Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 Censored on PS4

Previously, it was revealed that PS4 players would miss out on:
>The “Soft 4D” feature that will combine the Soft Engine and HD Rumble, alongside a few “naughty” items including the Jet Black Fan, the Gold Fan, and the Softening Lotion.

Now, we learn that Snoy is also not allowing some of the costume breakage, which causes costumes to become more revealing after taking damage:
>some of the swimsuits on PS4 will not have the “malfunction” feature that causes them to be showcased in a slightly messed up fashion.
>some DLC outfits that have the costume break feature won’t be destroyed on Sony’s console.


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Is it just a meme California caused this or is California actually this bad

t. East Coaster

I was already going to get it on switch so I dont care

>California is full of SJW who hate sexual depictions of cute women
>Sony moved its PlayStation HQ to California
>games depicting cute women in suggestive ways started to get censored
Do the math.

People (Californians) what to say it's a meme but everyone know that shitstain of a city and it's inhabitants are causeing this

They recently banned a bikini barista because the girls were too revealing.

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The soft 4d is shittier than the one in the ps4 switchtard,cope hard.

>user asks what thoughts are on calif-sony

idiot, watch cnn, fox or whatever gay ass shit you consume that disalows you from being aware of real world geopolitics. your shit posting digusts me op. typical

KT just can't stop fucking up. NEVER allow censorship! Play-Asia is going to have a lot of leftover copies.

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It's why I was disappointed that microsoft Xbox lose hard.

If playstation were having a real competition, this would never happen.

Once a company have a dominating position, they will always do anti-consumer policy.

>1 and 3 are the same person
>2 and 4 have a natural hair color
What autistic goobergaber made this image?

Great chance it was not KT decision.

They get pressure from sony. Even small developers in Japan were targetted.

They should release a physical PC version

Nintendo's most draconian censorship policies were during the WiiU era when they were being obliterated by the PS4
It has nothing to do with competition, but people in charge

Were Nintendo censoring Japan software?
Or it's only Nintendo of America?

I never understood why some people choose to speak like toddlers

apparently it triggers glooblegators like yourself

Getting the superior Switch version

Treehouse was fucking up everything they possibily could because they got paid, not for quality of changes, but for the number of changes.

Switch po--oh...I mean...uh...PC port?

It's still going to sell best on PS4 by a wide margin, censorship is irrelevant.

Release it on PC and Xbone.

California is the pron capital of the world

Wow, I didn't realize Californians were such faggots.
Kinda makes me glad that I live on literally the opposite end of the country.

>I'll be buying the SUPERIOR switch version of my hentai masturbation video game

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>anti predator adaptation
So if you are disgusted of these girls you are a predator?

Thank fuck Nintendo are based enough to not censor

Yeah, what do you play, murder simulators? Are you gonna murder people?

That only makes it worse. How can you complain about sexuality in video games and other media while being the capital of porn?

If they did that people would have any reason to play VV.
Also Momiji banner when?

I don't even like fanservice games like this, but I'm tired of everything with an attractive female being censored. How many more years do we have before society swings back the other way again?

It's not the games causing it, it's just that incels like you tend to become overly attached/interested in Chinese cartoon boobies.

Because blacked is based alpha male fap material. This shit is for basement dwelling incels. The whole world hates you.

What's the problem, roastie?

No argument, incel?


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Yes all butt ugly dykes and mentally ill trannues try to ruin things for all the normal folks on the regular. Nobody likes them tho, we all just pretend to tolerate the degenerates.

I'm a Californian Democrat, and I think this censorship is bullshit. Fuck sjws.

After the next world war.

No Tina no buy

Shut up fag.

just buy the Switch version

Unless that's within the next 5+ years, I doubt it'll take that long. Maybe 10 years at most.

Spoken like someone that has never been to california

>hollywood, california produces massive amounts of pornography
>but censor the video games!
glad I don't own a console

not right now since there a law that require porn star to wear condom in 2016 so they move the shooting production to Las Vegas right now there're only the editing and business side remain.

t. guy that work in the porn industry

>fanservice game is censored
They should just release it on pc desu

>t. guy that work in the porn industry
How did you get in?

>Switch version is gonna look / run shitty
>PS4 version censored to ass
What a story, Mark! Where's the PC version?


it would be pretty funny if the sony japs moved for California thinking it was a paradise full of blonde cowtits and they got censorship instead.

The actual reason is that they didn't want Gamergate to get as many hits so they hid their casual posts from search engines by obscuring the key word, which lead to intentionally making it sound as immature as possible. It caught on and that's still how they refer to it.

>PlayStation has gone full feminist-tier censorship covering up anything resembling a scantily clad female
>Nintendo hires pedophiles and their apologists

Is Xbox our only hope?

>hoping consoles won't be tightly controlled

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>Nintendo hires pedophiles and their apologists

>paradise full of blonde cowtits
If you’re in the right part of SoCal.

why do they port the dogshit fighting games to the PC but not these ones?

Such as?

Is there any reason to get this new version when I have the original ps4 copy from years ago?

All the puritans in America didn't die out, they're just a different brand of crazy that lives in Commiefornia now.

None, all the PS4 version of Scarlet does is removing content.

It's less a out the content and more about roasties feeling threatened by virtual women. You see, there is no barrier for entry to a virual girl so real women can't control their sexual market value. Women don't complain about pornstars because they fuck for money.

Nigger you can just get the Hong Kong version right now, that's in English, and has all that shit

Every version of the new release in censored on PS4, though I assume you're talking about the original one, Fortune.

Is it even being released on anything else

I assume you are talking of your ass

What’s the point it’s already rated M

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Here, have a Famitsu scan with a handy chart that details everything that's been removed in the PS4 version of Scarlet you fucking retard.

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Why is X3 not on Steam yet?

It’s literally SJW infant mentality. Remember when Trump got elected and all the lefties literally wore fucking SAFETY PINS (i.e. the thing you used to hold baby diapers together with) as a form of solidarity? They don’t know how to function as adults, simply put. Everything is still elementary school to them, complete with childish insults and utter babble.

>Softening Lotion
More like Hardening Lotion, amirite?

>muh PC port
You are all a bunch of retards. X3 is already on PC in the form of Venus Vacation. Scarlet wont release on PC because they have already said they won't be releasing the game to the west. If you really care about the game go get yourself a vpn or shut the fuck up already.

>They recently banned a bikini barista
Isn’t that slut shaming? What was the point of slut walk even


Those are your people faggot

It's an alt right thing.

They have to blame a liberal/sjw/gay/transgender person for all their perceived problems.

in toronto anyway girls don't really dress slutty anymore for the slutwalk. they've lost the script

big kek

>Censoring a titty-ball player game
>Why even release it at all?

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It's not even coming stateside, so no.

Because it'll still make money.

>oh no there isn't a fan item or a boob bounce modification. This game is ruined and I'm destroying my PS4 with a sledgehammer

Only people surprised by this are the same retards that exclusively play ps4

>and I'm destroying my PS4 with a sledgehammer

No, but I am selling it on eBay the minute I'm finished with Death Stranding.

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Of course.
And then a liberal/sjw/gay/transgender person goes to blame an alt-righter or the rest of us about their received problems.
Meanwhile, real issues don't get talked about, let alone solved.

We already knew this.

But yes it's still bullshit, fuck Basedny. They went from my favourite console of the last decade ti my most hated in about a year.

Sasuga Snoy. Keep fucking the Sonygros.

I remember this retard the other day lmao

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>the minute I'm finished with Death Stranding.

So in like 3 years?


real issues such as?

At least the devs are being fully transparent with regards to what's missing from the inferior version of their game.

I assume he's talking about that one chick who was fired for moonlighting as a hooker and talked about how CP should be legal or something.

>So in like 3 years?
I'm in no rush, I own a PS2.

Sooner Playstation fucking dies the better.

Thinking its xbox for me next gen

>next gen
a-user I...

That was a /pol op. Wearing a safety pin in the punk scene back in the day meant you were down for gay sex.
And of course since none of them has any memory longer than 15 minutes and didn't try and look it up, it worked.

What you stuttering fuck? Spit it out so i can tell you that you are wrong.

It's this or Google next gen. I want you to think real hard about that. I also want you to know that hundreds on this board will defend both.

Your webm isn't of SNOY censorship though. It's KT being retarded and tying the breast physics to frame rate, so they only work properly at 30fps. So they don't work on PS4, Xbone, or PC, unless you force the PC version to run at 30fps. And KT being KT refused to patch it because they're lazy as shit.

California is a state, genius.

Wait until GDC next week. You'll see.


That fact you even consider them competition means your a brain dead normie fuck

>that one autism user that keeps making threads about the switch version having no bouncing
this is funny
I don't normally click on these threads and just saw this while browsing but the truth has been noted

You're just brain dead, apparently.

I used to think the censorship of console titles was bad.

Then I realized companies can do what they want, and you can just not support them! And it doesn’t even shit up the board! Pirate it or play something else on PC! Watch porn or hentai! But for the love of god, please stop posting about this on Yea Forums.

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>american internet whines anyway

>removing costume breakage
God FUCKING dammit.

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The californians want to stop the death penalty in all the US. In 2019. Yes is that bad.

The only people who this affects are poorfags with a shitty PC and PS4 as their only console. Prove me wrong. You can't.

U.S. Death penalty is an incredibly inefficient program, so I'm pretty much for this. We also can't just hang fuckers anymore.

Didn't you hear? the rates won't matter anymore with this crazy "woman"(men) with nothing better to do.

It's actually that bad. California is one of the worst states in the U.S.

Why inefficient? Explain

Hopefully it happens sooner rather than later. Been waiting for shit to turn around since like 2012 but its only been getting worse and worse with it ramping up in the last couple years.

Rather than put a bullet through the head of a convicted murderer or throw him on Ol' Sparky we inject him with anesthetics and poison that cost ridiculous amounts all coming from taxpayers.

California is filled with limousine liberals who are so bored they pretend spreading their ideals as fact is the way to immortalize themselves as heroes. Their rich and have resources so it almost works. Also a lot of liberal idealism is just corporations and hollywood using populism to gain followers

not him but ZOG is a real issue.

Not really. I've heard the swimsuits and characters are coming to Fortune as DLC anyway so you honestly have more to lose by buying the new game than just buying the DLC for your current game.

It has like 4 layers of appeals along with what said. The appeals rack up a huge bill you can look it up it's pretty ludicrous what we spend on this program.

Or I can just not buy it.

I didn't know the shit costs so much. But what about the electric chair?

i mean.. ps moved to cali in 2016 so whyd it take them 3 years to do this shit? i dont think so desu

Cry more nigger.

Electric chair costs however much the electric company charges on the power bill. You build it once and then you just zap perps again and again.

>not giving them indeterminate death row time like in japan

They weren't selling as much back then. The higher you climb the harder you fall.

We are constitutionally obligated to make the death penalty humane. Since the definition of humane gets stricter and stricter it's only a matter of time before we have to do something even more ridiculous in order to fulfill the requirements. Might as well ban the shit lock them up and forget about them.

whats the best website to buy it for the switch?

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We just need to develop some kind of cheap toxin that numbs and kills people quickly.

So the only thing the Switch version loses is the VR paradise

I can't believe that it would be the definitive edition. Anyway, I already got Fortune on my PS4 but I might consider getting it on Switch for some portable fanservice.

His argument is why the fuck is getting overly attached or INTERESTED in chinese cartoon boobies is a problem to you? While you think about that, go back to Retardera faggot, nobody likes trannies here.

I think the bigger question is why are all of the sane people allowing these mentally ill degenerates to call the shots? I refuse to believe these puritanical lunatics are the actual majority opinion.

You're not a democrat anymore, by modern standards you're an incel nazi right now.

What if they patch out the good stuff with Fortune? Like if you update DMC V, Trish's ass will be lens flared.

California is the epitome of champagne socialists giving a bunch of liberal lipservice while being corporatist cunts in reality.
t. New Englander

They aren't. Why do you think Trump won 2016?

Snoy is really trying their damn hardest to lose their position at the top of the console wars.

You would think those fucking retards would understand the phenomenon of the most porn-friendly medium coming out on top, IE: Bluray vs HD DVD

Squeaky wheel gets the grease.

Normal well adjusted people don't speak up.

Why not just go back to executioners?

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Since they are on top, they think that those are not needed anymore. I expect them to change their stance a year or two from now when they realize that the audience they are trying to pander to doesn't really care much for video games.

Although I couldn't care less because people that buy these types of games are all sorts of creepy and it's a shame the cancer destroyed the rpg genre for me, it is a shame that any games are being censored.

Sony won't really see an effect of this since games like these don't really sell that much in the first place, especially if the devs don't move to other platforms and leave sony hanging

I can't believe the are giving Microsoft an edge to dominate with their Xbone and making Nintendo look more mature than them. No one is gonna buy a Playstation if they're going to get a version of a game with cut content.

Plus their contracts will expire soon. They're banking on western games propping up their entire platform.

Long as they have retards buying fifa it don't even matter.

Isn't the Switch version also running at 720p 30fps?

They are not. But they control and create most of our media, so they trying to force the standards of their state onto others and beyond. California is trying to make everything just like them.

>Wanting to see attractive women is creepy
>caring about rpgs

fucking incel

western games are the only thing propping up the entire industry

Can't wait for more generic FPSs and movies marketed as video games with altered history and drenched in Kool-Aid.

And if this shit keeps going he is gonna get reelected. The republicans are doing it on purpose.

I'd take that over cut content.
Anyway, I already have Fortune on PS4 if I want good grafix. Main selling point for the Switch version is the portability.

Sorry I don't fit your narrative. I'm a leftie, but trannies can go and walk off a cliff.

California is sort of losing it's sanity right now, games are actually comparatively minor an issue.

Pretty much a state that pampers criminals.

Then the industry can crash and we can go back to the great variety of mid-budget games we used to have.

I'm definitely not buying a PS5. I really didn't want to go back to Microsoft, but it looks like I have to. I'll also buy the Switch 2 or whatever.

>imagine being this deluded


No shit, It's an Sjw company now. keep up with the times noobs

It's because of the election. They're still suffering from PTSD, although they probably would have done this shit anyway. We really need this industry away from that state.

Yes, but pick your poison.

More like western games are killing the industry

I honestly fully welcome another industry crash. I don't care if we lose games in the process.

If Clinton won Japanese media would be banned period.


Meme by people who just have a massive hate boner of the place. CA is so liberal they voted to speed up executions and also ban gay marriage prior to SCOTUS overturning any such things. They also voted against legal weed the first time.

Unless you believe in magical powers (California has some mythical field that forces everyone to be an SJW) or believe that the state somehow passed secret legislation to make companies SJW, it makes no sense.

California is to the rest of the US as the US is to Europe. Can't shut the fuck up about it.

It would have probably just been even more heavily centered. classic liberals like money as much as conservative/traditionalist fags

the western marked a way more volatile, the big release are either 10/10 successes or they totally tank and nearly kill dev studios or companies.

The eastern companies cater to their relatively more stable niches. It seem like a more practical approach to content and business to me.

We were screwed either way.

Capitalism only tolerates them because of their money.
Under communism they would be dead and six feet under.

California rejected repealing the death penalty and voted to speed up executions in 2016. Newsom's EO is actually directly against what the people voted for back then.

To be fair, he did not hide during his campaign that he would do this.

>laughs smugly

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I'm betting Japan is just waiting out until the IOC leaves in 2020 and then they'll go back to being unrepentantly smutty. That's the hope, anyway.

kys incel

What's the point in buying this when I have DOAX3?

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get it from the japanese eshop, it has english support

2005 to 2011 were the best years. Prove me wrong.

Why wouldn't they? Did you also except China to keep Beijing smog-free past 2008?

I like how you made no reference to the culture. Like people wouldn't draw a parallel between the ideologies being propped up and the behavior of companies, communities and individuals. You are being intentionally disingenious, fuckin dick

This is why people hate cali, not your arbitrary opinions about a secret conspiracy. You're such a fuckin chode

>mfw the switch collectors edition is sold out and the top selling version on playasia

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Yeah, there's conservatives in CA if you cut out the cities fuck you've got no liberals left but the cities are pretty much running shit politically now.

>attractive women
>Talking about a video game.

Ok buddy.

>Cali getting defensive now that all the states are becoming wise to them.
Just keep it up. There is 1 of you and 49 of us.

I don't get why they're trying to rip the culture from the country they were born in. The western standard chokes out the creative field for the pursuit of money, how can people just bend over and not see the broad picture?

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Do you really think they have a chance? Highly doubtful. Its going to be some high end streambox for the fucking google play store.

some people are douches and think that these laws and eviromental policies encourage the inherent good in humanity. I say, "lol".

bunch of niave trolls


I just bought the basic. What came in the CE?

I wanted Venus Vacation on english...

Not like that would stop them, cali won't cut their shit unless we as a nation hurt them. Given their behaviror
and hostility I could see it happening fairly naturally. It's not like state relations are always sun shine and flowers. Sometimes there is some real hate there. And in cali's case that hate is coming from states that give them water

We totally should fuck with them and see what happens.

I want to quit my job at the local game store because of this shit. I somehow want to sabotage PS4 game sales without it being obvious. Anyone got ideas? Should I just shill the Xbox and Switch as best as I can? I want Snoy to suffer.

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Nothing you can do, learn how to ignore the existence of the company

You need to make people aware of what Sony does without making it look like they only target underage characters. They target casual sexualization in reality but many people are just using this as a chance to call people who consume fan service games pedos.

Just up-play the positives of Microsoft and down play Sony. Everything has positive and negatives it's all about deciding what to make salient to the consumer.

I'm not some seething anti-establishment retard, but you should do what I do and just buy everything used as a last resort to just pirating.

That looks good. I'll see if I can buy this in Akihabara

I don't think that is a topic most care about. I'm just going to shill the Xbox hard by saying it's the superior hardware with a much better controller (and that I like the interface better, even when I don't) and leaving out the downsides like having to buy a Play and charge kit for your controller, and having worse exclusives. Switch doesn't need any adjustment, shit is selling like crazy.

based nintendo, tfw I can use paypal to buy on the japanese eshop

Don't have a credit or debit card? Fucking zoomer scum. Of course you have a switch

I do, don't want to put my fucking credit card data on Nintendo (or anything that isn't paypal) as they can get hacked like Sony. But it's good that I can pay with paypal from any fucking region there, you can't do that on the PS4.

Don't forget a lot of video game companies have their American Headquarters in California, among them being Tecmo Koei, Atlus, Xseed, and the current Yea Forums darling, Capcom, so it's funny hearing a bunch retards regurgitate what /pol/ shits out.

They do though. Anyone who knows about the Xbone also knows its exclusives are a massive joke and on PC anyway and when you leave that out of your shilling you are easier to spot as a shill

Customers are 90% entry level retards. Just trust me on that one

That may be for the best. My debit card that worked on a Japanese 3DS no longer works on the Japanese eShop, so I had to buy credit on the 3DS, then have the amount transfer over and buy the game on the Switch.

It's the shithole of the US, worse than florida

>Is Xbox our only hope?
Already forgetting the Xbox One fiasco eh censor shill?
Nintendo was already full totalitarian at one point
Sony fucked up by setting an HQ in California, despite it being an intentional choice
Xbox is already full of that shit
PC/Mobile are susceptible to the "kill switch"
No system is safe, enjoy gaming while u still can regardless of platform.

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Oh we're talking about irl. Yeah nvm

>putting your credit card info on websites that take paypal
fuck off schlomo

>classic liberals
No, all "liberals."
Pretty much every modern day "liberal" is just a corporatist who also shills for faggots and women because their corporate masters tell them to.