>game gets worse the further in you get
Game gets worse the further in you get
more like
>early game is awesome
>mid game is a fucking slog
>end game is fan-fucking-tastic
Did you know white Christian families are the happiest of all families?
reminder that 95% of posters on Yea Forums will never have even seen a bible in their life
>King James Version
>game refers to its own code
>game gives you impossible objectives
>game's cutscenes help deepen understanding of mechanics
>game secretly ends far before you think it does
>start to see game everywhere if you play for long enough
epic, simply epic
>cuck james version
should have bought the HD remaster
To be fair the whole second half is just some community mod that most people seem to bundle in for some reason, and the first half got pretty badly mangled by censors who thought an epic battle vs a dragon was a bad way to start.
>game has NG+
>game seems incomprehensible to normies
>secretly greatest game ever made
>game gets worse the further in you get
That's literally FFXV
But Revelation is one of the best books
I'm not religious but recently started reading the bible, and it's fucking sick.
literally what is trying to be said here
Are they actually happy though?
The bible is a great read to be honest, it's just problematic because dumb faggots take it seriously.
Revelation is awesome because its a drug trip fueled political diatribe filled with intentional references to the edited out creation story re-imagined as an apocalypse and re-creation.
>game ends up being about you
Is this because they're all boomers
This but unironically. When you take into consideration that it is quite literally just a bundle of made up stories put together, it's actually really good. Wish they'd start bringing it back into schools so kids could read it instead of some hack like shakespeare
>god says killing is sin
>asks people to kill each other
what are some games that have glaring plot holes?
The Bible is like that game everyone says is awesome but practically no one has actually sat down and played. Most people just watch somebody else stream what they think are the best bits over and over and never really dive into the thing themselves.
The community around it is so toxic because its all posturing about how its the best ever when most of the people in it are just there to try to impress other people and haven't actually played it.
hehe that's my boah
The Apocryphal books weren't THAT bad.
>god literally kills someone for pulling out
fuck christians and fuck their uptight """"god""""
>Be Me
>volunteer for Midnight Vigil
>find out once i was done for two hours, nobody else bothered to sign up for the hours after me.
>obligated to read the Psalms and Acts over and and over again for both days 6 hours each.
>"user! with all that practice, you should be ordained as a Reader now!"
>game requires you to read through the wiki ten times to get past the tutorial
>Entire game takes place in a room
Course, you didn't read it and you never will.
my nigger