All this "hype" for Sekiro when pic related exist.
Ghost Of Tsushima
Other urls found in this thread:
>western made FWOOOOOOOOOOO shit
>japanese made souls like
gee I eonder why
why not hype for both faggot, sekiro is due in a week, ghosts is still sucking dicks trying to figure out what date earns most money
neither are tenchu or a realistic ninja game where instead of being a hollywood ninja gaiden black faggot you are instead a straw hat peasant farmer clothes wearing bamboo flute playing rice picker who does more than simply shank people etc
Sekiro clearly isn't realistic since it has giant chickens
You know, when you get out of grade school and eventually get a job, you'll be able to buy more than one game per year.
I'm going to play Sekiro and ghost of sushi as well as Nioh 2. What do you have to say about that ya tremendous faggot
>Ass Creed
>one releases soon
>the other not soon
>why are people hyped for this
It's like rocket science to you shitposters.
Sekiro = auteur designing his masterful vision
Tsushima = designed by a room full of corporate suits for the lowest common denominator
did anybody think this tsushima game looked impressive aside from the graphics and the fact that it's set in japan? the actual gameplay looked pretty unremarkable.
>western garbage Ass Creed / Batman clone with button mashing combat
>Japanese skill based game with amazing sword clashing mechanics, great level and world design
Hmmmmm, I wonder which one I should be hype for
looks pretty fun. not $60 fun tho
What are you even trying to say? Yes, Ghost of Tsushima literally has Ass Creed combat and mechanics.
Sekiro does not.
Your point? How about you actually say what you're trying to say, since all footage of Sekiro is amazing and all footage of Tsushima is boring as fuck.
Thats Sekiro in the video
Sekiro is ass creed tier
No one is hyped for Tsushima because it's western trash.
Funniest thing is that they went on and on about how serious they were in making it period accurate. Then when asked about weapons and armour they said nah the most popular Japanese armour didn't exist in this period so we shoe horned it in anyway cos it's popular.
That would be like me saying i'm going to make a game set in Britain during the Viking Age and be period accurate then shoehorning in suits of plate.
I'm not watching this gay video. If you've got a point to make, make it with words.
>I don't wanna watch a video proving your point with gameplay
Its batman tier gameplay and gonna show to you and all of this place with webms after I finish making them.
The utter state of the GoT devs, absolutely shameless.
No? It literally isn't. It has actually really deep and complex combat, unlike Ass Creed games and Tsushima (which has the exact same combat as AC, just mash the same attack button).
Tsushima and AC both even have stealth kills. Sekiro does not, it has stealth attacks but they are not instant kill moves, they just deal a certain amount of damage. Only kills lowest tier enemies.
Well GoT just like any other western game is only concerned about looking visually interesting.
You can't be serious. Tsushima LITERALLY has the exact same combat as Batman and Ass Creed.
Sekiro does not, it has insane sword clashing combat.
You are a lying motherfucker, trying to claim this is anything like AC / Batman shit
>Tsushima LITERALLY has the exact same combat as Batman and Ass Creed
are you retarded
ok weeb get ready because this is gonna be a long week
>t-t-t-tthe game has batman bnombat so it sucks
what the fuck is that you retards
Shut up jive ass weeb
Are you?
Look at it.
Or go look at any footage of Tsushima showing battles, not even stealth. Just mash the attack button and the character autokills every enemy on screen.
Meanwhile, in Sekiro you actually need to use correct one of your 4 different dodge moves depending on how the enemy is attacking, you have to learn to perfect block which allows you to deflect your enemies attacks. It requires actual skill and reaction speeds, unlike Tsushimas button mashing trash combat.
*female samurai appears*
>the game has combat that fucking sucks so it sucks
Yeah that's the idea.
Says the guy defending the actual weeb game, Ghost of Tsushima. You are aware "weeb" refers to a western person glorifying Japanese culture? Tsushima is a western game about feudal Japan.
Sekiro is actually a Japanese game, that's not weeb. And, it is actually a good game, with good combat, unlike Tsushima.
Sekiro looks like an okay game with ZERO replay value.
this is a bad thing now why
>non-linear world with NG+, and more build variety than in Souls games
How is that not tons of replay value? A bit stupid eh?
>you can swim
that is great news
what the fuck
not an argument
How are you surprised Sucker Punch can't make good gameplay to save their life? They made Infamous, dude...
>*whistles for magical horse*
>autoruns on road to quest marker
>*bushido code activates*
>"Mhmm....giant slash marks all over the victim....a ??™, gotta be"
>"???, Nobu"
>follows bushido code along road
>guys in ??™ suits appear
>"Iza, jinjou ni shobu!" YO HO HO YO HO YO HO HO YO HO
>dramatically slashes at attackers, lots of blood, katana durability at 5% cause you crossed blades countering more than three times
>"Mongols™ pretending to be ??™... Better go tell the shogun"
>autoruns back to castle
>"Moshi moshi, samurai! Arigato desu!"
>Mission Complete
>¥100 Received
>ZERO replay value.
I bet I'll replay it 20 times.
look at this retard
put me in the screencap too guys
>Tsushima and AC both even have stealth kills. Sekiro does not
Watch the video again retard
>more build variety than in Souls games
>no stats
>one weapon
Retard for stating facts? Is this dumbfuck unironically trying to say Infamous was good?
just a reminder one button gameplay is ok when the Japanese do it
what with all the samurai games?
are they going back to the 2000s era and picking out random quality games to then over-saturate the market, then repeat with the other fad?
In this case I am talking about Onimusha, etc..
Your opinion =/= fact
You should watch it yourself dumb nigger, or better yet, watch some video where the person talking isn't outright lying maybe? Sekiro does not have stealth kills. Maybe read what I fucking said you illiterate retard subhuman nigger?
It has stealth attacks, that deal a certain amount of damage. Any enemy with enough health to survive that, does. And then they fight you. Only weak normal soldiers will outright die to your stealth attacks.
It has several weapons, and the leveling system is about a million times deeper than Souls games attribute leveling, you stupid or something?
It wasn't an opinion, Infamous is bottom tier garbage. Fact.
Oh fucking boy, more cliffs railroading level progression
>Sekiro does not have stealth kills
Post the rest of the list you nigger, any DMC is better than any western action game ever made.
I don't even like nip culture. Western games just suck dick nowadays.
>"hurrrr me retarded, me big dumbdumb"
Have you not looked at Sekiro gameplay at all? In 5 hours of footage they have shown, that cliffside with the giant snake is the only linear route. Literally everywhere else you have had tons of options of paths to take. That wouldn't be very smart design to allow that in a place where you get ambushed by a giant snake, would defeat the purpose if you could just back down from it.
It *only* kills mooks, and is thus by definition not a stealth kill. Having an IQ this low must be hard.
Yes, it does not, retard dumbfuck.
Are you niggers really so stupid you can't understand basic English? I very clearly said it has no stealth kill moves. A "stealth kill move" would be something that is guaranteed to kill the target, this is how the English language works. Considering Sekiros stealth attacks have no such guarantee, but instead just deal a critical hit, it is not a stealth kill move, it is a stealth attack, since there is no guarantee at all that it will kill your target.
Yeah and ass creed origin stealth kill on strong enemies doesn't instant kill and only does certain damage
So sekiro is like ass creed
yeah but sekiro is exclusive to xbox
>A "stealth kill move" would be something that is guaranteed to kill the target
It kills weaker enemies also see