Do your pets ever mess up your gaming sessions?
Do your pets ever mess up your gaming sessions?
Every pet I've ever had lived in a box and required no physical interaction. Getting a shamaleleon soon.
Based incel!
What does having sex have to do with what kinds of pets you own? I don't like dealing with animals I can't mostly keep in a box or a cage. Birds are too loud so I tend to stick with Fishes, turtles and lizards. I currently have a king snake but she's getting old.
>cat walks into the middle of the room and sits there motionless, staring at me
>waits there for minutes at a time
>eventually relent and go toward her
>as soon as I get up she spins around and leads me to her food dish
>I follow because I assume that means it's empty
90% of the time it isn't and she's just fucking with me
I have a husky.
I don't really game that much anymore.
Active boy is active. Life has improved.
>Being cucked by a pet
Slap that bitch against the wall. Also fuck cats
Nah, he never did. He was a good boy.
cringed for you lad
Lmao what an incel
When I was a little, I had a dog that that wanted attention from me so badly, he jumped up in the air and knocked my PS1 off a shelf, breaking it.
yikes. You're an incel for sure, you freak
Whats incel about enjoying looking at a specific kind of animal and its daily habits? Some stink, sure, I'm never getting a turtle again for this reason, but many are quite nice to have around as decoration. And the animal gets to have a stress free life where food just rains down from above or on a stick and the worst it has to deal with is a giant person behind, as far as its concerned, an impenetrable barrier.
they're trolling you
>I don't really care about the animal's life, it's ok if it lives in a box
you lack empathy
>I don't want to touch the animal
you are likely on the spectrum
so you are probably incel
Yeah only when it's windy outside. My dog would scratch the walls so I have to spend time just comforting him.
based fucking retard
Ew stop replying to me, incel freak
are the people who call other's incel, normal/redditfags, or are they just baiting. It feel's like bait because it's only a couple replies that yell incel then it stops
Yeah, this fluffy fucker always needs to go have a poop the second I start up vermintide.
then why have animals at all?
Yeah. When I was a kid, I had a ferret, and he liked to wrestle fingers and toes as they do. I lost a round of CS because he jumped on my mouse hand. I threw him against the wall and it must've broken his back because he just laid on the floor twisting and squealing. I was too squeamish and horrified to put him out of his misery, so I just left my room and watched TV for like two hours while I waited for him to die.
Still feel pretty bad about it.
must have a pretty low iq to get mad at pet shenanigans
your life is a decoration
no just the poster is either legitimately autistic or an actual incel. Either way, they have some kind of mental disorder lmao
It isn't literally a box, its a nice vivarium, and I care about all animals. I'd never willingly put one in a stressful situation so I don't touch them if I don't need to. They aren't made to be handled like pet rats or cats. I don't mind touching animals at all, I just don't enjoy looking after animals that require as much attention or upkeep as dogs and cats. I'm not big on rodents so I never bothered with things like hamsters or guinea pigs.
go back to plebbit and stay there incel
I agree with you, but I am not an incel.
I am simply a permanent virgin.
only happened once and also the only time i ever smashed my controller. i was playing gran turismo 5 prologue
Someday, you will actually miss your pets interrupting your game.
Nah, they're too old now. My cat just hangs out in her bed all day since she has arthritis, whenever I get up and she's out of it to drink or something she immediately turns around and beelines back to it like she thinks I'm going to mess with her or something (I occasionally have to give her fluids because she gets dehydrated so maybe that's why) and it bums me out.
Jesus Christ dude is this your first time on Yea Forums?
I enjoy looking at fish, lizards and insects, although i've never had a pet insect, they seem too fragile to me. Its the same, probably, as having a house plant you care a great deal for, or maybe a garden. Just something alive to have to perform upkeep on so that it makes your living space nicer to you.
My dog sleeps outside
My cat sometimes jumps on my desk while I'm playing games. I'll give him a few scritches and he'll be on his way. Other than that he just likes to scratch at shiny stuff. Windows, and TV screens mostly. He's taken a liking to an old 360 slim and it's nice faceplate.
CS autists need to be executed. He just wanted to play, user.
My Bullmastif is fucking huge so when he wants attention, he'll just sit his big ass down in front of my TV, blocking about half the screen. I always take a roughly 15 minute break when he does this to give him attention. I love my dog.
Stop replying to the obvious bait.
Pets are for evil people. Imagine being forcefully locked in a room for your entire existence with a fat smelly freak, taken from your home, your family, everything taken from you, only for the mere entertainment of a creature that is incapable of understanding you. Billions of years of evolution, born on a rock out of trillions and trillions of other lifeless rocks, the absolute improbability of being able to exist in this infinite universe.... And you gotta spend it suck in anons room filled with cum socks and poopcups.
what a cute cat :3
No, but my gay baby does. One could even call it a...gayby.
alright lassie, I'll give you a treat if you go to bed. didn't know literal dogs posted here
My two boxers are very clingy and need attention constantly. They also like to go out once every hour. Usually I set aside half an hour each time I need to walk them across the street, which happens usually once or twice a day. Most of the time I just take them out in the back where they run around for a bit, get a pee out, occasionally shit.
Also when some minute sound sets them off, I go calm them down for a few minutes.
you gay fat loser
You're special
Both my /fit/ cat and my fat cat will scratch at my room's door when I'm playing.
I can ignore the /fit/ bitch because she's a selfish cunt but the way the fat one meows pitifully pierces my heart bad enough to force me to immediately get up and open the door every time.
>Cat roaming around my room
>In a clutch fight
>Cat jumps up to nudge at my face
>Take the cat and throw it at the wall
>It lets out a cry and runs out of the room
>Mom comes in to ask what just happened
>Tell her
>Sides with the fucking cat and now I have to make my own dinner for a week
Thats some bullshit, throw your mom against the wall.
Last time I slapped mommy she took away my controllers.
have sex.
My dog grabs the mouse and tries to pull it away from me when she's hungry. It's annoying, but she needs to eat so I can't blame her. Wish she'd just bark or scratch the door or something, though.
>cat owner is an autistic faggot
Yep, checks out.
I've had fish for a time.
A cat is a lot less work.
At least cats are still animals. Dogs are abominations unto the Lord. Genetically modified circus freaks incapable of breathing properly and inbred to the point of retardation beyond even trump supporters. They are discusting creatures that shouldn't exist.
what's the upkeep like on stuff like bearded dragons then? I've thought about getting a lizard before, but I didn't know where to find a good one and I was unsure just how much maintenance the cage and such would need
My girlfriend's cat is the most annoying thing in the world. It CONSTANTLY whines for food. If it hears me walking to the kitchen it'll fucking sprint to its food bowl and start meowing at me. It's a gluttonous bastard who will whine for food an hour after being fed. For some reason he likes me more than he likes my gf, even though I refuse to give him attention.
Considering I have been playing single player games exclusively for several years now, does it still count? I have 2 cats right now and sometimes they start chasing each other, knocking over shit in my home, so that distracts me quite a bit.
Not if you take shitty care of the fish it isnt. 90% of fish owners don't take care of their fish, its so common that most people think fish naturally only live a few years.
ignore cat, acquire video game
It likes you more than your girlfriend BECAUSE you refuse to give it attention.
Cats are basically women.
>this is the IQ of an anime watching incel
my dog barks for no reason specifically when i am on mic with my friends
Is you cat named niggerman?
>even though I refuse to give him attention.
Maybe she doesn't know how to play with it properly. I've seen other cat owners who seem to be way more into cats than me play way too rough with their cats or just annoy their cats so much that the cats don't actually like when they get attention from them.
>genetically modified
Now post the pictures of those inbred cats that were specifically bred to be dwarves, aka teacup cats
the cat knows you dont like it so will try extra hard to infect you
Theres no universal way to care for lizards but generally depending on the lizard you'd need either a wide tank with lots of walking space or tall tanks with lots of climbing space. Spaces for hiding, areas for roosting, a sun lamp, a shallow water bowl and appropriate terrain. Get stuff thats made for bearded dragons, don't just grab sand from the beach and call it a day because it could be very dirt and iirc bearded dragons like to bury themselves. If you've never taken care of a specific pet its always good to look it up online but I think bearded dragons are fairly easy to take care of. Desert reptiles tend to be low maintenance.
>moving into an apartment at the end of the month
>want to get a cat by the end of the year
Should be fun.
are you from south america?
damn those little abominations are cute af
human made cat species with severe health problems that look goofy or cute also exist user.
right but do you need to take them out to clean it? how often does that happen
Be sure to give it lots of attention. Attention for cats is a basic need for them, studies have found. If it wants attention? Stop what you're doing and give it attention.
You gotta clean it 3 times a day, after every meal.
Luckily no. They all just sleep most of the day.
Except the cats who scratch everything EXCEPT the scratching post
My cat is transgender but I cant find a doctor to perform the operation in my area, how do I go about finding a good doctor?
>a basic need
Sure thing, zoomer, right up there with food, water, and air: attention.
you don't need an operation, just treat it like it's whatever gender it feels like it is.
No they live in sand naturally but people worry about impactions, or complications caused by swallowing non organic material. Theres something called vita sand, which is calcium based and would theoretically get dissolved in digestion, and you can just use a scooper to clean out their poops. You could also just use newspaper. They don't require a ton of decorations in their homes. Like I said, bearded dragons are considered relatively low upkeep and pretty easy to care for. Just make sure you feed them a nice mixed protein and veg meal and clean out their homes like once a week. or whenever you see a lotta logs.
Right then, not a need. I'll go lock up my dog in a cage and just feed him sometimes, no contact though, wouldn't want him to feel affection
cool, thanks
Lmao get some woman you fucking twat
bearded dragon poop is fierce, i suggest not housing it in your bedroom
t. cat
>has a pet
>he's still an incel
Missed opportunities.
my cat is LITERALLY right now trying to sit in front of my monitor and block my vision
people who own birds/lizards/snakes stink. i know that you stink. also, its FISH you ESL motherfucker.
>all these incel-tier pets
it's like a signal, a warning to others
>sphynx cat