Why are devs afraid of being rated AO when it allows for more artistic freedom than M17+? There are no restrictions...

Why are devs afraid of being rated AO when it allows for more artistic freedom than M17+? There are no restrictions, no boundaries, no rules, when making an AO game. It might as well be renamed "Artists Only" Why don't any AAA dev teams have the balls to make a good AO game?

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anime tiddies

Because AO games aren't allowed on most stores.

Because you’re a retarded weeb with 0(zero) understanding of economics.

Commercial suicide

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i like big boobies

You are a symptom of the problem.

They can't market or sell it in most places


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By devs I am assuming you mean Western devs, right? Well, many of themselves are either feminist, stronk ugly and insecure women or the male ones incorporate these women into their workplace for the PR and good marxist points.

Either way, since the West prefers politics, and not meritocracy or skill, to affect something as technical as video games, there is no point in messing with the western industry until this is fixed.

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Men of culture if sincere and non-memey.

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I never meme about big boobs

Oh I don't know, have you paid attention to Steam or Snow lately?

Don't forget that Japanese women write female characters like females and not as males with female bodies.

Gayben needs to pull his head out of his ass and realize that sex sells and steamfags buy it.
What is this? Steam alternative or something?

It has a stigma behind it.
Physical stores, and now probably Steam too, at this rate, won't sell it.
Big companies won't take the risk of not making a safe game, and not being able to be sold is pretty unsafe.

There's also literally a shit-ton of porn games out there that are probably better than what could be made by a AAA company. Do you really want a AAA game with western women design philosophy?

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>Why don't any AAA dev teams have the balls to make a good AO game?
because if you're aiming for AO it's easier just to make a shitty, lazy game but fill it with tiddies since sexually repressed retards will still buy it but it takes less effort

Nope, just a AAA game with eastern women design philosophy.

Meant Snoy but the brain auto-corrected. Have some anime tiddies as recompense.

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Make an amazing game that does everything right and fill it with tits, even more people will buy it. NieR: Automata isn't AO, but a pretty good example of how to make a game like that, even though there isn't much sex, but lots of wank-material.

Exactly, you are right. Japs in general aren't afraid to showcase these things. I am not saying that their society doesn't have problems or it isn't very conservative. But the US are also conservatives of the same amount in most states but you see that they can't deal with straight sexuality and shy away.

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The one in the left is mary sue with insane potential, the one in the right is a insane rape victim desperate for love and is prone to go yandere.

What's going on in the bottom panel?

>Anime retard doesn't understand that an AO rating is a death sentence for sales

Good job, retard.

Bernie Sanders rally hijacked by BLM

You are another symptom of the problem.
Sacrificing porn for sales is problematic behavior, I will contact your supervisor for this unacceptable behavior.

That's not western game design, that's western politics.

Just Bernie things

I could drive a truck between those titties.

On a scale of Comic Girls to Yurucamp, how good and not yuri is GuP?

It's good and only has yuri implications in the OVAs.

Because publishers need to sell their games, and they sell copies of their games to retail sellers, and said retail sellers often are owned by gross of investors who think AO will scare the soccer moms away.

The one exception to the rule is GTA and it's still a fucking controversy for some people.

gup is panzersexual

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What is the T34's three sizes?

>Make it AO
>Every stores refuse to sell it
>Have to sell it on some obscure and shady as fuck website

>if you want your trash to sell you better make that chest 2cm flatter right now

How is that a SFW image if this is a ban and ACTUALLY a video-game character?

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The only reason, as other people stated is that you can't sell your product in 99.9% of stores. I know precisely what you mean though. I'm not gonna lie and say I don't play H-games for the hentai, I do. But I also love knowing that literally nothing is off the table when I start playing a new Alicesoft or Eushully game. Anything can happen. You can't get that kind of excitement in a game bound by ratings.

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This wouldn't be a problem if Gayben got his ass in gear.

Hosting a website is cheap. Content distribution is cheap (or free) nowadays.

Same thing desu

No nipples, asscrack, or vag.

Well then, perhaps it's time for every publisher to follow in the footsteps of Origin/UPlay/Epic's thing and have its own storefront-client. God knows the impetus for physical releases is on a swift downward spiral. Then they could sell whatever the hell they want, and you know damn good and well the masses will happily install every one of them if forced to. Before you know it, there'll even be a cottage industry for people attempting to make all-in-one frontends that let you access all your launcher accounts from one interface.

AAA dev teams are not only concerned about local sales, but international sales as well.
Some countries might just outright ban games from being sold if they push the boundaries of what is acceptable.
Imagine in GTA5 you could actually pull women off the street and rape them (very graphically), then kill them and cut them into little pieces.
The game would probably get banned in several countries all over the world.

Me on the right

Those games don’t sell well.
Nobody wants those games in their marketplaces.
They’re not very marketable, and no other advertisers would wanna be anywhere near an AO game being marketed anywhere.

It’s not about having balls, retard. It’s about making money.

Because religion ruined the world forever.

You know studios like Ubisoft make games just to sell to the widest audience possible right? Just so that they could monetize the ever living fuck out of them...

Why can't we have that kind of thing, but in a full package, gameplay, soundtrack, story, characters, art, instead of just soundtrack, characters, art, and maybe story?

I can see her nipples and vagina.

Here you see nothing and it's still a ban.

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>selling your game on the most popular stores in the world
>selling your game on a website no one knows about
Unless it is a AA or AAA game with a studio that can spend good moybey on advertising, not selling your game in a know store is almost a commercial suicide. That only would work if you and your game are already well know on internet.

Never mind I thought you were talking about those publishers in particular.

If that's true, than it's all about having balls. Being willing to go out of business in exchange for making something great, going with what's safe is not having balls.

>Why are devs afraid of being rated AO when it allows for more artistic freedom than M17+?
>artistic freedom

Besides what other anons have brought up about selling the game and bottom lines, this is the same industry that talks about how video games are art, but then lambaste developers for having characters "too sexy" or games "too difficult". Artistic freedom doesn't mean shit when no one respects or cares for it, which this industry certainly doesn't. I would post that image of that photographer calling out that one Kotaku writter if I had it.

Here is a few reason you got ban:
1. It's furry
2. It's bara
3. It's gay
Combine them together and you have gay bara furry picture that is so obviously you knew that it will get you ban. Here is a reason why this picture will not get you ban, because it ecchi and it doesn't matter if it is female or male, it more safe than your picture.

How the hell is Yangus furry you retard? Also "bara and gay" aren't rules. Try again.

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>Hehehe my hentai is le artsy wartsy XD

Moderator bias.

I honestly believe that they should've made every game require the buyer to be 18 or older. Even ones aimed to children. That way developers wouldn't be stifled in their creativity and more importantly requires parents to actually parent.

That's not her nipple, it's her areola, completely different and where do you see their vagina?

Sadly, I think we need to swap the "European" and "American" labels.

>be big AAA company
>pour all your resources and staff into making some big swan song AO game cause some guy says we don’t have balls
>release game
>flops, but that one guy bought it at least
>go out of business as a result
>entire staff is fucked outside of the higher ups

You can clearly see her labia behind the rights hair. It's not that hidden.

I couldn't see you picture, so of course it look furry.

Critism never stopped traditional artists from making their art, see R. Mutt and piss-christ. "Too pretentious" and "too offensive" didn't stop them, did it? "Too difficult" and "too sexy" shouldn't mean shit.

>having to choose between not having balls vs making money
hard choice amirite

I don't see the lips at all.

>I couldn't see your picture so it looked furry

That doesn't make any sense, it's clearly skin.

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>artistic freedom
You mean boobies heehee

Fortnite is rated T for teen and is making eleventy billion dollars because of it.

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Well then you're blind.

Whats the difference BOOM ROASTED

>Why are devs afraid of being rated AO when it allows for more artistic freedom than M17+?
I pity whoever believes this

The way it should be anyway is that kids only buy and play what they're allowed to by their parents. It shouldn't be a problem, if little timmy's parents don't want timmy buying porn, he shouldn't be buying porn, and it's the parents' fault if it negatively affects him, they should've been paying attention to him.

I’m pretty sure a AAA game company’s main priority is to make money not show some retard on Yea Forums that they have balls

Piss Christ was lauded by the people that matter (Jewish critics).

>hentai isn't le artsy wartsy
That is the true cringe, fren.

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Is that a mother daughter pic? That dynamic is so fucking hot

You already have a great looking girl only to have an even bigger and better version next to her

Becauae an AO game cant be sold in a lot of stores both physical and online and you wont be able to advertise you game on any non porn website. Basicly you can go full lewd and cop an AO rating and have basicly no exposure to the market or turn down the lewd a little bit and get a 17+ rating and get a shit load more exposure.

I dunno but you seem like you deserved it

No, it's a variety pic. (You) are an user of culture, regardless.
..or is Priestess revealed as Sword Maiden's daughteru?

Sure, if you just really hate scantily clad video game characters for some reason.

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Not many payment processors work with AO content, have to enter credit card details to shady chink banks

Why are we ameritrash so fucked in the head?

>Why are devs afraid of being rated AO
They aren't, they just know that making a porn game is a waste of money because only teenagers and lonely autists care about porn games, and horny teenagers don't have money to buy games.

They don't exist becuase most people don't just jerk off all day and they wouldn't sell

thank you for pointing out that tiehr pabs ssbs sboom roasted dudej

The thumbnail looks like he has enormous titties

>artistic freedoms

Don't you mean "muh anime tiddies"? If you want to jack off so badly play a porn game or go watch actual porn. Stop whining and complaining about how game developers aren't pandering to you. Or go make your own games.

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>They don't exist becuase most people don't just jerk off all day

Why does Yea Forums not want even more anime/2D porn being produced then it's current rate?

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literally have sex

Fuck off currynigger dyke slut.

there's a dozen rpgmaker games with porn made every day, go jerk off to those and leave us with our actual games

Talk about a bait and switch series.

Being AO requires being either porn or Hatred/Postal in terms of violence. No big studio is ever touching that unless they send a bunch of unpaid interns at it

>fucks whoever wins her in duels, man or woman
>fucks her brother
>the blue haired boy's twin sister wants to fuck him
>the main character's love interest got bought by a rich guy and fucked throughout his childhood

God the Japanese are so degenerate.

In most peoples mid20s their hormones settle down and they don't think about getting off all day every day anymore,
I used to be a huge weeb when I was younger too, I loved anime, ecchi garbage, hentai, pirated whatever hentai games I could find. But then I got a few girlfriends and got older and I just don't give a fuck anymore, I could jerk off and get back to doing something that is actually interesting in the time it takes to install these games, and they have literally no value unless you're planning to jerk off.

I don't even really understand the appeal of shit like playing Skyrim with a million fetish mods, you're basically just making the game worthless outside of whenever you have a boner. Though thats not really a big loss either way since Skyrim is fucking boring, but still. I get where you guys are coming from, I've been in your position before, but porn games and anime tiddies really aren't anywhere near as important as you guys think they are and you'll eventually stop taking them so seriously.

Were it so easy...

The vast majority of rated r movies and hbo shows couldn't be made into games with all their conent. Hell, south park had to tone down their second game.

Stop being a fuckin loser

they're right tho. stop throwing temper tantrums and expecting every single medium of entertainment to cater to your childish over active autistic libido you sad sad pathetic manchild.

>it allows for more artistic freedom than M17+
No it doesn't, the only thing that would make a game AO over 17 is extreme sexuality or violence. Those don't preclude artistic expression, but they're almost universally reserved for porn. Just be honest and say you want sex and titties. If someone ever did make an artistic AO game, like Salo for movies, it would get shit on by Yea Forums because everyone that posts here is a neet or a dumbass teenager.

It honestly is, just talk to girls without jerking off.
Thats literally it, hop on some dating site or something, find a chick that seems like you wouldn't hate talking to her, and talk to her without touching your dick. Once you start touching your dick you'll start doing the same gay shit that every guy does when talking to chicks and they pick up on it quick. They don't fall for the sneaky """subtle""" attempts to shift the conversation towards sexual stuff, they don't want to talk about fetishes, they don't want to talk about anything like that because every dude they talk to thinks they're smooth for trying to slip it into conversation too.
Literally all you have to do is treat them like any friend until you're comfortable hanging out, and if there is chemistry you'll probably end up fooling around, if there isn't thats okay because they aren't obligated to want your dick just because you talked to them and you just made a new friend.

Witcher was the only good AAA porn game.

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stop posting this garbage

>ends with her realizing that her relationship with her brother is toxic for the both of them, so she leaves her coffin to go reunite with the person who showed her what true love is

Degenerate and wholesome

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>continuing to use as an example a game that can be modded

You consolefags deserve to be plagued with ugly women.

More like you're just mad.

>they literally have no value unless you're planning to jerk off
To go with your Skyrim example, there's a game to play in between the porn. Play game, engage porn fuctions, jerk off, play game, engage porn fuctions, repeat in cycles. Good H-Games like this thread hypothesizes could achieve this as well.
>eventually you'll stop taking them so seriously
Losing sex drive sounds awful, losing an in-built coping mechanism. Besides, why can't you be content with both 2D and 3D?

And? It's not out of boredom.

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Why? He's not posting anything that is NSFW,
If everyone else on Yea Forums has to deal with waifufags and horny kids spamming barely not porn on all the SFW boards because they literally can't not jerk off, you can deal with the gay retards that jerk off to dudes from games.
No one likes having either of you around, but its very silly to complain at the gay alternative to regular lewd posting.

Utena is Ikuhara's best work easily. The very definition of bittersweet tragedy

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I tried this shit in high school, they can't stand /r9k/ types, not meaning incels, but socially incompetent autists with lots of sex drive but no suave or people skills to be able to make sexytime. They're either creeped out or irritated. Wow, major thread derail, my dudes.

You can't show asscracks?

No idea, just playing it safe.

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>Losing sex drive sounds awful, losing an in-built coping mechanism.
Its pretty great, you stop caring about women, you stop being anxious about being good enough, you stop craving sex and can focus on stuff you actually like.

I've got something like 8 years of full time relationships by now and I've had enough sex to know that its not nearly as great as everyone acts like it is. It honestly gets kinda boring after a while, I don't think I pity anyone more than the eternal virgins, not because sex is so great and they're missing out, but because they'll spend their lives obsessing over this thing they can't get, thinking about how amazing it must be, when really its kinda just like jerking off but more awkward and sweaty.
Not to say that its not fun at all, but its no where near as fun as normies hype it up to be. The thing is that fucking is basically the only hobby that most normies have, they watch The Office on Netflix and jerkoff/fuck. Don't be a normie user, don't let jerking off be your main hobby. Rise above your carnal urges, disregard women, acquire bros, focus on hobbies. Sex is the ultimate jewish distraction and its genuinely sad to me that so many dudes will spend most of their lives obsessed with something so stupid just because they can't get it. Relationships aren't worth the hassle, and sex is a waste of time. Just enjoy the shit that genuinely makes you happy without feeling guilty about not getting laid, you'll be so much happier once you stop giving a fuck that you aren't out there banging chicks. We are living in a privileged time in history, we are one of the first generations that can genuinely spend most of our lives doing whatever we want. Don't squander that by getting too worried about sticking your wiener in a hot hole because your brain says you need to.

>but socially incompetent autists with lots of sex drive but no suave or people skills to be able to make sexytime. They're either creeped out or irritated.
Basically yeah. Too many dudes that can't seem to talk to women just can't wrap their heads around people not wanting to hear about their dick or how they jerk off. We've all been guilty of this, so I'm sure everyone knows what I mean when I say "Stop jerking off when you talk to them", because thats what makes you come off as a creep with nothing interesting to say.

A bit of what you're saying seems like it may or not be ironic and satirical, but aside from that, sex wouldn't get the hype if it was just more inconvenient jacking off. People talk about how good pocket pussies are, and non-virgins claim that they don't understand how virgins even masturbate, because they masturbate to the memory of how a vagina feels. The overall narrative doesn't seem consistent with some of yours.

Those people are normies with no hobbies.
Literally, get a job and talk to your co-workers. 99% of them will have nothing to talk about aside from bitching about work, talking about wanting to fuck something, talking about fucking something, or something to that effect.

They hype it up as being amazing because its literally all they really care about doing when they aren't working, eating or sleeping.
Most of their actual hobbies are just excuses to try and look for things to fuck, of course they'd talk up how amazing literally the only thing they care about is.

Don't fall for the NPC lies, sex is just a distraction and a waste of your limited time here.

Lol fag

Chances are it's going to be a niche game as it is and wouldn't sell in stores either.