How come there isn't a Holocaust Simulator to raise awareness yet...

How come there isn't a Holocaust Simulator to raise awareness yet? Is it because the game wouldn't be mathematically possible? If so, why hasn't someone made the simulator, but made it impossible to meet purported execution targets?

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Like games ever cared about mathematical possibilities

simulators most definitely do

you can't simulate something that doesn't real

what good is a simulator if I can't push the limits?

then it's not a simulator

Just get the mod for prison architect.

yes but you could simulate what would be required and have little factoids pop up like "your death camp doesn't have enough doctors/brothels/soccer fields/cinema's/food/medicine" or have the date that if your camp runs at max capacity would be able to dispose of the 5 million by and have it be a date somewhere in the 1990's

to put it in retard newspeak terms. it would be too ((problematic)) or ((toxic))

so is it a game or sim?

This definitely is a video game thread and not /pol/bait.

At one point a Ukrainian dev team were working on an Auschwitz simulator but got shut down

Well, perhaps the Holocaust simulator could use the tech from Days Gone to replicate the bazillion of Jews who died in gas chambers

well considering the numbers that don't add up you might not be able to make a historically accurate sim to raise Holocaust Awareness so it might end up as a game.
Or a sim where you can't meet targets and just end up overflowing with jews on death row waiting for free ovens and shipments of wooden doors

Yeah but I play sims to go overboard. If I can't do that then its a shitty sim

the idea of a sim is to be as faithful a reproduction of real life as possible
if you deviate from that initial concept then it turns into a full blown video game which would be an affront to the memory of the Holocaust in which so many died.

>not being able to figure out how to use maximum german efficiency to complete a goal
If a sim can't let me be autistic then it isn't worth my time. The reason a holocaust sim hasn't been made is because it would be a shitty sim.

No, the reason it hasn't been made is because it would be impossible to make it look somewhat realistic and not cartoonish and fantastical in real time

>in real time
you're a bigger autist than I am. That would get boring real fast

does this sound in anyway unrealistic or like a videogame to you?

Attached: RD1y4zz.jpg (1278x1012, 415K)

man you could even put rollercoaster tycoon elements in it

imagine the possibilities

>hardcore realism mod makes the game impossible

Remember Prisoner of War?

I still can't believe how little backlash that game got at the time.

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Always felt that prison architect was probably the most distasteful game idea ever.