

>I also wish Jade wasn't such a shit character that I'll never ever use.
There's no shit character except maybe Rab. Jade is the second best actually, if I'm not mistaken. You just haven't learned the right skills. You need multifeet for big single target damage, and femme fatale for aoe damage. Also, her pep power Hallelujah is the best in the game, forcing all enemy rare drops and doubling the XP, making it essential in farming and leveling.

Also her outfits are the coolest in the game, especially the final one.

And I don't even like her, Veronica is mai waifu

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Use the sword of light nigger

couldnt finish it. Last thing I remember was getting the bunny girl outfit for jade and playing in the casino. Maybe I'll give it another try while I wait for sekiro

also can anyone tell me how far from the end that is?

Very far. You're about 15% in.

Is someone really working on a 3ds translation?

I was expecting a short epilogue section. Maybe rebuild some stuff or undo some of the damage caused in part 2. And it starts off like that, but then they introduce even more shit and I was just over it at that point.

I've done it anons. Ive beaten DQXI.
I just watched the final cutscene and everything.

what the hell, i was told it was shorter than p5, and p5 took me 112h on the hardest base diff. if im 15% in then im sure to break 200h

DQXI took me around 150 hours to 100%

But actually I was mistaken, if you were talking about the second casino then you're more like 50% in

I was in this position a while ago. I had just finished collecting the orbs and I didn't believe anons who told me I was only about 30% done. You're a long way from the end.

> i was told it was shorter than p5

Must've been one of those people that speed run games or something. If you take your time and do most things, it'll take over 100 hours. Took me 120 hours for the main story + post game (which is actually just a continuation of the main story, the first ending is literally a fake ending) and several other things.

The credits and the final cutscenes were really nice. It only made me want more DQ to play.

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Yeah om looking forward to DQ 1 2 and 3.
Does anyone know the best way to play them?
No I do not own a SNES, my friend says those are the prime ways to play them

And then I bought DQ Heroes II and refunded immediatly

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You'd need a way to play Super Famicom games anyway. Just emulate the SFC versions, use the fan patches if you need to.

snes has emulators for like everything under the sun.


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I dunno, after DQXI the graphics felt so awful and the controls felt like a PSP port. The main characters were also awful, although thank god I had the Heroes 1 costume.

Strange, because I liked Heroes 1 and I thought I remembered it looking good, but then I watched videos to compare it with 2 and it was the same.

Yes, when it comes out as DLC for the PC/PS4. This game is to beautiful to subject it to the potatoization which is a switch port.

>yfw this lasts but a fleeting moment
Fucking criminal

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That's very weird because I felt like II was WAY better as a game than I was. I will agree that the two main characters were horrible, though. You just play with the actual DQ characters and it makes you yearn for their games to be made with XI's graphics and world.

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Those textures are fucking horrible. Holy shit. Even the polys are laughably low.

I'll probably buy it again when it's on sale, I felt stupid for impulse buying it at full price

Also why is Drustan such a patrician except in attire choice?

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it doesn't really bother me that the bottles look like that, not like I'm inspecting every pixel in a hack n slash game
it's certainly not mandatory but I felt like it was a good enough game to buy on sale to mindless fight enemies in, good to grab some reaction shots

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what’s going on in that pic

she's freezing to death

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I wanna play the rest of the games first but I don't know the best versions.

IV - Mobile if you want party chat. If you can read 日本語, PSX or DS version.
V - PS2 version if you want nice music, DS version if you wan to marry Deborah.
VI - Probably doesn't matter too much, though DS version is slightly more convenient.
VIII - 3DS if a lot of extra content means more to you than graphics