What are some c o m f y vidya?

What are some c o m f y vidya?

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always nice to play cowboy mountain man from the comfort of modern living

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Oblivion is the most comfy game ever made

The spritework and music make this so good to just relax and loose yourself in, takes me back to old school Pokémon or chrono trigger.

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wojak is on the same level as rage faces

Eurotruck sim

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Battle Chef Brigade
Slime Rancher
Opus Magnum
Rune Factory
FTL: Faster Than Light

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Once you get experience the brutalness and potential hilarity of your actions/consequences, you'll be hooked.

Build your own bungalo in the middle of the desert. Take potshots at cannibal foreheads as they attempt to raid your house.
Get your arm cut off and replace it with a bucket or something high tech... become the transhumanist you've always wanted to be.
Get your skin peeled off by a bunch of robots and watch them proceed to wear it.

It's amazing.

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eternal mode katamari

I'm playing DQ11 as my comfy game right now.

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I would love to go to Europe and hire someone to just drive me through all the countries.

>Using the face of Reddit
Back to your containment site OP you fag

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Modded Oblivion
Modded Skyrim
Final Fantasy XII

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New Vegas

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I use to play Minecraft when I wanted to relax early on in this decade. I use to put on some music or listen to some stories on YouTube. I miss those days.

Not him but this game sounds amazing

>falseflagging tripfag is pedo
of course

>ice age sloth looking motherfucker is a literal pedophile

>tfw driving through Bern
don't want to take a new job because it would mean leaving

Super Mario 64 is very comfy

The first half of Mice on Venus is the best track.

Back to

Play Digital Devil Saga Avatar Tuner 1.
The songs, the rainy grey atmosphere, it's a really calming yet engaging game. It's such a shame that the second game was a letdown.

it was just a nice game to unwind with. On some weekends when I didnt feel like going out, I'd just go into creative mode and build for hours. good times.

peak comfy coming through

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if you're so desperate for a username and recognition you should feel right at home there.

Flame of the flood

Animal Crossing. Extra comfy points if your actual weather conditions matched with the games. youtu.be/dIWlztcYiJg

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>no one said civ 5 or 6 yet

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I don't see how pushing and tweaking and straining every mechanic to advance your tech or expand your empire as much as possible can possibly construed as comfy, and I like those games.
the first few dozen turns are peak comfy when you're exploring, but after that it's anything but

Civ games, not 6 tho its shit
Mount and blade Warband
modded Oblivion/Skyrim
HOMM 3 or 5 with the 5.5 mod

I took the truckpill despite hating to drive IRL and it's surprisingly comfy. I prefer American truck sims though, the distinctiveness of American trucker culture and the wide openness of such a big country appeals to me.

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Cause the game is slow paced, the ost(peace) is relaxing and the art style is pretty. Most importantly you can find yourself losing the time.

Is American as good? I prefer that setting.

Never played it myself but if you're into the great plains and wide open expanses of nothing occasionally dotted with oases of truck culture dotting the horizon, then it's for you. Probably less to see than Eurotruck, but something tells me that's the point.

Based Gladium telling it how it is.

put your trip back on

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>civ 6

If you feel like being sick maybe

fuck off cuckold

Halo CE
Mystical Ninja Goemon

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Konoko is the human being Cortana WAS before becoming AI

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based and truckpilled

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Fuck you, thieves. This is the original.

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Based, unironically underrated franchise that could've made billions

Thief 1, 2
Rain World
skyrim (with graphics mods)
Dishonored 2 has some really comfy environments, and is one of the prettiest games I've ever played
Oddworld series
Terraria and Minecraft alpha

Harvest Moon

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Picked this on Steam, didn't regret a single cent, it's just such a huge, comfy time abyss.

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oblivion, skyrim with the right mods and as
said, morrowind (though the combat may give you a headache, but who play tes for combat right?)

Sea of Thieves. Nothing like sailing a sloop onto the ocean.

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>RDR2 and Witcher 3 if you want to mosey around and explore
>Skyrim (with mods)
>Civ 5
>Final Fantasy X
>Horizon Zero Dawn (come at me)
>Banjo Kazooie
>most N64 platformers
>Pokemon Yellow and Silver/Gold/Crystal

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