Despite no official release date other than 2019, anyone else excited?

Despite no official release date other than 2019, anyone else excited?

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Finally, some games worth getting a switch for

I fucking loved the first game.
Never played the second one though. Are there any references or connections to the first or is it just Grandia in name only?

>just Grandia in name only?
Dont say retarded shit like that, Grandia is like Final Fantasy, multiple games in the series each with their own world

I heard that Grandia 1 is going to be the Saturn version, is that true?

As someone who never played Grandia 1, but is a huge fan of 2 (I even liked 3, don't hate me) the answer is obviously YES.

Second is fun. Definitely worth a shot. Protip: unlock millenias eye-special move thing as soon as it's made available. It shits on literally everything.

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Didn't mean to offend, user. Just curious.

Thanks fir the tip!

Wouldn't surprise me. Did it have more content or something?

the PSX version broke alot of the textures

Doesn't really matter which version, it being an HD remaster already means the sprites will be sharper and the frame rate issues will also be removed with current tech standards

>looked it up
>coming to switch and oxbone, but not ps4 for whatever reason
Odd choice considering they were playstation games to begin with

Never played grandia, is it any good? I don't mind if it has quirks or something, just, overall is it a good experience? Will I remember it long term or will it disappear from my memory a few weeks after playing it?

I've even enjoyed trash like threads of fate because they managed to be enjoyable enough to make pushing through worth it.

I hear so many good things about grandia but i've just never really bothered giving it a go because other stuff stood out more. BoF, suikoden, shadow hearts, parasite eve. I think about grandia then something else shows up instead.

>with current tech standards
No, user. It'll be on the switch.

>Did it have more content or something?
No, the Saturn version just looked a lot better in general since it could do 2D stuff a lot better than the PS1 could, which is all moot since this is going to be HD

It is still worth. Story is sorta cheesy, but in a way 90s/00s anime is, so entertaining, the characters are endearing for the most part. The combat system is still one of the best a turn based RPG gave out. prepared for a bad dub.

Holy shit, a Grandia remast-

Which is currently the most up to date system given it's parts aren't as old as the parts in the Xbox and PS4.

I dont think the dub is uniformly bad, some of the voices are alright but then you have stuff like the 3 sisters that make hentai dubs look high class

>*also on PC
I really want an excuse to use my desk paperweight for something other than smash but everything it has that comes out is getting a PC port too

Grandia has one of the best turn based battle systems in a game and enemies all generally follow the same rules that apply to your characters like having limited movement on the field, spells and special attacks having charge times, being able to cancel and delay an enemies turn with a will times attack and stuff like that
The battle system was so good they made Grandia Xtreme just to give people more of it
The stories don't do anything revolutionary but have a charming familiarity to them
Would definitely recommend playing them

grandia ii remastered has been out on pc for a while tho

Yes. I haven't played the game in like 20 years.

I wouldn't say the dub was bad. Justin and his party were great outside of Italian Klonoa and Country she-hulk.
The main villain was incredibly hammy though

Just because it's the newest doesn't mean it's the most up-to-date.

>playstation games to begin with
The first 2 games, the ones getting remastered, were released on the Saturn and Dreamcast

I wish they would just release all Game Arts games on PC

That's exactly what it means.

I mean, he was hammy in Japan too, just look who voices him.

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user, do you not know what up to date means?

So why was a 14 year old like Justin spending all his time hanging out with 6 year old Sue

PC already has grandia 2
i figured grandia 1 must be so ancient they just couldn't find the source code for it or something. japanese developers used to always throw that it all out after finishing development.

Yes. Really looking forward to it.

Aren't they related? I could swear it was stated or at least implied they were cousins

I want to pump Sue's Loli butt and then impregnate Feena!

I'm looking forward to this because I've always wanted to give these games a go.

Surrogate older brother. Losing relatives (father for Justin, both for Sue) kinda brought them close.

The first Grandia is one of the absolute best JRPGs ever released. It perfectly encapsulates that feeling of going on an adventure, more than any other game I've ever played. I first went through it a few years ago so this isn't really nostalgia speaking either. Something about this game, its world, its characters, its history, I found just incredibly appealing. It's the kind of game that just lights that fire of wanting to explore inside of you, of wanting to head out and see so e old ruins for yourself, of jumping head first into a new life of discovery and just enjoying the sights. It's honestly magical

Sony is a bitch to make deals with

I played the Grandia 2 remaster on PC, and I've heard the first is even better, so yeah.
Fun fact: the Grandia 2 remaster is compatible with Dreamcast saves if for some reason you have those on you.

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Grandia part 1 captures a sense of adventure i don't think i've ever felt in another jrpg.
then half way through it drops the ball i think.

>. It perfectly encapsulates that feeling of going on an adventure, more than any other game I've ever played.
holyshit are you me

Why doesn't this include 3 and Xtreme?
I understand they where poorly received but it couldn't be that hard to port them surely.

Speaking of, I really liked that they took a realistic approach about how a 6 year old kid wouldn't be able to handle an arduous journey and had her return home halfway through the game.
Considering how Jrpgs love to throw kids into world saving journeys, I thought it was fresh and interesting for the time

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I ready to buy Grandia for the fourth time

I'm willing to bet that sony wanted an exclusivity deal like they had with Castlevania and were told to fuck off.
Not like anyone cares if it's not on PS4 anyway.

it increases costs a tremendous amount to retranslate and for 3 and extreme which were both ps2 games there's a bit more work that needs to be put in, since 1 is a ps1 game, and 2 is using the dreamcast version, they're being pushed through emulators.

I wanna fuck Leen

>they're being pushed through emulators
That doesn't seem like a lot of work, are there no PS2 emulators available?

and to clarify I don't literally mean "they're using epsxe to play it on xxx!" I just mean they're not recoding it, it's obviously being run through some sort of outside element.

No, Sue does call Justin's mom Aunt Lily but it's a term of endearment thing/a common thing in japan for kids to call adults they know aunt or uncle

Stick it on an actual platform and we can talk.

It's really impressive that an 8 year old made it that far.

>port begging already

It was a really nice touch. The fact they gimped her stat growth in a subtle way at the start so she's still really helpful, but becomes increasingly less effective as time goes on was a really cool discovery.

They kinda played it opposite for the high leveled temporary teammates too, with almost no growth when levelling so as to show Justin, Feena and the like's potential.

Reminder that Lily got knocked up as a teenager and isn't even 30

Don't kid yourself, if it was a Switch exclusive, you'd be crying and begging for a pc port.

What did you expect?
That's all Sonyfags do. They even spread a rumor that BoTW was coming to PS4 a few years back.

She was an outlaw pirate. She was probably a major thot as a kid.

its on PC too

Justin's dad is a massive chad

>Not like anyone cares if it's not on PS4 anyway

I do. Fuck this bollocks, still not buying a switch. Ask SNK how trying to force SNK heroines purchases on Switch instead of PS4 worked out for them. This gen you put your multiplat shit on PS4 or it's irelevant.

why would I be begging for a PC port when I can already emulate both and own a switch?

>thats all Sonyfags do

Weird trying to flip the script. Whatever, fuck that company, will just pirate it then or buy the PS3 version.

She's moving around increasingly slower than Justin and Feena in cutscenes as the game progresses as well. They really did an amazing job at subtly showing how she's less and less able to keep up and slowly starting to drag the others down without just straight up rubbing it in your face like literally any other jrpg i can think of would have handled it. It's really not even that aparrent on a first playthrough, but if you go through the game again and know what's going on a lot of things she says and does over time take on a whole different meaning. The way the game design and writing are in sync and perfectly compliment one another really is rare in games.

Well yeah, he was about to be killed by pirates until their leader took one look at him and instantly started ovulating and asking him to put a baby in her

>Ask SNK how trying to force SNK heroines purchases on Switch instead of PS4 worked out for them.
You know it sold more on Switch, right? Granted it did sell like shit in general.

>Weird trying to flip the script.
Eh not really, their thing has always been port begging and hoping IPs are sold to sony.

For a game that has been playable in hd for about a decade? Unless they are actually remaking it from the ground up, not really.


Aw hell yeah give me those dank new outsourced assets I want intern Mike's "improved water effects because the old shit was just cartoony" all over my fuckin face yeah.

Dont support this.

>You know it sold more on Switch, right? Granted it did sell like shit in general.

Yea because after they Nis didn't get their fucking way trying to literally make it a switch exclusive half way through development after being promised more bonus for more Switch sales, and getting BTFO by having to fufil the games contract as a multiplat they droped PS4 physical copies, droped any shred of advertising for PS4 and kept the game expensive as fuck. Could have done alright on PS4. Fuck em.

I've rushed played Grandia 1 using a gameshark around 2000s and I regret it now. Replayed it again in 2014 but being an OC for NPC dialogue I got burnt out trying to talk to every NPC in town. I'd like to replay the game again someday, I don't mind the PS1 graphics, though higher res sprites is a very nice upgrade.

I dont want exclusivity, but i expect a multiplat to be a multiplat. Trying to release your project on everything but the best selling console reeks of hipster BS to me.

no, not excited. why would I be excited?

The fuck did you even attempt to say?

>I dont want exclusivity, but i expect a multiplat to be a multiplat.
And it is, it's just not on PS4.

I think he's saying they didn't release physical ps4 copies and downplayed that it was even on the ps4 because the team was promised a bonus if the switch had a higher number of sales

A retarded choice. Will be sure to pirate it. Fuck em.

>I dont want exclusivity, but i expect a multiplat to be a multiplat.
Tell that to Catherine.

I wish you could have it so.

Jesus, someone is a diehard sonyfag.

I have a PS4 so I could but I don't appreciate the clear moneyhatting Sony is pulling.

Is it really, really necessary to have a console war in a Grandia thread? Do you have no shame at all?

Whats the big deal? It's principal. I remember plenty of people saying pirate AHiT because their wasn't going to be a switch port, and even more saying pirate it AFTER they caved and said they would port it. This is no different. Fuck em.

Yes. A reminder in every thread. Day one pirate. Its a fucking gen 5 game. Zero reason for this not to be on absolutely everything.

>I remember plenty of people saying pirate AHiT because their wasn't going to be a switch port
The difference being AHiT at one point was being considered for the Wii U, then they went silent on that and then the developer had a unncessary rant on twitter.

What have the Grandia developers/porters done beyond confirming it's not on PS4?
Did they suggest it was coming to it?
Did they complain about the people asking for it?

That's obviously what he meant though. Another game that's not a sequal but similar style.

>Whats the big deal? It's principal.
That's "principle". Principal is the head of something like a school.
Anyway, what principle? Not every game needs to come to every system.

Will it have dual audio?

And Grandia was once on PS1. Its literally brain dead to not have the game available for the original fanbase (Sega doesn't have a console in this instance). Anyway that's fine, back to it, day 1 pirate.

>available for the original fanbase
Do you really think that the people who bought a ps4 are the same people who bought a ps1?
Sony themselves abandoned that fanbase at the end of the ps3 era.

Regardless they're under no obligation to put it on ps4.

Pirating it would involve a PC user. If you're this mad about it not being on ps4 then you clearly don't have one that can play games.

>Do you really think that the people who bought a ps4 are the same people who bought a ps1?
The absolute majority yes.
>they are under no obligation
I know. Day 1 pirate.

>The absolute majority yes.
Yeah no. Especially judging by what sells the most, you can see a significant shift in user base.

They all left Sony years ago which is why most ps4 games pander to casuals.

It's basically like FF, related themes but nothing else. Grandia 2 has a really good battle system and music. The MC will fucking grate on you at first but there's a reason for how he acts.

>people who complain about switch not getting games on PS4 and PC that it could run all just own a switch

Thats what you sound like. Pretty sure my craptop can run Grandia 1 & 2 just fine, but its not convienient. So fine, want to be weird? I'll just pirate thanks.


>but its not convienient.
So you want it on a ps4 that's even less convenient than a laptop or switch.
You know, you're just confirming that Sonyfags are insane.

>yeah no

Citation needed. You sound like you have not got a clue.

How is it less convinent you fucking retard? No, literally explain this one to me.

Deny facts all you want but it's not brining that audience back. Seriously though why do you think series that we're previously Sony exclusives are all leaving?

>posts none at all


I hope they give us the zero exp weapons at the start of the game instead of at the ass end of it in a hidden dungeon.

>switch on
>log in
>click game

>switch on
>click game

>switch on
>wait for the loading screen
>sign in
>navigate laggy menu
>click game

Have you used anything other than a ps4 before?

You are fucking retarded if you believe this m8. I dont meet anyone on PSN who didn't own a PS1 or PS2. That or you dont actually own a PS4 in which case why are you even acting like you know?

So what, sales and Sony's change in audience isn't a fact now? Like I said deny it all you like.

Anyway, where exactly is your proof? You were the one who made the initial claim after all.

>wait for windows to do its shit
>log in
>wait for it to collect itself
>launch steam
>checking for updates
>finally at selectiob of games

>PS4 press a button on a controller
>click sign in
>menu in seconds
>press play game

Sounds like you dont have a clue, or a functioning PS4. Stop making shit up.

>That or you dont actually own a PS4
Oh no, you called me out on my ownership which doesn't really matter either way.
What am I to do...

>So what, sales and Sony's change in audience isn't a fact now?

You keep not posting any facts so i guess not

So you are full of shit. Gotcha.

>wait for windows to do its shit
Do you think modern computers run on Windows 98? It takes less time to get to the log in screen than it does on a ps4.
>launch steam
Or, you know, have a shortcut.

You really don't have a PC do you.

Whether or not I have a ps4 doesn't change what's being said you know.

Full of shit. Gotcha.

>enter grandia thread expecting nice discussion of a niche series

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>you dont have one of the most commonly owned electronics ever do you?

Fucking retard. Sorry, PC's do not fucking just instantly boot up faster than a PS4 does. And now i need to make a fucking shortcut to make your point work? Get the fuck out my face.

Post yfw that scene on the boat

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Well I'm done toying around with you so I'll leave you in a pit of anger for the rest of your day.
Later sonyfag.

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>Sorry, PC's do not fucking just instantly boot up faster than a PS4 does
Not him but my computer does.
Not every computer is hand me down junk like yours dude.

So literally KNOWINGLY full of shit? Gotcha. A PC is not booting up and logging in faster than a PS4.
>inb4 it does if i leave my PC in rest mode
Im talking from shut down

Your PC boots up from fully off faster than the seconds it takes a PS4 to? You can boot up your PC, log in, and access your library of PC games faster than a PS4 can do the same? I dont believe you. Please film this and post it here.

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>Im talking from shut down
Yeah and any modern computer boots up faster than a ps4. But you wouldn't know that given you said your only pc is a toaster right here

whats grandia?

Feena is cute

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OP here.
I'm disappointed as well

Pleast post yourself booting up your PC, logging in and accessing your steam games faster than a PS4 can.

a jrpg series with a really good combat system completely wasted on the games being too easy, although the rerelease of Grandia 2 introduced hard mode which mostly fixed this problem so I assume the first game will get the same treatment.

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She is.
Although all the girls are cute.
Even Liete.
Grandia or also called Grindia is a jrpg.
A damn good jrpg with probably the best combat system you could ask for.
In fact it's so good that I wish Final Fantasy would use it

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You really think I'm going to make a video just to see you cry "it's an edit!"? I mean you already backpedaled on your previous point to try and end things on a personal attack as it is.

More like
>switch on
>log in
>start Steam
>wait for Steam to connect
>navigate through your hundreds of steam games
>click game

I like Saki the most but art of her just isn't a thing

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>I dont believe you.
If course you don't, you don't have a PC from this decade. Why don't you drop your specs right here for everyone to see.

Nope if you post it and its legit i will concede that i am completely in the wrong here.

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Why dont you post that vid

You know Steam isn't the only way to play games, right? You can also play offline and search for specific games as well.

Seriously though, have you guys come within 5 miles of a PC?

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>click sign in
Do you not have yours set to auto sign in?
I mean I just press the controller button, system boots up and signs in, or just comes out of rest, my TV automatically turns itself on and changes input channels when it senses the playstation turning on, and the menu is there and ready to go in all the time it takes me to sit down and take my shoes off

>then half way through it drops the ball
Oh, so like every JRPG then?

Sure, when you post your specs.
You'll have all the time in the world to do it while I'm making this video.

Yes user yes, im sure steam is not your go to for PC games.

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>and its legit
Yeah I doubt you'd believe it if you were here in person. Plus I don't use steam to play my games anyway so no doubt you'd cry and call that cheating.

I would user, but PC's take way too long to boot up. Also im pretty sure i asked first.

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Just say you don't have a PC.
If you did you could get the specs in a second.

Meanwhile this video is something you'll have to wait for considering I have to switch to phoneposting and shut down my pc.

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Really? So what do you use instead?

This is official art

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I actually forgot about this. Hopefully it reignites interest in the series.

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really miss the artist, was he also the guy who designed the super weird locations and architecture?

Of course i got a PC but im not home and im phoneposting right now. I dont know what that shit is its a £250 notebook shit.

Think user, how would people play a game without something like Steam.

Why do you write that like it's odd or a suprise?

wow, actually sold.

>£250 notebook

Go to bed.

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I dunno

Thanks for reminding me that I wanted to get this, hopefully they announce something soon

Piracy user. Doesn't take a genius to figure it out.

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It's obscure official feet for Feena.

I wish we had more girl characters that were as tough as Sue

Hows that bit coin mining fee on fit girl repacks treating you

Hypothetically, would G1 get a retranslation since SCEA did the English version back when, or do we still get EARTHQUAKES ARE SCARY?

Given that Justin and Feena fall in love by the end of the story then go off adventuring together alone right after all is said and done, and the fact they are both teenagers, how many nights passed before Justin was just absolutely rawdoggin that shit on some mountain top somewhere? Do you think? Grandia is the one JRPG where it seemed 100% obvious that these two would be inside each other the second Sue's back was turned.

Dont care

>Grandia is the one JRPG where it seemed 100% obvious that these two would be inside each other the second Sue's back was turned.
This is supported by the epilogue.

>no one cares its not coming to the largest platform destroying the Switch and Xbox

Grandia I coming to PC was also in the announcement and is kind of a big deal, at least for JRPG fans.

Then why come into the thread?

How are you going to be taken seriously as an adventurer with short pants

What? How can you even prove this? Playstation has always had a diverse audience because it has literally every game

It was really clear on the trip to the other continent that Feena was 100% going turn Justin into a man right there and then.
But then the mermaids showed up.

Exactly, but they are already grown by then, i absolutely do not believe they waited. Its just the wilderness thing. Two teenagers hiking together all day, every day, eating together out doors and sleeping in the same tent, a week in those teens are going to be jerking, sucking and thrusting shit. Same goes for Pokemon, even as a kid i used to think "these two would be fucking doing shit after a week in the woods."

>Playstation has always had a diverse audience because it has literally every game
Having every game doesn't mean your core audience is interested in them user. Just look at how the sales have shifted over the years from racers, rpgs and platformers to fifa and gta on ps4.

Because obviously he was excited until he saw he needed a switch.

phew you fucking stop that at once user.

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It's a multiplat and he wouldn't have posted if he thought he needed it anyway

>needed a switch

But he doesn't you fucking retard. Grandia II is already on PC from the same company. The announcement confirmed that Grandia I is also coming to PC standalone.

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Sonyfags think that anything not on ps4 is just on Switch and thus is trash.
Its best to ignore them.

Well they aren't wrong. If its not on PS4 whats the point? Might as well not exist at all as far as im concerned.

But user only the ps4 and switch are relevant for gaming

This really. I know no one likes to hear it, but the idea of a company remastering a game that is kb's big and not just dumping it on the console with a 90k+ users, the console known for JRPGs it just seems redundant not to.

Just waiting for an update to the GOG version of Grandia II: HD Remaster and a GOG release for Grandia I: HD Remaster.

You saw how many kids they had, didn't you? It must have been at least 10. If it had been 10 years, and they had 10 kids, then it was literally nonstop, as is the logical thing to do with a girl like this.

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>She was probably a major thot as a kid

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I wonder if Justin even understood. I feel like his first experince that sex even existed would have been mounting her by pure instinct alone. Their first fuck would have been a pregnancy 100%

>the console known for JRPGs it just seems redundant not to.
Yeah I don't think it's going to ps1, Snes, DS, PSP or 3ds any time soon.