Why did you hate minecraft? It was always good

Why did you hate minecraft? It was always good.

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I don't hate it; I just don't have the autism to play it.

floating hunger bars

Cause Notch shilled the shit out of it on Yea Forums back in the day.

newfags don't know that minecraft was massive here before it got popular

Nothing to do. Friends are the only way to enjoy survival unless you like building legos alone

This. Yea Forums just took a step back from it after it became literally the biggest game in the world.

I never hated it. I also never played it. I wish I could have afforded it when it was really popular, but now the popularity has sort of faded. I'd rather play a more updated minecraft clone.

I remember playing with Yea Forums back then when there was only creative mod and water was an ever expanding menace and we all worked together to make a huge swastika tower in the middle of the map, I remember it like it was yesterday
>mfw that was almost 10 years ago just like my reaction image

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it was when notch stopped coming here and went to reddit instead

There's no objective to it, the only reason it's popular is because dumb streamer play it

It's good in the same way battle Royale game are good

>just remember, the ride never ends.

Why do you care if random people hate it?

it spawned waves of pixel indie games and updates that killed what it made it popular here. that was enough to fucking hate on it

I've never disliked minecraft. I have however disliked the direction it went. Thankfully mods fix the game so I'm not complaining.

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You telling me you need an objective to play a game? Do you also climb every tower in the ubisoft games because it's the objective and the game told you so?

Mods got good.

Vanilla minecraft needed adventure maps and friends to be fun pre 1.7.3

There was promise that it was a 3D Dorf Fort with LEGO Autism. When it got bigger and Notch got $ he abandoned the idea of the game and instead of adding true content he just added stuff packs.

Playing Legos got old and with no purpose V fell off

Now nearly a decade passed and people are nostalgic but the game still lacks content

it doesn't need an 'adventure mode' you bing wahoo autist.
The entire premise of the game is to let you build shit at your own pace.

That's why modpacks with questbooks exist.

I know user

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God, those were better days