All fighting games are worse now than they were before

All fighting games are worse now than they were before.

Every one.

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water is wet too

Mortal Kombat got its shit together in 9. Don’t be unfair.

I actually kind of agree, they are more accessible but they aren't as fun to me. Not that I am good at any of them but there's something meting off about the current gem of fighters that I really can't put my finger on it.

Mk9 was really fucking good even with its flaws but I absolutely hated x and I already can see I won't like the new one either.

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post GOAT fightan

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Why is Tag 2 shit?

everything after 4 is shit imho

What is tekken

Tag/Tag2 was fun to play casual and mash buttons.
But if you tryhard the Tag games where broken, deathcombos, wallcombos they where a mess

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Shut up and post GG tiddies.

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How the fuck is 5 shitty?

what makes t4 better than the later titles? am genuinely curious

Wrong. GG Xrd is better than AC. KOF XIII was better than 98 and 2002. SF IV was better than 3S. Tekken TTT 2 was better than 3
Granted some of these aren't the latest game of the franchise, but they're closer to newer than older

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they went full retard with the anime garbage and body proportions
it feels better to play. I'm not a pro so uneven floors and pre-fight movement don't bother me. 4 just feels more polished.

>kof13 better than 98

>SF IV was better than 3S

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*cracks* ahh now dying to single throw with no option to tech, thats when SF was good. sure miss those 9-1 match-ups *BUUURP*

Wrong. BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle is the best tag game ever created. The mechanics are just awesome.

My nigga

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Are you me? I felt the same about MK and never picked up Injustice 2 for the same reasons.

MK9 is an exception because they actually put effort into single player content.
I don't even really give a fuck about MK but MK9 was fun as hell.

>uneven floor and pre-fights
the uneven floors and pre-fights is something I would actually like to see Bandai experiment with more, every stage that we've had afterwards feel so flat and boring

i miss old soul cal :/

Probably. I played injustice once and found it to be ass. Just like injustice 2

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>KOF XIII was better than 98 and 2002.
Not really, XIII looked beautiful but that's all it had going on for it. XIV looks like shit but gameplay wise it's amazing. OP's claim is pure bait.

UNIB is the best fighter ever made, though.


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No because in the past Uniel didn't exist.

>autopilot oki blockstring timeout fighter

it will be nice to have a designated piss break and nap game for evo i suppose.

Exactly, if anything fighters are getting better again from what they were last generation. Almost every fighting franchise that came out with a new installment that gen were vastly inferior to the ones that came before. Except Mk9 and maybe something else that I'm forgetting. Though Mk really didn't have a high bar to jump considering the wack shit that was before.

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Tekken is currently the best it's ever been. Admittedly every other long-running series I can think of is worse now than in the past, though some are doing better than others.

xrd has its problems (which I think are overblown) but it's much better than the shitshow that is accent core and +R

that was most people's gripe with it IIRC.
I like it because it's tight, and has no clone fighter fluff.
Also the OST matches 2 and 3 in quality.

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>Xrd being better than old Guilty Gear in general
AC and that 2000's timeframe was the golden age of GG. Gave up and ironically moved on to Blazblue, because Sign was just boring as fuck to play and i prefer sprites anyways

>better than the best games in the series
kek, kys

how exactly is yrc fest better than +r?

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As someone who kind of fucks around with fighting games casually but doesn't take them super seriously or competitively, what are some examples of past fighting games that current ones should look to? Are modern fighting games too dumbed down and appeal to casuals too much?

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How about ass?

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What does that even mean? Can you give some examples of autopilot oki and blockstrings? Autopilot anything in uni is typically bad given shielding and the GRD cycle.

imagine defending a game with zappa in it
also, *force break drills you*
nothing personal

Wrong. YRC slowdown alone is enough reason to prefer+R, let alone the derivativeness of the cast and the terrible newcomers.

Tekken 7 is the best Tekken of all time, ask any pro player of it.

I'm more of a toned body kind of guy

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egg shitposting is both cute and tilting

Anime fighters are the best they have ever been though. There was a time during the ps2 era where that genre of fighters were in the gutter outside of Guilty Gear accent core

I wish Tekken 7 launched with more content. That Story stuff wasn't too great.

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*achieves perfection*

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The whole thing is underwhelming. The fact it took two years to even be played on console didn't help.

This was top tier kino

Yeah but I'm glad it finally did cone out. It's my second most played fighter this generation.

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It's my most played fighting game but that doesn't change the fact I liked older Tekken games more (considerably).

i agree user, i think the reason might be...there are barely any new fighting games IP, we've seen Ryu, Kazuya, Scorpion, and fucking everyone, punch each other for like 20 games each, we're burned out, but nowdays they don't want to risk it with an unkown new least fighterz is fun...even tho we've seen goku punch in 40000 games...

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Despite the obviously dated graphics I feel Like Tekken 3 feels the most real of all of them and 6 the least,talking gameplay wise only ofc

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fuck wrong image, ignore that

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Most fighters from the ps3 era and before that.

Your preferences don't change the fact that from a gameplay perspective Tekken 7 is objectively way better than any previous Tekken.
You probably just enjoyed the old ones more because you were a kid and it's harder to enjoy games as an adult.

Yes because normie casuals, i.e the thing they try to target, will never stick to these games no matter how more babby mode they get

You didn't play 3S

Really ? I swear Tekken 3 felt more real than any other Tekken

Anybody that thinks like OP is a fucking idiot. The only thing gone from this generation is 1-frame links. Wow.

Yes it was a movie game and a terrible fighter.


Tits are nice but I am a real fan of legs.

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Tekken 6 felt more rewarding to get good at.

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No it isn't, it makes other things wet


Tekken 7 looks like trash and sounds like trash.
I don't care about pro autism it's garbage, full-stop.

Fact: 1 frame links suck and are just glitches half the time, or maybe not glitches but over sights by developers.

You really should rephrase this to "he doesn't play high level 3S" because that's where the neutral problems come in. And even then, I don't really see it as problematic, its the same exact shit that happens in every other fighting game when you have enough knowledge where it slows down because of how strong punishment game is especially with how ludicrous the parry system can be.


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>Autopilot oki blockstring
Motherfucker, you can't just combine two concepts like that and pretend its a real thing

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Idk, I don't know ND seeing the same characters but slightly different but I guess trying to base your game on casuals and adding stupid ass gimmicks to simulate depth kinda kills my mood to play most games. That might be it.

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The only awful new addition is Answer and that's cause he requires playing for half the match to get access to his resources. He's a worse Venom and shoulda been given some buffs before they started developing the new GG. As for YRC, that's divisive, I'll give you that. I like it.

It's definitely lacking in singleplayer content. I guess I just glossed over that since I only ever bother with multiplayer. But in terms of cast size, balance, and overall gameplay, a lot of veteran players agree that it's the best.

>What are FRCs

No. T6 felt like ass through and through. It even had important functions missing from the practice mode, clearly it was only meant to remain a casual game. T7 is more cobbled and competitive than Tekken has ever been

The best.

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Jack O is pretty cool, in my opinion.

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In all honesty I like 1-frame links because the probability of success is not a guaranteed 100%. Its hype to see and also provides the opportunity for a possible drop. I will admit that dropping combos sucks AND you can get yourself into a place where you are 99% clean execution but that 1% of error seems to be more or less gone in the pick up and play buffers of most entries today.

Does Xrd even have FRCs?

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Fuck +R, Reload is where its at.

Evil Zone, Battle Arena Toshinden, Rise of the Robots, Shaq Fu, Pokken Tournament, Street Fighter X Tekken, Simspons Wrestling, Tao Feng (and many many more)

You don't know what you are talking about OP. A lot of shit from twenty years ago is still very much worse than the stuff out now. You are just nostalgia fagging hard within purview of this current gen like a child.

your tier list in inaccurate!

I like 1 frame links too because it's not a gurantee and gives the good players something of benefit.

What's your opinion then?

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The better you get at 3S, the more fun it is to play. And watch.

Hard to talk about it since even mentioning it in FG related threads triggers people, but Melee was the best Smash game period

Hell, 3rd strike would get lambasted if it were released today and shit like chun/yun/ken/makoto/maybe dud/urien would get nerfed in some way.

Exactly. I get why people hate high level neutral in 3S and I GET where Viscant's argument but its always been a matter of fucking preference. Especially nowadays where all the characters have been figured out (except Sean) so you get some stupid fun matchups like Q coming back against fucking Chun-Li.

>kof13 being better than 98
Fuck everyone that like that combo wanking piece of shit.

I have a question, does XIII's input buffer make anybody want to kill themselves?

13 isn't better than 98 & 2002, but it has the BEST sprites of the series for sure!! 3s is better than 4 though.

I could maybe see the metrics in which someone would prefer SFIV to 3S, but you are smoking crack if you consider Xrd to be a better game than any past GG entry in anything other than accessibility.

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S-tier - black lace, strawberry & cream polkadot, blue stripes
A-tier - red, white
B-tier - blackpink
C-tier - orange cream
D-tier - ugly green

>Xrd is better then AC+

How does one go about unironically thinking this?
Fucking elaborate nigga.

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By not having played any entry before Xrd at any appreciable level of competency

Black and pink Jam undies are the best ones.

>kof 13 is better than 98

fuck off

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Is this like when people say Smash is a button masher when it's actually the worst game to mash in due to how readable animations are?
How would you autopilot against crouching Vatista? Mid-Range Byakuya? Phonon In General?
They can just shield and counter for a free meter combo.

Don't worry OP, you are too

What do you mean by "playing for half the match to get access to his resources"
He can set scrolls really easily given an inch of space or a decent hit and his biggest strength is simply having strong normals that are available from the instant the match starts.
If you mean his meter gain then yeah he could definitely stand to build it a bit faster, or at least more consistently given how good his RCs are, but his overdrives are shit so there's no reason not to use it all for RCs when you have some
Answer's not even that bad. He has every tool he needs, but they played it really safe and tried to make sure no one thing he has was too good. So while he has a really full kit and is fully capable of taking games off any other character, he has some consistency problems and is a bad choice for tournaments.
Really, just turn up his meter gain a bit and let him gatling into 2D from more stuff and he'd be fine. Maybe make his overdrives more useful but card yrc and resshou rrc will probably still be better 99% of the time
Answer is a very scary design, if he gets one too many things buffed he could instantly become S+ tier

Black lace desu

you sound fucking stupid

>Xrd being better than AC
>Xrd era being better than old Guilty Gear in general

Literally went back to Accent Core a few months ago as Jam and had a blast over how fast everything is. I miss the gritty, rusted aesthetic to the UI too. Xrd made everything too clean.

>4 just feels more polished.
Everyone laugh at this man

I was talking about his meter gain but I learned a lot from this post! Thank you for clearing up my perception of the character.

Check out his character discord if you haven't
It's got links to useful shit in the resources channel