These people want to ban Japanese games and anime

These people want to ban Japanese games and anime.

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Other urls found in this thread:

we already had our daily laugh at Kiddle-Diddle Land AKA: the UK

BASED lolis putting pedos in their place

They'll never learn.

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Well you know, you have to gain their trust before you can get your dick wet

based eleven artist telling the bongs to fuck off

I wonder what society would be like if Kikes, Muslims & Trannies were exiled to one half of the world like the Demons & Humans in Made in Abyss

Lolicons and 3D pedos have been at war for a while now. Especially here, look at Yea Forums and Yea Forums. Only retarded faggots put them in the same group when there's actually less overlap between them than with the general population. They evoke totally different emotions and pander to largely different tastes.

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>Japanese crime rates
>ever legit

>any crime rate
>ever 100% accurate

Thanks for spoiling me that shit, faggot.

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I love when retards bring this shit up, like crimes don't go unreported everywhere. Japan is as modern and safe as any country you'd try to compare it to with an autistic need for politeness and no racial/cultural divide, if you're trying to say they'd sweep it under the rug there then how often do you think it happens in racial tension hotbeds in America?

Ive read mia manga and I've no idea what hes talking about

>no racial/cultural divide,
Drink the Kooru-Aido harder, weeb.

>Yea Forums loves UT
>little overlap
fucking posers I swear

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>active anti-immigration policies
>xenophobic by nature
>island country so migrants can't sneak in easily
Japanese people make up 99% of their population. You can't say that about any cucked western country right now


Am I reading this right?

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>The UN wants to ban Loli
>While letting in literal hundreds of thousands and their child bride ways

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Shut up normalfag apologist

Clown world

Here in the UK, one police department kept classifying rapes as "no crime."

Thousands of them.

Not forgetting the grooming gangs, of course.

The UN is nothing more than a glorified debating club

>bong crimerate legit
>police literally covering up rapefugee rapes

sick /pol/bait thread, OP
just what Yea Forums needed

It's just white people who can't come to terms with the fact that there's a non-western country that's better than their shithole of a country.


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Lolis are life, disgusting 3D goblins need not apply.

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They crack down harder than anyone
A actor who was just arrested for Cocaine is getting 7 years in prison and games with him in it are getting pulled so they can scrub him from it.

>molesting teen

>taking articles from one angry /pol/tard

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Reminder that hundreds of UN Peacekeepers smuggled hundreds- possibly thousands- of Haitian children out of the country and into sexual slavery, and that they've done the same in central Africa and eastern Europe.

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What do you guys think of this video by BlackBusterCritic?

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What a fucking retard. It's amazing how much people are willing to shoot their mouth off on the internet about a topic they don't understand.

This borderline moralfaggotry won't make you any less sick to the eyes of normalfags, you know? Lurk more before posting.

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Nigger I don't care about that, I care about your ugly goblins being on my board. Fuck off with your 3DPD of any variety

Yeah that time I stumbled around Tokyo drunk as fuck at 2am and never once felt uncomfortable or in danger, was just not legit. Chicongo or London are totally just as safe

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>and games with him in it are getting pulled so they can scrub him from it.

This is the part that makes no sense to me.

They can ban all the fetish Loli shit for all I care, I don't need a 11 year old be seen naked by the 21 year old protag as a """""""""gag"""""""""
If they ban anime in general tho, I will riot

They're not just pedophiles, they're alpha pedophiles. They want to make it illegal so they can have all the children to themselves.

looks like you'd be more comfortable at >>>/reddit/

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but they aren't addressing real issues, they are targeting drawings.

They want to kill his career and wipe him from their books so he never comes back, this isn't America where you do drugs, kill a kid, and beat your wife so you go to jail and rehab then come back stronger than ever.

If you hate lolicon or shotacon what are you doing posting on a site that regular has those kinds of threads?

Always amazes me how you ironic twitter weebs can hate loli with such vitriol while claiming to be anime fans.

Japan really hates drugs. A voice actress was found guilty of possessing coke and she got scrubbed from existence with all her TV appearances cancelled and removed

So just like every other topic the UN has ever addressed, blowing hot air at easy political targets. It's almost like they don't do anything. Except rape children.

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He's not wrong. OAG is know for being a biased source.

Hell it just happened with that guy in judgement or whatever it was called. He was also the snow guy in frozen and square already announced they're redoing his voice.

>the madmen are actually gonna ban anime

holy shit how based can one country get? they got all my support, hopefully the rest of the world takes notices and soon follows, all weebs subhumans need to be relegated to japan

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This is such a retarded philosophy to apply to literally anything. Seriously, why bend over and spread your cheeks like that? Who are you trying to impress?

Doesn't really mean much coming from nu/v/.


At least put a trip on so I can filter your attempts to shill

low quality as fuck

Did you even watch the video?

Billy D is the article of both the OP and
Due is a fucking sperg, you're only ignoring it because you're against lolis and shotas being censored.

Actually wait, none of the OAG spergs are talking about shota, they're talking about lolis and boner culture.

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I really liked her too. It just had to be somebody with a cool unique voice, it couldn't have been one of the thousands of VAs who all sound the same squeaky moe. Sucks

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Imagine it now without niggers

They've tried before and failed.

And they'll fail again. The Japanese are a logical race of people.

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I didn't have to, I read the description and saw the person making the argument.

that game was lightning in a bottle

and people who call the real girls disgusting, get your eyes replaced

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So is government in general. Rise up gamers.

I know and it's sad. Nowadays you can make a thread and link directly to resetera, polygon, the verge, reddit and similar sites and people won't complain about it.

The only thing they can do to force the issue is convince their leaders to sanction Japan but no competent leader is going to ruin diplomatic relations over fucking drawings.

It's clearly loli that causes U.N. employees to rape children.

Which just goes to show why it needs to be banned.

>I read the description and saw the person making the argument.

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Actual source article:
He groped a 17 year old's crotch. Also, totally different department of the UN.

I agree that OAG is shit and hyperbolic but your twitter screencap is a poor attempt at that. Changing the default outfit is a big change and there likely won't be as much sexualisation in the other outfits either. Just look at DOA6.

Arab sex gangs do a lot of molesting though tbqh.

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Lold when Tokyo pd got busted for taking the ethnicity of Japanese criminal into Koreans and Americans.

>I agree that OAG is shit and hyperbolic but your twitter screencap is a poor attempt at that.
Talking about boner culture is fucking embarrassing and its an example of OAG being misleading with their shitty clickbait.

I wish that shit were instantly banned on Yea Forums, like how Polygon and Kotaku used to be (and which they still should be) because this board is 25% advertising articles at any given time.

People didn't complain about that until around 5ish years go, or somewhere around there. It was just a newfag thing that caught on.

UN are a joke. I dunno if its the current state but at some point they had Saudi Arabia heading their Human Rights Council. I'm sure Saudi Arabia is the paragon of human rights.

why are you lying nigger?

>fucking redditor
>fucking twitterfag
which is it now? I'm just a casual anime fan, I watch like 1 or 2 anime per season. I play more games with that comic artstyle than I watch anime, but if they ban anime they will also ban those
>You should fight for it even if it's not part of your interests
dude, really?

seriously, it doesn't mean “Japan really hates drugs”. that's what happens when celebs get arrested for any reason in japan

>none of the OAG spergs are talking about shota, they're talking about lolis and boner culture.
Based shotabros are too smart to fall for the fabricated outrage meme.

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This guy knows whats up

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Instant racial immunity from police

They’re the big pharma of pedos. They want to ban everything that will stop child rape while not actually doing anything about the current sex scandals currently plaguing their countries

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shota is trash, get the fuck off my board

Nobody would give a shit if you didn't name them everytime these threads get made. The only reason I know that site exists is because of fags like you.

>Nobody would give a shit if you didn't name them everytime these threads get made.
That's pretty retarded logic.

Your taste is trash.

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What's the worst fetish?


You're the one giving them free publicity, not OP.

you know, shotas are just loli dickgirls

If they didn’t want to get named, they shouldn’t be so easy to identify

My taste is better than your taste faggot

Actually whites have more rape charges and arrests by alot more

>You should fight for it even if it's not part of your interests

You should fight for whats right whether it interests you or not. Do you really think the government should be able to tell people what they can and can't draw? Should I go to jail for this doodle I just made?

If you don't want anime banned then you shouldn't even let them take the first step. Before you know it they'll ban sexy cartoons in general

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Your logic is completely retarded, sorry. People reply to these threads regardless of whether anyone names OAG, as they were doing before OAG was named in this thread.

Rest in peace Agiri, I fell in love with her voice the first time I heard it and now I'll never get to hear it again.

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Banning anything is retarded. Art is art is art. A drawn picture of a child is 100% different then an actual picture of an actual child. If I was president I'd add an amendment to the Constitution that forbids state enforced censorship of art.
If something is so awful and horrible that it needs to be censored then the mind wouldn't have created it in the first place.

>If they didn’t want to get named
Why do you care what they want? It's you that wants them to have less publicity, so why namedrop them again and again?
>People reply to these threads regardless of whether anyone names OAG
Which is not the point I'm arguing.

>"we want to ban cartoons to protect imaginary girls while we let rape gangs in the media, monarchy and mosques continue to molest real children" -t every single last "think of the childrens" advocate


Prove it. Post your fetishes.

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I think she turned out to be pregnant too
Who would of thought her voice actor was so in character.

It was the point of this post though:
>Nobody would give a shit if you didn't name them everytime these threads get made.
What did you mean when you wrote this? Because it seems really fucking stupid.

>Do you really think the government should be able to tell people what they can and can't draw? Should I go to jail for this doodle I just made?

Yes and yes, unironically.

>If I was president I'd add an amendment to the Constitution that forbids state enforced censorship of art.

i don't even know how to react to this

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Reminds me of the neogaffer who was outed as a pedo

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Tonight I shall remind them:

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Why do you hate children, pedoscum?

Its like whoever suggests banning 2D has a secret goal of turning consumers of 2D into actual pedophiles. What the fuck.

Whoever strongly campaigns against 2d loli always ends up being a real pedophile.

>lolicons aren't pedos!
>loli game based off real child models
>CP references

Big think.

I want to name them because giving them a name destroys their anonymity. They can’t poison the well as easily or push their bullshit agenda if people know who they are. And it’s working

It's a proven effective strategy for blinding people to real issues.

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>third world language

Delicious brown tomboys

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Then you should remove yourself from the gene pool immediately. Retards like you have led to every atrocity in the modern world.

I love loli, but I do like straight shota.

i cant read muslim

>Pedos fighting pedos for being pedos

Remember Kony2012? I rather not become a slacktivist.

Translation? I don't speak bratwurst...

>loli game based off real child models

Clothed children are CP now?

I wonder what will happen to lolicon's in their later years?

Good. Fuck everything that you love and enjoy. If I have a chance to ruin something for someone else I'm gonna do it.

>Haha Japan gets more rapey as time goes on
>That explosion of rape in the UK after the migrant crisis
Oy vey!

You're no different than muslims who think drawings of mohammed should be illegal.

Is there a link to the story in OP?

Here, let me make it clearer for you because you clearly are too dumb to understand
>Post article from website you hate
>People talk about the topic addressed by the article and not the website itself
Again, I wouldn't know them if you didn't shill for them (for free).

I honestly don't care what you think of them, I don't browse nor care about OAG. I'm just pointing out how retarded it is to bitch about shilling while giving them free publicity.

Okay, you EOP babies

That’s such a woman response, a bitter roastie response even

Good taste.
Miss Fortune is memeing trash though

Then why don't you ruin your parents hopes and dreams and put a bullet in your head?

Re-read. And then off yourself afterwards.

to lolicons? nothing
you better worry about trannies

I think actual pedos are just butthurt that 2D is legal in most countries while they need to lurk in the shadows like a wretch.

You're fucking stupid, bro. Thanks for sharing.

The same as you. Wizardhood.

Good taste. I like when in stories they're too busy to care about sex or getting a boyfriend.

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>third world institution
even worse

I'm in love with Mara.

>I don’t care
Then you’ve lost, I’ll naming them like the indolent kikes they are

Ran out of arguments already?

What does this have to do with video games?

Oh, wait, its a One Angry /pol/tard thread.

I like tall with abs too.

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I don't care.

Because my existence makes them suffer more than my death ever could. Like I said. Whatever it takes to ruin it for others.

it's obvious that the UN is trying to erode Japan's will

fucking lolis in VR every day

Learn what words mean. You wrote "Nobody gave a shit" when its clear you have no fucking clue what you're talking about. Stop having an autism attack because people are pointing out what a trash website this came from.

I'm actually here representing Yea Forums

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>I’ll naming them like the indolent kikes they are
More power to you, I came here to laugh at the UN but if shilling for a website you dislike is your idea of fun then godspeed.


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My point still stands. Failing to see the issue here.

yeah pretty much

if the proposal passes, games will be affected as well

I’m here to say censorship of things you don’t like is retarded and calling out the people demanding that censorship is going to either shut them up or make them trip so hard it starts a Streisand effect

>You wrote "Nobody gave a shit"
In response to a post bitching about OAG, it's easy to pull arguments out of your ass if you take things out of context.
>Stop having an autism attack
I'm just replying to you my dude, but have fun derailing the thread to bring even more attention to a shitty game journalism website.

No they won't. The UN won't be fucking banning jack shit.

I'm starting the samefaggot who makes these threads has an agenda.

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>In response to a post bitching about OAG, it's easy to pull arguments out of your ass if you take things out of context.
So you were incorrect because in fact, you were giving a shit since you've been having an autism attack ever since.

OAG is a trash site, deal with it retard.

Its a proposal. If each nation includes it in their own judical system is a different matter.

Oh shut the fuck up. It's the same bullshit defense paraded around by furries claiming that they don't abuse animals because they are actually into cartoon animals.