How do I come up with a gamertag that doesn't look tryhard or stupid?
How do I come up with a gamertag that doesn't look tryhard or stupid?
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Try being creative.
Just use schelmbock, no need to thank me it's a pleasure.
Literary or STEM references
or pick from this image
>he doesn't use the same gamertag hes used since 2002
what a waste
I need a name for my art profile. Like "Oh there's shadman" or "Oh there's diives" I want to be the next artist.
that's cringe tryhard nerd shit
>t. image-poisoned
If those things interest you, why not express that? There's a reason accelerationist twitter has the best user handles
I like that name, and the first google result is "The disctinctive purple vagina of a black female. Derived from the purple colour of a plum and the word poon." That could be me.
who do you main Yea Forums
I'm peaceful oat goblins
pick a one word, two to three syllable, original name that is unused on every single platform and website
regardless of what it is, at least it's yours and yours alone
also, no numbers, no hyphens, no symbols, and be careful about capitalization
put your first and last names
pick a result
put something in deep dream
>muh stem
>muh literature
>muh nihi- I mean accelerationism
>muh twitter
Not him but how do you breath while huffing your own farts every second of your life
>doesn't look tryhard or stupid?
literally impossible
either accept that you're a fucking tryhard or brain damage yourself until you don't mind having a stupid name
Find a soda brand exclusive to a third world country and swap two letters.
wtf someone else who watched manabi straight
Military rank + Adjectives
Your Name + Adjectives and or numbers
Pork Rembrandts sounds classy, I'll take that one
Use an alias instead of some fucking stupid combination of bullshit, makes you look like less of a retard and bonus points if it's believable, example - Mark Ableton
is that supposed to be renamon+(something)+sasuke?
get inspo from naming conventions from the 90s. 90s was the least tryhard decade.
im sorry normiebro, you have the rest of the internet
I have a very original one but I realized that's a problem when I found out that you can find all my online profiles with simple google search.
Don't go too autistic and try to use different ones.
how about "Images For Ants"?
open System32 and pick the name of one random file
how many aelupsvc's do you think there are online?
just be urself bro
is it really that much trouble just making up random names?
just pick on of these that resonates with you
Until you realize that there is some one with that name irl.
Bam. There ya go.
even better
>being this new
I saw this method in another thread a while back last year and found it quite nice, so I'll repost it here.
Basically, use the first three letters of your last name and the last two letters of your first name. Post results.
For me, it ends up being Grisha. Not that bad...
I meant Grish*
I guess I posted too much in Shingeki No Kyojin threads on Yea Forums.
shit method
More like COLON amrite?
Yeah I think I'll pass
my last name has two letters, am I a namelet?
Go to bed Dennis
>not bigguyuuuu
You can make up literally anything and it will already exist.
Hi Fellatio!
>think of your future
>think of your personality
>think of something you believe in, something you represent
jesus you insecure fucks i bet you look down on anyone with a number in their name
pure beta
Jokes on you
>having a number in your gamertag already qualified as tryhard
Use a made-up, nonsensical phrase that rolls of the tongue.
What's your gamertag, Yea Forums?
lol are you me?
My gamertag is too unique to just post here.
Put some words together and change the spelling so that looks like a bunch of gibberish, but is easily pronounceable to yourself so people who are mad at you will have a hard time spelling or saying it.
The biggest change I ever had when thinking of a name is that I didn't want anyone to easily spell or say it when they got mad. I gets really funny when they try to spell or say it.
Sorry, but science has proven rigorously ab initio that the more you worry about looking tryhard or stupid the more you'll end up looking tryhard or stupid.
Got a nickname or a favorite album or TV show?
Try variants of those
Haha, like Smash Meowth or something right, lmao nerd culture.
>fapping to shadman's art
you'd have to be desparate as shit
I'm sorry user, I'm , I don't want you to think I'm making fun of you or being confrontational, I'm just ironic shitposting with a joke I just thought up, ily no homo
>"The disctinctive purple vagina of a black female. Derived from the purple colour of a plum and the word poon." That could be me.
never change, Yea Forums.
First two letters from your first name.
Last three letters of favorite game.
You don't. Eventually you'll despise your name and regret ever choosing it.
>not having a list of names ready for every situation and game
What the fuck is that supposed to mean
try bumfart bc u are a bumfart lol
>not being a generated GT chad
anyone have the image of that guy who was forced to change his name by xbox support like 20 times before they banned him. it was NuckFiggers### and he just changed the numbers at the end every time.
> 18+ user
> just coming up with a gamer tag
You are fucked dude, it’s too late, should have had one by the age of 10, whatever you do now it’s either going to be a meme or cringe
Thus was born
>random Wikipedia's article
>random chemical element
that's how I did it.
>mfw the Wiki's article was about an item from my country that sounds cool
thanks Wikipedia
just use a japanese pokemon name like DORYUZU or ZURUZUKIN or SAZANDERA or ERUFUN or RANKURUSU or BORUTOROSU or ONONOKUSU
gen 5 really was the best
I just used my first initial and last name. At least it'll never get old or feel outdated to me.
I’ll be the judge, out with it
Do not actually do this
I did my longest running one on my favorite bar/restaurant
the item was Ayahuasca
wtf, I've never seen the full version before.
I just make it something self deprecating. There's nothing anyone can say about me that I haven't already said about myself.
all of those sound gay as hell. literally fantasy tryhard