Wikis ruined games
Wikis ruined games
Capitalism ruined games
just don't read them.
kys discord tranny
capitalism created games
how? it's just an information dump.
Capitalism was a mistake.
No, people ruined games.
Let's go back to the good old days where we had to buy players guides and magazines instead.
Agreed. No more fun as fuck gaming rumors to pass around when you can just debunk it via the wiki.
*colored people
The unique ID counter diagrees with you.
capitalism is why video games exist in the first place
cultural marxism is why they're dying.
Better than handholding in video games.
based and redpilled
quit samefagging its so embarrassing
Are there any good modern games? Please?
Greed and envy ruined everything.
Frogposters ruined games
all me btw
dude everyone uses 4chanX
you are angry
I think the Internet has also ruined the magic of games somewhat. It's impossible to look up random shit on YouTube when you click a random video and on the sidebar pops up: "Recommended for you: NEW GAME THAT YOU HAVEN'T FINISHED YET: FINAL BOSS AND ALL SECRET ENDINGS" with a spoiler in the thumbnail.
Getting a spoiler in the thumbnail pisses me the fuck off whenever it happens.
no u
Yes, one came out very recently.
what game?
No you idiots. Piracy ruined games. Games used to be behind a single paywall, but you little shits decided that you wanted to play the game without paying.
>"B-b-b-but it's not stealing! The Supply stays the same!"
Yeah, no shit. No one has EVER contested that. You're not reducing supply, you're reducing sales. They can't get their money from that paywall anymore.
So what do they do?
THEY ADD MORE PAYWALLS! You little shits have forced companies to gate their content into "DLCs" and "Lootboxes" because they need to do SOMETHING to get their money out of you.
If you want games to be good, reward the company for making good games.
In case you couldn't figure out from his picture, it's Devil May Cry 5.