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that's a terrible idea

Buying Atlus would require buying Sega as Sega owns them.

Sure, why not. SEGA isn't worth all that much.

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Nintendo won't buy shit when they can just order individual exclusive projects from them whenever they want to.
Capcom and Nintendo aren't even close anymore. Bandai Namco would fit that picture more.

Nah, maybe Sega and that's it.

>Bandai Namco would fit that picture more.
They're not allowed to buy them. They tried to and the court said no, due to monopoly laws, which is how they acquired Monolith Soft.

How would there be a monopoly just because Nintendo buys Bamco?

>Not Grasshopper Manufacture so we get No More Heroes 3

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Nintendo and Sony actually made an agreement to never buy Atlus because it was too profitable for both of them. That's why Sega bought it.

>because it was too profitable for both of them
That doesn't sound very believable

Nah, While I'd like Capcom to develop more Switch titles, the devs of all these companies work best on their own.

>nintendo should get even more IPs they won't use

Not capcom
We just got a revival of megaman I don't want to see it suffer the fate of fzero again

Nintendo basically owns Platinum unofficially anyway.

I mean, if Capcom became part of Nintendo we could get a legit fighting game out of Smash Bros.

Why would Nintendo, if they were to buy Capcom, tell them to not do anything with Megaman?

If anything Nintendo did more with him than Capcom.

Yeah but sacrificing megaman for that to happen isn't worth it

atlus > no owned by sega
Platinum > they want to keep independance
capcom >no reason to sell

Nintendo hates buying other companies.
They still don't own Gamefreak, HAL, etc. and their aversion to acquiring companies is why MS bought Rare.

yeah Nintendo just buys majority ownership of the ips from those studios like how they own the Kirby IP and a majority of the pokemon company.

They seemed to support fzero with like 3 (4?) gba games back in the day + an anime
Now look what happened to it. Nothing more then a smash cameo only because he's one of the og 12 so he probably can't be taken out if they wanted to.

>both get exclusive games without paying a dime for them
it makes perfect sense

Nintendo should buy Hudson from those Konami fuckers.

Nintendo should go third party
Imagine their games on console that's actually more powerful than a smartphone

Everytime children say something this retarded, my first thought is Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE. This is the company Switch lovers claim will prevent censorship.

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no but they're free to keep funding more platinum games

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I mean people wouldn't even like a new game since they literally cannot top GX, it's literally impossible. The most we could REALLY get is rereleases of GX, and people would get annoyed by that at some point.

No. The only company Nintendo should buy is Level-5. Atlus, Plat, and Capcom all do a lo of great work with Sony and Microsoft. Level-5 really doesn't do anything good unless its on a nintendo platform.

People have literally just asked for a new F-Zero to be GX but with modern visuals and good online play. That's it. All people need.

No but Capcom should buy the follow Konami IPs:
Metal Gear
Silent Hill

They're more about building up partnerships rather than just buying things.

Nintendo doesn't really buy companies. They've picked up some as part of other deals for the most part.
If nintendo went third party, smartphone games is exactly what you'd get. They'd become a mobile developer and nothing more.

That was fucking NoA's fault, you retard.

that's not how it works

>still talking about Kowashitai when Nintendo literally changed their policy because everyone got pissed at them over #FE and Fates
you're stupid

The last company I want making a real fighting game out of smash is modern Capcom.

>not understanding business

but user, haven't you heard, Capcom is BACK!

If Nintendo could acquire SEGA or some shit, it would probably be good just so they could probably fix whatever the fuck is wrong with the Sonic team.

>fix whatever the fuck is wrong with the Sonic team.
I think sonic team is far beyond repair at this point my dude

>Nintendo should buy Capcom

Nope, enjoy your 15 year old ports and more expensive

>Nintendo should buy Platinum Games

LMAO, they are better off as an independent company, also they are producing two big PS4 games, Granblue Fantasy Re Link and Babylon's Fall

>Nintendo should buy Atlus

Another idiotic statement

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>modern visuals
GX looks really good even today, it doesn't need more bells and whistles.

Attached: F-Zero_GX_Gameplay2-3.jpg (791x445, 95K)

Very big if true

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>Yea Forums
>also the same Yea Forums

No, fuck you.

>Granblue Fantasy Re Link
>he doesn't know

Not the same people.
Why wouldn't I want to get more good exclusives?

More like make their games at all
Not to mention
>Yea Forums is one person

Nintendo should buy Capcom & Square. They have well over 120 billion dollars, and could easily afford both

were you not here these last two days? Yea Forums was making a bunch of SONY WINS shitposts because they thought that they were buying Take Two(and by proxy, Rockstar)

i can confirm that i am the only one posting on Yea Forums and those were all me

Nintendo should have bought atlus, entirely because atlus was seeking a buyer and Nintendo were the only external company publishing an Atlus title, they also work well together.
Nintendo shouldn't buy Platinum, Platinum are fine being their own company with their own goals, Nintendo however should have a deal where they own 10% of the company and have at least 3 games in development at all time published by Nintendo with options for Platinum to pick up contract work for teams with no project in development to save them from having to fire employees.
Capcom at current point hate Nintendo, they really don't see them as a worthwhile partner, I don't think Nintendo should purchase them at all, they would also lose almost all of their developers if they were forced to conform to Nintendo's hardware.

I want them to buy the devs who made Bravely and force them to port a Bravely Collection HD remaster 1+2 to the Switch then make Bravely 3

they've already announced that they're making a new Bravely game, some time earlier this year they mentioned that they started development

Are you sure or are you talking about that vague tweet of Edea holding joycons?

At this point, I think Nintendo should just buy Platinum.
Bayo has had more success on Nintendo's platforms even under consoles nobody owned like the Wii U.

Wonderful 101 has gained a slow but loyal following, and Astral Chain looks to getting it's share of hype.

The only thing I think holds it back is Nier Automata being bar none the best selling game they've done, which is on everything besides the Switch

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SEGA SAMMY is a giant company, dipshits. Like Bandai Namco are joined. It would be akin to Nintendo buying a company as big as themselves, get your Persona 5 (3 year old PS3/PS4 game) portbegging state out of your asshole.

they literally tweeted "DEVELOPMENT HAS STARTED!"

SEGA SAMMY has a market cap of ~2.7B
Nintendo ~33B

This - it’s so retarded to even consider Nintendo buying SS

it was a joke you dummy, stop taking things so seriously

>buy square-enix
No thanks, Square-enix can fuck off, shit company, and it's really telling that after the strong success of Octopath Traveler SE decided that the next logical step was to make a phone game instead of going right into a sequel or making another Bravely Default, or staying on Nintendo platforms where their success was.
As far as the studio that handled the grunt work for Bravely Default, they are not a studio that likes Nintendo, at the same time they are effectively dead, the shuffled it's development team around to avoid closure, at this point they have no interested in working with Nintendo which would save them.

that's not how it works

>or making another Bravely Default
user... they literally hinted at a new bravely game right after Octopath sold 1 milliion units... and they've literally announced that they're making a new bravely game

only Platinum

>they literally tweeted "DEVELOPMENT HAS STARTED!"
No confirmation of Switch though, this is Square-Enix, if there was a BD HD collection it would be multiplat by default, SE have no loyalty for Nintendo, even when they find strong success, the only platform they are loyal to is Playstation, which is understandable, that's where they made their name as a company, before that point is merely a footnote.

I just know we won't get a HD remaster collection of Bravely 1 and 2 on the Switch and it makes me angry.

I mean this is the same Square Enix that actually made a Secret of Mana 1+2+3 package for the Switch, but chose not to translate 3 and not bring it to the West.

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nintendo needs to stop making consoles
the switch is basically a weakass tablet and it fucks up any chance of nintendo games reaching their full potential

anyone else remember bayonetta on the wii u? what a disgrace that was, fucking awful framerate in several areas, then you have botw which was not even a cinematic 24fps but actually beneath that
I don't know what the fuck nintendo is doing with their hardware

That's not true at all though, they are currently working on Octopath Traveler Champions of the Continent.

Capcom makes good game now that they got out of your ubershit hardwares.

Nintendo can die for all I care. Not even bought.


I don't give a fuck about Platinum
Not completely, only Megaman

You're an idiot. The Switch is literally the best case scenario. No longer having to support both a home console AND a handheld at once spreading yourself thin but instead putting 100% of what you got on one hybrid is the ideal solution for Nintendo.

Would I like more power on the Switch? Sure, always. But the majority of people would not be willing to shell out some 600 bucks or whatever for a more powerful Switch. You can probably trust Nintendo to have done the math on what price point they can get away with.
At any rate, going hybrid and only having one platform from hereon out is optimal for Nintendo, they need to stick with that.

I think all the images they've posted of Edea with Switch stuff is pretty telling user

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>nintendo should buy three companies that aren't for sale!
good luck with that.

Every company in the world is for sale given enough money.

>tweeted by the bravely account

Attached: bravely.png (834x837, 319K)

Why would I want multiplats to become exclusive. I'm a Nintendo fag, but that's a huge fanboy shit right there. I can still play their games, I don't care.

They were posting these sorts of teasers during Octopath, if there is a new Bravely Default it will be a multiplat anyway, so the Switch version will look and run the worst, looking worse than contemporary games on the platform, it won't utilize Switch hardware features, and it will be sold on Switch at a premium.

it can easily happen. if Nintendo makes a good enough offer they have an obligation to their shareholders to consider it.

that's what everyone said about Octopath user and the original game is still Switch exclusive


Exclusives tend to be better games.

Nah fuck off nintenfag

Please port Persona 5 Nintendo!
It Would Be Perfect For The Switch!

Nintendo should buy Valve! Nintendo has enough money to buy CD Project!

I think it's self evident that he has brain cancer, and he wanted to reveal that but instead accidentally talked about a game that only exists in his head, I feel sorry for fans of the series.

That said I distinctly recall reading that they will be working on releasing 1 game per year for Switch, which is blatantly false, and Silicon Studio is now a shell company, so there goes all that.

It's coming to phones.

Nintendo's partnership deals seem to work out the best for them. Monolith Soft was a special case, it wouldn't happen today because Iwata is gone.

mistranslation from microsoft
that's a prequel side game, not the original octopath

I want Nintendo to take away MH from Sony once and for all

They know a company doesn't really have value on its own, but the people working on it. There's no value in buying a company if all the good people are gonna left, like EA and Microsoft always do. Buying game studios is actually a tyrannic thing to do, games studios want to remain independent, the best companies can do for them is fund their projects to get exclusivity, which is what Nintendo does.

I'm aware. Most auto-translators are hilariously bad

>tfw MVCi and SFV dlc out the whazoo
>tfw no face

MH is not exclusive to Sony
However it's not exclusive to Nintendo either, and it seems to upset you

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yeah, the most you get out of buying studios are IPs that they create, which mean nothing if you don't have the same talent that made those IPs good.

No company should be buying studios, that's cancerous shit right there, just pay for projects if you want exclusives. Besides Nintendo is the last company that needs more exclusives.

I just disliked MHW (despite platting it) and want real MH back

Big companies can and do sell off individual brands all the time. Big merged companies can and do split. lrn2business

3DS MH was garbage

It's the beginning of the end for exclusivity for Octopath Traveler, SE has no loyalty to Nintendo Bravely Default only stayed on 3ds due to the unique hardware, with Octopath that will move to multiplat, so will upcoming Bravely Default. Anyone who says otherwise ignores Square-Enix and how they work.

That's also why Sony made partnerships with From Software and Insomniac for Bloodborne and Spider-Man respectively, without buying them or barring them from doing other stuff with other publishers like Sekiro

you're just being speculative there, you have nothing that proves that point other than your own beliefs in how Square operates.

Monster Hunter World is the new standard for Monster Hunter, remember Capcom said that if it does come to Nintendo platforms they wouldn't port World, that's about it, there is 0 confirmation that it will come to Nintendo platforms, and there is 0 need for it to do so either

That's not true, they tend to be more valued by users because of fanboyism, see Horizon Zero Dawn, a game that if it had the Ubisoft logo absolutely no one would give a shit about it, but as it is now it is claimed to be one of the greatest games this gen, I see that all over the internet. Why don't they say the same about some generic Far Cry or Assassin's Creed?

3DS MH was literally the peak of the series thus far and if you disagree I don't care about anything you have to say for you are clueless and nothing but a graphics whore

>Spider-Man respectively
Sony has attempted on numerous occasions to buy Insomniac, Insomniac just flat out rejects them every time.

MH Generations or whatever came out recently on Switch and everyone just went back to World and wait for the Iceborne expansion
The public has spoken

Pffft, Nintendo can't even afford decent graphics cards for their fucking consoles.

>We just got a revival of megaman
really? legends 3 and a new battle network/star force came out? when did that happen?
i hope you're not seriously pretending that the indie-tier "classic" platformer they shat out last year was a "revival."

>having this shit of opinions

If you're the CEO of a video game company or studio, you clearly got there or fund that studio because you want to do great games, maybe there will be a revolutionary platform in the future that you will want to develop games for, you don't know that, no studio wants to be bought by a big company unless they're dropping the whole shit and want to take the money and run, like the faggots from Rare and Bioware.

World has a lot of quality of life upgrades, put those quality of life aspects into the style of 3DS MH(except no load screens between zones) and it'd be perfect.

Then how did Microsoft managed to buy a dozen studios in less than a year ?

If you don't think that this will happen then you aren't paying attention, Octopath is no longer exclusive already, it's an inevitability that it ends up on other platforms, which isn't itself something bad, but it will end up on other platforms primarily with Nintendo once more getting only the scraps.

What you call "quality of life" is more often than not just casualization, see: changes to healing or the ability to cancel out of way more moves than before.

This is the shitiest opinion I seen in several months user, and that's quite the achievement considering all the shit opinions Yea Forums has every day.

literally 1/10th of N's market cap

Like fucking Obsidian and Ninja Theory? Well I don't know, they still get to develop for PC I guess, but I feel bad for them, most of the talent always flees when game studios are absorbed into big companies so I don't expect anything good to came from it, Microsoft just wants a monopoly and they keep buying studios but nothing good ever comes from it.

They would own a significant margin of the market in Japan, monopoly does not necessarily mean you're the only player in the market

>Octopath is no longer exclusive already
the IP was never said to be exclusive, but the original game is still exclusive. Mobile is getting some dumb chapter by chapter prequel game.

I don't understand since when people care that much about mobile games. There's a reason it's not called Octopath 2.

Nintendo should just buy out SEGA and perhaps we would get a decent Sonic title every release.

>Bayo has had more success on Nintendo's platforms even under consoles nobody owned like the Wii U.
That's wrong though

Yet it sets a precedence, watch and see, the heavily rumoured BD1/2 HD will not be exclusive, this is a standard, just look at Ace Attorney, the HD collection was also multiplat and the series has been mobile first since the 3ds, same thing with Prof Layton which now releases on phones well ahead of Nintendo platforms and will soon not be on Nintendo platforms at all. It's the inevitability for third party titles to pull away from Nintendo just like children growing up and leaving the nest.

Legend is overrated and BN/SF is done
also ZX Advent was garbage

Square does this shit all the time, releasing really dumb spinoffs/side story games on random ass devices. Kingdom Hearts is the most egregious example of this, but they've done it with literally every single one of their RPG franchises.

Nintendo also has tons of cash.

Only one of those that makes sense is Platinum

They'd be better off partnering like they already do with Atlus and Platinum for stuff like SMT and Bayonetta. Back during GBA/GC era we had Sega making F-Zero, Namco making Star Fox, Capcom made 2D Zelda, doing that again would be interesting to see.

Nintendo published Octopath outside Japan so thats not happening

i saw something about 'Monster Hunter Portable Next' being teased and id assume that would be a switch game if its real

>doing another "Smash" instead of Nintendo vs Capcom
based fucking retard
probably a smeleetard too

They already said Octopath 2 is being developed and is not mobile.

>sets a precedence
not at all you dumbass, you clearly are doing this to rile people up. but I'll bite here, Square has done dumb mobile side spinoffs for literally EVERY RPG franchise they own. It means nothing.

Nintendicklet Switchlets have delusions of grandeur yet again

Why would they bother with Silent Hill when they already have RE? And Castlevania would only be worthy to them if they were to make it 2D metroidvania only

>pokemon ps4
>still looks and plays like shit due to gayfreak bullshit
oooh but its on peeessfoyurr *basedface*

Hell fucking no, they're just now putting up their old console exclusives on PC

>falling for bait

Technically none of them make sense, it isn't Nintendo's standard to buy external studios, in fact Nintendo only own 4 external development studios, and only one of them was purchased. Platinum makes the least sense too, if Nintendo were smart they would pull Platinum in to something like Hal/Int Sys where they aren't owned by Nintendo but are very close and loyal to them.

The one that should have happened was Atlus though, but Nintendo didn't bother and lost out because of it.

What about all the talented people that worked at Konami? Where are they now?

Cygames have cut a big deal with Nintendo

I guess a lot them joined Kojima Productions

Sounds like wishful thinking, Bravely Default already had a mobile game and yet the series has shown no indication of coming to other consoles. The mobile games are completely seperate things that are made to expand the IP and keep bringing in money.

>Wanting more powerful gigacorps
It's like you WANT a cyberpunk dystopia! Is Google, Amazon and Apple not enough?

Nintendo should just acquire Gust, or if willing, the entirety of KT.

>Nintoddies are so desperate for P5 and DMC 5 that they ask Nintendo to buy the companies that made them.

Only the bad guys in the industry buy studios. Prove me wrong.

I don't want Persona, I want the good Atlus games

>Electronic Arts
>THQ Nordic
Yeah, you're right user

So you want SMT ? They are aleady on Nintendo systems

>Nintendo published Octopath outside Japan so thats not happening
Nintendo don't own Octopath in the west, they just handled localization, this is a standard deal between companies, Nintendp has published many games and IPs in the west that they don't own, Dragon Ball being 1 example.

>i saw something about 'Monster Hunter Portable Next' being teased and id assume that would be a switch game if its real
No chance, when Capcom discussed Monster Hunter on Nintendo platforms they talked about it as if there was no game in development just that if they did develop a game for Nintendo platforms it wouldn't be a port of World. Portable Next is far more likely to go to phones than a Nintendo platform.

>They already said Octopath 2 is being developed and is not mobile.
I'm aware of this, but no mention of exclusivity, I'm expecting it to be multiplat since Nintendo's involvement is minimal and the IP sold 1.5 million units, SE will want to capitalize on that success by putting it on more platforms. SE are not a sentimental company.

Yet these games with mobile spinoffs haven't remained exclusive, Final Fantasy left Nintendo, then stopped being PS exclusive, Kingdom Hearts stopped being PS exclusive too, SE want to make as much money as they can, staying exclusive outside of establishing an IP is a waste of their time.

Bravely Default was built on 3ds hardware, porting it to ther platforms would require significant retooling as well as completely new assets, but as I said before if there is a Bravely Default HD re-release not only will it be multiplat, but the Nintendo release will be the lowest priority version of the game, it will look like a 3ds game with HD textures, but it won't perform anywhere near 60fps on Switch, it will easily meet that on other platforms though.

>Companies with actual good output on their IPs
>Please Nintendo, buy them and hoard the IPs and gate off old games

That's not true. Nintendo was part of the bidding wars for Atlus, and lost out to Sega. I guess Nintendo didn't try hard enough. I prefer 3rd parties stay 3rd party, so I'm happy Sega bought them.

FUCK U tendie faggot

Platinum would bankrupt any company that buys them. Almost everything they make is a flop.

Atlus whatever, I would prefer to be able to have their games on PC but Nintendo buying them wouldn't be bad
Platinum yeah that would probably be a net positive
Capcom NO. Fucking fighting games on a console with no built in Ethernet. Nononononononononono.

>Nintendo was part of the bidding wars for Atlus
>more money
>lose bidding war
Pretty pathetic showing on Nintendo's part, Sega got Atlus for a steal too, it's IPs were worth far more than what Sega paid for them.


Nintendo has the worst hardware make of l and like the stingiest company by far

>it will look like a 3ds game with HD textures, but it won't perform anywhere near 60fps on Switch, it will easily meet that on other platforms though.
oh you're just a nintendoom poster, why are you even in this thread

I guess they didn't try hard enough. I'm actually happy Nintendo lost, I don't like to see 3rd parties get bought out by a 1st party company.

the bigger guys like Sony and Nintendo didn't put much up because they probably assumed that Atlus would understand the perks of being owned by them rather than how much is coming up front. Boy were they wrong...

So P3, 4, 5, and SMT3

That's a bit of a jump, but thinking about it they are pretty doomed.
>third year in
>third party support is still pathetic
>first/second party support has improved but there's nothing until the end of june
So disppointing, can't wait for the 2020 drought.

Yeah me neither, only fanboys want that shit, or poor people that can only afford one platform I guess. But usually studios that get bought by big companies end up being dissolved.

>but thinking about it
lol no you came into this thread with an agenda to push, fuck out of here with this shit.

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wouldn't change much lol, they would still do lazy plastic chink toy shovelware at full price games and rehash and milk their cows to the bone

Nintendo is just a consitently shit company
every now and then they make something cool like Odyset and BotW but quite a rarity

but yeah they are such a shell of their former self, just let go user, they'll never be great again

The only real problem is now they are owned by Sega, I'd rather have seen Atlus miraculously become it's own company, no chance here.

The thing is they could have afforded it, and it would have paid off. There's no way Sony made a bid, they would have won, they had the most to gain.

Nintendo should just buy the video game industry. Why not.

It always bugged me when people said Nintendo should buy Mega Man back when he got into Smash. All we would get would be easy MM2 remakes.

But you're full of shit here, Third parties don't give a fuck about Nintendo, this has been the standard for years, so why would things turn around, when multiple other companies have been pulling exclusivity why would SE the one company that has backed away from Nintendo the most stay with Nintendo on a new IP that actually sold very well, and an IP they've already pulled exclusivity from Nintendo? you're putting your own biases into things here.

tbf with crossplay around, the apeal of exclusives is obsolete, I just want to play with as many friends as possible

actually look down on sony for denying crossplay on quite a few games, damn stingy nips but atleast sony knows when to drop prices on games

And since both Nintendo and Sony have done a 180 in their policy.

Sony did make a bid, both Sony and Nintendo made bids, but both of them put up next to nothing for it. Sony's priorities have always been to buy out western studios, just look at their list of devs and you'd see that.

Being bought by Sega is a lot better than being bought by Nintendo or Sony. At least Sega has said they're taking a hands off approach with Atlus. And Sega pretty much lived up to their word, and even offered Atlus permission to use Sega ips.

Nintendo buying an IP is a waste of time, Nintendo buying an IP and a dedicated developer to maintain that IP, that's when things will work. Megaman would be better off with Nintendo if he had a dedicated studio that could choose to make Mega Man games.

Nintendo puts up money for exclusives, SE makes spinoffs to expand the IP in a loophole way. If SE really functioned like that then the World Ends With You Final Remix would've been multiplat

Maybe (Probably not)

why exactly should they buy studios?

they can just have them make games and thats fine

Buying capcom would be astronomically expensive. Nintendo's loaded but they're nowhere close to the mouse, who can make those kind of buyoffs.

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Probably because Nintendo funded Octopath?

Speaking of which, why is Nintendo only getting the exclusive DQXI content?

>Sony's priorities have always been to buy out western studios
I'm well aware of this, I just don't remember seeing anything about them making a bid, but holy shit talk about pathetic if they lost to Sega Sammy.

>Being bought by Sega is a lot better than being bought by Nintendo or Sony. At least Sega has said they're taking a hands off approach with Atlus. And Sega pretty much lived up to their word, and even offered Atlus permission to use Sega ips.
Only for allowing their IPS to exist on whatever platforms they want, Nintendo and Sony have more better resources than Sega, Sega is kind of shit these days, all they do is buy companies and run them into the ground, Really Really not happy at all with where Creative Assembly or Amplitude have gone.

CEO isn't in charge of selling the company

honestly the only purpose of exclusives seems to be post-purchase rationalization

They'd never agree to it unless Nintendo agreed to fund EVERY game they would ever make, no matter how ludicrous the budget.
They make games for people who pay them. They don't really own too many individual IPs.
Fucking never ever. Capcom as a company always tries to push the boundaries of the current console hardware, Nintendo's hardware is far beyond the times.

Attached: 1476909187993.png (481x331, 238K)

earlier I said that both Nintendo and Sony probably assumed that Atlus would weight out other perks of being owned by them outside of just how much money they'd get up front. But Atlus chased the dollar.(or Yen in this case)

I want more PC ports, not less. Exclusives are anti-consumer.

Why did Nintendo buy Retro?

Attached: dark_samus_hmm.jpg (678x510, 64K)

Platinum sure they're basically second party at this point, the rest no wtf why, do you think they are instantly going to improve their games or some shit

>PCfags invade threads to portbeg
like pottery

>Silent Hill
Silent Hill should just die. The only person who should get the rights to it is the director of the original SH1, so he can keep the rights locked up in Japan Studio

Nintendo co-founded retro, they got full ownership later

>Nintendo puts up money for exclusives
Sort of, that's because they have to pay unlike other platforms who can land them for free, which is kind of hilarious considering Nintendo's different hardware makes exclusives more likely.
The World Ends with You Final Remix is a port of a multiplat, it only ended up on just the Switch because of the Switch's touchscreen functionality, every device it's on has a touchscreen you tard, if the Vita wasn't dead it would be on that right now too, unless it's already on Vita and I'm just not aware.

>Probably because Nintendo funded Octopath?
So false, they only localized it in the west, SE self published it in Japan, on top of that SE wouldn't have needed the money to fund this game, it's development costs would have been laughably small.

>why is Nintendo only getting the exclusive DQXI content?
That's just for now, SE said that they were weighing whether this content would stay exclusive, but ultimately it's getting these because SE need to give players a reason to buy the Switch version when it's so fucking late, it's coming out more than 2 years after the initial release, back in the day they'd be teasing Dragon Quest XII by now.

>Nintendo should buy the two companies that continually try to push the boundaries of each console generation to their limit with their major titles, usually with Nintendo barely getting any games from them due to their hardware being behind the times
>Surely this is a smart idea
Holy shit kill yourself

They needed a western studio and wanted a complete takeover because Retro was a complete mess. They also paid next to nothing.

>Capcom pushing the boundaries
nice meme

>if the Vita wasn't dead
you do realize that the VITA kept getting games until earlier this year right? Atlus literally just made Full Body on there recently... Japan doesn't think about the west when they make vita games you dummy

>So false, they only localized it in the west, SE self published it in Japan, on top of that SE wouldn't have needed the money to fund this game, it's development costs would have been laughably small.
Nintendo also advertised it, along with all the promotion and shit.
>but ultimately it's getting these because SE need to give players a reason to buy the Switch version when it's so fucking late
FFVII, IX , X, X-2 and XII are also coming super fucking late. Where's THEIR exclusive content?

>Nintendo co-founded retro
Oh, seriously? The more you know.

So if i wanted to buy your PC id also have to buy you?

>buy publishers
>demand devs make all future releases easier
Fuck no, and fuck you, OP.

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I mean technologically, graphics and shit. There's a reason the only RE games Nintendo have gotten were low budget. Chronicles was literally recycling assets from a PS2 game.
There's also a reason the only port RE7 got to Switch was via a barely functional cloud system and only in Japan.
That, and Capcom probably hate Nintendo. Not as much as they hate Inafune for almost killing their company, but Nintendo has been consistent flops for them.

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Nintendo should buy EA and shut it down

Putting fanboyism aside and speaking from a purely business perspective: no
1) buying a dev doesn't guarantee the talent will stick around. If nintendo wants exclusives from these companies, they'll buy them on a game-by-game basis, as they do with platinum
2) a lot of the value of multiplatform developers comes from their tools and experience making multiplatform games. Nintendo would be paying for this, but be unable to use it. This is why it was Sega, not a platform holder, who bought atlus, and part of the reason why Sony buying take two is so unlikely.

The only reason a platform holder would make a purchase like this is if they wanted to acquire IPs. But nintendo would have to pay more for them than they'd be able to make off them... and they already own the most valuable IPs in the industry.

But Ninty MH is much harder than Snoy MH?

>No longer having to support both a home console AND a handheld at once spreading yourself thin but instead putting 100% of what you got on one hybrid is the ideal solution for Nintendo.
Where are the games, then?

>Nintendo barely gives attention to their IPs that arent Mario or Zelda
>wants to give them even more IPs
Yeah no, im still waiting for those gooks to make a sequel to Eternal Darkness

>That's just for now, SE said that they were weighing whether this content would stay exclusive, but ultimately it's getting these because SE need to give players a reason to buy the Switch version when it's so fucking late, it's coming out more than 2 years after the initial release, back in the day they'd be teasing Dragon Quest XII by now.
As a DQ fan, that's patently false. DQ has always been a franchise associated with Nintendo majority of the best versions of DQ games, were made for DS/3DS (including XI) or phones.

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>RE7 got to Switch was via a barely functional cloud system and only in Japan.
that's more because the RE engine is too advanced to run on the Switch and streaming in Japan is 10000000000000000x better than it is in the west, in case you didn't know a lot of 3rd parties actually have been putting games on the Switch this way(JP exclusive though), Ubisoft has been doing it with the more recent AC games.

Ninty MH didn't get Capcom RE5 numbers

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It's on PC and Xbone too.

Their 3DS games were the only thing keeping them afloat earlier this decade. Not only that but Nintendo fucking distributed their games for them.

Now look at their shitty Switch support. Old ports, half assed physical releases and now recently jacking up the prices of digital only games for no reason. What in the fuck happened? Nintendo also dropped distribution of their games after all this bs

>'Monster Hunter Portable Next'
Switch owners grasping at straws, user.

>each Pokemon generation is more casual than the last
what did he meant by this?

Capcom is back, but they're still fucking assholes.

Fuck no

If there's any company I'd like them to acquire it's SEGA. Who knows maybe it'd be the one thing that'll help the company stop slowly killing itself since the 90s.

World sold a shit ton, so say goodbye to Nintendo exclusive MH games. Feels good not to care for the series

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There is only 3 known games to be stream only on Switch. Ass Creed Odyssey, Phantasy Star Online 2, and RE7

I'm just gonna assume RE7 was just pure fucking laziness on Capcom's part considering they literally asked Nintendo to increase the Switch's RAM to run the RE Engine and then they half ass it anyway

Why the fuck would I want more games to be exclusive to Nintendo's garbage hardware that I will never buy?

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i lost 3 braincells trying to read this incomprehensible mess that you call language

Not for long, secondary.

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most likely it was laziness from Capcom, or just them testing the waters and being fucking incompetent.

>thinking that'll be hard

they had to dumb it down for the xbox/pc audience.

None of the handheld MH got them RE5 numbers

What the fuck is wrong with all you people wanting Nintendo to buy SEGA?

You can fuck off, we just started getting PC ports of great games from them and you'd rather they went to making exclusives for Nintendo's backwards consoles?

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The only platform that gets exclusives for free is the PS4 with 2 games, Yakuza and Persona, also some other minor shit but the Switch gets that too. And it's not gonna happen anymore because of Sony's policies, exclusives for no reason already ended forever.

>trusting current generation Capcom with a fighting game
How stupid are you?

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>Babylon's Fall

But that's coming to PC (on Steam).

The only hard game on the PS4 is Bloodborne, and it's easier than any of the Souls games.

>The only platform that gets exclusives for free is the PS4 with 2 games, Yakuza and Persona
yakuza isn't exclusive. persona/sony is the same situation as smt/nintendo.

and Platinum isn't working on Granblue anymore either, I don't know what that dude was talking about

Nothing is hard below g rank

Are you seeing why Capcom wouldn't want to be owned by Nintendo with that post you just made?
>Their 3DS games were the only thing keeping them afloat earlier this decade. Not only that but Nintendo fucking distributed their games for them.
Wrong, actually. Majority of their releases earlier this decade were Inafune's godawful shit that almost crashed the company, ports and RE. RE6 bombed on release despite getting to 8 million sales at this point, Revelations did do well on 3DS, but was planned for consoles since before it came out based on stuff the devs said, and ORC did surprisingly well.
After that, it was just the few ports. Until 2015, when they finally ported REmake (an abysmal port mind you) and surprise surprise, when it left Nintendo's consoles, it managed to break records as a DIGITAL ONLY TITLE. Then came Revelations 2 which made back its money despite being very cheap to purchase, 0 HD sold like gangbusters, and then we hit Capcom's new Golden Age with the MM ports + 11, MHW, RE7 and REmake 2 (7 was iffy though) and now DMC5.
Earlier this decade was Capcom's WORST POINT IN THEIR HISTORY, and majority of their relationships with Nintendo past 4th Gen have ended with them getting burned. Of course they'd rather focus on the more advanced consoles that actually make them money.
I actually knew more normalfags that played the PSP MH games

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Nintendo should buy Konami and whip them back into shape

The Vita was considered dead enough years ago that many developers didn't bother to support it, if the Vita wasn't dead to that point it more than likely would have recieved a port too.

>Nintendo also advertised it, along with all the promotion and shit.
They don't own the IP or any exclusive rights to it, nor is their relationship with it anything solid.

>FFVII, IX , X, X-2 and XII are also coming super fucking late. Where's THEIR exclusive content?
>these are legacy titles many of them more than a decade old and some of them have enhancements already
>the games engines are ancient and were built in a time where tools to make easy adjustments existed for them
>unreal engine makes modifications to dragon quest extremely easy to the point where even the western version had additional content
>sales expectations on switch are quite significant and se knows that it will draw in a lot of customers in order to maximise double dips se will push additional content to gather fence sitters
Quite easy to refute

>As a DQ fan, that's patently false.
That's not true though, SE would want to maximize sales for the Switch version because it is late as fuck
>DQ has always been a franchise associated with Nintendo
Apart from it not touching Nintendo for 2 generations of games, sure.
>majority of the best versions of DQ games, were made for DS/3DS
Mostly because they were old as fuck ports and the DQ devs are actually passionate about DQ, which is mainly because it's able to keep itself manageable unlike Final Fantasy which gets so big that it becomes like working in a factory where passion has no place.

Yakuza stopped being exclusive because there was no reason to keep it that way. Like I said, it's a trend that already stopped.

I just want them to buy the old Hudson Soft IPs.
And maybe the IPs that Konami doesn't do anything with, like, Goemon.

>And it's not gonna happen anymore because of Sony's policies

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>>As a DQ fan, that's patently false.
>That's not true though, SE would want to maximize sales for the Switch version because it is late as fuck
>actual DQ fan posts something that he'd clearly know more about

>Apart from it not touching Nintendo for 2 generations of games, sure.
What generations may I ask? When it wasn't getting console games, it was getting the definitive releases on mainline titles on their handhelds, mobile releases being where DQ has been thriving for a very long time.
>Mostly because they were old as fuck ports and the DQ devs are actually passionate about DQ, which is mainly because it's able to keep itself manageable unlike Final Fantasy which gets so big that it becomes like working in a factory where passion has no place.
Except the best version of XI was on the 3DS mate. Thanks to its extra content we won't be getting here because you fuckers don't buy DQ games

Atlus isn’t happening without Sega being bought out which is also not happening since it’s held by a huge holding company. I do think Atlus could have functioned well as an “mature”/niche sub-brand to Nintendo much like Touchstone does to Disney, but the ship for buying them sailed after Sega nabbed them.

Platinum I’d have mixed feelings about since while they’ve put out some good stuff working with Nintendo, I don’t think you’d see as much niche and experimental fare from them if they were anybody’s subsidiary.

Capcom I’d like to see just for the eternal Snoy butthurt as opposed to any real attachment for their IPs. Though I suppose seeing flagship MH games on Nintendo hardware again would be nice.

Yakuza was already on Wii U before PC. But SEGA being dumb as fuck for some reason made it JP exclusive, and released it at the same time as Pikmin 3...

It was also on the Wii U.

>>these are legacy titles many of them more than a decade old and some of them have enhancements already
>>the games engines are ancient and were built in a time where tools to make easy adjustments existed for them
So where is the extra content to entice double dippers on Switch then, you already admitted that was the point of DQXI

Also, I forgot to mention, but DQ spin-offs have mostly been on Nintendo consoles. DQM and Rocket Slime for example. Heroes is getting a Switch port, and Builders is getting a stronger focus on the Switch (the reason Nintendo likely didn't get Builders is because the 3DS couldn't handle it but the Vita could)

Sony are still getting exclusives for no reason though, what are you on about.

>judge eyes
>fist of the north star
>granblue relink and versus
>silent hills before it was canceled
>earth defense force 5
>deep down before it was canceled
>legend of heroes
>a bunch of final fantasy games only for playstation like that fighing game and the ffvii remake
The only reason loads of games aren't exclusive is because Microsoft had to pay these companies to make it so, Sony didn't have to pay a cent to get these games exclusively, KHIII would have stayed exclusive if Microsoft weren't willing to lose money just to hurt Sony's exclusivity.

...So you admit the 3DS games were the only thing keeping them afloat besides RE Remasters and RE0? Mind you the 3DS games were also selling millions as well.

iirc, the wii u port was only japan exclusive because it flopped so bad there that they didn't see a point in releasing it anywhere else.

The Berserk spin-off is PS4 exclusive?

that's never been exclusive what are you talking about

too late for that you may as well just start fresh

You think you're so funny arent you?

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No I didn't. Ports and two other games were keeping them afloat, ORC (I assume this to be the case since the game is incredibly low budget and got 2.5 million sales) and Revelations, which was planned for consoles.
Keep in mind, they did a lot of ports in this time. DMC HD Collection and DMC4SE come to mind. This is in addition to the fact this was the worst time for Capcom, this was their lowest point.

Yakuza is not exclusive anymore, why are you counting cancelled games? That was long time ago, also I don't know a lot of the games you're talking about, I said there was minor shit, but the Switch also gets exclusives like that. It's just that things like Persona 6 exclusive won't happen again unless Sony puts some money on it.

>Earlier this decade was Capcom's WORST POINT IN THEIR HISTORY
By their own hand. The 3DS was actually giving them money to keep them afloat instead of more bombs. Now Capcom is just shitting on the Switch, filling it with old ports and begging users to buy their old games, while jacking up the price. It really feels like Capcom is pissy at Nintendo for dropping distribution of their games

the easiest is actually demons souls.

>there isn't a Berserk themed Idolm@ster game with fish loli and mage loli

You can't keep your entire company afloat by just 2 games and ports. The 3DS MonHuns were selling millions at that time as well

>Do you agree?
Consider the following:

Nintendo realizes Yamauchi’s old pipedream and buys out Bamco instead.

The World Ends With You Final Mix makes me fucking angry, a remaster from a game that's more than 10 years old, being sold more expensive that when that game fucking came out. And it's still not on sale, goddammit I hate SE.

Or, Nintendo stops making consoles and its games go on all platforms as a 3rd party developer. I feel they are incredibly held back by their shitty hardware each generation.

you mean buying Sega

Sega as a whole is fine. You really think Sony or Nintendo would greenlight whatever the fuck Atlus can think up the same way Sega does? Sure they'd get more support but would they get more freedom?

i also don't necessarily agree that nintendo would "fix" sonic. i'd say that depends a lot on who'd actually be making the games.
if it's hal, sonic would finally get some good games for sure. if it's nintendo themselves, we'd be getting soulless nsmb-style rehashes of "classic sonic" every year while every ounce of personality is removed from the franchise.

>By their own hand.
If you want to say Inafune's westabooism is their fault, then sure.
>The 3DS was actually giving them money to keep them afloat instead of more bombs. Now Capcom is just shitting on the Switch, filling it with old ports and begging users to buy their old games, while jacking up the price. It really feels like Capcom is pissy at Nintendo for dropping distribution of their games
Because they have been burned by Nintendo before. Do you not remember how EVERY game on the GCN they made flopped and the whole situation resulted in Mikami leaving because they wanted to actually make money?

But it's not patently false, whatever you are stating is patently false is not patently false.

You're comparing a series of lazy fire and forget ports that are only almost every gaming device that can run them many of them multiple decades old with no expectations of significant sales and many of them are being sold at a budget price vs DQXI which is being sold at full price and getting a lot of additional content in order to make it appealing.

Home console generations, actually I guess that's closer to 4, I don't remember Dragon Quest on Wii or WiiU either, just the DS/3ds titles.

>Home console generations, actually I guess that's closer to 4, I don't remember Dragon Quest on Wii or WiiU either, just the DS/3ds titles.
The Wii got a spin-off called Swords I believe and the Wii U got DQX (as did the PS3 I believe, I wouldn't know for sure since only Nips get to play it).

sony would. look at all the freedom they're giving kojima.
not sure about nintendo. xenoblade and fire emblem are both utter garbage and they butchered the paper mario series. i wouldn't trust them not to ruin atlus' games.

Fuck no. Capcom is the best dev out there, I don't want nintendo to reduce them to gimmicky bullshit.

They'll never get Capcom b/c of MHW and I never wanna see another Monster Hunter on a DS ever again. Unless they release a Monster Hunter made for the Switch and not just a 3DS port then I dont want see Nintendo pick up Capcom ever.

>Because they have been burned by Nintendo before
Yea, before. They've also been burned by Sony (The entire MHP3rd trophy incident for example) still didn't stop them from marketing deals for MHW and exclusives for them.

Nintendo distributed and marketed TONS of Capcom's games for them even after the Capcom V. Capcom just comes off as incredibly pissy now that Nintendo isn't satisfied with their newest system being a port dump for them and won't distribute their games anymore.


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The series as a whole may not stay exclusive but titles will, and that's what's important.

Persona 6 exclusive will happen though, probably even use the P5 engine instead of using Unreal like SMTV, because Persona is now a major multi million selling series.
The only Yakuza games no longer exclusive were the ones also on PS3, that series is staying Exclusive, that fucking wierd guy who runs the studio loves Sony, it was funny watching him at the Nintendo conference getting up on stage and announcing nothing, to him it must have been a prank of some sort. "nintendo have a new console but I'm still making games for only Sony platforms, I'm not sorry, I just got on stage to gloat really" Fucking hell the Nintendo translator must have had to make up stuff on the fly to cover that statement.

Final Fantasy X, X2 and XII have barely been rereleased outside Sony's systems.

So may I ask again: WHERE is the extra content?

>would require significant retooling as well as completely new assets
You know Alliance Alive is getting an HD port to the Switch, right? And porting to the Switch is not all that different than a PS4 or PC port. 3DS has natively high res models for almost all games. Literally all they'd do is use those instead since there's no need to scale them down any more. Which is exactly what is happening with Alliance Alive. Hell even Code of Princess got a PC and Switch port. Stop speaking out of your ass for the sake of shitposting user.

3D fighters was a mistake. Capcom should have stayed making HD sprite fighters and not jump on the shitty 3D character fighter.

or maybe capcom isn't satisfied with nintendo making yet another console that can't run the games they want to make.

World was entirely frontloaded and had literally zero legs.

People buying on hype just work once or twice.

Like every Sony Exclusive they are intended
as a big ole Lost Leader

No. Bayo sold better on Nintendo

>Yea, before. They've also been burned by Sony
Sony didn't cause an entire generation of their games to bomb on release and one of their creative leads to leave.
>Nintendo distributed and marketed TONS of Capcom's games for them even after the Capcom V. Capcom just comes off as incredibly pissy now that Nintendo isn't satisfied with their newest system being a port dump for them and won't distribute their games anymore.
The current creative leads at Capcom want to push the capabilities of the current generation. The Switch is a generation behind and won't cut it.

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They were some of the biggest supporters of the GBA, DS, and 3DS. Power does not matter to them.

It still shows they want that Switch userbase money, considering all the lazy old ports they've put on it, and now they're starting to increase the prices of said ports for no reason

Sony is very hands on and censor heavy lately. Nintendo is, ironically, the opposite. I'd rather Atlus be Atlus than Atlus ft. big studio """input"""

You do realize that Platinum has been on the verge of bankruptcy twice, has had top employees leave, and is currently doing minimal projects right now?

You're right, sales matter, and literally every new Capcom game has more success than the last 10 years by avoiding Nintendo platforms.

>They were some of the biggest supporters of the GBA, DS, and 3DS.
and look how that turned out for them, compared to how supporting other platforms has turned out for them.
>Power does not matter to them.
meanwhile, in reality, capcom's making games like mhw, remake 2 and dmc5 that the switch would melt trying to run.

Like how Nintendo buying Monolith meant buying Bandai Namco right?

>Sony didn't cause an entire generation of their games to bomb on release and one of their creative leads to leave.
Nintendo didn't force him to leave. Capcom did what he said he would leave for and that was their fault.
>The current creative leads at Capcom want to push the capabilities of the current generation.
Sure ain't stopping the production of all those lazy old ports on Switch is it? Oh and how about getting Itsuno to lie to a publication that they'll DMCV to the Switch if their old ass port of Dragon's Dogma sells well, what about that part?

Resident Evil Revelations was a fucking 3ds game, if Capcom still had any talented people there they could release RE7 or whatever for the Switch.

only one of them has an actual recent track record of censoring atlus' games, and it's not sony.

>No. Bayo sold better on Nintendo
Didnt Bayo1 on Switch sold below the PS3/360 versions?

Holy fuck, they are on just about everything they can get on to, the extra content are redone visuals and other small improvement,s these are budget titles that are lazy fire and forget ports, sales expectations are low because they released well outside of their release period, Dragon Quest XI is outside of it but it's still a big pull so it's getting the additional content. You're comparing to different things and asking for them to be the same.

>You know Alliance Alive is getting an HD port to the Switch
It's multiplat too because there's no reason to maintain Switch exclusivity now that they've made the jump
It wouldn't need all new assets, just new textures for the most part, which is what Alliance Alive is getting, but you're also ignoring that the games would need new menus and for systems that relied on 3ds functionality that no longer exists like streetpass to be removed and systems relying on this to be rebalanced for it's removal, you're ignoring that it would require at least some effort to achieve, the sort of effort that would require the games to basically go multiplat, which just happened, oh no, you just supported my argument.

You are retarded. Why would you hand such a mature company to a company all about family games? Nintendo wouldn't let most of their games on their consoles, which would just result in them leaving and starting a new dev company.

nintendo should save up instead and buy sony, microsoft and steam so they have no competition

>such a mature company

>bablyon's fall
>granblue relink
>bayonetta 3
>astral chain
>minimal projects

oh yeah, I definitely want everything to be shitty & hardware gimped handheld trash.
No. Fuck nintendo. I haven't played a nintendo game since Pokemon Platinum

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Mature in content ratings. Too many anime tiddies for Nintendo.

You know it would have sold more if it was on a Nintendo system as well right? That's how multiplats work.
>and look how that turned out for them, compared to how supporting other platforms has turned out for them.
A shitty port of USFII on Switch sold more than MvCI. I'll just let that sink in.
>meanwhile, in reality, capcom's making games like mhw, remake 2 and dmc5 that the switch would melt trying to run.
If only Capcom weren't lazy enough maybe the Switch could get something new for once

>Nintendo didn't force him to leave. Capcom did what he said he would leave for and that was their fault.
The games being on Nintendo's console caused them to bomb, Capcom had to port them or they'd be losing way too much money. This caused Mikami to leave.
>Sure ain't stopping the production of all those lazy old ports on Switch is it?
Capcom has always done this. Remember when they released RE1 on the PS1 3-4 times? But it's bad when it happens to the Switch, because they don't want to cripple their games and throw away their new engine to work on an outdated console.
>Oh and how about getting Itsuno to lie to a publication that they'll DMCV to the Switch if their old ass port of Dragon's Dogma sells well, what about that part?
DMCV Cloud bitch :^)

Nintendo literally told Platinum to make Bayonetta sexier than they planned to, you clown

>Dragon Quest is bigger than Final Fantasy
What retard hole did you crawl out of

yeah, right? just like they stopped SMTIV, SMTIV:A, SMTV, Soul Hackers and Strange Journey

>Sure ain't stopping the production of all those lazy old ports on Switch is it?
those "lazy old ports" are just easy money for them to make on the side. their real new games are too powerful and too ambitious to run on the switch.

Why do you niggers want corporate monopolies in the video game industry?

its bigger but only in japan

A decade ago.

Revelations was always planned for a console port though. They had been working on Unveiled Edition since at least a few days before the 3DS version released.
And no, RE7 can't run on the Switch without the Cloud system they're using. The Switch is barely a step up from the Wii U, what makes you think it'll run a game like RE7?

Dragon Quest XI is indeed bigger than ancient ports of old FF games that will sell far less even at their budget prices. yes.

Didn't know 2014 was a decade ago, you fucking clown
Just admit that you are retarded

>3D fighters was a mistake
Tell that to SNK all the money they bled to make KoFXIII. Problem is who's running/managing that division at Capcom.

> SNOY'S actually believe this

Attached: It's over.jpg (2200x1456, 289K)

>Capcom had to port them or they'd be losing way too much money. This caused Mikami to leave.
That would be Capcom's fault then. You are literally trying to blame Nintendo for something Capcom signed up for and Capcom agreed to. Capcom didn't stick to it, and so Mikami left.
> But it's bad when it happens to the Switch, because they don't want to cripple their games and throw away their new engine to work on an outdated console.
You claim its better that Capcom is off Nintendo platforms but it shows Capcom still wants Nintendo's money by dumping lazy old ports on them and expecting people to buy it up. Its bad when it happens to the Switch because that's all Capcom makes for it.
>DMCV Cloud bitch :^)

why is the vast majority of switch-related "news" posted on here total bullshit?

This is factually false lad. Final Fantasy ports are guaranteed to sell more than DQXI

Not really. You're acting like any of that is massive effort that wouldn't make an immediate return on investment. I wasn't even denying it'd go multiplat, you retard. It is absolutely not nearly as hard to port a 3DS game as you're implying. If it was then why are games that sold like shit being ported? They're just going to sell like shit all over again and I doubt those projects (CoP and AA) are exactly rolling in money. If it was such a high risk as you make it seem then these drop in the bucket games wouldn't even dream of a port, multiplat or not.
In the case of Bravely Default it's especially not hard to add the village building as an in-game mechanic (or simply transition it to an online mechanic in place of streetpass) and the streetpass bosses are easily just bonus content that they could make available freely.

yes, nintendo *is* too lazy to keep up with the times like the rest of the industry. they expect everyone else to cater to their special-snowflake quirks.

well, they could always just stop using the shitty RE Engine, everything looks ugly with that garbage.

No Capcom is too lazy to make a new game for the Switch but still need their money so they jack up the prices of old games and expect users to eat them up.

Reminder Capcom STILL supported the 3DS more than this

Cope, here's another source saying a similar thing
> According to those with knowledge of what the Japanese company has planned, the so-called Switch 2 will dramatically improve the built-in touchscreen display included with the console.
> While the current-generation Nintendo Switch only has a 720p LCD touchscreen display, the refreshed model will purportedly boast a 1080p OLED panel. The Switch is capable of outputting content at 1080p – as it does when it's connected to a HD TV using the dock, so Nintendo wouldn't even need to update the internals to drive the upgraded display on the Switch 2,
> "While the 2019 Switch Pro has been already reported to be in development by the Wall Street Journal, I also think Nintendo will offer a 'Switch Lite' (or just keep the current version at a lower price) to cover the lower end of the spectrum and offset sinking 3DS sales," he recently told Games Industry.
> "In tandem with hardware revisions and an increasing install base, I am expecting a lot more games from third-party developers in 2019, starting in spring. At least one new game from the mega-franchises owned by EA, Activision or Take-Two will launch on Switch."
It's over Nintendo wins again

fuck no

why is it always everyone else's fault and never the company that keeps making outdated consoles that can't run current multiplats?

Jesus Christ this is pathetic.
Also, that'd be too much of an upgrade and older Switch owners would be left behind.
>That would be Capcom's fault then. You are literally trying to blame Nintendo for something Capcom signed up for and Capcom agreed to. Capcom didn't stick to it, and so Mikami left.
No, Mikami wanted it because he hated Sony at the time. He initially went to Microsoft, but didn't because the people who he talked to were dickheads.
>You claim its better that Capcom is off Nintendo platforms but it shows Capcom still wants Nintendo's money by dumping lazy old ports on them and expecting people to buy it up.
People buy it up. I'm buying those ports as well if they're physical (for my RE collection). Don't even own a Switch and I have the Revelations collection.
Maybe Nintendo should stop being lazy with their console hardware.
Not really. It's mostly certain frames of character's talking, but the RE Engine is really pushing the boundaries for detail and realism.

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It was also on the Wii U with Bayo 2, so +~250k or so? Although I don't think Bayo 1 was ever sold individually on the Wii U or solely bundled.

>The Switch is capable of outputting content at 1080p – as it does when it's connected to a HD TV using the dock
Bayonetta 2 is 720p even with the dock.

>"here's another source"
>not even a link

Because the company that made it can put in the time and effort to make shit for it instead of dumping nothing but old shit on it, Wii U ports aside.

Capcom has 18 games for the Switch. Guess how many of those are a brand new release? 1.

>Consume all companies! Become super company and hold monopoly!
I mean if you really think that's going to make things better...

>People buy it up. I'm buying those ports as well if they're physical (for my RE collection).
Hello shill, are you here to sell me RE 0 for 30 dollars?

You people never learn do you?

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why can't nintendo put the time and effort in to make a console capable of running current multiplats? since when are third parties obligated to dumb all their games down for nintendo hardware when they have their choice of three other platforms to support that don't require them to do that?

Why? Those companies would profit more from being multi platform instead of being leashed by Nintendo’s underpowered consoles.

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Question is how many of those 18 are on PS4? If not all 18 then why?

>"gaming analysts predict"
so, in other words - wishful thinking and bullshit. just like the grinch leak and the switch exclusive p5r.

Remember when the Sonyfags got hyped for two HD Remaster Game Cube ports and they got a shitty RE2 DEmake after? Good times.

Yes goy, go buy REmake and 0. While you're there, pick up Revelations 1 and 2.

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Cope more Tranny

Who said they had to dumb down their games? I'd rather take some cheap budget shit like they did for the GBA and DS rather than more old ports. Ace Attorney or Battle Network, Ghost Trick or some shit. They did it before, now why in the fuck are they being lazy here? You could even make the damn things multiplat for maximum profit.


No, I like playing my games with controllers on anything that isn't a gimmick to get adults to buy their kids something.

>Nintendo fanboy
>Calling someone else a tranny

Attached: download.jpg (194x259, 6K)

They are off granblue. Kicked out.

>If only Capcom weren't lazy enough maybe the Switch could get something new for once
Doesn't seem like much can, even Nintendo exclusives look and run like shit.

just like that rumor about how Snoy was going to buy Take Two and every snoy believed it only to get demolished hours later
snoys are the most easy to BTFO

Attached: gayfags.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

Most of them run at 60 FPS which I care more about

>He says this while in a thread about how Nintendo buying Atlus, Platinum and Capcom would be a good idea.

Notice how the people shitting on newer games are always Switch fanboys? Really makes ya think.

Thread should've ended here you fucking newfags.

Remember when Nintendofags were begging developers to port their games on the Switch?

I just don't like movie games and RE4 camera or any kind of handholding.

You have zero self-awareness kid. Also I forgot the part where a corporation sponsoring a gay pride parade means all of its 90 million users are gay. You fucking retard.

>Check archive
>See that you posted this one webm close to 90 times
You are seriously mentally ill.

Attached: chrome_2019-03-14_19-47-19.png (686x861, 301K)

Not even close. Most also have awful res scaling that makes shit look awful. Or are you pretending to be retarded?

Attached: 21.png (1023x654, 759K)

or like snoys thought pic related was real and for a few days, Yea Forums was flooded with "LOL, WE ARE GETTING YOUR MASTERPIECE" and when it was proven fake, people reverted back to "LOL, IT'S SHIT"

The developers ask them to beg so really who is to blame here

And yet, you play and support Nintendo games with all those features. huh

fuck forgot the picture.

Attached: images.jpg (257x196, 16K)

That's not a Nintendo first party game retard, that's a Marvelous game

LMAO did you just really BTFO yourself fag?
i fucking knew you fags couldnt even defend yourselves, but to destroy yourselves

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You fail to realize how retarded a "Switch Pro" would even be, but I don't expect a low IQ retard like you to understand how the chipsets aren't even affordable, how backwards compatibility will be limited to other Switch titles, and how Nintendo would never sell things at a loss because they are Jews.

So? It'll still get censored.

Even Yoshi runs at 540p in fucking 2019, and KIRBY of all things is 30 FPS with drops.

Attached: 1 (2).png (1021x576, 1.6M)

>Notice how the people shitting on every game other than snoy exclusives are always snoy boys?
i mean thats kinda obvious when snoyfags are the most hated fanbase on Yea Forums

I didn't say anything about it being realistic, I just agreed that it was wishful thinking.
But you're too butt blasted to actually read a post in context because your head is so far up your own ass because you haven't anal vored your dad's cock in weeks.

This, they already censored Smash.

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>le current year maymay
Yoshi is also 60 FPS. Xenoblade and Kirby are unacceptable but those are the exceptions

>i mean thats kinda obvious when snoyfags are the most hated fanbase on Yea Forums
Why not bring up the poll from 2015 like you always do?
You are starting to prove "everyone" wrong by being the most retarded poster on this board.

leave capcom out of them
those poor fans have had enough

>Granblue Fantasy Re Link
well at least you tried

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>talk about how framerate is more important
>Brings up resolution

What the fuck did I even just read? Do you talk like this in person? Jesus FUCK, you guys are awkward spazes. No wonder literally everyone laughs at Nintendo fanboys.

>he still thinks anyone except weebfags care about Xenoblade 2
cmon, dude, the year is 20XX

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Nintendo fans don't give a shit about 90% of Capcom IPs

Microsoft should buy Nintendo so I can play bing bing on my PC.

man you zoomer fags really are convinced im the one masterminding the fall of the Snoyboys huh?

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Both are important. Nintendo has neither. It even has universal input delay on all its games.

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>brings up Nintendo fans again
Rent free.

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>Both are important
One is more important than the other. Guess which one it is

also didn't the wii u sell at a loss

Neither of those, Nintendo should have bought Rareware when they had the chance. We could be getting a Banjo, Conker, Killer Instinct, Jet Force Gemini and Perfect Dark on the Switch right now if they had cockblocked Microsoft back then.

No, you are just an annoying pest that thinks too highly of himself and would never actually act on 90% of the shit you spam; you are just bored, acting out on your pathetic existence by siding with a piece of plastic.

The Thread should be titled:
"Snoy fags getting BTFO'd for the 300th time in a row against the Nintendo Master Race"
because how much they are getting their asses whooped

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Atlus is doing just fine under SEGA.
I mean Nintendo and SEGA combined, would probably be the strongest power house duo in the history of the industry, but at the same time I fear that such a merger could dull the edges of both companies. So they might just be better of continuing separately. That includes Atlus as well though.

But Platinum and Capcom? Sure.

Nintendo is the only first party making games at 60 fps faggot.

And that is not true, as you can see the PS4 version of Megaman 11 is the one with the most input lag, faggot again.

Oh you mean like Breath of the Wild and Kirby?

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man it gets tiring winning so much

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>pre-patch video
When will this meme die?

Attached: B0gu35dCIAEE8Dh.jpg (480x366, 19K)

Tell you what, let's mic. Maybe you can actual put out some valid or interesting claims and tell me about your fulfilling career?

>Lists same first party games that run at 30 FPS

>post patch
>Still runs like shit

>imagine a fucking nintendo styled game lag this bad

Attached: 2380687-1146335873-14590.jpg (639x350, 44K)

You mean Xenoblade and Pokemon Go?

You don't have to imagine anymore.

Attached: xeno2.png (1039x587, 1.06M)

Only 1st party titles to my knowledge that run at 30 FPS. Also Pokemon Let's Go is Game Freak, 3rd party and notorious for being lazy

>pretending he's ever played it
>still links the pre-patch video

Probably because everything else is a shitty port from over 7 years ago.

Platinum - Yes
Capcom - No
Atlus - No
Capcom and Atlus are too big. Nintendo is all about trying to maintain top quality studios. They would absorb too much garbage by just purchasing Capcom or Atlus.

>nintendo should buy the persona series


Attached: tharjaCensorship.jpg (636x358, 38K)

I own it and it still runs like shit. I have a Shitch, and am generally aware of most of the games looking and running like shit.

is this a Wii game?

Can't wait for the new Fire Emblem to be censored, look like shit (it already does) and run like shit (already does)

>there should be more monopolies in vidya

Fucking genius idea you useless brainlet.

And yes Microshaft and Basedny should spit out the companies they've acquired too. Fuck this homogenized Pablum you zoomers want everything to become.

I think these are PS2 screenshots. This is Monster Hunter XX.

Attached: MHXXheader.jpg (1920x1080, 262K)

>Moving Goalposts

sure thing, Eric.
I'm sure they're nintendoomed again.

Attached: 1puou0.jpg (1600x900, 150K)

Kingdom Hearts stopped being PS exclusive on its second release, I think that's a bad example.

1. platinum is already Nintendos bitch.
2. nintendo would ruin capcom games.
3. atlus make all those dialogue heavy anime games i don't play so who cares about them.

No. Monster Hunter is finally free of sub 480p resolutions and a handheld, it doesn't need to regress.

>Guess how many of those are a brand new release? 1.
Mega Man 11 is the only recent Capcom game the Switch can actually run. Had Nintendo released a current gen console, you'd be getting multiplats too.

Why go into debt for games they already get?

>He thinks Capcom just discarded all those PS2 assets
They got them somewhere, ready to copy paste some more


Why does this stupid ass GameFaqs tier thread keep popping up? it's literally WAAAY cheaper for Nintendo to use their player base as leverage to ask companies to make games for their consoles as opposed to outright buying them.

Why pay top dollar to get games you'll get sooner or later anyway?

Attached: cpu.gif (480x270, 308K)

>Had Nintendo released a current gen console, you'd be getting multiplats too.
No it wouldn't have lol. Capcom didn't give it the DMC collection at all, Disney Afternoon Collection at all, or Okami until 9 months fucking later, games it could clearly run. Capcom can sit there and dump old ports on it all day and still they're half assed.

Capcom just doesn't wanna put in effort.

This, holy fuck, if anything, more companies should separate from big publishers and everything becomes third party so consoles have to fight for best features and hardware/price instead of who has the best games.

Why should Nintendo specifically be the ones to buy them? Would it be a bad idea for Sony to buy them but a good idea for Nintendo?

I remember us going through the exact same shit with Nier which only showed the PS logo during the trailer but without any "only on PS" text