>Dragon Ball games are always decent
>Naruto gets some good games
>One Piece games are all garbage
how so we create the perfect one piece game, bros?
>Dragon Ball games are always decent
>Naruto gets some good games
>One Piece games are all garbage
how so we create the perfect one piece game, bros?
Other urls found in this thread:
get a half decent development team on it and it will be good. insomniac could make a good one piece game.
>decent series have decent games
>dogshit ones have dogshit ones
really makes you think
Another, just because it's popular doesn't make it good fag, eh?
>wano arc is shit
>game is shit
Watching the live stream from bandai rn
It looks decent. 4.8/10 seems to be pretty harsh
One Piece fighting game, only way to salvage that shit. Make it 1v1 tho.
Wano is good so far though
Apparently it gets very repetitive and I can imagine that being the case. Combat really doesn't look very satisfying and the island is incredibly bland, especially by One Piece standards.
dragon ball was good until the frieza saga
naruto always sucked
one piece is so stupidly long that it become shit
>how so we create the perfect one piece game
Dragon Ball has one good movie.
Naruto has no good movies.
One Piece has two good movies.
I want a western publisher to get the rights for anime games desu. ubisoft made a naruto game and it was better than anything japan made.
one piece had top tier games, just because you're only looking at modern shite long after the series itself turned to garbage doesn't mean everything's bad.
One piece platformer on GBA and the JRPG on GBA are both really solid, unlimited adventure 1/2 on wii are some of the better ac tion RPGs to ever come out of a licensing deal, gigant battle 1 is one of the best fighting games on the DS.
How come RPGs seem to come out better than other genres for license games
Wan Piss looks like shit so why would it be good?
Because action games are limited in what you can do by applying strict rules, movement, and action options. You can't Full Dragon Fox Fire Shadow Twist Action Man in mid air and send folks to the Heaven Dimension like your favorite characters do in the show.
RPGs do the same thing, sure, but they do it using a set of rules that promote imagination over full immersion. Gensa Furu Nani Wata Kimono Asskandi Kono is just a move you can select in the menu, and it looks perfect because it's ripped straight from the show, and it's your ultimate attack and it feels cool to tell your character to do it.
It's probably more difficult to translate a licence and all the moves, abilities, and skill the protagonist has to a real-time controllable character than it is to use the tried and true turn-based combat system with a licence's coat of paint.
>gets a lower score than jump force
fucking how
oh also the GBA baseball game with one piece characters is awesome.
Because a buffet has a lot more options than a coffee shop.
This month and last month were full of AA stinkers. Japan better up its game, because everyone caught on to their low effort garbage they charge $49.99-59.99 for.
I don't know how many times I've beaten Buu's fury since it came out.
I wish someone would make more DBZ games like this , or atleast make a spiritual successor.
They've made those, arena fighters are the best you're ever going to get and Burning Blood was liquid shit. Just keep playing Grand Battle 2 like I do, it's the only good one.
Pirate Warriors 3 will probably stand as the best of the modern One Piece games.
Also , the fuckin music had a lot to do with it.
Jumping around the village in the early Naruto games was actually really fun.
>how so we create the perfect one piece game, bros?
they already did it tho
Take One Piece
Take Sea of Theives
Take Xenoverse
Smush them together
Give it a story
Bam perfect game
One Piece is derivative shit. I'd rather make an in depth online game for some of the gambles in Kaiji and Akagi, or a HxH JRPG.
Pirate Warriors 4 when
There's nothing perfect about Xenoverse
Already done that
they wanted to create the unlimited adventure feel with this game but failed so bad.
also, i miss nico robins old look.
I also wondered why has this happened for the last 20 years,coincidence?
>Dont compare older DB games than OP and Naruto
Not on it's own
One Piece Warrior 3 was pretty fun.
4X game where the leaders are captains from the series.
God I miss her old look so much, what the FUCK did you do Oda
>Naruto & Dragonball better than OP
Genuinely, earnestly, lol.
Open world RPG
HxH is without a doubt the most overrated manga/anime
>One Piece is too long so its bad.
Every time lol.
>tfw too nostalgic for the 3 to rank them
Make it sort of like Wind Waker. The overworld is a part of the New World in the Grand Line, and there are many large islands to sail between and have self-contained adventures on. Doesn't matter if they're canon, but have the smaller adventures all tie into an overarching plot that culminates in a battle against the game's main antagonist on the final island.
Make the combat actually fucking good. Allow players to switch between different Strawhats, and maybe give each crew member their own subplot.
There, it's fixed. Now you have a One Piece game that's actually as good as the series.
its bad because nothing is fucking happening in the story and everyone always seems to come up with a brand new gimmick move randomly.
This is EVERYONE'S problem, Dragonball Z in particular is almost totally a hot crock of shit.
Why the fuck did they make a OP game without SAILING ON THE SUNNY/MERRY
also only being able to play as luffy? Cmon there's so many different characters in one piece
No, that'd be DBS, Boku My Hero or One Piece.
DBS because faggots will say it's good despite it literally having less good episodes than a subpar seasonal, My no Hero Aca because it's tried Shounen tropes but in a never changing school setting, and One Piece because it has the length of Detective Conan but the plotting and characters of JoJo's Part 3 (which is not a good thing).
What a poor attempt of an analogy
Yet a whole generation watched it not only one time but over and over kek
>Nothing is happening in the story.
People that say this consider anything that happens within OP EXCEPT things directly referencing the Myth-Arc "nothing" and are INCREDIBLY stupid. Why the FUCK are you reading an adventure serial when you don't enjoy the arc-to-arc adventure? You'd rather them just cut to the chase and be done already? You're literally reading it wrong. Just drop it dude.
...yes user, "just because it's popular doesn't make it good", I think we'd all agree
Why does everyone on that cover look better than their source material?
>Yet a whole generation watched it when they were young and cannot accept ANYTHING other than it because they are stuck in their youth and write off everything but it as garbage.
Agreed, it's pretty pathetic.
I Liked One Piece Red World, but I guess making it bigger and prettier did not help it seems... I also bought Pirate Warriors 3, that was solid.
>because they are stuck in their youth
now THAT'S what i call projecting
Just ignore those retards user, they don't even read/watch the show.
The fuck are you babbling on about?
>they actually made new clothes for the Straw Hats rather than use the stock clothes.
I don't understand why more One Piece games don't do this. It's a series with a TON of alternate costume potential (they change clothes pretty much every arc.) that's never taken advantage of.
I sat through the entirety of Dragon Ball to Z, through GT, through Super and all of Naruto, Shippuden, and can tolerate some of Boruto.
But something about One Piece, absolutely bores me to tears. I used to like it when I was a kid and it came on Toonami but trying to go back and do it now is never going to happen. WAY too many fucking episodes to watch in my lifetime, I do not have the time
One Piece is good but that is still true.
Are those people wrong?
Personally, to make a good game, I think you need to create a game that doesn't revolve around the Straw Hats. The issue with the Straw Hats is that they generally travel to one island to the next and are restricted by what they've accomplished in the manga. Just a game that let's you explore the world while witnessing the ripple effects of the main story from a bystander's point of view would be cool while being told different perspectives of the lore and political structure than what's told the manga as well as the current happenings. Having new characters would allow the devs to create new Devil Fruit powers to work gameplay around and wouldn't be restricted to the abilities of what the main cast can do and you could travel to both new and Islands already feature in the manga.
The only problem, is that it wouldn't sell at all without the Straw Hat pirates
Design work is work, user, that's why. Work takes time, effort, and money.
I love One Piece, but even I wouldn't want to watch the anime, it's way too drawn out.
The anime is straight Garbo, plagued by filler shit animation and time buying tricks to not over-take the manga, it's honestly one of the worst butcherings of a source material I've ever seen and I wish it was better but if you want to engage with OP in any capacity it is generally understood within the fandom that you should just read the manga and maybe check out a few of the movies. The shonen jump app is $2 bucks a month and you can read the whole thing there if you're interested at all, it really is worth the investment.
>The only problem, is that it wouldn't sell at all without the Straw Hat pirates
Then make it like Xenoverse where you can interact with the Straw Hats but they aren't the main protagonists of the story.
So this whole game you only play as Luffy?
OnePiece is a boring fucking slog that takes as mich investment to get into as raising a fucking child would.
on top of that the setting is something only a boomer would find cool or interesting, and the designs are so ugly it hurts.
Your gummy gummy faggot was never relevant outside your nuclear wasteland, Tojo.
Do what Bamco did with the Naruto series
Hire a company that's a bunch of autistic fanboys to make the game for you, knowing they'll go above and beyond to make the game better than the source material.
>paying for manga
>reading manga on a fucking phone
yikes zoomer
How would you describe someone who believes the things from when they grew up are the best and nothing else compares and all new things suck?
>implying I read it on a phone.
And for real, it's a 2 dollars a month, it's no skin off my ass.
Right on man, go back to your buff dudes mean-mugging in the desert comic lol.
Yep, and to make up for not being able to play as Usopp, Luffy can fire his arm like a Real gun. I shit you not.
>traveling and freedom only appeals to old people
the absolute state of hikikomori zoomers
But he literally does that, it's not like Bamco invented it for this game.
Dragonball doesn't even have an actual setting half the time since Toriyama stopped caring about doing unique plot points, and Naruto is retroactively "Worse Black Clover that pretends it cares about ninjitsu and not asspull magic 20% of the time."
I love Usopp but he's never really fun to play as... I think prioritizing Luffy having a diverse engaging moveset was the right way to go, shame about how the game apparently turned out though.
traveling only made me more racist and homesick, and freedom isn't free.
Wait, what do you think Luffy names his attacks after big game?
>look up the final boss
>”it’s a giant robot lol”
fucking boring
Are there any outright shit Dragonball games, including the very old ones?
>World Seeker
>only 1 island
It's like Bamco wanted people to be angry from the start, IGN would've probably given it a 6/10 if they named it One piece: Jail Island
crack when
I won't stand for Xenoblade 2 bullying outside designated threads.
Watch your mouth boy OG naruto is raw unfiltered manga kino. I might even say it surpasses DB.
Rewatch naruto movie 1. Its way better than you remember.
>only 1 island
Is this for real? Isn't it deception?
xenoblade 2 at least has the excuse of being a xeno game
world seeker has all this potential for final bosses with interesting gimmicks or abilities due to being a one piece game, but falls horribly short since as i’ve seen someone point out, it’s just a fight against ironman in a hulkbuster suit
The anime was good up until the Enies Lobby Arc, but Water 7 is where it really started to get bogged down.
But that is right?
I dunno, having a non DF user (presumably) as the main bad sounds refreshing.
Torrenting now
Not that guy but some people say this stuff about actual good video games and it makes me mad.
Example would be DMC 3 and DmC
I miss everyone's old look
Timeskip designs are a mistake
Every single one
Yep and it's fucking boring.
anime is for fags
>>Dragon Ball games are always decent
One Piece games are bad because One Piece is bad.
>tfw Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop, Rurouni Kenshin, and Yuyu Hakusho get ZERO video games
Learn to live with the pain you fucking babies
For me, it's pre-timeskip Robin.
Why is this game so fucking good?????
>Dragon Ball games are always decent
Not after that long streak of shit games since Raging Blast, it took a completely different company (Arcsys) to break that and Project Z will probably start another streak.
And Bleach games are even worse than the One Piece games. What a shame.
Clearly you're too small brained for that post
Dragonball is largely a low quality show, but due to how long it's been running it managed to strike gold several times out of sheer statistical inevitability.
Yaijarobe and Yamcha are the best written characters in the entire franchise yet they get close to zero screentime.
I almost got that, but refunded a couple of days ago after seeing more gameplay. Now that money on steam can go to halo or some shit
>Shilling the Shonen Jump app
you were so close to having an argument
>Anime games
Don't mind me, just waiting here for the luffy poster.
It’s a guy whose mom died protecting crystals which could be used to fuel war machines, and didn’t want war at all
thus, he will use them to fuel war machines, to avenge the death of his anti war mother
Sounds like a funding issue
Already done that TWICE
Why has there not been a SINGLE fucking One Piece game with multiple islands and sailing? Why would anyone even want to play a One Piece game without that crucial aspect?
Dragon Ball managed to strike gold because Toriyama is good at making shit up on the fly. It fell apart in the Namek arc because he had too many ideas he liked and implemented them all at once poorly, and tried to redo it in the Buu arc.
Since then the series only continually gets lower, aside from Broly, which was only good because it was a comedy action film first and foremost.
Sailing itself would most likely be boring but multiple Islands do feel like a must, at the very least one location that offers multiple environments like Zelda.
Naruto is shit gaianigger
I dropped during the battle royale tournament on the toy people island because the story was dragging like fuck and donflamingo was a shitty villain with no actual motives outside of being an asshole to everyone for no reason. Apparently that arc is still fucking going. It's been two years, maybe three.
>random banter between the strawhats
>having to deal with keeping the df users out of the water in fights
>piloting the thousand fucking sunny with the amount of shit that ship has
>navigating around grand line/new world ocean hazards
Sailing would be absolutely fucking god-tier you ninny, this is One Piece after all.
It felt like a new Unlimited game since the beginning, with a big island to explore, with dumber AI than usual, with only Luffy playable, so yeah it was going to be mediocre as fuck.
For some reason people wanted a PW4 because at least that can be fun to some fans.
But this is what we get from Bamco, mediocre anime games, nothing new.
The problem with One Piece for me was the crew always getting cut in halves which makes the adventure feel worse since someone like Zoro, Franky, Usopp or one of the girls are out for a shit ton of chapters.
Another problem is when the world building gets interesting as fuck(like reverie) and you go into a different scenario and dont explain shit for the next 150 chapters while Luffy gets more friends for his army and saves another island from a villain
I mean, this for me got annoying, I had to stop reading for now because the schedule with all breaks dont help anymore.
...No? We’ve had 2 arcs since then
now, the bad arc here was big mom, not doflamingo
Sailing in Ubisoft games is barely tolerable with a gigantic so expecting decent implementation of a minor aspect in anime game is insane.
Because One Piece is garbage. It’s just weeb mlp.
I mean, however you want to do it, OP is worth engaging with.
>Apparently that arc is still fucking going
based retard
>Broly movie
>goes back to comedy, the saiyans backstory and pure fighting(that reminds the saiyan saga and namek saga)
If Toriyama gave a shit, we could get things like this more often, like a couple of specials per year about 30 minutes each
>doflamingo is a shitty villain with no motivation
>dropped before getting his backstory
Doflamingo is a villain who got a bog standard backstory justification that contradicts previously said info and makes his brother look like a cunt
so you're retarded... got it.
He's a sadistic asshole for the sake of being a sadistic asshole, childhood trauma or not.
tbf his backstory doesn't help him at all, if somehting the backstory is more for Tra-guy than Doflamingo himself.
To be fair Oda made him a shit eating grin villain from the start, like even before tragedy struck he was clearly an asshole but that was the fun thing about him, unapologetic assholes can be fun too.
>broly movie
It's a fun film, plain and simple. Not as good as DB Movie 2 or Z movie 7 (the one with Bojack if I'm wrong), but it's still fun and I'd say almost as good as Fusion Reborn
Yeah, shame you never played any, if you think World Red and Warriors were bad
>doflamingo is a shitty villain with no motivation
>actually he has a motivation
>well it doesn't matter if he has a motivation, he's still a shitty villain with no motivation
Whatever you think about Dressrosa as a whole, Doflamingo's backstory is actually good within the context of the setting. A fallen Celestial Dragon pissed off about losing the wealth and power he was born into is a good angle for a villain.
So its bad? If you have to retort to the Fun argument then is shit.
Why can't people just say "yeah, is a steaming pile of shit but I like it", is that so hard?
Best and most fun OP game ever.
Oh, no that fucker is completely fucking evil and it's absolutely great. There's a semblance of reason to his personality/behavior, but ultimately he just seems like a rotten bastard.
I really hope he comes back one day. He seems determined enough to get free and burn everything to the ground.
>promptly gets handed wealth and power
>uses magic macguffin secret knowledge to get more wealth and power
>takes over dressrosa because literally nobody will punish him
What? Nigga that’s naruto, new moved rarely happen in One Piece and even then they’re built up
It's almost as if more mainstream people that review games are more likely to be DBZ or Naruto fans.
Everyone always thinks the current arc is the "bad" arc. Just go back and read it when it's done. All arcs are shit when reading one chapter every two weeks.
>implying wano hasn't been fucking kino so far
>That box art.
It's not a bad edit, especially when they didn't want to spoil Water 7 for the 4kids crowd when they were just getting to Alabasta, but anyone knowledgable can tell that's what the original art was going for.
IGN's website is
I opened task manager, holy fuck - is IGN trying to use my browser to mine crypto? Thank god I have uBlock, and their video player is dog shit.
Come on. We all know DB movie 4 is the only good movie in the series. Fusion Reborn is fun fanservice, but not a good movie on its own.
Bleach handheld games usually get good ratings though.
Plus people give Brave Souls good reviews too
more of that
doflamingo will come back to kill the tenryuubito
It's fun because of the stuff that makes up its whole. The humour is on point, I'd say Broly and Paragus were better done in the film, the actual battle is good (a first for Super) and the character interactions, especially with Freeza, and genuinely enjoyable to watch.
I like movie 4, but movie 2 is just so genuinely hilarious. And Bojack has got that top tier animation and art style.
the one piece musou games arent half bad actually.
final one but it at least got decent user scores
I'm legitimately hopping the crew shows up just to find Doflamingo razing hell, no matter how small the chance.
I don't even know what you're talking about. He took over dressrosa and killed lots of people for lulz because his status as a former Celestial Dragon had him believe that A) He was entitled to wealth and power and B) His not having it was an injustice.
If you're talking about the SAD production he worked with Caesar Clown who was a scientist, he didn't have the knowledge to produce it himself.
Honestly I want an One Piece gane that you play as a marine hunting pirates with the option of learning the rokushiki or having an akuma no mi
no, I just buy into the treehugger travelling crap.
I can see turd worlders on youtube.
One Piece and the Musou genre are almost the perfect blend.
Hopefully they'll make Pirate Warriors 4. More characters, a fuckton more costumes, smarter AI. That's the best musou game I've played, and there's plenty of other franchises that have tried it.
It was entertraining as hell and that fight was pure Toriyama like the older days. Shame the saiyan part had cut content
Bojack was the 9th movie, 7 was the androids.
Always enjoyed Dead Zone, World's Strongest, -the db ones, Bojack( that Tenshinhan vs Trunks was pretty cool)
A fighter too since there are weird abilities in the series
And give me a fucking good Online mode. That Nightmare log would be amazing if you could play it online with other people, especially the dlc episodes that are pretty crazy
The GBA game was actually pretty damn good. Not game-changing by any standards but still good.
>krillin has almost all ki moves, and only one physical attack that's garbage
>gets literally no stat bonuses to tech, and is easily the worst character in the game
It's not fair bros
>hard mode
>on this and DB AA
never again
>Big Mom
so many characters to add for PW4
just do god of war but instead of chain blades its stretchy arms
This was a U.S only game too
You are forgetting that they skipped most of Dressrosa. There is also Zou stuff to add.
>Apparently that arc is still fucking going. It's been two years, maybe three.
imagine being fucking braindead and having zero clue what you're talking about but still deciding your opinion is worth putting out for others to see
what are all the one piece games worth playing
Had the best roster
Pretty much the pirate warrior games. The Wii games were also kinda good.
Watch the OnePace releases of the anime, they cut all the fillers and make the anime tolerable.
The funny thing is that it's actually the opposite way around and (Ganbarion) One Piece games are fun and addictive as fuck with some clever game design ideas and fucktons of fanservice and nice atmosphere, usually always with OC by Oda himself. Obviously shit sites like IGN can't value it. Ganbarion is a great studio in general, see Pandora's Tower.
Meanwhile Dragon Ball and Naruto games are the most generic trash imaginable. What is the point of a fighting game when it's some 30 FPS shit with tepid gameplay compared to real fighting games? At least OP games are adventures.
>shitting on Ganbarion One Piece games
>hyping unironic buttonmashers that are 100% braindead and unrewarding and don't even require you to look at the screen
As low IQ as IGN.
Kulilin was also pretty poor in the manga.
His style wasn't as unique and quick as Yamucha's (in addition to Yamucha developing a better technique) and Tenshinhan is just much more powerful and has a literal suicide bomber attack.
>ubisoft made a naruto game and it was better than anything japan made.
I'll admit that I'm a little bummed that Luffy is the only playable character. But I'm sure I'll enjoy the story for this game as much as any of the "Unlimited" series.
Weren't they planning on having the whole crew or was that just wishful thinking on our part, I forget.
They actually bothered to dub this one too instead of being lazy faggots charging 60$ for half assed localizations.
actually cowboy bebop did get a game on the ps1 tho and it was fucking garbage
Yeah, what's up with that?
They must not want many inconsistencies because the games are so much further along than the One Piece dub at this point.
Dragon Ball was always godly
Naruto was always garbage
One Piece is a godly masterpiece
Bamco needs to stop trying to appeal to the west with bland and mediocre AAA games that focus on visuals.
He used to draw a lot of Robin before his Taimanin shit got so popular. Good times.
The perfect wife. What the fuck were they thinking with World Seeker? How long do we have to wait for another Grand Battle or Pirate Warriors?
>Grand Battle 4 with Dressrosa, Whole Cake Island, and Wano characters
I'll buy it in a heartbeat
Would it still have the odd chibi 3D artstyle? I have a soft spot for those old games.
but Dragon Ball has a few good games?
>western games blogger hates japanese game
Color me surprised
Dragon ball > bleach >>>> one piece > naruto
They would probably make it something akin to Thousand Storm.
well the game looked like a Pirate Warriors free roam story mode, so that was a hard pass from me.
Why the fuck did this never come to the west? It's half the reason I bought any of those stupid fucking amiibos.
I downloaded Thousand Storm forever ago but never actually played it. I spend most of my phone time on texting and Treasure Cruise.
That doesn't really work because the IGN reviewer said he was a huge One Piece fan himself.
One Piece is one of my favorite shonen stories of all time (despite its considerable decline after the timeskip) and even I find all One Piece games absolute fucking garbage because literally none of them play well to the premise of the series.
I think the Unlimited series is the closest, but World was an atrocity.
we can all agree that bird cage is stupid right
Are you literally retarded? Japan's doing all the work lately, what the fuck is the West putting out?
At least One Piece gets games on main platforms. Bleach has a history of games on the Sony PSP which was never Sony's main platform. So stop whining One Piece Fanboy.
This was oddly alright
lotta half baked shit though like how skills that aren't bow/sword fall pretty hard
>42% Metacritic
Why was Romance Dawn so shit?
More is always better here. More characters, more costumes, more areas.
Are you sure you're responding to the right person? I have Unlimited World Red too. I'm just saying Pirate Warriors 3 is the best musou I've played, and it really is - fits this game perfectly.
Open world server based game with a retardedly huge map with 100s of islands. Picture sea of thieves but done well. And randomly spawned devil fruits/ gear / ship parts and what not. Profession system ( shipwright , chef, doctor, etc.) Recuritable A.Is and a captain crew system with rankings. Potentially a raid like system or maybe even similar to the fates from FF online. Choice between marines or pirates. Random spawn locations. Hundreds of towns and areas. I know this is super farfetched and nothing like it will ever be created but fuck as a longtime OP fan I've thought about this shit so god damn much. Combat could go a number of ways but I think a fighting game style like burning blood would be the most interesting given all the various powers and techniques. Also itd be set in a pre luffy time period, opening up a ton of potential quests and storyline shit.
>Resident Evil isn't under Banned despite being anime as fuck, having attractive people and being fun
>tfw the length of One Piece ends up being the ultimate pleb filter keeping most of the retards out of the community
Feels good
and what do we get?
Another Tournament/Training arc because Hori is a hack that can't progress his story.
I don't know, I really liked playing Unlimited World Red on Wii U
rpg with the superstar saga mario mechanics
or just make ninja storm with one piece
an unplayable broken game thanks to Deku's 7 asspull quirks
PW3 really is my favorite musou. That's not bias talking, it's mechanically my favorite out the millions out there. The amount of combos, characters, variety and sheer fun available makes me wonder what the hell TK is doing with the other games. It just needs some of the polish that the latest musou titles have.
>GBA game
I remember seeing ads for that thing. Never found out if it was wroth playing.
well for one we all know that the animation is objectively inferior in the reboots.
One Piece game with Godhand beat em up combat and Wind Waker exploration?
I'm still fucking made they went that route with Little witch Academia
Nigga, I agree with you about the LWA game but you know it would be damn great for One Piece.
how did the anni go for you friendo?
You're asking the wrong guy, pal. I'm not one of the /vg/ types who go full throttle with 5 of each overpowered unit. I mostly play for leisure and waifus, though I have lucked into some good units like Luffy & Ace. I only had about 150 gems when anniversary rolled around, so lots of pulls were out of the question. Still, I did everything I could to stock up on cotton candies, level up a bit, beat the shit out of Big Mom and earn some free sugo rares. Still no fucking sugo Robin, I've been trying for almost a year now.
Playable when?
in Pirate Warriors 4 or Burning Blood 2
Fucking WHEN?
>implying fucking SHIP battles with the Sunny wouldn't be the most baller shit imagineable.
>It also would be the perfect place to see all the strawhats in action working on their portion of the ships while You Luffy work hard to defend your ship from cannon fire using your abilties while switching to Franky/Jinbei to steer the fucking boat.
That would be a rad way to have co-op in the game. Everyone gets to control a different character and pull different duties to defend the ship in the midst of combat.
Imagine if Monolith did a sequel to Attack of the Saiyans using the Xenoblade engine
>implying it isn’t
Man, I'm a fairly recent convert to OP, and I can say wholeheartedly that it's the best of the big shounen series out there. Its worldbuilding and characters are leagues beyond any of the other big series. The few concessions I'm willing to make are that Oda's designs are sort of an acquired taste, and the series takes a long ass time to get interesting.
I want Hiatus x Hiatus fags to leave
Original Dragon Ball was good til the Piccolo jr. arc started.
>Original Dragon Ball was good til the very last arc started.
ok then
The last arc was that volcano and fan shit or something.
What game do you think Gambarion is gonna develop next?
>One Piece Grand Battle 4
>Dragon Ball Fusions 2
>Jump Omega Stars
Stone of Gelel is better than any DB movie.
>Jump Omega Stars
As long as they make it like they did with the DS smash bros clones and not a dumpster fire like Jump Force, I'll take it.
>Jump Omega Stars
I want it but they would make it 2.5D instead of glorious sprites.
that entire chapter is so fucking good, I loves me some good old fashion crew hanging out shenanigans.
>Dragon Ball games are always decent
My girlfriend loves Naruto and even having that hover over me this statement makes me laugh. Naruto is a 6/10 series on a good day, a 7/10 on an amazing day and a 4.5/10 most days
Watch something good like Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, Steins:Gate or something.
Is this the Dark Souls of Bleach games?
>Dragon Ball games are always decent
DBfags seem to forget the 15 year gap of complete shit before the first Budokai and the 12 year gap before Fighterz
Literally the only good thing about One Piece are the females
Raging Blast 2 was kino and better than Fighterz
If I remember right Unlimited Adventure also had a bunch of secondary outfits too. Personally I really love the Wii games despite their annoying fetchquest mechanics. Gameplay is just kind of satisfying. Having a big area to explore was just nice and the aesthetics fit One Piece well.
One Piece tends to pace better these days when read in volume chunks. Like those 30 chapters about escaping Big Mom's territory were a slog weekly but in one go it's really not so bad.
Wano however feels like it's been written with weekly in mind.
>Dragon Ball games are always decent
Before the first Budokai DBZ was known for having the worst videya and even then Fighterz is considered the only good DBZ game so thats close the 30 years with nothing good other than meme "fighting simulators" that spics still play.
why are half the main villains in OP pseudo mob bosses
how many are actual pirates
>Fighterz is considered the only good DBZ game
Only by fighting game autist which don't matter
Dragon Ball isn’t godly and this comes from one of the biggest fans. Actually, original Dragon Ball is godly, because it’s good fun, good humour and a silly story. Z is great until the end of Frieza, then steadily declines to the point where the completion of Cell Saga should rightfully be where it ends.
Instead it goes on and has become hot garbage that every black person and small brained idiot talks about excitedly, hot topic Super nonsense. Super is such utter dog shit.
I still love budokai 1 that was the first time I ever saw any of the dragon ball anime
Dragon Ball Z BT3 is the undisputed greatest DB game to date. Anyone who says otherwise is fucking dumb and has shit taste
>Dragon Ball Z BT3 is the undisputed greatest DB game to date. Anyone who says otherwise is fucking dumb and has shit taste
I personally prefer Budokai 3/Infinite world but I respect that opinion.
It’s not but BT3 is better than both.
Budokai 3 is a great game but BT3 is much better if you ask me. Captures the show in a way that has never been equaled from a gameplay standpoint with truly great mechanics. I never enjoyed Infinite World but B3 was good stuff, especially when it first came out.
Dragon Ball didn't get good games until years after it was over, those games helped keep the franchise alive, they needed to be good
One Piece can afford to get bad games because kids will buy them regardless cause its One Piece
>DBSpics, WanPiss Drinkers and Narutards are saying this.
>Dragon Ball Z BT3 is the undisputed greatest DB game to date.
Fuck off Spic
>this is your mind on BnH
Whatever helps you cope
I’m a Dutch Canadian you nigger and you know its true, even if you like auto combo fighter z more
>Fuck off Spic
t. FGC autist fuck off back to your dead genre
Listen, I know you're probably a big fan of the manga and want the literal translations, but you sound like a fucking cunt.
>when its only a minority of autists still complaining
Thats because you faggots have created an echo chamber. Anyone with a brain dropped the series after 2+ years of no progression and repeated story arcs. I don't even have a hate boner for the manga I started reading it when the first chapter was translated and posted on Yea Forums and enjoyed it but its current state is pathetic
This game was way fucking better than it had any right to be.
You have to complete and utter delusional degenerate to not see how bad bnha has become. It's nothing more than worse version of generic shonen right now
>>One Piece games are all garbage
That's because One Piece is shit in itself.
this game was fun to play with a friend
>because you faggots have created an echo chamber. Anyone with a brain dropped the series after 2+ years of no progression and repeated story arcs
Cool horseshit bro
I'm sure if you keep saying that it'll be true
You guys need to chill.
>Cool horseshit bro
Again whatever helps you cope, continue to think anyone that has valid criticism of the series that has been on a downward spiral since the AfO fight is some kind of One Piecefag/Narutard boogeyman.
I was never able to find the GBA game in stores. Ended up just getting a ROM. Enjoyed it enough.
>valid criticism
You've yet to present any
I fucking wished little karibo did more of naruto.
>He never played the legacy of goku games
Shame desu they're some of the best ones
i will never understand the case of One piece , this manga is Shonen jump flagship title and NEVER get adecent developer behind their games , naruto have the UNS seris (like it or not is decent and very popular) dbz have the budokai series and now the dbz fighters all one piece have is just a shitty musou and thats it why SJ doesnt interviene and hire ONE good developer ONCE , 20 years manga doesnt have 1 good game fucking shonen jump toei or whoever is in charge of the franchise
>Mob bosses aren't just city pirates
They do the same shit
I wouldn't mind the different artstyle as long as the gameplay is improved and the roster stays roughly the same but bigger. The only series I could see being left out is probably Shaman King since it's not Jump anymore.
A hentai with a good story has shitty games, I am so shocked, OP.
Nami tits in honor of the latest chapter.
>shits on guy for shit anime tastes
>lists 3 of the most normie-core anime in existence
anyone think OP would be a good setting for a roguelike game? always liked the idea and dbz gets modded into many of them, makes me wonder if anyone has tried it.
> designs are an acquired taste
Yes they certainly are. I used to be pretty turned off by the cartoonish art style but now I genuinely love it and appreciate how emotive everyone is.
>no one piece mmorpg where you choose a race a fruit and sail the seas with your bros searching for loot and glory
That was filler though you can ignore it
grand adventure is actually pretty good dub aside. its practically powerstone one piece edition. the fact that they havent made a good one piece game in like 15 years is ridiculous.
Rurouni Kenshin got a pretty decent game on the PS2.
one piece fighters made by arcsys fucking when?
Imagine a proper fighting game made by a competent dev based off an anime where characters actually have interesting combat skills instead of muh generic beam and teleports behind you
There was one on the 3DS, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't count.
yeah and if i remember correctly it had some connectivity with the dbz one, and that was the game that lead to dbfz
kinda sad they choose the most dry and uninteresting franchise of the two, but i guess it made more sense considering how popular dbz is worldwide. Still op is massive in japan and pretty popular in many other countries, they are missing an opportunity there.
I liked the opening
>zero video games
what did zoomers mean by this?
>berserk can't good games
>fist of the north star cant get good games
>akira can't get good games
>cowboy bebop cant get good games
>Eva can't get good games
It's more likely that anime in general just can't get good games.
Can't wait to see todays chapter animated.
FighterZ would be more interesting if they didn't keep adding Saiyan characters. Most of the non-Saiyans have much more interesting movepools to use:
>Dyspo - The Flash with Ki
>Hatchiyack - Humanoid Laser Tank
>Katopesla - Kamen Rider
>Fu - Vergil
>Arale - Lethal Gag Character
>Roshi - Tricky Attacks and Powerful Windups
>Janamba - Lite Reality Warper
>Ozotto - Shang Tsung
>Dr. Paparoni - Summons robots to attack + Megazord ultras
Piss off dubfag.
I watched some of these recently and they were alright.
Are some of the episodes or scenes in 60 FPS though? Because at times the animation looked retardedly fast. I wish people stopped forcing 60 FPS.
>Climbed up a mountain in World Seeker
>Suddenly Kumabot appears