Valve in Self Destruct Mode

>"We weren't surprised by the layoff considering how rocky the launch was," he wrote, "the team was enthusiastic about the game and were confident that they had a good product but it became clear it wasn't going to be easy to get the game to where we wanted it. The layoff makes sense for a number of reasons. To name a couple; now that the game is out there time is more critical, so more voices within the team that you have to navigate may not be as good as making less considered decisions faster. Another - the expertise that 3 donkeys brought is less critical after listening to us for 4+ years."

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maybe they'll panic and make a fucking game

>the shitty artifact designer left
>somehow they stop making billions from Steam and now have to make a new game

Artifact was a game

Steam fans will say


They will just add Hats and knifes to revive it. It worked for all their games.

Shhhh... Valve cucks are trying to pretend Artifact didn't happen

>self-destruct mode
sure is clickbait in here
if their failed game didn't sink them then firing garfield wont do shit

They should try selling it on the Epic Store.

Unironically might do better just because of the controversy it might cause

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Learn how to screenshot without compressing it to shit you fucking retard

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So its only matter of time when they make and release Half Life 3 then. Company is dead without it, same as Blizzard.

I wouldnt even care if it was the leaked
transcript brought to life.

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Appreciate it

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Well it proved to be a massive waste of time, so why the hell not?

valve fans are the most critical of valve
I don't know who you're describing


>valve fans are the most critical of valve

Have you been reading Yea Forums these past few months?

all i have seen is people shitting on epic for paying off developers to use their platform exclusively

Nobody has been defending Valve, Best you can say is that people have been showing how shitty epic game store is compared to steam but even then people have pointed out flaws with steam.

>Nobody has been defending Valve

You really needed to be in those threads

>go to shartifart general to see the epic shitposting
>it died literally a day before this bombshell

feels bad man
where will I get my richard garfunkel memes now

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Learn to screenshot without indexing it to shit you fucking retard

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I thought it was part of the joke "artifact"

Hah, I guess I'm the retarded sperg here.

It's a screenshot of a YouTube video - who cares anyway

Literally nobody says Valve is perfect and in fact literally everyone has been pissed off at them for decades now because they don't make games anymore.

what threads lol fireden's right there.

I have been in those threads. What I've seen is people shitting all over Epic, while still admitting Steam has tons of flaws. Chief among them is their total inability to make games anymore. Epic is still Chinese trash regardless.

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Yeah, have you zoomer?

>You really needed to be in those threads
Which ones? The only defense Valve seems to get is they're not as shit as Epic, which is partially true. But nobody is pretending they're perfect like you originally implied, keep moving that goal post.


>the team was enthusiastic about the game and were confident that they had a good product

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>Working at Valve
Richard Garfield worked WITH Valve holy shit, he's the most famous board game maker on the planet, he's not an eployee

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It was a real misstep by Valve. CCGs are such an over-saturated market, and they were bringing nothing new to the table. Plus, that pricing model was garbage.
I wish they would make actual fucking games. I have no idea what anybody at Valve could possibly be doing everyday.

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