What is the appeal of Xenoblade Chronicles 2™?

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Other urls found in this thread:



Another Xeno story.

ass ass ass



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At first glance, the combat seems really arcane and convoluted. Although this might be true, the game does a pretty good job of easing you into its more complex systems. Once all of the combat options open up to you, battles have a really fun and satisfying flow to them. Also, I personally like the Gacha elements, because it forces you to adapt your play style and make do with what you have. The music is also a lot of fun.

The story is so-so, but the cast is fun and memorable. My only real complaint is that the dub doesn't match up to the lip flaps in the slightest, and Rex's VA doesn't reach the emotional gravitas required for some scenes.

It's fun.

Does anyone know the custom settings that match that datamined hard mode?

You already posted the reason.


The humor

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This basically.

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This makes me blushy crushy

big boobey anime girl!!

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Is that a penguin

this post triggers the incel weebs

ooh someone made a new version of the webm?

Make a girl with ass.. that’s not gonna pass. Make a girl with breasts? That’s the best!

Underneath all of the anime bullshit and titties, there was something compelling about the characters and story that kept me really invested in the game. The combat wasn't bad, either.
Despite how flawed the game is, it's somehow stuck with me for quite a while and ended up as one of my favorites.


>there was something compelling about the characters and story

Pretty much this. And cute girls.


the power of anything made by the japanese

He isn't wrong. I came for Xeno and stayed because I fell in love with the characters.
Also, Malos is fucking great.

I can't put my finger on it

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It makes Yea Forumsincels seethe
Fucked my GF today and came home to relax playing some XC2

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After three chapters, I'm wondering the same thing.

Like clockword, another bait thread.

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This but for realsies

God I wish I was Melia

God I wish anyone else on this website besides me had ever been outside before so I could talk about things in video games besides fanservice

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Why are you so upset?

stop posting these

is this AA?

I swear there's one guy who dumps them every other thread. I think he's trying to make a meme or some shit.


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Is this Artificial Academy? I need to download the game and make Pyra's model now. Where do I start?

I found the cast all grating and unlikeable, is it better if I use the Japanese vo?

ty, is there a Booru for downloading characters in this one too? I really want that Pyra and Nia

of fucking course it is what the hell lmao

I started over, and now I can't summon Kora. Why won't you return to my side?
I haven't been able to progress since getting Morag because I've only worked on summoning Korra.

This is just as likely as and you being the same person

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I downloaded them once but it was in disarray, as in you needed some actual knowledge of the program to put the textures and everything together.

I like talking about the universe, user. Magnetars are pretty interesting.

I know with the HS booru some of the character had a link to the textures/ clothes to download with them. I gave up on AA really fast so idk anything about how it was for that. that Nia looks spot on that I gotta give this a try.

is this funny?

Depends whether you're willing to use discord or not.
The many discord Illusion groups will have everything you need - otherwise try your luck on /h/'s Koikatsu general.

There are good repacks now that have almost everything ready - don't use Flashbangz's though.

You must have been extra confused because it's as easy as saving cards in the chara/female folder and there is never any texture involved (aside from advanced shit like overlays).

It's the same booru as Honey Select, aka .illusioncards.booru.org
That Nia's not there though
You'll want one of those repack installs to load her

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oh, illusion cards, I downloaded the actual model to get a better look at her butt, but it was gray.

Guys. my buddy lent me his copy of xenoblade chronicles 2. But I am a big autist that always wants the definitive experience when playing my games. How much stuff am I missing out on if I don't have the DLC? Should I get it or is vanilla a good way to go?

You'll be fine with vanilla, the meat of the content is Torna, which is totally separate from the main game and can be played afterwards.

DLC is actually a stand-alone prequel, so not much

On the one hand, buying dlc for a game befire playing it is stupid.
On the other hand, getting the dlc allows you to turn off aggro. As in, enemies initiating combat.

Sweet. I'll dive right into vanilla then. Thanks, sperms.

>The many discord Illusion groups will have everything you need - otherwise try your luck on /h/'s Koikatsu general.

Alright. I don't mind discord but I'll check the general

Does this garbage run on Yuzu already?

Bout to start NG+ on BoC difficulty, anything I should look for specifically at the beginning that's new to NG+ or just go through it like on NG?

I'm gonna step on the ass

Not him but why would you disable aggro?

I don't get it. Is it because she's embarrassed that's funny?

>Poppi is a magnetime
My sides.

It's a 5 second clip at the end of a side quest, you're not going to understand it as is.


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>Eric gets BTFO repeatedly
The noose is calling

Because I like to go to Chansagh Wastes without getting sniped by Dino Pterix/Pterox or whatever. Or walk to Torigoth without getting sniped by Rotbart.
>try to fight any group of enemies anywhere
>get fucked by level 70+ enemies just happening by

More? I never realized how much I wanted this.

woe is you faggot

This, and the music.

so this is gonna sound really gay, but I played through xenoblade chronicles through the first few months of college, and I had terrible luck with women. The girls I'd talk to all either had no interest in me or turned out to be super weird. My friends for some reason, instead of blaming it on my incredibly average looks and social skills, were convinced it was all because of xenoblade, and were sure my time wasted playing it and talking about it were the reason why. I beat it in december, and started 2 over break. The first month back I had yet to meet any new girls, or have any more success then the ones I talked to previously. My friends sat me down and told me I needed to stop playing xenoblade 2, so I did. I then immediately met a really cute girl in my honors class, and we have been talking the last few weeks. Basically I stopped playing xenoblade 2 to get laid.

That's Zeke

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Man, I really want XCX to be ported/remastered on the Switch.

Good gameplay loop
Gatcha mechanics
Time sink
Camp story
Great soundtrack
Large well constructed environments
Muh lore.

Makes it better but Rex is still lame and Pyra's boring as fuck. The rest are cool though.


anime fans
jrpg fans
xenoblade fans
combinations of the 3

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Nah, Zeke needs to be using...uh? Dunno what pokemon Character clothes would fit him.

Isn't this the edited version?

why think too much about it

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You just beat the tutorial, fag.

T. Triggered weeb incel

>miss Xeno threads for a couple days
>suddenly people are posting THIS

Aside from a couple of pantyshots that's all the Galar Nia so far

Feel free to toss ideas my way though

Same as your pic

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user, the joke is that Nia is calling Magnemite a one-eyed monster, since it's literally a pocket monster with one eye. Zeke was the one she called a one-eyed monster in the game. Magnemite is standing in for Zeke.

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I actually can't find this Pyra Card anywhere

Nice Jaguar

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I'm not an expert, but that looks like a jaguar.

pandering to lonely virgin weaboos, which is the lowest you can reach to sell something


Cute! but where is Shoebill and Emperor Pengu?

is there a delet this edit of this image?

*Sips monster and turns on Call of Duty*

ywn enjoy watching mythra dance like this in front of you in swim wear
why FUCKING live

What about it?

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What are hair physics?

Yes. Japanese people think that's fucking hilarious.

Shut up chink.

Samefagging, really?


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>what is inspect element
try harder samefag


Oh you got me, I'm so embarrassed I'm blushing tehehehe

talking and getting laid are not the same thing user

>muh silly dance repost
>ignoring how cute nia is in it

Great story
Amazing combat
Big world
Anime tiddies
What more could you ask for?

I liked the gacha elements too. They get a lot more hate than they deserve

Thanks OP. One piece swimsuits with suspenders is my fetish.

I'm really interested in this game. Can some of you guys tell me what exactly you guys loved about the game?
I am usually not that much of a jrpg guy, but i was watching a dude play the game a little bit and for some reason I really grew to like the characters and really want to give this game a go.

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For me it was the sense of adventure, it felt like I was traveling the world and very few games do that for me

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How is this game still getting threads? What the fuck is wrong with you people?

i didn't realize until now that those are suspenders, she should put them on to be even cuter.

Not worth it desu

How the fuck are we still getting daily fan art?

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because of how cute the designs are!

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I don't know, but I'm not complaining.

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Sorry Xenoblade 2 is not good enough to be another xeno story

>What more could you ask for?
A decent dub.

Is not on his pixiv.

Should I play this without playing any of the other ones first?

Nobody uses pixiv anymore

Sure, if you aren't interested in them. You'll appreciate a few references more if you've played 1 first, but that's about it.

This is a seperate world, but you should play Xenoblade 1 first anyway. It’s a good game.

It's a predatory game that plays on the mental illness of desperate and pathetic virgin incels.

Play XB1, skip this cliche anime garbage

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do what ever you want they are different stories with some connections, I didn't like XB1's combat as much as XB2, but its your choice


Convince me it’s worthwhile despite the supposed excessive tutorials at the start

Based Eric

I'm not your mom

Mostly this and it has a pretty good combat system.

hehe poop

I like the characters, story, combat system, and world. Though the combat system is basically an offline mmo if you're not a fan of that type of gameplay.

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Play a real JRPG



Its cool environments to roam into while still being story driven, and its mesmerizing music. youtube.com/watch?v=EBn3wjEaRyc

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Why do you incels lie so much? Everyone knows you play this shit for the waifus. Shut the fuck up about the non-existent """"good""" parts.

>people actually enjoy jrpgs

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>try to fight any group of enemies anywhere
>get fucked by level 70+ enemies just happening by
I love that shit though. I wouldn't want my Xenoblades any other way.

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How does it play?

>Odyssey emulator
See you in 5 years or so

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very carefully

I haven't played in a while, but want to get get back into it. Should I try out new game plus or jsut start fresh? Is the expansion pass stuff worth it?

Because it's good

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Good game that triggers niggers without a switch.

>Is the expansion pass stuff worth it?
One of the best DLC in years. Monolith overdelivered.

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In your dreams weeb

More like a shitty game that disgusts anyone with taste. Cope harder.

Quick reminder to not take obvious bait

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Because most japs unquestionably love the game. Most of the biggest complaints I see people have for the game come from western expectations and sensibilities.

Nips love that shit.
>bad character design
Pretty par for the course for Japan
>terrible dub
>poor visual quality
Nips are used to phone games.
>anime shit
Normal for them

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The Chadest.

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>in it

>he can't appreciate the best genre in video games

>anything I disagree with is bait!!!
The sheer fucking cope

>*amazon jp ratings are dogshit*
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Most of the people with actual taste even in japan think it’s fucking trash. Eat shit.

it's just Gears but worse

Cope SEETH incel weeb trash

They really didn't. Torna is a huge step down from what people thought we were going to get, for the first 6 months after the expansion pass came out there was nothing substantial added, the new quests are the same as all the other shitty XB2 quests and you're all left with are some OP Blades and cosmetics.

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You haven't actually read any Japanese discussions about the game.

So in short
>Japs have shit taste and eat up shonen like it was rice

Most of these people wouldn’t even look at this garbage if they just bought a PS4 with Persona 5. Literally only praised because muh generic waifus on Shitch.

Yeah most of them fucking tear it apart. The XC2fags here are deluded.

Big fucking tits

yummy mummy

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>Torna is a huge step down from what people thought we were going to get
If you were only there after the first trailer where morons were overhyping things right after, maybe, but for the longest time, from pic related and after the letdown that was BotW's DLC, people were expecting a shit 3 hours chapter for this "brand new story and adventure!", like, basically the shit that any other DLC does. And we expected 1 rare blade. And for challenge mode, we only expected a Hard mode.

Basically, we expected BotW DLC all over again.

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Oh and you have? Prove it.

You haven't read them either. Fuck off.

>amazon jp ratings are dogshit*

I love my wife Pyra!

Goddamn I am beyond jealous of Rex.

>unique posters never goes up
hahahahahAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH man you guy(s) need a hobby

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They actually are on par with XCX. Amazon ratings are always shit in Japan anyways. Not only for vidya, far from it.

I actually like this version. The one that normally gets posted is awkward, but this is cute.


They actually aren't


>Nips love that shit
Goes further beyond that. Japs love luck based elements in things.

what jrpg should i play to sate my need to fuck anime girl butts Yea Forums

What ratings are you looking at?

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Why couldn't Dunban be a dlc blade instead of his useless sister?

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>Basically, we expected BotW DLC all over again.
So they didn't "overdeliver", they just managed to avoid disappointing a group of people who already had lowered expectations?

>And for challenge mode, we only expected a Hard mode.
I can kind of understand "new rare blade" but how do you see this and assume it meant a difficulty and not some kind of... challenge battle mode?

Because that nigger was irrelevent as fuck.

The real question is why didn’t we get sexy mecha Fiora instead of her plain ass homs form?

>Also, I personally like the Gacha elements, because it forces you to adapt your play style and make do with what you have
People keep saying this and "it makes each playthrough different" but I've never read an example of how. It's not like Pokemon where someone can say "yeah I beat Brock with a Butterfree and Confusion" "oh I just used Squirtle". For story battles the Rare Blades you use are never important, they can be beaten with anything. So in effect it just means you can't use the Blades you may have liked to use because they're tied to RNG.

>The real question is why didn’t we get sexy mecha Fiora instead of her plain ass homs form?
They wanted the crossover Blades to be "could be canon kind of" so it had to be post XB1, and I guess they thought giving Shulk the Monado back was alright but horribly mutilating Fiora to be a mechon again wasn't.

amazon jp reviewers are okay in my book

We need to bring these pedos to justice! Ya know, unlike MJ who has mountains of evidence that prove he didnt do shit to kids. Why do people still keep trying to get money out of him with this bullshit? Man is dead, let him be, you aint gonna get a dime out of his estate. So stop lying already and move on.

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>Japanese “”””Humor””””

>XC2fag is a legit pedo defender
Not surprising but it’s still sickening. Wish mods would do their jobs for once.

That's Xenoblade though. Turning it off is for filthy casuals.

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>tfw the Mor Ardain daytime theme comes out swinging from note one
>tfw you realize that one song that plays in big moments is a remix of Engage the Enemy
>tfw The World Tree hits its stride when that radical, somber electric guitar lands

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>tfw you realize that one song that plays in big moments is a remix of Engage the Enemy
Counterattack? I didn't hear any of Engage the Enemy in it. It's used in a similar way, but I don't think it's a remix.

Ill be honest this version makes my dick hard and theres no more cringe because of how obviously humiliated the blonde slut with delicious thighs is. Also those jiggles on the ADHD chick.


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I don’t even like anime but I don’t see why everyone says this video is so “cringeworthy”.

It just looks like some typical video game dance animation. What’s so bad about it?

>>tfw you realize that one song that plays in big moments is a remix of Engage the Enemy
It's not a remix, it's just ACE+ being lazy hacks and rehashing all their XB1 songs.
>World Tree/Mechonis Field
>Still, Move Forward/Mechanical Rhythm

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>This is what weebs consider 'humor'

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The awkward mocap combined with the rest of the party just sitting there, I guess.
I don't really get it either, the webm of the sleepwalking shit is much worse and is actually a part of the story, not just a random sidequest.

Why the fuck haven’t they ported the first game to Switch yet? Who on earth thought it was a good idea to give the game a limited run on Wii and then release a downgraded port that’s only playable on new 3DS?

I’m not going to play number 2 before I get the chance to play number 1.

It does make a big difference though, early on I used Pyra a lot more than Mythra because my party couldn’t really work light into their chain attacks and used Percivels instant kill a lot when exploring. People just don’t talk about that stuff like Pokémon because you’re using 9 at once instead of 1 at a time.

This but unironically.

Then where it is?

Am I the only one that thought the music in Elpys was strangely familiar? I still can't put my finger on why.


It's Manami Kiyota, her musical style is very recognizable.

doesn't make any sense
a loose piece of clothing like that wouldn't show the asscrack or pussy

I laughed with this scene a lot, it was so cringe and awkward, seeing Rex crying was so

>World Tree
>a rehash of Mechonis Field

A-user? you there?

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Show me a piece of media that doesn't use tropes. I'm genuinely curious.

it's funny how he literally runs away from his problems even at the end of the game