post faction/race/class and goals
horde for sure, most likely undead, warlock because i want to be useful and not have too too much competition for gear
post faction/race/class and goals
horde for sure, most likely undead, warlock because i want to be useful and not have too too much competition for gear
Other urls found in this thread:
Imagine paying $20/m for a 20 y/o game
imagine being a canadian retard!
>20 million dollars for a video game
bit much dont you think?
goal is to be righteous
reminder that the people who made vanilla wow wont see a single cent from classic.
nu-classic will be the baseline for a resurgence of private servers for people who don't want to pay. nu-blizz has just done the hard work
It's all going to end in tears after 6 months of release, I'll bet my hat on it.
Repeat this post the whole thread and we'll archive it in no time.
Shut the fuck up and put on your dress we've got BWL in an hour you healslut.
This but unironically
which also puts increased pressure on the devs of classic. they have to know if they fuck it up people will just go back to private servers
based going back poster
Dwarf priest for comfy levelling and an easy ride late-game, also the PvP seems fun
Orc hunter/warrior for Horde side
I'd save classes like warlock and paladin for TBC if that ever happens
they better give that weapon the original name and not be fucking pussies
Horde Tauren Shaman
it's gonna be so good bros, me and some friends are gonna start a little guild and hit 60 together
I wipe my ass with $20/m
k here is how to insta-60 private server to test out classes for when classic comes
^ modified 1.12.1 client for the RetroWow server. alternately for other private servers, if you just want a clean 1.12.1 non-modded, here's a magnet link
-now make an account on retrowow, and then go into your wow folder and edit the Realmlist.wtf file with notepad. delete whatever is there, and replace it with the following-
set realmlist logon.retro-wow.com
then you can log in using the account you created. other servers will have their own realmlist that you will get from their site and input into the realmlist.wtf file.
Dwarf Priest
Nelf druid
Goals: have fun and be useful at 60.
Either of those possible?
>paying a monthly fee in 2019
Why does Wow get away with this?
alternatively* i'm a fucking illiterate
real question
what professions are you picking?
I'm going for Herbalism/Alchemy
Because WoW is the only game that could get away with this. I don't think we will see in our lifetimes an MMO eclipse WoWs legacy.
first aid
I'm very excited to play the game that ruined my life and protected my virginity all those years. If it comes out late summer it might even make a nice 30th birthday gift.
There's not even a release date and you idiots are making hourly threads for this shit.
>Actually willing to pay for a sub to retail just to play something you can already play for free
if i end up playing rogue i'll go engineering and lean hard into douchebag pvp builds and terrorise people in the world.
otherwise i want to go herb/alch, potions always sell well and i like to pick flowers
you can also download brotalnia's Elysium repack server and test things out on your own local server with GM powers
Skinning/mining to level, then I'll mine enough to get both engi and blacksmith to 300.
I played WoW because I was a loser KHV, it didn't turn us into that
Thinking UD warlock. Herb/alch/fishing/cooking/first aid. I aim to be a proper shitwad and cast curse of recklessness on mobs tagged by friendly warriors before fearing them.
Fuck you and your convoluted nonsense jibberish.
Fair enough, but I feel like if social life in WoW was so much better than real life I would have tried a little harder.
what didn't you get, i'll explain it further
Doesn't the normal client work with retro-wow? I've been using it for it and northdale without problems.
Horde / Hunter / Orc
I want to comfily grind and PvP.
Skinning for sure, then maybe leatherworking and/or enchant.
Fishing and cooking are nobrainers for max comfy Vanilla experience.
What are you guys playing while waiting for it to release?
>Played Vanilla when it was fresh
>Keep playing up to cata then quit and just check back with every xpac too see what's new.
>See people get hyped for wow classic
>The only thing that is on my mind is tedious buff grind before raids.
>Sitting before dungeon searching for a tank/heal
>If we even find one, 50% chance it's not even his spec just arms/fury with a shield or paladin who equipped his int set in ret spec
I feel like these threads are full of people who never played it and just heard glorified stories about it.
no idea, i just followed the instructions on the retrowow forum and it worked so i didn't try anything else. i assumed it wouldn't work because retrowow has custom mall/quest zones and vendors and shit, i thought that was what they meant by 'modded client'
Exactly what I'm doing. Godspeed bro, we're all gonna make it.
imagine the smell
port pls
123 grp 7
why are you like this
>20$ a month
Sorry I don't have a shit currency.
never played the game, is there a point in joining in now, to the vanilla edition?
Can somebody please, for the love of god with some editing skill, fix this image? maybe even get some better fucking images?
I sort of love how it isn't perfect in a way
Do you even know where you are?
of course there is, it's the BEST place to start. you'll have the time of your life user, come home with us.
Shaman or Lock boys? Still can't decide.
what was the name ? I completely forgot but I totally remember having it in vanilla myself
Why not both? It's not like you have a life anyway.
Night Elf
I was debating between female and male druid for the longest time but if you look back at classic videos the vast majority of people are playing male characters, since I want this to be my main I want the character to be an authentic representation of the kind of person I want to portray to the world. Plus I can focus on making a character with a fun and interesting personality rather than trying to piece together an overly complicated reason why a female night elf would be a druid.
My top goal is to create a guild that, as much as possible, tries to play the game in character and go on comfy adventures with each other. If feasible then a guild that lets meme classes into raiding on the condition that they tryhard in every other criteria would also be nice. I think the RP guild would be a better option because I have a lot of experience with that so I can teach new players the ropes and foster a culture of quality among the server.
the nicker
Herbalism / Skinning Hunter
Will probably switch herbalism to leatherworking once i absolutely crash the black lotus economy
Making sure that everyone knows that THE BROTHERHOOD SHALL PREVAIL!
Damn that's a good point
>raiding in-character
Would that be without voice chat?
Thinking of going Priest since I've never been a healer before, are they a pain in the ass to level?
this. classic is actually pure bullshit and was the worst wow of all expansion.
its just nostalgia because it was the first mmo people played.
it will be bitter for them when they realize what a trashy game it actually is.
Classic will be fun but I'm just sitting here waiting for motherfuckin BC
Troll ele shaman
Elemental is the best leveling and dps spec if you aren't a retard and the pvp is fun too
Absolute nightmare. No DPS at all, have to drink between every enemy, because you have no AoE and can't kill more than one at a time. Even then, you're still gonna get close to dying.
Team up with a good Rogue or Warrior and you'll breeze through it, though.
>no competition for gear
t. wandlet
Raiding in character is kind of silly but I love the idea of it. I think with the right group of people it would be fun as fuck but it would be more pragmatic to do an OOC run a couple times first so everyone knows what they're doing. Voice chat would be good because if I recruit from here then I need to weed out trannies with merciless vigor.
Cringiest fucking shit ever. As expected of Nelffags.
Why have wojaks infested WoW Classic?
Actually, don't answer. Wojaks infest everything anyway.
i'm an alt slut and base my professions on my class
paladin gets mining/engineering
mage/lock gets tailoring/enchanting
hunter gets skinning/herbalism
Don't forget Female
They really are okay if you go shadow.
>>If we even find one, 50% chance it's not even his spec just arms/fury
there is literally nothing wrong with this outside a raid.
How crowded do you want it to be? We know that sharding will be in for a little while, but in that time how many people do you want to see in the world around you?
Enough so you'll have to group up for most kill quests?
Or just enough people so that you see others, but not enough that they'll really affect your questing?
Maybe something crazy like pserver launches where you're fighting for every mob spawn?
>paying money for what private servers provide for free
it's fun to go back for a visit but you soon realize it's not 2004 anymore and the nostalgia wears off quick
This is objectively fucking wrong. Priest has a smooth af leveling experience thanks to shield and wand specialization. You don't do a ton of damage but you hardly are ever in danger of dying.
At least it's friendly and positive. I'm sick of false flagging and console war shitposting wojaks.
One of the easiest levelling classes, faster than expected but the damage is so consistent that there's no variation/'fun'. Get spirit tap/wand spec ASAP and always be aware of where the next wand upgrade is available, even if you level as shadow you can heal every dungeon up to ZF/Uldaman with ease
Private servers also provide rampant, unchecked chinkery and the constant threat of being shut down, taking all your shit with it.
Goal is to kill dwarves
nothing wrong with it in raids either
fury/prot is some of the best threat generation available
dps fury is some of the best melee dps in the game
arms is great for pvp and 2hander dps in raids
Of course.
Though, fundamentally, if you were not somewhat of a roleplayer yourself then you wouldn't be playing this game. Cringe is a dead concept to me especially online; it breeds useless bitch-think that's better left in the garbage.
>and not have too too much competition for gear
Gotta be an alliance warlock for that perk. Horde locks are a dime a dozen.
So without Belves is the Alliance and Nelf race just going to take in all the weebs and shitters instead?
It was always insane to me, ALWAYS insane to me, that Humans, could never be hunters. How fucking insane is that one? Isn't that our MAIN goal, what our base skill would be? Not that I want humans to be hunters, no changes, down to the fucking last strand of code, but how the fuck did the original dev team go "you know what thing that humans are based off? they can't do that."
any eu bros gonna be playing pvp? i'm swaying between either an orc/tauren shaman or a dwarf priest
Who cares Humans are fucking gay why play Human when I can be a Dwarf or Horde
alliance lock is pain and suffering
all the undead and every single warrior and shaman are immune to your bullshit and will fuck your ass raw
They only had 6 spaces for classes on that character creation screen though. Had to cut something.
Let's say I wanna run around ganking people like a rogue but on a mage. How much fun will I have?
Yes, Nelves named Llllegohlahss will return
warlocks maybe?
Found the retail moron.
Not really. You will have zero down time as a Priest. I literally never bought water once during lvling from 1 - 60.
You can level as a Shadow Priest and heal perfectly fine until Black Rock Depth.
humans aren't in-touch with nature enough to be hunters (apparently)
Which would leave the alliance with one race which could be locks. Unless you want to make NE warlocks or something, that's not feasible.
It was called The Nicker.
Sometime in WOTLK they changed it to The Blackrock Slicer.
...which is ironic because the Blackrock realm was the one that spammed The Nicker jokes more than any other.
>can't see the /
Really explains a lot about WoWbaby awareness.
How to spot poser faggots that haven't actually played vanilla and instead just watched youtube videos about it:
>oh my god guys Naxx was super hard you need BIS gear and all consumables and world buffs just to barely clear it!!!!!!!!
>lol 2 pieces of loot for 40 people lol!
>priest is the best healer, the other healers are just buff bots!
Cant see the what?
Imagine being a fucking leaf
pros and cons of Priest vs Paladin healing
Daily reminder for all wojack/frog posters to kill themselves.
Especially OP
Priests are faggot cloth wearers, paladin are also faggot cloth wearers but they have the option to wear plate.
>How crowded do you want it to be?
As crowded as nost was
>top tier healing
>shit tier mana conservation
>lower healing
>elder god tier sustainability
>versatile heals, you have fast heals, slow big heals, a HoT, a shield, and a group AoE heal
>get free fucking amazing weapon from MC that lasts you until C'thun mace
>can go Power Infusion spec to make the mages suck your dick
>literally never go oom because Flash of Light costs so little and you get free mana back on crits
>always loved in groups because paladin buffs
>can bubble to /lol at any kind of danger in the game
Who here ascended mage? Who here make people pay for portals and water? Who here slowly but surely wrack up thousands of gold purely on giving out food/water and portals? Who here give free food/water/portals to people you like, and ask properly for water/food instead of "fd pl" *opens up trade window*
Reminder, and I speak for all mages, if you ask politely, and atleast give the decency to type out the sentence "can I get some water/food please" YOU WILL BE REWARDED. I even throw in a extra stack for people who ask properly. HOWEVER. If you do the other side.
I have a horrible story were I had some user in the middle of nowhere needing to go home badly and I took advantage and made him pay me up to 4g for a portal I hated it after and felt like king jew.
Paladin doesn't have "lower healing", they're pretty competitive with Priests.
Really, Druid is the only class that has "lower healing", and that's really only because they don't have a 1.5 second cast heal so they get sniped to high hell by Flash Heal and Flash of Light
>Who here make people pay for portals and water?
literally every mage ever
no mage will do portals for free, lots of them even whine if you give them 1g instead of 2g
Hey FUCK YOU BUDDY! I give out free portals! #notallmages
Paladin healing is efficient but sleep inducing. The more versatile heals and mana management of the Priest makes them more fun. Also priests can easily spec to Shadow and become top tier in pvp while the Paladin at best is a mediocre laughing stock.
> want to roll alliance because of cute females
> have to deal with undead rogues
> want to roll horde because shamans are great and the overall horde lore is great
> everyone's ugly as sin
I wish there were cute Trolls
Everyday the same thread with absolutely nothing new about classic nor a release date.
This has to be shilling or they're making as general out of /vg/.
Found the pinko.
>the Paladin at best is a mediocre laughing stock.
you better give me more then that, portalet.
>too blind or too plebian to appreciate undead and tauren women
>cool looking gear
>slow, afk masturbation while AAing
>cool mount
>good in PvP
>you'll wear cloth shit anyways if you want to raid
>slow, afk masturbation while AAing
>only 1 spec lamo
>only good in PvP if you're healing*
>auto invites
>people will love you
>will duel anything 1v1 shadow
>OOM lamo
>you'll spend thousands in respecs
Female undead, breasts physics. trust me on this, I am a fucking learned man on this. For some odd reason, in vanilla, female undead had insane breast physics, more so than any other female. I wish I had a webm or something.
god I can't wait
human rogue. let's go boys
Alright. I really want to try my hand at tanking, so I want to play a warrior. I've heard they're a pain in the ass to level. Just how much of one are we talking here?
you know that literally no real people take any stock in anything you say right?
the only serious replies you get are fake anime subhumans like you
your opinions are retarded and reflect the disorder of your shattered mind
Imagine being such a hobo poorfag you cant even afford 20 dollars/m.
Thats fucking peanuts, learn how to handle your income you gigafag
you are insanely attached to details that are insignificant to the purpose of the game
you are an isolated freak thinking about times people were obligated to interact with you and the satisfaction you got simply being interacted with on any level, even one so abstract and dehumanized as trading items in a video game
you are severely mentally ill, i see very little hope for you, given the chance I would gut you and throw you in a ditch
Male nightelf or human priest. Healing like a god, like I always did.
imagine not weighing the tradeoff of what else you could have done with that $20
imagine not budgeting your resources rationally
stop projecting
That's a shot of Redridge from Cata. Get it outta here.
>roll shadow priest
>get invite to guild and told to go holy/disc or no raids
This shit happened to me in BC and it'll happen again.
gquit nigga, or heal and spend your dkp on +spell/heal gear
NE/Tauren druid or HU paladin
I liked druid a lot in wotlk but I know they're garbage on classic, so I'm not really sure. I also know that paladins were also garbage, but I don't want to play other classes, maybe hunter if I could play without a pet.
I want to be an enchantment shaman.
Fun in luck
Are people making guilds yet and slotting people as main tanks/healers/rogues and that lame shit yet? I remember this happened a few times before new servers rolled out back in 05/06
Now lets pretend modern Blizz isn't complete shit and new content added to vanilla would be good. Would you want new shit? New high levelquesting zones? New raids? What kind of gear should they drop? Would you want player housing?
Probably going to go Undead Rogue and be the biggest faggot possible.
I'm an old and bitter virgin with a shit life and I want to make sure everyone in classic knows this.
It is gonna be literally the same-same as in everything gonna be as it was in launch or are they adding tweaks and stuff ?
Tailoring/Ench if going old main Lock
Mining/Smith if Warrior or Pally in the small chance I end up going Alliance (depends on friends and if they gonna play at all)
Skinning/Herbalism if Druid, max profits.
Haven't made up my mind, still a lot of time to do so, maybe go Alch with the druid I really have no clue about that profession, does it have fun shit?
Paladins are better single target healers
Shamans are better raid healers
I wanna go to the dragon isles, breh
They didn't change the game that much in between now and this supposed golden age, you kiddos are just hopping on a meme for upvotes.
stop projecting your projection
you're a totally insane subhuman subanimal flesh bot
I'm learning towards either a warlock or a shaman. I enjoy the shaman gameplay/leveling but I don't want to be a free honor kill post 60 when I'm forced into resto.
Tauren Fury Warrior
I always wanted to raid vanilla content but I could never get there until now
Hell maybe i'll learn how to tank too
I was never a big PvPer in WoW even though I played since 2006. I always stayed away from it because I knew it would just piss me off and bruise my ego when I got fucked. So I have basically been missing out on half the game all this time.
There was one time, shortly after TBC came out that I did some PvP. I went in on my Blood Elf paladin and was basically God mode because poop-socked. I was rocking Kara gear and steamrolling over pre-70's and people in quest greens.
stop coping after your projection was called out
Paladins are fucking faggots and everyone who plays them are autstic neckbeards who pretend they're holy crusaders but in reality they're just bitch healers that have to wear cloth to be useful. At least with Priest you can also sometimes go shadow and melt people.
this is outstanding.
undead mage though lads, just like back at release
>Played Mage in Classic
>Was a PvE cuck and avoided duels and such
>One time I accepted a duel with some huntard outside of BD strat who was shit and said he bought his account
>Felt confident and a few of my friends were there (one was a girl)
>Duel starts
>Immediately step into his frost trap
>Sit in it for it's full duration, watching as he casted Aimed shot
>Get one shotted
>Literally crying while my friends idolize him
Me getting fucked and humiliated by Hunters continued all throughout classic on my Mage. I still have nightmares about their big red throbbing enraged pet fucking my ass while they bombarded me with dazes.
I'm a cuckold now too and I think that's the reason.
I'm fine with being forced to raid as Resto but is Ele at least good in dungeons?
Hunters are the bullies of WoW. They’re stronger than everyone when growing up, and excel at destroying the intelligent cloth wearers
>tfw ready to bulli everyone with my pet boar
Orc warrior vs Tauren warrior
who /BHC/ here?
Taurens are based. Even though I don't play them because I love Trolls so much I love seeing them in my group.
Tauren for the size
If only Tauren didn't have such bad animations, still debating this myself.
I've actually dueled a bit more in retail despite having similar issues.
One thing to keep in mind, especially in Classic, is that the classes aren't really balanced against each other. You can be the best mage and get killed by a mediocre Hunter pre-post-MC, since they were overtuned then.
As a note to the first post, though, half the game wasn't PvP. I'd advise against rolling on a PvP server, unless you are the kind of person with enough time to get to high levels as quick as possible. Even then, you have to be ready for unfair ganks and ambushes by stealthed rogues, longer ranged classes etc. wPvP isn't designed to be fair. For every crazy random skirmish vid on youtube, there's twenty some level 60 rogues camping a low level quest giver.
For example, I once beat the best warrior--in our guild--in a duel by simply spamming moonfire as boomkin back in TBC. That's not really fair or fun now is it?
PvP in battlegrounds and more massive arenas is great though. Much less pressure on the individuals.
Wrong. Played EQ and AC before WOW. Classic WOW had its problems, but it was the perfect blend of previous games' mechanics and world building with polish.
>Goblins won't be playable in Classic
>Dark Iron Dwarves won't be playable in Classic
I don't know if I want to go home anymore, lads...
>actual jews directly modeled into the game
>half assed dwarf reskin
Uuuh user?
Please don’t come home, keep playing dress ups in retail
What's more fun for world PvP, especially if I'm with friends? Warlock, priest or rogue?
>Tauren fury warrior
>Tier 3
Vanilla WoW perfection
Tauren because they're the most bro race behind Dwarves.
>going home
You're already home
Go back to mount farming, Chivos, and erping with dudes you faggot
Nothing is better for wpvp than a rogue. Especially solo or small groups
I'm not subbed to retail.
>Not wanting to play as a Jew
Do you never pick Wario?
>Half-assed dwarf reskin
Literally the best Dwarves?
It was never your home
>Do you never pick Wario?
Fair point user
Hope you can enjoy Classic nonetheless
This is your home
>Not wanting DID when they were something people have wanted since fucking Vanilla
Absolutely fucking SEETHING bandwagon faggots. Get the fuck out of my thread.
any sorta buff guide for pallys or does everyone just want BoK?
Who gives a fuck you retail shill. Go back to BFA.
How are servers going to work? Is it going to be the same named as vanilla? Have server names... changed since then? Will there be for example, a retail argent dawn, and a classic argent dawn?
you can have dark iron dwarves and goblins if you play bfa
Not once did I say anything that could be remotely considered "Shilling" for the abomination that is retail, you massive retard.
This is going to be Dark Souls Remastered all over, with psycho try hard WoW fags spending 16 hours a day min/maxing their characters and chasing any new playerbase away, leaving the game a hollow husk of uber players who think it's a job and not a game within 3 months.
We don't know, I assume they'll use the same name since it's for different games anyways.
Everyone is bullying you, but I agree. Goblins were meant to be in the game at the start, but weren't for marketing or development time reasons (or the silly notion that horde shouldn't have a small race because/despite Alliance having one?)
Goblins should have been a neutral race to be in classic.
Dark Iron I could go without, but they are quite cool.
The biggest reason classic is/was better was community, talent tree, with actual end goals to grind for. If anyone gives you flack for wishing another race was in Classic, you can tell right off the bat they have but two neurons to rub together.
That being said, no fucking way we're getting them in Classic.
Unironically DI would work perfectly fine as a model swap or customization thing that could be easily added in an add-on.
The real issue is no gobbos.
Would it work fine? All Dark Iron were all hostile until cataclysm right? Maybe I'm a lorelet.
For goblins, just keep bligewater for horde (minus the starting area) and have some other Xwater for alliance. Seems easy enough.
Eh, everybody else kills their kin so I don't see why not.
doesn’t everyone get first aid
But that already occurs on retail.
>M/F Tauren, M/F Troll, M/F Dwarf,M Orc
These are your brothers, assist and help them out
>M Human, M Nelf, F Orc
These guys don't really know any better
>M/F Gnome, M Undead
The people are fuckwits or PvP tryhards
>F Nelf, F Human, F Undead
These are attention whores, tryhard minmaxers or gay discord cult leaders. Kill them on sight
Based and redpilled
dwarves are the ones who aren't in touch with nature
>you need 8 tanks for horsemen
5 at worst lol
Style aside (I do prefer taurens over orcs on that matter)
Isn't +25% stun resistance and blood fury better than +5% hp and War stomp?
Both are good. Hardiness is an OP PvP racial, but whatever. One thing to keep in mind with Tauren is that you do present an easy target in group fights, like in Alterac valley. If you can manage to actually get some gear, it feels great being a fucking juggernaut tho.
degenerates like u are the reason horde got those faggy belves and other weeb races..
this is why horde was so great in vanilla, all the shitters went alliance
Sure. I never pick a race based on racials though, so if you want that 25% stun resistance then make an Orc.
Ill be rolling a healer, catfishing as a girl for easy gold and epics
Wanting cute females doesn't make that person a degenerate. If you're into bestiality horde has pretty cute cows.
PvP or PvE server, anons? Serious question. Never even considered PvE as an option until a friend brought it up.
be a man
Orc racials are better for dps, Tauren are better for tanking. In PVP I give the edge to Orcs, their potential damage is a lot higher (don't forget +axe skill) and all they lose to tauren is the additional interrupt, although you may not way to use blood fury if you are working with a healer. Tauren are cooler though.
spotted the seething portalet/foodlet
u must be one of those insignificant fuckers who cant interact on human level in an MMO and say "please" and then get all butthurt..
given the chance i would gut you and throw you in a ditch
World pvp is for spastics.
PVP is much better. Leveling is a lot more interesting and you get fun interactions that you would never see otherwise. Occasionally I would team up with Alliance (I always play Horde) to help one another out with elite/quest mobs and it's good fun.
Never met a female orc player that wasn't a pvp tryhard.
Will main warrior and probably go balls deep into prot.
PvP is WAY better in my opinion.
You'll never get to experience some scenarios in a PvE server.
>get ganked
>call a couple guildies to shit on the ganker
>ganker calls another two gankers
>situation degenerates into small scale skirmishes around the map or full blown guild wars
Pure MMO kino that you can't experience anywhere else anymore.
People love to sing the praises of a pvp server but I'll be honest with you, it's only worthwhile at launch when everyone is leveling at the same time. Once there's a pool of regular players at the level cap it all goes to shit and anyone still leveling has to put up with getting corpsecamped 24/7 by people who outlevel them so much there's no actual gameplay or challenge going on.
This but also Dwarf females, they had some mega titty bounce when just running
those were they days.. bored? time to raid crossroads
welp that was a waste of an hour. doesn't work for me, keep getting stuck on 'connected', nothing happens beyond that. searched forums and shit, useless slavs keep giving misinfo, can't connect to my own server offline on the computer i'm running the server on.. forwarded ports, turned all firewall bullshit off, doesn't help.. zzz
pvp rp
I know what you mean. Friend's saying he's too old to deal with gankers. Never had any issues with that personally. Feels like total absence of pvp could remove part of the challenge and immersion
Trash choice, it's all fucking military RP and tryhard world PvP "enthusiasts"
"World" PvP is ganking. You get killed as a low lvl by 60s or groups of people over and over again.
That's it.
Now thats some nostalgia
why not just play a private bc/wrath/cata server?
it's free
Nothing stopping you from flagging yourself and getting ganked as usual. Also BGs.
How it'll work in the new MMO generation:
>get ganked
>call a couple guildies to shit on the ganker
>"nah fuck it"
>log off or continue to get corpse camped
>orc hunter
Ahhhhh yeah player me too.
I’ll be going mining/herbalism to level up and switch to enchanting/engineering at 60.
F orcs are pretty shit but they're not on the level of gnomes or undead. The bad ones you can usually pick out because they always choose "that" face
>get killed
>someone help me
>no fuck off im busy trying to level
we used to hang around astranaar. kill the flight path npc so they can't escape. camp the graveyard, big open space so they can't hide, me as a rogue stalking the area. always ends up with a high level guy showing up
Free, populated by "it's free" faggots and foreigners, and riddled with bugs and corrupt GMs.
>>M/F Gnome, M Undead
>The people are fuckwits or PvP tryhards
UD rogue tryhard fuckwit reporting for duty
Goal is to dab on Gnomes and minmaxers
Hope you like wands
>I'm going to pay full price for a game that should be free at this point and when free servers exist
>failing to realize classic is not meant for the "new MMO generation"
Herbalism/Alchemy because I know how to 300 it fast and it makes crazy money.
>I am unable to pay for things that I enjoy because I am underage or unemployed
>paying $15 to avoid chinks, bought characters/items, russians & DDoS
money well spent
Nothing beats stumbling across people from the opposite faction and having an impromptu battle. This is especially important at release since nobody will be max level and world pvp will be real, not just some autistic angwe clone trying to get famous.
Good points, thanks.
give me one reason why i shouldnt roll an undead rogue
it's still fun to dive back into a classic server and play what it was in a better state, bc/wrath/cata (yes, cata was decent before DS) were fun to play imo
1. You want to be unique, undead rogues will be 50% of any server's population
2. You're an autistic min/maxer and orcs are better
skinning/leather working then drop skinning for engineering at max level
Thats exactly how literally every MMO at the time was like
Blizzard dev here.
We'll be redoing Kara as a 60 man raid dungeon after Naxx to make use of the legendary staff
cause dwarves are way better, forsakenlet
What’s a reasonable price for a rogue looking to charge for opening boxes?
u better remove sharding and loot trading, faggot!
Don't be a jew, accept whatever people give you, unless they open trade without asking and just shove a lockbox in there.
Troll priest
sharding is required noob or release day will be fucked
>60 man raid dungeon
dont give a shit..
gimme those queues and crashes!
Imagine paying that for nu-wow.
Quality doesn't age.
Sharding is just there to prevent the influx of retail babbies who want to check classic out but won't make it past level 10. I don't mind it at all. Loot trading is an actual issue that I hope they address. I think it's looking good since they already changed the content release schedule, something that was also a big issue.
>That boar charge leading into an intimidation leading into a frost trap leading into a concussive shot leading into a net gun leading into a wing clip stun.
Absolutely kino, the amount of reeeeeeeeeeing coming from other classes will sustain me for the rest of my years.
Imagine paying $70 for a broken unfinished piece of shit game made today
i am quite not optimistic on how they wanna handle servers/sharding on classic, because i read somewhere blizz doesnt have separate servers on retail anymore, it is all sharded clusterfuck
I genuinely don't care. I just want classic.
>release day will be fucked
Good, I WANT to see 3000 people in each starting zone
Completely new to the game, what's sharding?
this is the type of person classic is being made for
instances within the server
so instead of 1000 people in one spot itll be like 200/200/200/200/200 in one spot and when they go to the next area of the map, they are back together
>me chilling in IF on my dwarf pally
Doesn't sound too bad, especially for a game re-release when the entire population is within the same spots in the game.
I know, its not bad and they dont plan on keeping either after the beginning
Its like playing on wow expansion dates when youre competing with 1000 other chucklefucks for a quest mob, only for the items you need drop 20% of the time
Knowing Blizz it was probably intentional. As a funny reminder as to why it was changed.
>Playing lv 14 rogue
>Run into UC, spot some Orc rogue with a 'cool mask'
>This guy explains Westfall and taking a boat to the jungle and running North to kill things until it drops
>Set off with nothing more than my empty map to guide the rough way
>Get flagged and destroyed through STV and Duskwood, barely survive by staying on the road and slowly stealth-walking
>Kill a bunch of Gnolls
>Make it to Moonbrook
>Get wrecked by Defias wizards as nothing i had seen could really cast or hit this hard in dense groups
>Watch lowbie allies in stealth get destroyed but slowly learn as some of them use corner-pulling to fight the mages and isolate them
>Close to level up so figure fuck it grind out 15 on Murlocs and shit
>Finally get a few Defias kills and freak out as it's finally mine seize the mask like it was the holy grail itself
>Go 'ganking' to celebrate
>This consists of RP walking on the border to Elwyn forest tricking nubs into attacking me as i appear to be an undead Defias rare or whatever
>This works until someone's lv ?? guildmate one shots me
>Decide to eat the ress sickness and hs back to Brill with my mask
I remember my weapon breaking and thinking i had to return home but using my skinners knife and then somehow finding a green dagger from some Gnoll or whatever to keep me going. Little adventures like that is what Vanilla was all about
I've seen some footage of retail wow shitting itself during big pvp battles which doesn't bode well, but I'm sure they know it's an integral part of vanilla, and anything other than actual servers with persistent population will kill the game.
Back in the days people played on a specific servers and could only interact with the people from the same server. The cap was 2500 people I believe. Nowadays the entire playerbase is split into dynamic servers called "shards", which contain enough people that you don't feel alone but not so much that you can't do anything. The downside is you don't build a sense of community since you never see the same people twice, and you can suddenly be switched shards and see people disappear/appear on the spot. This makes world bosses and world pvp pretty much impossible.
If you've played KMMOs, it's like channels. A zone will have for example 10 channels/shards with 100 people each, instead of 1000 people in a single zone sharing all the mobs.
Blizzard said that it's temporary so I'll just hope for that. I can understand why they'd think about using sharding since having hundreds of people in the 1-5 zone will prevent anyone from doing anything since there will be like 2-3 people camping every single mob spawn so it will be unplayable.
They could just have a bunch of servers to combat this, but since they know that not everyone will keep playing, they don't want half the servers to be graveyards a month after release.
>I know, its not bad
Yes it is. The point of playing an MMO is that it's MASSIVE
Fucking nice, user. Hope we'll get to recapture some of that magic.
Spending 3 hours trying to complete the first quest in elwynn forest because you cant tag a wolf fast enough is not good, faggot
Yeah, but we can't go back, user.
We can only cherish those valkurm parties and enjoy the memories
>surrounded by thousands of other people in an MMO
>first thing he does is try to ignore everyone else and do the quest
never going to make it
>implying people don't pick human over the weaponskill racial which is insane for melee DPS in PvP
>implying any of the human racials are good for pvp
This was made by an actual mongoloid wrathbabby
thats why u actually do what you are supposed to in an mmo and make a party.. faggot
>try to get group
>everyone ignores you
group up with other people trying to kill the wolves
then it won't take you 3 hours, retard
It's not retail you ape, go play a single player game
happened last time i played a fresh private server that was just launching
and classic will be """"retail""""
now u r just pullin shit outta your ass.. everyone with half a brain would actively try to get into a group..
only retail zoomers would run around alone for 3 hours
Everyone ignored you did they? You were surrounded by thousands of other people and they all ignored you? lmao
Posts like that are how I notice private server fags who never actually played vanilla nd think their scuffed servers are the real thing.
Pro-tip: there was more than 1 patch in vanilla, retard.
Yeah, who would pay money for old stuff? heh...heh...
of all the things to go on a tyrant about, defending sharding is one of the worst. you obviously have no idea what you're asking for, and the implications it has on the game. it's quite literally like asking for the game to just be objectively worse kek
based classicbro
here, I want zero changes, and FUCK sharding, but they have lightly spoken about it already. it seems, we're safe with sharding. AS long as it is just the first zone.
if it continues past that, then go full riot mode. IT SHOULDN'T be even in the first zone, but under the circumstances, if that is truly the case, then let it be
another based classicbro
>AS long as it is just the first zone.
No, the first zone is the last place you should use sharding. Don't be fooled by Blizzard's lies.
If I made a group at level 15 to go into the fucking heart of orgrimmar to run ragefire chasm as alliance would any of you lads join me?
go on a high xp server
play what you feel like, get your nostalgia fix. at max level xp isn't a thing anyways.
i would follow u to the depths of hell
>if it continues past that
what do you mean "if"? They're definitely going to go against their word and implement sharding past the starting zones. Blizzard can't be trusted for shit and you're a retard if you think they're telling the truth when they say sharding will be limited.
spelling is hard okay
i know blizzard is retarded.. but honestly do u think they are that dumb to promote sharding everywhere on classic and making the target audience leave in droves?
>not being an undead rogue called Plaugerouge
wait they finished it?
Yes. Yes they are. Just look at retail. They shit on the playerbase constantly and expect them to like it. If you are placing even the smallest iota of faith in blizzard, your IQ is legitimately below 70.
Wrong, I'd still fly across the continent to help a bro for some good old world pvp. That's what Classic is all about!
Anons, at this point, what can I say to you? They have the loaded gun. We can only see what there move is. I can only hope. I wish sharding wasn't in at all as much as the next guy. We just have to see, if they keep there word. That's it.
I would agree with this, if not just the other day they changed there classic plan to a 6 phase stage and made the community all swell with how perfect it was.
>here, I want zero changes
But what if they eventually release 1.13? and 1.14?
I've only played RuneScape in the past because it was cheaper and ran on my toaster
Is WoW Classic worth getting into
I know the feeling, when I saw that mask as a kid I knew I had to have it. Farmed for it on any rogue I played, not knowing that I could easily replace it with an actual helmet with stats.
as somebody who plays the fuck out of RS
classic wow/RS are the greatest games ever made, yes. play it. trust me RSbro. trust me.
They will, and it will be true to how it was originally released.
And yet they've made no mention of sharding, which is what the community has been the most vocal about.
It's easy for them to go back on something like a content plan because that doesn't require any humility to change. Sharding, however, is a technology developed by Blizzard that they're unreasonably proud of - they use it at every turn because they believe it's the perfect solution to population problems. It's almost as if they want to prove to us that sharding is GOOD and we should APPRECIATE it, because after all, apparently we don't know what we want.
We can only hope, user. I read somewhere, that the reason they also force sharding and smaller servers in RETAIL, is because in retail, magic, spells, abilities have like x10000 more pixels and animations, than old vanilla spells, so it's harder for the servers to run. So maybe with the old game it can do it without?
yea, they shit on playerbase and it is starting to hurt them financially.. money talks.. i think actijews will get rid of ion soon.. they cant afford more fuckups.. to many people, classic is the last chance they gonna give blizzard and blizzard/activision well realise that..
i dont have much faith, but have some..
btw my iq is way above that, thanks for caring
Remember when they said "you think you do, but you don't"? And "We will never make a vanilla server". Now look where we are, months away from Classic release. They must feel stupid!
>graphics on the server
Whoever you spoke to is retarded.
This but I'll be a priest.
No no no, I mean all of the people in one situation, all doing those spells. It sends the server into overdrive. Should of saved it, worded it better than me kek
still undecided about classic so i'm rolling for the next class i'll play in BFA
1-3 mage
4-6 paladin
7-9 priest
0 reroll
Animations are all client side retard
Pallys get free mount, never go OMM, are extremely hard to kill, can make someone else extremely hard to kill, can peal, have 5 hp bars, and can always escape.
Priests get Mind Controll, Shadow, race Spells,
uninstall wizard
F gnomes are on par if not worse then F humans
Hmm, must of been something else, because a lot of people were agreeing with that person in the thread. There is a reasoning for it, something to do with the abilities and GDC spamming of new abilities vs old, and the code has an entire new rework. Must be a reason for smaller servers.
It basically comes down to this Blizzard thinks sharding is god's gift to mankind and they force it everywhere with no plans of ever going back. It has the side effect of being able to scale hardware horizontally (multiple, less-powerful machines for each shard) instead of vertically (one big machine per realm), which is extremely cheaper. I'm sure the new server architecture takes into account the maximum number of players allowed by shards, so it doesn't support massive amounts of people in one spot anymore. They did change spell from batch-processing to real time, but I don't think that is the reason why we can't have big servers anymore.
I still cant decide between UD mage, UD warrior, UD warlock, or NE hunter. I played a NE hunter for years (Grand Marshall) and loved it, but I feel like maybe I should try something else especially since I will definitely not be grinding PVP again.
Where did exactly a mage touched you user?
based orc hunter chad
So uhh… does this mean we're fucked with sharding? Is there no way they can change it, make it the way it was?
Surely, now is the time they can see that people don't want it, they've even addressed it as a vocal issue. Is it a case of they won't, or they LITTERALLY can't and maybe don't have the talent to code in how to make it as it was?
>come across troll female
>it's ALWAYS that one face with tiniest tusks
because that is the cutest, the other tusks not only look ugly, but also just look wrong. as if they don't fit the anatomy
If your not going
>prot paladin
Then your a virgin & a pussy & I can't wait to gank you hordelets for shits & giggles without the fear of dying to you shitters.
undead rogue
cant wait to gank alli lowbie faggots
>people saying stupid shit about sharding again
watch this video
Why the fuck would I play A) a gorilla-armed tiny-headed human, B) the shittiest class in the game and C) the least viable tank when I could be literally anything else. Suck my fucking asshole Pallyfag, Dwarfbros for life.
Maybe the servers could handle it if blizzard forked over more cash for better machines, but they're greedy jews and don't care about lag. Maybe it's a setting that takes five seconds to change. Maybe it's unfixable and we're fucked. Nobody knows. I think what Blizzard knows is people don't want sharding, and they wouldn't spend years creating a dead on arrival game, but they're also the same company that made Diablo III.
The only thing I regret is that you cannot transfer your zandalari paladin into vanilla
>horde paladin
Low pop vs high pop server?
Based. Fuck Paladins and Retail in general but fuck Human Paladins even more.
Still mad?
>implying I know anything about nu-wow "lore"
This one, right?
>Silver hand heraldry
Orc 100%. zug zug
Paladins fit the lore quite well though. They simply shouldn't be called Paladins. They should be Tauren Sunwalkers and i guess the elves should be Blood Knights.
>still no new models
This. Thank you for the read.
I just wish their feet weren't so hideous
It should be obvious thing to do, even for dumb zoomers I can't believe they're so anti-social that their first thought it is to shun everyone else doing it and compete with a thousand other people.
That would be alright I guess, but not trolls. They're supposed to be sadistic shadow voodoo people.
imagine, you fucking stupid FUCK, paying for that "20 year old game" SINCE IT STARTED @ 14.99 A FUCKING MONTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mage was my first choice, so that works. time to roll for race.
1-3 undead
4-6 draenei
7-9 human
0 reroll
Ahem, ahem, I have an announcement:
FUCK gnomes
FUCK minmaxers
horde>alliance, shaman>paladin
FUCK female orcs
FUCK night elves who name their character as some form of Legolas
FUCK warlocks
Troll or undead warrior? I won't PvP outside of queue content, but the Forsaken Will seems great regardless, and cannibalize makes the painful warrior leveling more bearable.
Are there bis lists for preraid that don't include shit like boe world drops?
I'm gonna roll either a troll huntard or orc rogue and quickly get to mid-high 20's and spend a month on the road from Menethil harbor to Loch Modan ganking NE pilgrimage faggots and occasionally Alliance fags at Whelgar's and there's nothing you can do to stop me
It's not that the servers can't handle it, the starting zones would just be straight up unplayable garbage on launch.
You literally can't go back. Enjoy realizing just how time-consuming the grind was to 60, only to find that gearing is equally time-consuming, while you try to balance the existential angst from being nearly 30 and NEET or your job/gf/mandatory social maintenance.
You guys will play for two months and realize how sad this game makes you or how much it ruined your life originally before quitting, forever tarnishing the memory of OG WoW.
>FUCK night elves who name their character as some form of Legolas
Also night elves named with any combination of the words:
Don't even play alli, but fuck people are unoriginal with NE naming, you can practically play fucking bingo with them.
dwarf paladin
is ret really *the* leveling spec? I'd like to try aoe farming/grinding if possible. +8% movement and mount speed is great, but so is consecration, and so is the +hit from the prot tree. I'm so conflicted over this.
Go holy first until concecration, then ret
Yes ret is the leveling spec.
/sitting to get crit does not proc reckoning
>be hunter
>roll need on everything including melee weapons
son, there is no draenei in classic.
Crump dem Alliance boyz with me Palz!
>Back in BC lost 2h to a hunter
I ain't madI"M PISSED
What is the best way to grief the horde? Which quest NPCs should I kill? What areas should I camp?
Where are my lock bros? What do you guys do when farming souls?
I wasn't planning on reckoning for aoe. shield spike + ret aura + consecration + video game OST should be all I need, right?
Ratchet. Kill the blood elf escort just as the group brings him into Ratchet.
i said this was for BFA bruh
why would anyone play classic when Draenei canonically have the best asses
Beat me to it.
Can't fucking wait to spend an hour looking for murloc tumors for a single quest again
Can't fucking wait.
with this post, I am rolling and legally bound by it
>your choice
Fucking cheater
les go!
That’s fucking hilarious, everyone was having a good time in that video.
Fucking shit, bugs are cool.
Let’s see
People who want to play Paladins didn't play Paladins on release or have shitty memories. You'd better hope Seal of the Crusader is broken.
>night elf feral Druid
Fuck that noise
tough luck pal, you need to roll one now or you'll end up paying the price
Priest is pretty straight forward. I loved leveling it back in the day for how reliable it was compared to other classes.
Then again I grew up to be an accountant and I love it, so buyer beware.
Alea iacta est
>wants to RP
>hates trannies
I got bad news for ya
I want to make a druid but not having separate bars for shapeshifting kinda killed it for me (also I usually play balance and resto and balance is trash in classic)
You can call it casualization all you want but having a billion buttons for all the game thing isn’t hard its just annoying and dated
r o l l
Just roll a lock, faggot
Formerly Chuck's Chedder
>Maybe something crazy like pserver launches where you're fighting for every mob spawn
I want to cut cue in Brill again just to hear cucks rage
go restokin, or use the spec that finalflash has in this video: you only shift into bear to charge/interrupt.
Locks are for closet fags and can't MC your dumb Nelf ass off the boat
get like 5 for summons and grab the rest inside the instance/raid.
fuck farming.
Priests are the best healer. They do everything well. And have great mana regen thanks to enlightenment.
The druids job is to innervate the priest
Can't wait to heal brehs
as horde: the satyrs in ashenvale. I get enough to fill the felcloth bag plus a few extras. perfect the art of using drain soul just as the mob dies, then use that advanced strat in raids. shadowburn on cooldown.
t. someone cucked by finalflash
I was gonna play it but all my friends are gonna play alliance so I'm just going to pass.
you realize rets would be stupid op with an abiility like crusader strike right
what's stopping me from rolling Tauren Hunter?
Let's go.
I want an easy ride through raids and leveling what should I play
Seal my fate.
rolling for fate
I will make my character a tank no matter what I roll.
not till you admit tbc is the best expansion
You're confusing Crusader Strike with Holy Strike. The former did a bit extra Physical damage while the latter did pure Holy Damage that ignore armor and resistance.
Crusader Strike is a good filler ability that allows Paladins to be more than auto-attack bots with some buffs.
There isn't anything hold you back from playing what combo you want other than you think you must midmax because a forum told you to.
What's the point of playing mage if you don't charge for portals?
Charging for a little water or food is a douche move, assuming you're in a party. Just ignore those who ask randomly. Mat cost for a table is expected, but if it's FOR THE BOOOOYS you throw it down on the house.
Bigger dead zone
crusader strike is a burning crusade era talent so unless they decide to change the talent tree's to a later version you're out of luck. Not classic
I know they're trying for a 100% pure vanilla experience, but I still want learnable mounts and pets.
r8 my aoe farming build
Paladins is the only melee dps class without an instant attack ability. Blizzard itself has even agreed that they fucked up.
They should get CS.
Some changes are just better in retail.
Auto attacks are ____fun
Not when you have a really slow 2h.
but those juicy seal of command procs though
Yes, those were great.
Would be even better to have those between the CS.
Man imagine the butthurt that would flow from everyone if paladins got a instant attack ability. Doesn’t really change the game that much but honestly I wouldn’t be mad about it. I know it won’t happen though.
>tauren warrior
Browsing warcraftmovies as a lad was pure kino. Those days will never come back.
what are the advantages of skinning?
Let's compile of a list of reasonable changes blizz should make for classic
>no reagents needed for raid buffs
>major cities have portals for other major cities
>nerf paladins at least in pvp
>spells autolevel, but you still have to buy the first level from trainers
>no lfg, but if you have a full group you can teleport to dungeons around your level
Anything else? Try to keep it QoL
But I know over 50% of the horde I run into being able to break my fear and succ charm on demand would make me mad as hell.
How strict is Blizzards naming policy?
Will I get banned for naming myself Autisticman, Robertelee or Jimcrow like I did on Nost?
in classic WoW i got reported and they made me change my name from "Theguy"
I'd love to play nelf huntard again but would it be allowed in raids beyond tranq slut in this age of min maxing faggotry?
>nerf paladins
>Try to keep it QoL
Man, fuck you.
zero competition for mining and herbalism nodes while leveling
The last character I made was a human with black skin named Averagefelon, never got banned and played til 80. This was back in 2009 so I don't know if it's applicable though
RP server?
Honestly it’s true, BC was much better in terms of gameplay than vanilla. Classes were much more balanced in terms of pve/pvp viability but each class still had its own flavor and weaknesses and strengths. Class fantasy was still strong, not every class had a way of healing or getting out of every cc, it was damn near perfect. WotLK was also very good in all these aspects as well but lfg was fucking gay and I hated it. Also itemization was leagues ahead of vanilla. I’ll still play vanilla because it’s much better than retail but I hope that it’s successful enough to convince blizzard to do BC/WotLK servers as well.
Flying destroyed world pvp.
>using abandon pet macro to abandon my voidwalker and resummoning it to generate a new name until I get 'Huknoz"
Consolidated loot windows and certain item retooling is the most I'd ask for in terms of changes.
Yes I can 100% agree with that, unfortunately they designed a lot of the areas in BC with flying mounts in mind. Flying mounts were a huge mistake and if they made BC servers I wish they could figure out a way to only make them useable in areas where they are 100% required to get around.
Alliance since my bros will go for it, either Human Paladin or Gnome Mage.
I remember I was in a AB on my hunter back in WotLK and saw a human paladin running around with the name frozentampon, was hilarious to teenage me at the time.
Uh... I'm thinkin this is BASED
Tauren warriors also have the disadvantage of having a larger hitbox even if they have longer range. Though that's if Classic fixes it or keeps that feature of Tauren in general.
>Holy Strike: Removed.
>Crusader Strike: Removed.
They should bring it back in future Classic patches
Fuck off
>Coming back to nu-wow
>Sharding system
>No Zandalari plague
>No wall climbing
>No old night system
>Dishonorable kills
>Far sight and control pet cucked due to sharding
>Pulling bosses to major cities also cucked due to sharding
Sorry user, I've already experienced all the fun shit that wow offered. I'd play BFA for nostalgia's sake, but having to grind months JUST to have a speshul snowflake race pisses me off too much. Making a new toon every expansion was one of the only thing that brought me back. Also moonguard
Roll pls
5% intellect and Escape Artist are small prices to pay for being a manlet.
those were changes made going from beta to official release and the crusader strike from beta worked nothing like the version you're asking for
What the fuck is this picture
>wrecking bull
I'm taking it as my second next to tailoring (which is mostly for bags) just to give me another thing to gather from mobs, but to be honest I doubt most levels of leather will be worth much.
Unlike mining or herbalism which you have to go out of your way to collect, you can skin literally every killed beast.
Devilsaur leather may fetch a good price though, and everybody needs their onyxia cloaks, or at least the materials for a leatherworker to make them.
That's not really a disadvantage and it becomes OP as hell in arena in TBC.
It's been a while since i last saw a roll post
a normal day on moonguard
Rolling for great gains
still going human warlock Tailoring+enchanting
There you go.
Paladins should be restored to how they were in beta.
Who are Furor and Tigole?
Does Netherwing still have a decent pop?
Jesus what an absolute fucking monster, fucking love watching warrior videos when they have a pocket healer. They just fucking delete mother fuckers. Not to mention their epic pvp set if fucking baller as fuck looking (shamans and hunter set look great too). What’s even the point of trying to kill him if he’s got a healer, just fucking /delete your shit.
Dwarf Priest
I got a lot of love for my human priest, but there were never enough fear wards in the world.
I secretly hope they give it to the Horde, too. Watching your main tank RNG into the crowd is never fun.
pewdiepie's from the early mmo days
I am ready to go back.
Horde already have Shaman's fear ward totem for this.
I miss all of my fucking totems, even if some were useless as shit. Every expansions they've removed more and more of them and the last time I've checked, i only had two fucking totems.
Why pay a monthly sub when private servers exist?
They make ice cream
>Project Ascension
>Making your own class with any abilities you want
>Chaotic mode
Didn't think I'd have fun replaying the game but i did
is the fucking mainline game still a shitfest?
I won't do it but sure
Which of you will be rocks?
>Allied race locked behind months of daily quests grinding
Pretty much
>be me
>human warlock
>group with a female dwarf rogue for the first time ever
>we're inside blackrock mountain waiting for a second person to help summon the rest of the group
>I see a undead rogue pop stealth in the center area, where the ghost quest-giver is
>rogue sees him before I can type out his location
>she goes full speed towards him and goes out of sight
>see the a flash of debuffs pop up in her unit frame
>her hp drops
> pops up on the screen
it was beautiful even though it was a fat dude behind the screen
let us see