Fuck westaboos. They are ruining games and entertainment with their shitty taste.
Fuck westaboos. They are ruining games and entertainment with their shitty taste
Yea Forums WILL defend this
Seriously people cry "weaboo" but westaboos are the real problem
weaboos are hated because of weebs
westies are just as bad if not worse
>attractive people
Shantae isn't ugly
Cortana isn't ugly
Trevor isn't ugly
Uncharted man isn't ugly
Soider man isn't ugly
Overwatch girls aren't ugly
Tomb raider woman isn't ugly
No, weebs are the very bottom
BASED, keep fighting the good fight brother
Whahahahaha...You lost me when you related japanese games to good writing.
How can you be a Xaboo if you are from that culture??
I think this shitposter unironically nailed it.
>Japan make fun and original stuff and they sell well.
>West try anything that isn't exclusive shit or lowest quality mainstream bait. It barely sells
Titanfall,hitman,bulletstorm,old telltale games,rts games....
they're ugly because they're not anime lolis or sameface japanese models
I'm confused. I thought a westaboo was an East Asian that was obsessed with Western culture. Why would a westerner be considered westaboo?
>spiderman isnt ugly
>overwatch girls arent ugly
>kingdom hearts
>good writing
Because he exclusively plays western things unless it is made specifically in a western style and abhors anything different, such as asian, to the point of near racism
>Trevor isn't ugly
>Soider man isn't ugly
>Overwatch girls aren't ugly
well even if some of them aren't they managed to correct it by making them lesibian
Yes, yes, and yes. Try again.
fuck off retard
You can find just as many dogshit japanese games and highly overrated games like the Yakuza series as you can dogshit western games like Gears of War and highly overrated ones like Horizon or literally any PS4 western exclusive.
Also, hilarious that you don't mention SMT on the right. Fuck off and eat shit, OP.
The west excels at RPGs and shooters, and game tech, such as UE4, Unity, Titanfall 2's actually good version of Source, and so on. The east excels at platformers, fighting games, and weird niche shit.
There are always going to be exceptions but in short fuck you and fuck your divisive bullshit you stupid niggerretardominigger. Omnigger is what you are, because you're every nigger at once. Call me when Japan can make an FPS that's even half as good as Doom, let alone new age kinokorino like Dusk
t. westaboo
Fuck you and your retarded weeb shit .
>Good writing.
Japanese games have the LITERALLY the cringiest dialogues and cookie-cutter animu edgelord archetypes.
You haven't played diablo 3 , or League of Legends. Or overwatch , Or Fortnite , because they are the most popular games of the west and it's like a clown ate a pack of crayons and shat diahrrea all over the screen .
>Attractive people .
Fuck you and your sameface animu robots.
Atleast the west tries to make believable models.
Not everything has to be stylized.
>Convincing voice acting.
You like the japanese dub because you can't understand any fucking japanese. Therefore you can't accurately tell if it's believable or not .
There is a reason people hate weebs . You are literally the cringiest , most beta , most pathetic losers in the internet.