Wagie wagie he's so tired
If he stays up late he's gonna get fired
Wagie wagie he's so tired
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used to be wagie awhile ago for basically a year
had enough of people became neet
i dunno how i will go back
Fuck off i'll make it anyday now....
How does one become a neet? How do you buy food/vidya and pay bills?
Gubment tism-bucks.
How can you possibly be proud of being a NEET loser?
Get a fucking job.
>earn enough capital/hold enough investments that you can live off passive income
>rely on parents ect
>live in a welfare state and get NEETbux
>60 hour work week next week
>gonna have to work weekend as well
>no over time or weekend pay
Who /salaryman/ here?
I fucking wish.
My workplace has idiots who don't show up for days at a time and they still have their jobs.
But then, its more annoying to hire and train newbies because no one likes getting their hands dirty so the lazy fucks still get to show up whenever they want with no punishment.
Kek the fucking tattoos
How can you possibly be proud being a wagecuck? work for yourself faggot
>tfw gonna be NEET in a week
I'm gonna be useless all day and dev roguelikes!
>no over time
>no weejend pay
>salary man
reminder that all NEETs will be enslaved and forced to labor in rock quarries when society collapses.
Hourly here,that shit is what makes me stay where im at and not try to advance.
That and i dislike people and dont want to be a glorified babysitter.
>Get a fucking job.
>Get goverment gibs
>House is paid off
>Plenty in savings
>Do freelance carpentry from home making and selling overpriced shit for extra cash monies when I feel like it
So again, why would I get a job?
Unless you make over 80k you're a giant cuck for working unpaid overtime
Nah, NEETs just starve to death when society collapses.
They don't know how to take care of themselves.
>when society collapses
The society will be destroyed by Skynet
Until then, it's all going to be similar to how it is, except with more government and corporate control
It's called giving back to society and having a purpose in life
im only twenty so i still at home :/
>Do freelance carpentry from home making and selling overpriced shit for extra cash monies when I feel like it
I'd consider that a job personally.
if i teach at a University, does that make me a "wagie"
I spent 6 months looking for a job and this is all I could get. If there are any underage reading this go into the trades, you start earning immediately and the company has to pay out the ass if they want you to work overtime. Stem is a meme
>his purpose in life is to make other people money
place i work for cut wages in half a few years ago and has no problem firing people who don't show up. but naturally with strict rules on attendance and production with the now middling pay they've been having trouble finding literally anyone to work so keep having to pad out the workforce with temps and then cry about how forklift accidents have been on the rise when they train people on them for 2 hours before letting loose because turn over has gone through the roof
>Yea Forums: sucks trump's dick 24/7 and thinks the darkies on the welfare are the worst things ever
>also Yea Forums: lol imagine having a job i just leech of welfare
Vidya is free retard
If you have to work in any shape or form, you're a wagie.
Trades are a meme too.
Aren't there any laws against that in the states?
I mean, actually getting paid for doing work is the bedrock of capitalism.
how do you get NEETbux
i've been a wage slave for 8 years and i think working is more pathetic than neet
>tfw work 40 hour weekends but have the weekdays off
>tfw work for tips as a bartender and make a hilarious amount of money during those 3 days despite my job being just barely above entry level and easier than working at a fast food place
Reminder all wageslave posters are either commies trying to demoralize or simply underage.
>living in a society
Let's say you try to pick up a woman at a bar. What are you going to say to her when she asks you what you do for a living?
>work in shit low end position
>only holding on because if you move up at all your set
>current boss hate my guts and is doing everything in her power to keep me from advancing
>been finding ways around her to speak to higher ups to get her shit canned anyway since she's considered one of the worst managers in the company
>letting them starve to death
fuck that, I have acreage that needs tending and I sure as fuck don't have time for that. I need labor, and the moment civilization crashes I am making my way into town and capturing the first NEETs I see.
I'll provide them potatoes and rain water. I may even let a few procreate. But the moment they act out of order...
Man, Mr NEET, I don't know how you do it. You have everything covered by mommy and daddy.
Rent, Food, Utilities, Internet, Health Insu-
Wait a minute.
How old did you say you were?
You're 26?
Well, I guess somebody's off of Daddy's insurance plan and has to get their own. Damn Obamacare! Good thing you voted for Trump!
Meh, what do you care, look at you, you're the perfect picture of health! Sitting there in that chair day after day eating processed food. You'll be perfectly fi-
Why are you grabbing your chest like that?
but how do you even acomplish anything in life then?
even you folks living on NEETbux have the need to get some extra cash for something fancy right?
Fucking lucky first worlders. Our new president (Mexico, of course) promised neetbux, but it ended just being a scholarship.
If you work for a wage, you're a wageslave. Some wageslave positions are better than others.
Yea Forums confirmed living in a flyover state and are actual low iq retards who think theyre "smart"
You aren't a neet, you are making products and selling them. That is a job.
>going outside the house for any reason
My boss praises me. My clients praise me. I make so much money I can do literally anything I want lol
>acomplish anything in life
Imagine being so cucked that you care about what others think about your spooks
>neets talking to women
self employment is still employment
>i masturbate to chinese cartoons, so the state thinks i'm unable to care for myself
I specialize in... murders and executions mostly.
You missed out that the cage is comfortable and air conditioned. Also the figure in your picture likes the work he does. It's also union paid with great benefits and job security and a matching 401k.
Depending on where you live, living on welfare gives you practically the same life quality as most of the working class (the majority of workers). Most people can't afford something 'fancy'
You don't. Government gives you like $500-$1000 a month for basic needs. I mean if you like the idea of living in a ghetto shithole slumhouse just to never work a day in your life, I'm mean go ahead, people take risks all the time.
Meanwhile the work I do at Walgreens in the city of Chicago earns me $12/hr for a rough gain of like $750 every two weeks.
I mean retail only sucks if you are either in fast food, or a shitty store, and heads up morons, YOU CAN ALWAYS TRANSFER.
>tfw janitors allow these threads because it makes them feel better for not having a real job