Is there a single remake that is better than the original?

Is there a single remake that is better than the original?

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Other urls found in this thread:

SMB all stars is objectively better than the original versions

I have always been partial to All Stars SMB3.

Firered Leafgreen.

Nah. The only significant gameplay change it makes is saves but the VC has that covered with save states. Everything else is just shitty subjective stuff.


It amazes me how they left the original code almost intact, at least for the first a second game there are several bugs you still can do from the NES version.


>physics changes to SMB1


RE Remake (Gold Standard)
Pokemon FR/LG
Pokemon HG/SS
Yakuza Kiwami
Yakuza Kiwami 2
Ocarina of Time 3D
Wind Waker HD

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Metroid Zero Mission is the GOAT remake.

Contrarian opinions are worthless, literally the entire world thinks otherwise

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not for 1 and 2j, brick breaking is broken

>Wind Waker HD

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I never understood why they made Mario brown in this. They ruined the hidden areas too.

The second and third game are. The first games physics are fucked.

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they realized italians are brown

>pretends the remake doesn't look better
>ignores all the gameplay improvements

Why are you like this?

>removes Dk skeleton
>removes geno

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soul vs soulless is just this boards virgin vs chad but less funny and more "GOOD THING BAD/OLD THING GOOD"

grow the fuck up you faggots

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the first game original physics are garbage though, like walking on ice 100% of the time


literally the entire world thinks it would be best if people above the age of 18 didn't play video games

The changes to the Triforce Quest and the swift sail make it immensely better than the GC version.

it doesnt look better.
they butchered the style and added bloom, filters and FX that make it look worse

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old thing GOOD!!
new thing BAD!!

right has more soul

>removes geno
That's the reason why it's better

They made like 30 remakes of Mario, one of them has to be

I too enjoy the trifirce hunt, changing wind constantly, slow ocean travel, and three picture limits user of taste.

Eat shit, millions of flies can’t be wrong

Thats a matter of opinion.

The gameplay improvements are undeniable though.

This entire collection is nothing but remake kino (except 0.2 since that's entirely new)

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Only smb2 and 3.
I could never enjoy the first one.

y'all mind if I make you mad?

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REmake 1
Metal Slug X
Wild Arms Reloaded
Binding of Isaac Rebirth (excluding the DLC)

wrong, pussy

Best answer ITT. FRLG don't just tastefully improve the graphics, they fix the hundreds of gen 1 bugs and glitches too.

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This. It's what LGPE could've been, but instead they opted for genwunner pandering

Yeah but the bricks still suck, they don't have any "weight". Mario just shreds right through them like they're nothing.

Wind Waker HD

go tingle your asshole tuner whiners

Kingdom hearts HD collection

>Beanerang Bro

Jesus Christ Raimi.

Especially Mario 3. The right side of the screen constantly glitching on the NES version is distracting.

>go tingle your asshole tuner

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It's not nearly that bloomy in game

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It had an ez mode for zoomers and you could swap to the original game anywhere.

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you fucking retard, the actual game looks nothing like those in-development pictures. Go cherry pick somewhere else you fucking cum guzzler

Heart gold, soul silver.
Kiwami 2 removes content

>badass chomp robot replaced by shitty koopa robots
Also what's that hourglass? I don't recall ever seeing that

>removed skeleton dk
automatic garbage 0 soul/10

Flies and humans are completely different creatures retard

Better example is millions of humans drink water they cant be wrong

I'd say the content it adds makes up for what it removes.

This shit irritates me so much. Why, WHY, did they do this? I don't like using the soul/soulless shit but this remake genuinely strips out any and all soul the original's presentation had. Colorful visuals? Gone. Background meshing with the foreground? Gone. Stylized HUD? Gone.

the artstyle is a big improvement over the original too imo

Etrian Odyssey 1 and 2 Untold
>but they are not remakes
close enough shut up homo

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was with you until you completed the new art

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why is the grass neon green?

Based. This game is amazing.

Why is that? The original is pretty generic. The new style is really unique.

They're right tho.

Loved this game for what it was, obviously didn't play Gaiden because I'm not a FE turbo autist.

It does everything right that awakening and fates do wrong, like art direction, no waifu bullshit / pair up system, and translation. However it fails completely in map design, which is a huge shame.

HGSS are the best remakes I've ever played. Honorable mention goes to a bunch of DQ remakes.

Old was peak 8-bit kino. New is just some boring indie artist shit.

HUD would be too big for the god screen

Why do they remove the original designs and replace them with generic mario enemies?

kirby super star ultra

>No Blow Me Away
utter shit 0/10 worst remake ever soulless 0 stars MCC goes in THE TRASH :^)

Seriously, though, does the graphical update shit on the original's art style as much as CE Anniversary does? Haven't seen enough gameplay to tell.

no one asked for it to be on GBA

>first version of a game is a buggy mess
>entire mechanics do not work at all
>some spells do the exact opposite of their description
>using a specific combination of moves will crash the game
>this is somehow the only good version of the game because muh graphics/audio/script/resolution

Final Fantasy fans are weird

Kirby Super Star, also your pic related, Shadow of the Colossus, the 3DS Zeldas, Yakuza Kiwami, Kingdom Hears Re:Coded/Chain of Memories
Klonoa Wii, Ace Combat on 3DS
Do I need to keep going?

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Yes, I haven't heard any games that I've played, therefore I have to assume your list is shit.

desu FF1 is shit either way so you might as well just go for the one that looks best

>'""hardcore""" ff fans also shit on the gba versions
>sans the music being a little compressed everything about those versions is amazing
People are stupid
Ports not remakes technically but still, also love the PSP ports of 1 2 and 4, was always sad PSP was dying by the time 5 and 6 could have gotten the same thing, instead we got the shitty mobile ports of 5 and 6

too many unique characters will make zoomers brains overload

haha remember when they said this was because mario and luigi was the dedicated mario rpg series.....

>Kirby Super Star
yea i dont think so

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Miyamoto input probably


>discussion of visual changes

You just posted one.

I can't remember a time I was more disappointed than with Sticker Star
I actually really like Super Paper on launch and figured it was just a fun reworked spin off since that came from the Gamecube, all the writing and quirky Paper Mario flavor was still in the mix, so when I saw the 3DS version with its turn based battles returning I was beyond happy, and then I played it
I love some of Miyamotos games but if those stories of his influence on the series are true then I hope he retires soon or keeps to his supervisor roles and keeps his head out of the dev room, he hasn't made a game in ages anyways

old kirby has such a nice look to it, new kirby looks sterile.. reminds me a lot of old anime vs new anime

The artwork in Nightmare is really good, but it's just pasted over the original level design without adapting it. It's frustrating because Amazing Mirror shows how good Nightmare could have looked if they actually took advantage of the new visuals instead of matching them to levels meant for another look entirely.

I really dislike most SNES game graphics, those gaudy palettes with too little contrast
sure looked better on CRT at least

why'd they remove Mr frosty from the audience?

whats your gripe here, they even kept the mario cameos in on the side?

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>but if those stories of his influence on the series are true
They aren't, in fact Sticker Star is what happens when people go against Miyamoto's suggestions.

id only be mad if you prefer the nu design

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reminder that new IS better

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The only good way to do a soul-full remake is if you give the game a different style, unfortunately most fags will still complain about how souless it is because it's different

Pokemon fire red / leaf green are far better than red/green

>implying both dont look great
Imagine being this autistic

that scene isnt too bad
this one is tho

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Fuck no.
Not even the voice acting was properly directed and implemented, yet it had the perfect cast.

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I don't see the issue with either of these, they both look like games taking advantage of the hardware of their systems, most of the SNES Virtual Console games on 3DS dont look great because of compression, they tailored Super Star to work well with the DS hardware and I think its fantastic, the original still exists and is beautiful but Ultra is a top tier touch up imo

>replacing beautiful spritework with shitty 3d models


some people will never understand

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Ask the Pokemon Company/Gamefreak

This comparison is literally grasping at straws
>cluttered platform edge
What the fuck

In defense of the remake, the outlines are possibly because the game is on a handheld, and it lets the sprites "pop" out against the background. The sunbeams and gradient effect in the sky are nice, too, but the lack of water is a damn shame. That was a nice reflection.

No, Halo 2 remake's art style is pretty consistent with the original game. It's easily the best looking 343 Halo, not even close to the fucked up CE remake.


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Yes, this is a remake.
>slightly improved graphics
>superior music
>new case that's remembered as one of the best in the series, making use of DS features without feeling gimmicky like most DS games of the day
What more could you want?
Repost because I fucked up the link.

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I just hope she's here to stay this time

Video games are for little kids though

They're still sprites. it just has more pixels

They're mostly unchanged

Odin Sphere Leifthrasir

>play FFIV for the PSP
>probably inspired RPG maker
>so it looks exactly like an RPG maker game
I wish I could just have the low res sprites to be honest.

>muh soul
You people will cry about literally anything

does this count

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>another numale incel thinks they're 3D models
Jesus christ, this place is Reddit Lite isnt it?

Nice. Hopefully someone will mod the PC release to add the removed tracks down the line, assuming Microsoft doesn't get pissy about that.

The remake of 1 and lost levels are clearly worse

Reminder that "muh soul" is a legitimate complaint. You may have heard it referred to as "muh character" before but it's all the same. It's been used historically by critics of art, music, literature, films, etc.

Do I have to post this in every thread?

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oh no no no no

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Except GBA FFVI with the sound patch is commonly said to be the best way to play it sir autist.

>"muh soul" is a legitimate complaint
It may be a legitimate complaint, but holy fuck it's such a nitpick sometimes.
>why does this look different
>why does this sprite have more quality
>why are the colors different
More often than not the differences aren't even that big like in and

go to bed Shigeru

Not that user but the problem with criticisms like "soul" and "character" is that they're inherently VERY subjective, to the point where the terms probably don't mean quite the same thing to any two people. As such, it can be easy to write that complaint off as "I don't like it" because whatever this thing is doesn't have "soul" or "character" to whoever's complaining, which is all that really says.

the superstar remakes ARE big, you fucking faggot. go back to rddit or wherever you hail from.
>durr missing characters and genericized characters isn't even a big deal dude

bloom looks overboard by a good bit, but the shading looks way better

Resident evil 1 and Neptunia 1

I can confirm, I am human and I fucking love water.

>Pokemon FR/LG
It amazes me how awful a remake can be, and how they manage to combine the worst aspects of Gen III and Gen I into a single game.
Hell, even ORAS has more of a reason to exist than this trash heap. At least that didn't lock you out of the new evolutions.
Hell, I'd even argue that Let's Go was better than FRLG.

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Bloom isn't even that bad in the actual game. They probably either edited more bloom in for the E3 stills or reduced the bloom considerably during development.

That's an enhanced port.

>soulless sameface across an entire industry is better
yeah, it is

It's not. If anything, the patch makes it even worse.

Not a remake

all 90s anime characters looked the same too..

Justify your claim.

This Remake is debatable but the Inside Story Remake is unquestionably better than the original.

>waaaah there's one tiny bug the whole thing is ruined

>Only real change is new content
>All the new content is fucking terrible
It took a good game and made it worse through addition of low quality content that brings the overall quality down.

more chances of that not being the case when every face isn't a circle, with a dot nose, no shading and a line for a mouth

variables exist

1U is shit, but 2U is the best game in the series.

not them but it's this:
completely stupid thing to claim 1 and LL are ruined by it though

>the superstar remakes ARE big
I can understand why you wouldn't like the designs being changed to be more in line with the modern Mario enemy designs but if you're really going to tell me a few design changes are enough for the whole game to become irredeemable soulless garbage then fuck off.
>missing characters
>Oh no, the DK skeleton and Geno from those mini games were replaced, I guess the game is ruined now!

Does anyone have the BIS version of this?

I played through Katamari Demacy Reroll recently and that seemed like a straight upgrade. People whine about the lack of English VA but who gives a fuuuuck

That one kid who says
>I don't ever drink water, blegh. I like coke.

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Because it makes the game look more like an anime starring Kirby, which also just so happened to be running at the time. The entirety of the GBA/DS Kirby era was designed to indirectly plug the anime.

>if you're really going to tell me removing the soul makes the game soulless garbage

Finally someone with some fucking sense. As if the absence of a Geno cameo ruins the fucking game. Not to mention these posts downplay how high quality the new Sprites are.

Dear me. Is that Halo 4 or 5? I remember liking Reach's take on it.

>Yakuza Kiwami

>bitch about removing detail from the background
>bitch above adding detail to the ledge
Make up your mind

OoT 3D.

>removing the soul
Fucker, there's muscle hammer bros, yo-yo bros, weird blooper cannons, shy guy scientists and a bunch of other shit that isn't even shown in that image because they basically look the same still in the game, is your definition of soul simply by how off-model a design is? what about the writing or the designs that are still weird and outlandish, does that not count? does changing a few designs really ruin the whole fucking game for you?

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The only thing Y1 has on Kiwami is the music.
God the music in Kiwami is shit.

A lot of th eredesigns are fucking awful. Rookie looks way better, at least

yes to all


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So is majima everywhere and the shitty boss hp regen stuff

funny enough rookie is the only design i really don't like. bowser's head looks way too weird there

Not the user you were talking to, but the discussion was cLeArLy about the overall game (which includes gameplay, shitlord).

Well, then you're just an autist then, carry on

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>beanerang bro

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the 65816 (snes cpu core) can run 6502 (nes cpu core) code in emulation mode, or the original source can be compiled/assembled for 16-bit mode. the only things that had to be updated were rendering graphics, sound, and a few other things. the snes was almost designed to be backwards compatible with the nes, but the graphics and sound hardware ultimately became too different

the one thing here that makes 0 sense at all is the mecha chomps to mecha koopas

Majima is easy to beat and even easier to avoid. The boss health regen is only a problem in the first Shimano fight.


DDD remake is great though.

Devil Survivor 2 Record Breaker.
has the whole original game plus a second campaign added on top of it

theres only 1 correct answer

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Ocarina of Time 3DS

Oh, that's not just me? I play the NES version on Switch through the Online bonus and it's so distracting I had to quit.

Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story

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Why are people saying the remake is better after I just ordered the original yesterday?

I'll complain about the lighting kind of ruining the night Hyrule and big Ganon moods, but otherwise it pretty much is the best version of the game. It will always bother me, however, that Grezzo left the soundtrack as is despite the trailer/credits orchestrated theme, and then completely remastered the soundtrack and voice acting of Star Fox 64 without an option to even use the classic stuff. It's kind of weird. Though Star Fox 64 3D is aces too.

beecuz u r silly haha lol

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I like both

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Can I at least know why I made the wrong choice?

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Original's great too. Enjoy the game, user.

Because you bought a DS game and considered buying a 3DS game. Come on bro, they've been hacked for years.

not him, but:
>minigames are skippable
>ability to fast forward through cutscenes
>tutorials are now delegated to an optional book you can open any time
>Adds MORE music than the original, giving Dark Fawful and the Dark Star their own unique boss themes never before heard
>Bowser Jr.'s Journey is straight up kino with some of the best writing in the series, that also even adds MORE unique characters to the game.
>fawful in more detail
>fawful in a recent game at all

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>Klonoa Wii
literally the single most soulless remake in this thread

see also the giant battles are now even more kino then they were before.

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haha lol so cool just like jack sparrow ecks dee

Removing tutorials is all I needed to hear. I'll play this over the weekend. Thanks bro. I hate how front loaded with basic tutorial shit the game series is.

>Katamari Demacy Reroll
Holy shit, I had no idea this existed.

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That's because they made the sprites bigger, though.

>mfw this is the worst selling Mario game
Nintendo please kill the 3DS

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I think its the Halo 2 anniversary variant

It's not to this date there are some bugs that crash the games, when using certain summons in KH2. Some bosses animations are sped up, making them way harder and there are a lot of more issues. For the PS4 rerelease they didn't bother to fix it either.

For SMB3:
SNES just seems somehow more soulless than the GBA version despite how similar they are
and for SMB1 and LL
NES >>>>>>>> SNES
The block physics are shitfuck in the SNES release
and SMB2 I'd say

I always thought the hd remaster of nights into dreams was really well handled

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Here's your remake bro

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original is better

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Wildcard: both look like shit.

your image isn't suppose to actually help your case, is it...? Because It really doesn't.

>Kiwami 2 removes content
This, plus aren't they more of an upscale than a remake? Also, yes, Resident Evil Remake.

if you prefer garbage nuSMB cancer art-style, then i suppose you'd think the remake looks better

looks about the same to me

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i'd agree, but i fucking hate the 30fps

superstar saga was the better remake here

where is it NSMBstyle? The fucking mountains in the background of the mushroom kingdom, where they naturally fucking appear and, what else? Where the fuck else was this game "NSMBized"?

nowhere, that's where.

>t. Has never played the originals and started the series with 0
Yakuza 1 and 2 are better games than their remakes.
Kiwami 1 has worse music, re-uses the animation from the original game without any of the atmosphere, redesigned the boss fights in the worst ways possible, added boss health regen, nerfed the Dragon of Dojima style, and is overall a sloppily put together game using way too much of Yakuza 0's assets (As you can see from Kamurocho being stuck in 80's fashion and most of the buildings remaining unchanged).
Kiwami 2 outright cuts a lot of corners, including a street from the original and an entire location from the original. It re-uses animation from the original game, adds a short and very poorly made Majima story, the music in the original is better, and a lot of the new content was meh.

Also, we all know which game did this scene better;
PS2 Audio:
PS4 Audio:

Attached: Kiwami 2 Rain Scene.jpg (1280x720, 54K)

Chrono Trigger on the DS

Yes, it's a video game, the gameplay matters way more than the graphics

They also are the only Pokemon games to run at 60fps

Enhanced port, not remake.

>what is RSE
>what is BW1/2

Why is there a human in the Kirby games?

They both look really bad.

Why are there two middle age men cosplaying as the Mario and Luige?

I don't get that meme.

Didn't Sakurai have a major hate-boner for the idea of humans in the Kirby world, which is the reason Adeleine was never seen or heard from again until Star Allies?

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This thread is bait, SMBA is the superior version. Take off the nostalgia blinders.


>It's frustrating because Amazing Mirror shows how good Nightmare could have looked if they actually took advantage of the new visuals instead of matching them to levels meant for another look entirely.
Nightmare in Dreamland wasn't originally going to be a remake. That's why it feels so out of place

At least kids these days dont have to stare at static skyboxes.

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That was only for the anime as far as I'm aware

Posterchild of the soulless remake.
>No meaningful gameplay changes.
>Uninspired artstyled ripped from the most recent mainline games.
>Cut all the fun glitches

That's not a remake, that's a port/remaster.
It's a superior port/remaster, and the same cannot be said for the 3DS/iOS remasters, but regardless, it's not a remake. All the assets are the same and the game plays practically the same.

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Reminder that is was just the Nintendo System, not the Nintendo Entertainment System or the Nintendo. Say it right.

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I hate they dont get these little details right reeeee

Real hot opinions coming from All-Stars niggers in this thread.

Your "remake" collection is soulless shlock and the poster-child for remakes that miss the point. Deal with it, cunts.

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>Pokemon options are arbitrarily limited to the Gen I pokedex, resulting in such fantastic things as being stuck with a Golbat that attempts to evolve every time it levels up, only to get booted out because "lol no Crobats in Kanto."
>Time cycle removed entirely (notably making it impossible to get Umbreon/Espeon unless you trade one in from R/S/E, even after you unlock the national dex), despite being a nice addition that even R/S/E managed to include to some extent. True to the original games, but makes the region feel lackluster regardless and there's no reason it couldn't have been brought in like other quality of life changes were.
>Region itself is just as empty and lacking in diversity as it was in Gen I. Still suffers from the overabundance of poison types and the lack of anything which can challenge psychic types.
>Sevii Islands feel like a chore to run through, taking one of the only good things about Gen I map design (non-linearity) and cutting it completely in order to deliver incredibly linear areas that are often packed with some garbage side-quest that only exists to force you to travel from one end of an island and back.
>Post-Game content is also arbitrarily locked behind a Sevii Island quest. Even Cerulean Cave, an area which is unlocked immediately in RBY upon beating the E4.
>Post-Game itself in incredibly lackluster, consisting mostly of just said cave and Battle Tower. Keep in mind that Emerald, a game with a far more robust post-game, came out the very same year.
>Sevii Islands themselves were clearly gutted for time, and there are several sections that feel like they were just tacked on for something that they couldn't implement in time.
>Abilities, while implemented, weren't nearly as diverse or interesting as the ones found in Hoenn.

FR/LG suffers from many of the same issues that plague RBY, but unlike those you don't have fun glitches to fuck around with to make up for that.
It also doesn't help that FR/LG were released in a very awkward generation period. Too late to feature a lot of the jank that make Gen I and II so enjoyable, but too early to compete with the more refined mechanics of Gen IV and on.

The objectively correct answer.

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The physics and collision in the first and second game are radically different.

Only because Gaiden was complete fucking garbage

The Superstar Saga and Bowser's Inside Story remakes are the best games in the Mario & Luigi series.

SMB1 has bad physics that make me feel like an anvil when I fall
Being able to play Lost Levels is awesome
SMB2 is an upgrade
SMB3 is an upgrade

All in all I consider it superior. I can live without SMB1's original physics too and so can you.

Also typical Yea Forums's
>Old good, new bad
Get the fuck over it, SMB2 and 3 made it better

i seriously prefer the artstyle of the original SMB over the remake

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I’ve also heard it reffered to as “muh nostalgia”.

Any NES game
the NES has aged like an egg and remakes are ALWAYS better

Just post how Tropical freeze is somehow a bad game because muh soul, I need another good laugh.

>forced to randomly go to the new islands in the middle of the game

doki doki panic >>>> SMB2

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>replaced fat koopa with just a big koopa

Seriously, this is parroted everytime a remake is made.
>Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy
>th-they messed with the physics and now he has an oval hitbox instead of a square hitbox!! soulless!!
>Spyro Reignited Trilogy
>they put CLOTHES on my deer girl crush, and some characters don't look like walking triangles anymore!!!
>they changed some character designs! the music is different! it's ruined! irredeemable!
Old has soul. New has no soul. Don't underestimate the powers of nostalgia.

what a pleb opinion. give me the lonely and alien atmosphere of the original metroid over the sanitized, more accessible remake

Attached: metroid.png (830x776, 41K)

RE2 Remake

Attached: 1550601427164.jpg (800x450, 54K)

Every single Metal Max remake is better than the original.

What game?

>sprites flicker
>controls like shit
>saving system sucks


who wouldn't?

Attached: remake_SMB1_001.jpg (952x1260, 300K)

I liked the GBA/DS Kirby game backgrounds, they were weird and made it look like a dream


I've tried looking but I haven't been able to find a single visual comparison of the physics for SMB and All-Stars and how they're different.

It's amazing how almost every one of these threads open with examples of a port instead of a remake.
It's also amazing how many people post ports.
Are people really that stupid?

the cool black/white 6-3 level was ruined in all stars and just made a generic level

Attached: SMB6-3.png (256x240, 1K)

lmao is this the resolution you had to play smb at? fucking gay dude, give me all stars any day of the week

SMB: when you run and jump at a brick, you bounce off at an angle and dont lose momentum
All stars: when you run at jump at a brick, you go up through the brick and lose all your momentum

thats basically it

this thread is full of nostalgiafags
the NES looks like shit these days

That's because they're not different. They're the exact same, because all the games in All-Stars are ports.
What people are talking about when they say the physics are different is a bug regarding breaking brick blocks. In the original game Mario is launched down the same as if he had hit a solid ceiling or ? block. In All-Stars, the opposite happens and Mario appears to continue moving upward after smashing through the block. The reality of it is that it's a simple bug, one that can be fixed by changing one single byte.

wow an actually valid complaint, instead of gay-ass grafiks bitching

Snes remake of famicom tantei club 2

>they're not different, except in this way they are different

That's what I was talking about. There were already posts describing it, but I can't find any visual demonstrations of it. The All-Stars version sounds like it'd make Lost Levels unbeatable.

Only correct answer

Crash N. Sane Trilogy.

The game is fucking garbage though. The only thing it does good is being better than Gaiden which isn't hard to do.

I like the backgrounds but the lack of bricks on the ground is a sin.

>removes geno
Thank god

Original Metroid is shit. Even the rerelease GBA edition sucked ass. There are many hacks that fix the flickering, shit controls, and allow saving however.

The background in the sewers is weird. Isn't it basically supposed to feel like underground plumbing? Instead it looks like some cave or mineshaft. I don't like it.


Why did they remove all the soul?

>remove fog
>remove fur
>remove soul

Attached: remake_SOC_001.jpg (1920x842, 253K)

It's good to know that all of Superstar Saga's soul is comprised solely of a gorilla skeleton, a Geno reference, and like 6 enemy designs.

I'm surprised they didnt remove Cackletta Bowsers tits

They got rid of true analog controls. This is the very definition of garbage.

based SotC remake shitposter that doesn't know what he's talking about.

You're completely blind if you cannot see the differences between the original and remake.

>gorilla skeleton
he has a name

Attached: remake_SS_003.jpg (1600x900, 359K)

I genuinely wonder what kind of thought process resulted in this change

>Not a single mention
You fucking plebs

Attached: MV5BMWNiZTFhZjctMjQ4OC00MGU1LTgxNzgtZjYzZGIyYTgxZWQzXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyODM4NjkxODg@._V1_.jpg (800x800, 92K)

That reminds me, why is the Mushroom Kingdom stage in Brawl a fucking desert?

be honest, do you 'actually' hate all stars, or are you only in it for the memes?

It's still spritework nitwit

I'm just wondering why they made him look like Donkey Kong in the first place.

It's a Japanese pun on it being an "ancient kingdom" that got lost in translation.

Of course I can see the differences, and frankly I really don't give a shit because the game looks much better than it did before. You guys constantly bitch and moan about fucking Bink or Geno or whatever. I never see anyone bring up how fucking fantastic Stardust Fields looks, and actually the entire landscape which just looks better, or how much more menacing Bowletta looks, or how Bowser doesn't look like a downie anymore. It's always the complaints. You're boiling all the "soul" of the original game down to a few enemy designs and some NPCs, and that's shitty considering there was way more to the original game than your fetish for Bink.

The NES version has better controls and some of the graphics are lazy on AS. If given the choice to play one an emulator I'd pick the originals every time. Speedrunners even avoid AS because the controls are so bad.

That's who Mario and Luigi are based on you uncultured zoomer.

They aren't. Every single TAS trick that wasn't patched from the NES version works in the SNES one. The NES and SNES have such a similar CPU that Nintendo just copy pasted the code. The single difference is you get pulled upward instead of downward when breaking blocks

>Romancing SaGa Minstrel Song
>Ys Oath in Felghana and virtually any later version of Ys I+II
>Any DQ remake
>The SNES Megaten remakes

Nah, it looks like shit mate. Just say that you like it better because you played it first.

You took the author out of the comic but left the author in the file...

because it's a barrel game

I grew up on games like Superstar Saga, but, you know, whatever you say.

Wow. That looked like the first legit Kirby game with some difficulty. The stages are flooded with enemies.

>"I grew up with it I swear!"
Ok whatever you say,

The US Dojo site says "The kingdom you once knew has turned to ruins over the long years, and it is now your battlefield."

>people can't grow up with games i like and also disagree with me!

The FF3 and 4 remakes are alright, but the bar is pretty low. NES rpgs didn't have much to work with.

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Saves are pretty worthwhile. There were a lot of olf NES games for which all I could do is pause and walk away with the hopes that nobody would screw with my playthrough.

Attached: remake_MM_triforce.jpg (1817x629, 213K)

How many times do you people need to be told that the code for all stars is a copy paste from the nes games? If you can speedrun the nes versions you can speedrun the all stars versions, the controls are the same

Zoomer begone

>They said this even with PM coming first
I wish to murder all of Nintendo

*lights up Ganon in your path*

No really why the fuck are the outlines gone

Attached: swoligi.jpg (320x320, 20K)

>the controls are the same

Attached: 1527000608661.png (625x773, 112K)

I have a soft spot for the remakes of the original Dragon Quest trilogy.

If you don't think those differences are big you know shit about visual arts in general so stop talking

>my opinion is better than your opinion

Not an argument. Same inputs in both games will get the same results. In fact the all stars version gives you MORE control because you can throw fireballs without slowing down

Attached: PicsArt_03-14-07.32.00.jpg (1942x3260, 715K)

retarded contrarian

Giving proper stick control is an improvement. Butchering the art direction isn't.

Isn't that the remaster?

>Miyamoto: Oh, no no no. Toads never make those kinds of expressions. Change it to them just running around in panic.

changing the toads and fat koopas was the last straw

The new BIS looks way better, you can't tell me the background of the Dark Star Core's phase in the final battle isn't way cooler.

>butchering the art direction isn't
I'm genuinely curious as to what you mean by that.

Ocarina of time 3D and Wind Waker HD are objectively better but lighting fags will REEEEEE in autismo, they were only right about Majora but these 2 are fine

that's a cemu no-bloom mod

There is literally nothing wrong about the MM remake.

>adding in SSS when BiS fixes the OC character problem

Don’t do that

Gotta be more subtle, user

>first 3 and last one are BIS
>4th one is SSS
why's that?
I very much prefer how the BIS remake looks over the original, specially the dark atmosphere where they're absorbing the Dark Star's powers

show me ONE (1) example of a game getting more soul with better GRAPHICS

Attached: 4teh3eD.gif (500x375, 785K)

It's really sad how terribly BIS DX sold, because it improved on the original in so many ways, and it's such a great game. Though I guess that's to be expected, releasing a remake of a game already playable on a dying handheld.

Not only that but the extra mode with Bowser Jr has arguably the best writing in the series

I like the palette, but I wish they didn't change the psychedelic goopy ground into just tiles.

No, FRLG didn't do those things. Those things were already done by GSC and RSE, the latter providing the assets and engine for FRLG.

Which is why FRLG is a hilariously bad game, and people who praise it are outing themselves as being incapable of critical thought. They're the Pokemon titles that introduced the smallest number of features out of any new release
>the game displays the last three things you did when you resume your save
>open a tutorial by pressing L+R
>wireless adapter compatibility
And that's it. The games also removed a series of features that were present in RSE.
In terms of new content, all that was given were the Sevii Islands, which is the weakest postgame out of any generation baring the original titles.
Compare this to the slew of new features and content every other Pokemon title introduces to the series and FRLG instantly falls apart.

FRLG was a no-effort cashgrab and a perfect of example of a bad remake.

I suppose it did give the Koopalings actual personalities for the first time in the games.

Because the GBA version got the cucked zoomer Magic system


The major reason is because the main character actually have speaking roles

It’s also why BiS was regarded as one to the best written because of Bowser

Aka, give us anybody outside the plumber duo

I mean that the new graphics are obviously nice and shiny but they did a poor job of capturing the original art direction, particularly in regards to detail and colours, like making things much brighter all around, or the totem poles in the forest levels looking totally different and lacking the menacing faces they had in the original. Also, the water in the remakes looks like absolute shit.

Attached: tomb wader.jpg (1280x1440, 441K)

Bionic Commando Rearmed

I wasn't intending on being game specific, I just wanted to compare how the remakes have been handled in general. Although, I don't know how I didn't notice that I only pulled one example from Superstar Saga. Then again, I suppose there's been enough shown of it in this thread already

>No meaningful gameplay changes.
They add sevii island, new sprites and gen 3 mechanics. Nice try.
Buzzword. Gen 1 was also "uninspired" if I want.
>muh fun glitched


HGSS is also correct.

Only NPC like the first ones.

the water ski levels in crash 3.

All Stars seems fine to me.

Attached: Screenshot_20190314_220750.png (1280x960, 40K)

Great evidence.

oh god, at least take the filters off.

Dragon Quest V
Yakuza Kiwami
Ys I&II Complete/Chronicles
Ys The Oath in Felghana
Ys Memories of Celceta
Pokemon FRLG
Pokemon HGSS
Ocarina of Time


>Pokemon HGSS
Nice joke

>all those filters

Attached: 1551326340880.jpg (540x482, 51K)

To me looked sad and miserable living in a fucking tiny cave. Trapped by the princess to feed he own whims at the expense of this poor majestic creature.

It's a port but it's so much more fluid than the SNES version it might as well be a remake.

Attached: !!e!UJS!BGM_$(KGrHqYOKpUE0Uw,uf,VBNP28vB)wg___1.jpg (264x266, 31K)

>the 65816 (snes cpu core) can run 6502 (nes cpu core) code in emulation mode
I doubt that was used as I've never heard of that mode being emulated and All-Stars will run on even ZSNES.

I'm still waiting for someone to post the of BIS, I know there's one

It's sadder if you think about how it was brought there as a baby and could never escape due to growing too big to fit through the hole.

Attached: peachdorrie.jpg (456x335, 31K)

Gotta agree on this one, they worried so much about being accurate that they straight up locked cross gen evolutions behind postgame.

Attached: remake_CTR_001.jpg (2148x2465, 1.19M)

Filtered and physicspilled

Attached: 1546759049539.png (579x537, 109K)

>OOT remake's lighting is fine

Attached: remakeOOTcompare1.webm (1920x1080, 2.98M)

nice reading comprehension

When Bill shows up on the boat for the first time he gives you the choice to go with him or not.

You should follow your own advice.


fuck my heart

>At least that didn't lock you out of the new evolutions.
>Let's Go is better
Try harder

do you dumbasses not understand that blocky pixels doesn't look good? do you dumbasses not understand all modern games try to get rid of jaggies?

look up anti-aliasing, dumbasses

you still goin?

God I'm so fucking excited.

This, fuckin A man

>377 replies
>NOT ONE mention of Samus Returns
nu/v/ confirmed as casuals who collectively suck ass through straws. Put down the Switch and pick up that 3DS. Everyone knows you faggots got nothing new to play anyway.

Attached: metroid-samus-returns-pack-shot.jpg (1793x1598, 440K)

Planning to download the CIA of the remake.

Did they fix the fucking carrot minigame?

I thought about this and I don't believe I can name one. I guess remakes aren't intended for fans that already appreciate the original games, they're there to try and bring in new fans.

>didn't fix the one thing that needed to be fixed the most
>changed the theme

Based and Yellowpilled

AM2R had more soul

Yeah, that's a good one.

Why is Nintendo so ashamed of the idiosyncrasies of their older games?

Their remakes always sterilize and normalize rather than just be faithful.

>tfw there will never be a Four Swords Adventure Switch remake

Attached: poyopain.png (263x249, 18K)

>rather than just be faithful.
Is the Link's Awakening remake not being faithful from what we've seen so far? Some people are complaining it's too 1:1 at the moment. And why single out only Nintendo?

There is literally nothing different you fucking autist.

>Kirby Super Star Ultra
>ruins the art direction for no reason
>ruins the music
>ruins the control scheme for no reason
>new modes are pretty much just remixes of the original modes

Crystal Chronicles is getting remastered for the Switch and the original FS was on the 3DS so there is hope friend.

Yes, they did. They also removed all mic shenanigans.

Hell no

Holy shit I completely forgot about this, thank you for reminding me.
Weird, I never thought I would be able to play FF:CC multiplayer again without either Dolphin figuring out netplay with the gameboy adapters or Square for some reason making a sequel.

Don't forget that you're not allowed to use any of the post-Gen 1 evolutions of Gen 1 Pokemon until after you beat Gary.

I believe Color Splash was the first game to feature the characterization the Koopalings have (ala MORTON SMASH BAD MARIO) but BJJ is of course the one to actually put them in the spotlight. It made me appreciate the Koopalings a lot more afterward.
I wish Doug Bowser could actually influence a Koopa Troop game to be made.

That alone kills FRLG and it's not even the only problem with it

Reminder to vote on this years best game contest, we have 29,000 votes so far

Warthog looks like shit

You mean the Puma?
It was that easy to fix? If only they had done this for the Wii port.

Wind Waker HD is objectively better, since most of what they did was cut the tediousness of a section, and updated graphics while staying true to the GC version. Honestly you dont see many remakes that capture the game so well without being a simple port with a coat of paint

Most remakes are objectively better, but most of Yea Forums can't stand change, so they just use the soulless meme on everything.

It simply does not matter. If the remake is better play it, if not play the original.

Compared to the rest of the skeleton crew he was really unfitting. I certainly do not like the change but i can see why they would consider it.

Phantasy Star 1

Being better than Gaiden certainly is not hard, but you guys really underestimate how big of a feat it is that they actually made Gaiden tolerable. All those quality of life changes go a long fucking way. We even ended up getting some nice maps through the Rise of the Deliverance DLC and fixed some of Awakening's terrible Grima lore in Act 6.

You and me both, my poor friend.

Attached: gs.jpg (473x680, 115K)

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Twilight princess HD

Attached: 1540246332762.png (1920x1080, 3.28M)

Mania was indeed cool.

I wish Mania had graphics like these in the re-imagined levels

Attached: 1526764074604.png (1024x512, 97K)

Attached: zki2lydbkvh11.jpg (1908x1080, 390K)

After playing 0 and fighting Mr. Shakedown countless times, the first Shimano fight just kinda came and went for me. Majima also scales pretty well with the player, and by the time he gets so many health bars, you probably have tiger drop and can beat him in a few punches.

Soul silver and Heart gold

Attached: sonicstudio.jpg (1200x679, 231K)

This hurts to look at.

Maybe it'll get this good for a sequel.

The bloom in the game is already pretty subtle.

not even him, but there is. remake is completely different.

its like playing a game with cinematic cutscenes in the beginning but then they switch to in-game cutscenes which use the world you're playing in. i know thats not what is happening here but it feels like it.

There aren't many.

Every Zelda remake is worse.


Attached: 1457708028620.png (634x374, 362K)

I would just prefer a straight up remake of the classic trilogy over a Mania 2 with more returning zones.

serious sam HD

Attached: srs-sam1.jpg (1024x384, 117K)

Attached: marblestudio.jpg (1200x679, 244K)

But SMB3 All Stars is fucking great and gave the original SMB3 even more atmosphere than it already had.

Dota 2

Sonic 1 2, CD and 3 with new graphics, whitehead's engine and the drop dash? neat.

she only looks bad in some scenes

Attached: 1536100517365.png (1280x701, 1M)

Is it morally wrong to play HD remakes of games on an NTSC CRT?

>tiny, feminine jaw
I see no issue

Attached: F577E76F-1706-4FD8-8948-1F3B555EFE77.jpg (684x166, 18K)

I'm a genwunner and admit to FR/LG being great remakes. Stay mad you contrarian faggot.

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Her looks were never perfect, but she's no uggo. The whole village was full of weak jawlines. Even as a man, Link was ironically the most beautiful woman in town.

>Even as a man, Link was ironically the most beautiful woman in town

Attached: 1542624653253.jpg (177x278, 14K)

Doesnt fit within mario universe VS fits within mario universe

this makes my peepee big



Good game. Only one, ONE, gripe that’s a nit pick.
When in retro mode, each character has a left-facing sprite and a right-facing sprite.
But in the modern art (which looks great) they just flipped the image. You can tell because the hand holding the sword switch from right/left and it irks me to no end.
Still a really great game

Attached: hack-G.U.-Last-Recode.jpg (1280x720, 173K)


Attached: greenhillst.jpg (1200x679, 206K)

AM2R sucks compared to samus returns

Based. Graphical comparison between orginal and remade 3 are always trying too hard, remake backgrounds and general pixel arts are neat.

Only issue with the game is that it went for a more ambient tone of music, which I think fits well, but the Surface Theme plays only once and that was disappointing

yes, and?

No, it's actually really well done
there is a couple gripes i have with some cutscenes, but they are also really nice as well

Oh shit detail hills are ruined.

How people deny original looks better boggles my mind. But the qol changes make HD better overall

its a meme you dip

>hating blocky pixels
The absolute state of filterfags

>calling people incels on Yea Forums
Yep. It's reddit, alright.

Notice how these threads are only about Nintendo games. Nevermind some of the remakes like SOTC, which fuck up the way Wander looks.

Nobody plays on Sony. That's just a system you pretend to own on the internet, to impress chicks.

Attached: remake_SMB3_ending1.jpg (1204x2060, 504K)


Wow NES SMB3 did had more soul.

>koopa praying sprite

>Koopa worshipping someone besides glorious Allah


3/4ths of these examples look better on 3DS

you fags cry about everything

Legit can't tell which is the HD Remake...

*ruins your eyes*

Attached: DDP_Waterfall.gif (256x232, 15K)

>you share this board with these people

>you share a planet with these people

Ace Combat 3DS is the superior version of Ace Combat 2

I remember when most of the games we wanted to buy for home were just really crappy ports of games that were 10x better at the arcade.

No soul, that feeling of loneliness is gone
That meelee attack that just makes a lot of enemies a pain to deal with
The scanner makes secrets pointless and finding secrets is like half what metroid is about (inb4 just don't use the scanner lol)
Fucking checkpoints

I'll give it that the boss battles are actually a lot of fun and very challenging and probably my favorites in any metroid game, a lot more varied than spamming missiles at metroids over and over.


Loved SMB3 as a kid. Dropped the newer version because of those stupid voice clips.

I miss how Kiryu looked a bit cheeky in his stoic non emotional face. Don't get why they made him eternaly melancholic even in prequels.

>3DS AC3 remake better than Original
As a massive fan of AC2 (it is my favorite game), no. I can see it appealing to people who like 5 and 0 due to it's presentation, but to me it's a retcon that takes away the charm of the original game of being simplistic. It doesn't even have the best fucking music track in the whole entire series.

I guess on a technically level, yeah it's superior. It's just not the same. I personally would have rather just better graphics, audio, and just have nostalgia have at it. Although they sort of did that with the PS2 compilation release of the game already.

>Deal with it
Way to completely diminish your argument.
Guess I gotta go team all-stars now.

The jaggies on the left and the bloom on the right aren't dead giveaways, retardanon?

To be fair to the remake the original has fuck-all frames of animation in its spites, most of the forms just shuffle a few pixels for their walk cycle without the bulk of the body even animating, whereas you'd have to double the amount of frames of animation for every form if you didn't mirror. It's not ideal, but it is understandable.

Super Metroid was a fucking great remake of Metroid 1

These look so dull compared to the old ones...

>uhhhh glitches

this is how I know you're retardtaed

OOT 3D and plenty of other remakes have preserved glitches. Stay retarded and tasteless.

The Pokemon remakes, save for ORAS (yes, even LGPE)
Spyro Reignited
Fable Anniversary
Every Zelda HD remake on the WiiU

Resident Evil 1

PSP version's better, fuck off

I haven't played either so I decided to use my valuable lack of bias to cross out the worse version of each design.

Attached: superhalf saga.jpg (1100x2326, 857K)

Why do people keep reposting starry cave memes when this exists? This is far more valid than anything else people post about SMB3 remake.

Twilight Princess.

Why did they do this?

Attached: monkey island special edition.jpg (800x988, 149K)

Metroid Zero Mission
AM2R (inb4 autism, sorry SR sucks shit)

Technically, the above picture is a remake.

Why does Yea Forums pretend uncanny valley graphics that feel lonely are filled with soul? Rose tinted goggles?

because they aren't missing the part of the brain that detects soul, unlike you

remake on the right

remake was shit

Heart Gold Soull Silver, Fire Red Leaf Green, Halo 2 Anniversary.

Attached: Johnson.png (414x419, 310K)

>Halo 2 Anniversary.

Attached: 1552435165010.webm (1280x720, 2.77M)

H2A's cutscenes alone have more soul then anything done by Bungie or 343. I hope Infinite has nothing but Blur cutscenes since they're all so well done.

The ones circled green are either the same shit, inconsequential or actually superior. Namely:

>DX Cackletta is 10x more superior
>Bowletta throne is superior
>Fawful is superior
>Dr. Toadley is a nice tie-in to other games and better than Psycho Kamek, who gives a fuck about that one
>Popple and Birdo look way fucking better. GBA Popple looks like shit and nothing like his intended artwork. Wasn't fixed until Dream Team.
>Beanerang Bro is a funny pun. If you're mad about this change then fuck you. You're no fun.
>Tolstar is way more expressive at a glance and can be deciphered better, same problem as GBA Popple had before.
>Oucher Glass is better.
>Rookie is somewhat better, still just Bowser with a blue portion bucket filled in with MS Paint though.

Overall the remake does more good than bad. HOWEVER, the few changes I circled red I didn't like and are objectively shit because it's infected by the generic NSMB virus or altered for no reason (Or Miyamoto was butthurt again, most likely):

>Monty Mole change sucks
>Bink is unforgivable
>Geno removed is unforgivable, fuck Squeenix
>Big Koopa, Fungitown Toad, Koopa, Lakipea are all generic enemies with no personality, just look like NSMB enemies some with leaves taped onto them
>Mech Chomp change to Mecha Koopa is unforgivable, probably were too lazy to remake the Mech Chomp and reused Mecha Koopa sprites

>lack of bias

Your opinions are fucking shit. Clearly you only played these games just now like the pilfering zoomer pirate that you are. How fucking old were you when SS came out? Like 3?

Attached: 1554604430212.jpg (1100x2063, 850K)

RE2 and it was an almost literal perfection of a video game too.

Attached: 1365945122891.jpg (250x325, 18K)

>Clearly you only played these games just now
You got me, I actually just finished the both of them in the 7 hours between the original image being posted and my edit.
>How fucking old were you when SS came out? Like 3?

Although Halo 2 seems sparse by comparison, the simple color-codedness is what makes it appealing visually. Other games like COD just had too much shit going on to make it a fun, balanced multiplayer game.

Zero Mission

It makes me laugh that Mecachomp got axed and not the Bullet Bill with a Sniper Rifle. Talk about having your priorities backwards.

Also the only one that makes me livid is the Monty Mole. The glasses wearing one is Mondo Moles canon appearance too which makes it worse.

Attached: 1541303829943.png (402x261, 233K)


been playing too much Earthbound

I do like All Stars, but the physics were fucked with in SMB1.

This is being a contrarian for the sake of being a contrarian

Attached: meta knight this isn't sane.jpg (1379x1080, 122K)

>being a soulless retard for retard's sake

>muh clean consice [sic] platform