It's been 13 years, are these still the best vidya franchises Yea Forums?

It's been 13 years, are these still the best vidya franchises Yea Forums?

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Castlevania and Metroid are dead unfortunately, fuck Konami and fuck Nintendo for not treating Metroid with more respect, stupid insects thought they were better than Retro and then came crawling back asking them to sort their mess out

Fuck dorks and weebs who believe this

Yes except replace Final Fantasy, Metal Gear, Kingdom Hearts, Resident Evil, and Castlevania with Kirby, Pikmin, Animal Crossing, Star Fox, and Pokemon.

Seething, fuck off with this Anti-JP shit you faggot. The only western franchise that was relevant enough to make the 2nd round was WarCraft, but it got destroyed by 75,000 votes to Mario

No to all of them. Each was killed with the last few releases in this or last gen.

Don't know if Metroid can still be up there. I'd even replace it with Fire emblem at this point

holy fuck kill yourself my man

Zelda, Mario, Smash, Metroid & RE are still good asshole

>Now I remembered we will never have a new silent hill.


there many games of each of this frachises which i really liked
so yes

zelda's going slow, final fantasy is hitting hard times, metal gear's fucking dead, mario and smash are still going as well as they have, RE's still doing great, metroid's fucking dead, kingdom hearts came back from the dead, and castlevania's been dead for years
so for the most part no

None of those except Mario are arguably the best

Only Smash sadly, and that's only because it doesn't change and just gets more characters. Zelda, Mario and RE had some good releases lately, but there was a lot of shit in the middle


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>curse of the moon
>ritual of the night
Castlevania is far from dead
Oh and Wasteland 2 is the best fallout since New Vegas

Zelda with no dungeons, Mario rehashes with nothing interesting or surprising about the levels, Smash with its clones and horrible balancing and utterly worthless single player since Melee, Metroid Other M and Fed Force, RE 5, 6, 7 lol - or do you count the remake which is only any good because it rips off the original which was actually well made

Cope more, these were officially chosen as the best by the internet back in 2006.

Final Fantasy is dead as shit, literally no one even cares anymore and they seem utterly determined to never make one anyone could ever get legitimately excited about ever again, they keep going off in the direction of stupid shit and it winds up an insane mess every time.

They were streamlined because they were tech demos for better sequels that were already planned
> Smash Ultimate is bad
Literally the best since Melee, kill yourself Grinchie

>no Silent Hill
>no Diablo
>no Chrono
Some of those are decent picks anyway.

>franchises that got worse over time

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Wait, you're saying THE John Internet chose these games in 2006!

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literally neither of those are Castlevania games
Wasteland 2 is bland shit

less than half of silent hill's games are good, the rest are absolute trash

Chrono had 2 games, barely a franchise, and the latest was around 2000. This list was for long-standing franchises I think.

all franchises get worse over time.

> Crono
Two games don't make a franchise
> Diablo
Got eliminated by 90,000 votes to Final Fantasy in the first round

>Kingdom Hearts


Thats Street Fighter spot.

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KH used to be good once upon a time before all of the spin offs ruined it

Seething op

Which is the case for most of the games in OP's pic

Street Fighter hasn't been good in years.

mario is over rated trash

> Kingdom Hearts died after 2
> Metal Gear died after 4
> Final Fantasy has been shit since 10
> Resident Evil, Zelda, Metroid, Mario & Smash are still somewhat good
There i tried fixing it for you OP

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And Kingdom Hearts was never good.

>half are good, rest are trash
Same can be said for every franchise in that image except KH which are all trash.
>Two games don't make a franchise
Does too.

>final fantasy
Revolutionary at the time but terribly aged
People will say
>urrr ff13 killed it
>urrr ff15 was so disappointing
But the series was never good even in the jrpg standards
>repetitive gameplay
>generic and uninspired art and characters

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> Kingdom Hearts is good
> The rest aren't
Fucking hate KH fags so much, jesus how Autistic can you be?

most of metal gear and resident evil aren't trash

Xeno was never good

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> fuck Nintendo for not treating Metroid with more respect
They funded like 10 games that makes no money and costs 10 times the amount to develop than games that outsell them like Kirby or Mario Sports.
>came crawling back
You don't crawl back to yourself, Nintendo should really rename Retro to Nintendo Austin Studio or something so the retards shut up

Street Fighter still doesn't deserve a slot, retard.

>Kingdom Hearts
I thought the previous version with Panzer Dragoon was stupid, but you managed to make it worse.

Replace Xeno with Panzer Dragoon since 1 & 2 are getting remakes this year, which will lead to a brand new game

Its does, retard.

This isn't mine you stupid piece of shit, i had no input in this aside from picking Castlevania as the 9th franchise due to their 2nd highest rated game being SOTN

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>But the series was never good even in the jrpg standards
1-6 (except 2) were all high-points of the rpg genre on release. 1 in particular was notable for having nearly every monster off the entire dnd monster manual, when the average rpg of the era had maybe 20.

>metal gear
im not sure how to answer that
fuck no
I'd say yeah but its dead.

Well, there is a rating out for a castlevania anniversary collection
Maybe konami is hoping to pull a capcom and bring back old franchises that have collections that sold well


Replace KH with Tetris.

Metal Gear and Castlevania are dead, FF has been shit longer than it's been good and Kingdom Hearts has always been garbage only enjoyed by fujos. The other franchises are still fine (though Metroid barely escaped "dead" status because of Samus Returns)

No, based on their actual game rankings it would look like this now
> 1. Legend of Zelda
> 2. Super Smash Bros
> 3. Super Mario
> 4. Metroid
> 5. Persona
> 6. Pokemon
> 7. Resident Evil
> 8. Castlevania
> 9. Monster Hunter

Not liking Samus Returns doesn't mean the series is dead. This board is more self-obsessed and melodramatic than a teenage girl slumber party.

As much as I am a fan of KH (personal favorite series of all time), it is weird that in 2006 it got voted when it was still 3 games and one of which people were still figuring out existed in the form of Chain of Memories. Right now though it is a successful franchise and hasn't seen a production death over its time alive like castlevania and Metroid has

For consistent game franchises (not including spinoffs) I think they following franchises are top tier, while you may dislike some of these games (ex Skyward Sword or MGSV) you cannot deny even the "bad" games have been critically successful. Also not gonna count franchises that only have 2 or 3 games, not enough to fuck up imo, they have to be long running franchises with lots of games. If there is one mediocre game, I'll mention it and give it a pass. Also franchises like Kirby might be consistently good, but none of the games are GotY material or hugely franchise defining, only gonna put games that define their genre.
3D Mario
Metal Gear
Persona (Discounting 1)
Resident Evil (discounting 6)
2D Castlevania (discounting Simon's Quest)
Smash Bros
Dragon Quest
Metroid (discounting Other M)
Mario Kart
Street Fighter (discounting 5)
Not big into western RPGs but if I had to pick one, I'd probably go with The Elder Scrolls
Am I wrong? Disagree or did I miss something? Was trying to be objective as possible.

Remove KH, FF and Mario.

> Zelda
> Mario
> Metal Gear
Wrong, last 3 games were garbage & ruined the series
> Persona
5 was mediocre, rest were all good. This is correct
> Resident Evil
5 & 6 are the only horrible games, everything else is good. Yes, this is correct
> Dragon Quest
> Smash
> Metroid
> Mario Kart
Fits under the Kirby catagory
> Street Fighter
Every entry is shit except II Turbo, this is wrong
> Anything Western
No, they've all been ruined at some point.

>mario kart fits under the kirby catagory????

He's saying they're all decent but noting amazing or genre defining

Mario Kart games are all good, but none of them are amazing & usually feel exactly the same

yes NO no
yes yes yes
yes NO yes


The best vidyas are those 1-offs that executed their themes, graphics, music and gameplay perfectly without the need of any sequel.

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>Anthony Burch

Such as? Being a sequel doesn't in-and-of-itself invalidate a game anyway.