It's no masterpiece

It's no masterpiece.

Attached: 94755-halo-3-xbox-360-front-cover.jpg (800x1120, 198K)

your slander offend all who walk the path.

it will be soon

What other series peaked with the first game?

Snoy fags continue to seeth.

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But there is a masterchief

the custom games were

still better than call of duty 4 modern gay fuck stupid

This game was such a huge deal when it came out, but I will never understand why people praise this series

Because you weren’t born yet.

it garbage compared to Halo 2
the only improvement is forge

CE is the worst Halo bungie title, though?

Also this

I defy you to define the word "masterpiece" in a way that fails to describe what Halo 3 is to Bungo



Attached: H3_DLC_Foundry_Environment-Forge02.jpg (1920x1080, 760K)


2 > 1 > 3 > Reach
Never finished ODST and this is just based on singleplayer

Halo 3 is the gold standard of AAA gaming, games 12 years later fail to match the quality and value it had on launch let alone after everything was said and done

>CE is the worst Halo bungie title

Attached: 1531060493012.jpg (574x413, 83K)

CE is the best, off yourself zoom zoom.

No you're just contrarian as fuck.

I love how sharp everything looks in H3 even though it didn't look like that in actual gameplay.

Attached: halo3_59484044_Full.jpg (1920x1080, 307K)

At least it was a complete game at launch. Imagine a game that was actually finished and polished and oozes quality.

I hated Halo 3 back then but honestly FPS has gotten so much worse since then that I see it coming to PC as a good thing. Custom communities have pretty much died out thanks to modern matchmaking and Halo 3 coming back might revive that age old tradition

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>CE is the worst Halo bungie title, though?
Imagine being this underaged, jesus fuck.

Its literally the greatest game ever and finale to a trilogy. You cannot refute this.

can someone with xbox tell how the multiplayer works? do you load into each individual game you want to play like DMC HD Collection? Or do you pick it all from one multiplayer menu

just look at the shitty Mp maps
you cant honesty say Halo 3 had better maps

Attached: maps.jpg (2000x1000, 308K)

>No you're just contrarian as fuck.
I can literally say the same shit to people that say 3 sucks and that 2 is the best

Joseph Anderson, go home. You’re drunk

i think its like this, but cant confirm

Attached: matchmaking.jpg (1588x896, 244K)

>shit taste
>having to use a grammar crutch like 'though?'
>not having the confidence to stand by your opinion

It's impossible to hate you in one way.

This would be dreadful. I hope I only have to install the games I want to play.

oh thats cool, i was worried it would be more separated

I'm a cheapskate I'm probably just gonna buy Reach. They messed up not doing Halo CE first I would've caved for that barebones piece of shit and then Halo 2 and then Halo 3.

Try telling that to all of the Halo 3 babies here who played it in 2009 when they were 10 and are now 20 getting nostalgic. Halo 3 plays like a slow paced, floaty version of Halo 2, with a shitty map for every amazing map, and random BR spread that worked like shit due to latency. There are other problems I can go into but this is all from a MP gameplay perspective. I find that most threads around here are from SP people who factor in things like story etc while caring less about gameplay mechanics than your average MP guy like myself. I would say as a complete package Halo 3 is probably the best, but from a pure gameplay standpoint I have to decide between 1 or 2. The thing is, when preceding a flaming pile of shit like Reach, Halo 3's god status becomes heightened in comparison

Considering they're allowing you to buy them separately on PC, I can see that happening

why it looks pretty good? and i think you can install specific games, but not sure how much GB it takes

Do you guys even think there will be another custom game lobbies golden age like there was on the 360? Honestly was the best thing about Halo 3, and Halo 3 online won't hold up well once it's on PC, like CE.

I don't want to install anything but 1-3.

People unironically defends Narrows and Snowbound.

You can switch between them all through one UI. There are playlists of campaign levels that switch between different games, one of them being every campaign level in a row with no stops.

You're correct, however it ended the series perfectly. Spartans never die....but to the survivors, the Chief was the Spartan that did for all humanity, not knowing he survived floating in space. Then halo 4 came around and wrecked what was the perfect finale to a fantastic series.

You high? Lockout and Midship were god tier

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The only thing it's missing is public custom games.

Not perfect but better than any Snoy first party game in the last 12 years. That isnt saying much.