Sekiro: Wolfs hair

Is Wolfs hair a dealbreaker for anyone else? What is keeping it so stiff and angled up like that? Hair does not behave like that. I get that its better to not animate hair its resource intensive. I respect not animating it but why not give him a normal bun? Is there some antigravity magic on his hair, or does he grease it up stiff like that every morning?

Attached: Hair.jpg (640x480, 96K)

Nah I don't care because I'm not a fag

he's dirty as shit, stupid.

it's a hat you idiot

The correct term is toupee

You dummy its covered in dried blood and demon cum, niggas bones are sticking out he aint about that pantene pro v

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What a silly thing to notice, much less care about, let alone consider a "deal breaker". Autism is a hell of a drug.

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If you form your opinion about videogames based on fucking hair, you should kill yourself. I'm being serious. You're mentally ill

That's just how his head is shaped you insensitive prick

You are going to have to play through the whole game looking at that stiff not animated hair that makes no sense. It is a legitimate gripe when A player needs to look at it for the full 12-15 hour playthrough. If there were hats or hair customization it would not be a problem.

I'm mad we cant play as a girl

No one is staring at his hair other than you, retard.

Your eyes aren't drawn to this fuckstupid hair when you look at this picture? Example of gameplay and the distraction that is this meme hair.

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No, it isn't. I have literally never thought about his hair until I saw this dumb thread, not once.

He's a boring, shittily designed character.

Now that I have pointed it out you can now think about it a bit then give an actual opinion. And you will no doubt on occasion while playing notice his meme hair and remember this thread.

I agree. Take a look at this. Who thought this image with this hair was good for promoting the game LOL. Look at that hair LOL. that hair could replace the JUST hair.

Attached: 3510027-sekiro-shadows-die-twice_6034248.jpg (1280x720, 107K)

>mfw this thread
Does something like a "hair fetish" exist?

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>And you will no doubt on occasion while playing notice his meme hair and remember this thread.
Nah, I won't.

well hair jobs are a thing and the feeling on a girl's long hair dangling onto you as she makes out with you is niceee

does something like a "trash smug anime girls fetish" exist?

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>posting Souls shit
Big yikes

Yes. You will.
Notice here how his hair has the appearance of a black anus right at the center of the screen.

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Asian hair is unique. If you tie it tightly enough it will do that. You're actually pretty fucking retarded OP.

You've got a wild imagination.

Thanks. FROM could have used some imagination with this game. I could have helped them with his hair design at the least.

don't let your dreams be dreams user, make something of yourself

wasn't there a part 2 to this

Honestly if he looked like a hobo I'd be much more intrigued. Hobo samurai are top tier

Yeah dude, I was gonna get this game for its amazingly innovative and groundbreaking combat and exploration - but nah, I think I'll pass because the MC has disappointing hair.
You're right OP.

Samefagging now? You're definitely the only one on the planet autistic enough to be butthurt about his samurai hairstyle

The hair is one of the parts of his design that actually gives him character. Don’t take that away from him.

Good decision you shouldn't support game devs that design their protagonists this poorly. When the protag is the only character you will play as and you can't customize them EVERYTHING should be perfect if it is a AAA title.

Just look at this shit.

Attached: Sekiro_31.jpg (1920x1080, 1.62M)

girls with well-maintained long hair are just better
simple as that

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