Which one would you rather play as?

Which one would you rather play as?

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Old Link looks cool af


Yeah but he looks silly in the normal outfit
He should get something else that would suit him better

the only answer is shota link but older zelda

The 3 are equally good but I'll choose Linkle.


Linkle because i'm a girl

Patrician Taste™

I want an old man Link game where you have to rescue your daughter.

Same thing but no hat like BoTW would fit him

I would like a Linkle game, but I want a Linkle game, instead of "Link reincarnates as a girl".

just remake Link's Crossbow Training but with Linkle

This is the best choice.

>no toon Link
As always, op is a fag

I want a Linkle game, but I don't want a male Zelda.

Anyone who thinks an old Link would still be wearing his green tunic is stupid.

He would be battle hardened, wearing Royal Armor and covered in his treasures. Golden Gauntlets, Pegasus Boots, etc etc

A Linkle 3rd person shooter game would be pretty fun

le epic manly beard link

Since Yea Forums is full of horny 15 year old waifucucks, the answer is obvious

Female Link doesn't get even close to Male Link's looks and I'm not even gay.

They need to redesign her.

>>no toon Link
OP is straight

Left of fucking course.
I hate how eager waifufags are to destroy Link.
And then they turn around and whine when a western game has a female protagonist.

Terada > left > middle > right

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cute male

first one. the middle is r*ddit shit and i would never play as a girl.

I just just want a wholesome cute and funny Linkle game

so i can jerk it

I’d play with linkle

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The regular adult Link, he is at the peak of his power.

Old fuck link is just a Kratos ripoff, linkle is nice and all but Link is just superior.

I'd play a handheld style puzzle game where you play as a young Zelda awakening to her triforce of wisdom. Old man Link is your grumpy mentor/bodyguard who never says anything but shows your ranking each level with how pleased/disappointed he looks as you're playing.
Like a Professor Layton game but instead of logic puzzles you're lining up octoroks to shoot each other or figuring out how many bokoblins weigh as much as two moblins. Call it TLoZ: Puzzle Princess or something.
That or just a tetris clone with a zelda skin.

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console Minish Cap please

user what is this and why does it look like a butthole

Anal fractals, the latest craze.

Normal Link, old man link is a fucking reddit ass idea.

Only insecure fags don't like toon link

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old link without the gay ass hat

Marry, fuck, kill.

sure thing, pedophile.

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Left, of course. Old link is western onions manliness, Linkle is weeb tranny fantasy. Toon link is also shit.
There is nothing to fix. Proper link is sexy elf man.

Old Links seems more based but linkled sounds cute.

Grizzled old link.
Have standard outfit, BUT, leather plate, chainmail bits etc to make it more armoury.
Also he should be a unit, not boy like but have a thick natty physique.

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One neat idea was to have a Linkle game in that part of Wind Waker's backstory where Ganon shows up but Link doesn't and they have to flood the world to stop him. Linkle thinks she's the Hero, but ends up being unable to pull the Master Sword from the pedestal and has to face the facts.

sounds like something a faggot would say

Just make Linkle be part of Hylia's experimental college girl phase.

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Fuck Kill Marry

linkle a cute but an old link game would be kino

You know it would never be made just because it would be seen as sexist.

Like Geralt School of the Cat armour. Except LOZ colours.

Kinda like so

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Those clothes don't suit old link, should be something more leathery and a new style of hat, but I dig it

Post Old Links

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The Left because it's the only one that will ever exist, people who want Old Link are incel neckbeard pieces of shit who probably like Cinematic dad game garbage from Snoy

cat school armor looks retarded as fuck
bear school is pure kino

>there will never be a Fierce Deity link game that plays with extreme over the top power levels like a dante or god of war game

Linkle, because she is cute.

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people like you need to be euthanized

>because it's the only one that will ever exist
Don't be so sure. Aonuma said they seriously considered adding a female Link option to BotW, but decided against it because it was too late in development when the discussion came up (they probably already had the Gerudo town crossdressing stuff, which a female option would conflict with pretty directly) but they'd consider it in future titles.

This one.

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middle is the only option. the other two look like twinks

Why are most here opposed to the idea of a manly big muscled middle-aged Link? The middle Link could serve quite well on fitting the power and sexual fantasy.

link is a gay icon - fags love his twink looks. having him be a middle aged actual man would ruin that for their fantasies of him

It violates his core design. It's like if you made Samus into a loli or gave Sonic vulnerable and curious eyes.

samus should be a loli

>implying twink link is even remotely as attractive as grizzled old man link

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Sorry I'm bad at coming up with bad ideas

Would you play it straight other than the fact that she can't use the Master Sword, or would you try to play her as the anti-Link? She can't swing a sword, so she uses crossbows and other weapons. She's bad at puzzles and possibly has the wrong items for the job, so instead of solving them traditionally the correct way is to blunder through with improvised solutions. That sort of thing.

None there should be a character creator

Easily the middle.

Terada draws all of his male characters like that, his artwork for the Secret of Mana player guide draws your 15 or so year old protagonist like he's the Crimson Chin.

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>Hero of Lions never

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Old virgin Link.

yes, and?

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Imagine if every Secret of Mana thread had people going WHERE'S MY MANLY CONAN THE BARBIAN SECRET OF MANA, THE WAY IT SHOULD BE given the colourful anime art style.

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Play it mostly straight. It should still be a Zelda game at its core aside from the more cross-bow oriented combat, so having a lot of items and item-based puzzles should still be important.

any and all of them. Preferably all in the same game.

I'm not complaining, I want a Terada-style Zelda as much as the next guy, it's just funny that his Link is pretty accurate compared to the art he does for most games which ramps up the hyper-manly way more.

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Anyone who says Linkle is a fag

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How did I make that typo. Also Terada did do art for an older Link once.

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Never knew I wanted an old link game until now, I imagine his fighting ability has decreased but he has more accessories and items to compensate.

Old Linkle alongside Hero's Shade.

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what if you like his design but don't want to fuck him?

I wish I could play Wind Waker and Twilight Princess but I only have a Switch, fuck you Nintendo, the most obvious port and yet you choose to release shit like NSMBU.

give it time they'll be ported by next year probably

I want all three and you switch between them to solve puzzles.

For that just do Link, Ganondorf and Zelda. You got elf boy, tough old man and elf waifu already right there.

Honestly that's just depressing
>Try your absolute best to do the right thing
>Be a total badass and go through a bunch of bullshit
>People keep bringing you down
>You ignore them and have the courage to follow through
>You finally find the tool to defeat the bad guy, something not many people can do
>Can't wield it because the God's are bitches who don't think you're cool enough
That's a game that would just make me angry. If you had the balls to do all that then you deserve to wield the Triforce of Courage for, you know, all the courage it took to even try that shit?

>waa waaa life not fair goddesses gimme
t. Ganondorf

Why didn't they show up in BotW as lynel level elite rito warriors?

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I don't like the idea of Linkle, i want to fuck her tho

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The difference is Ganondorf was an asshole willing to crush anyone who was in his way to achieve ultimate power.

What the post was essentially saying is someone tries their best to do the right thing and destroy evil, actually getting real close to it before the Goddess's go "Oh well you weren't really what we were expecting, so fuck you".

I'm indifferent towards her. Having Link be a girl isn't really going to change up anying dynamically.

A weird idea I had that I know a lot of people are going to hate is make a Zelda were Ganondorf isn't evil. He would still remain the antagonist but maybe have his quest for ultimate power be something more substantial beyond his own selfishness.

Because Lynels clearly ate up all the development time for varied enemies

Pic related, kind of

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>it's like OOT but you start as the left and time travel into the middle

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>Honestly that's just depressing
Yeah, that's what makes it good, and Linkle still having the resolve to continue on after that would be great for distinguishing her character.

and travel further into the right.

I suppose, but really all I'd get out of that story is that the Goddess's are cunts.

>Gods not being dicks
It would probably technically be Fi's fault, since the Goddesses made everything self-sustaining instead of actively presiding over it. It's why the Triforce is just a dumb wish-granting triangle that makes no effort to distinguish good wishes from bad.

was the goal of that middle image to create a Link design that appealed to sonyfags

That’s the most disturbing and intimidating Ganon’s ever looked. Why can’t we have a Ganon like that in game?

>the Goddess's are cunts
Well yeah.
>let's leave behind the Triforce
>oops Ganon got it and he'll always have it now
>that's okay, we have the other two

Put all 3 in one game and switch the perspectives throughout the story

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He looked pretty good in Four Swords Adventures.

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Linkle is for waifu fags and old Link is for redditors.

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>we'll never get intelligent, badass warlock pig ganon again because now beast ganon has to be some mindless wall that just runs at shit

>Play an old chiseled link that knows everything there is to know, only to die halfway in the game and you "start over" as his son

It's not like you ever saw pig Ganon outside of final boss fights. He did everything else off-screen or in disguise.


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why is this nigger suddenly being memed everywhere?

Old man Link, already has the mastersword and shield and starts 7 hearts already. But the world this time around is super fucked, and theres barely and refuge. There's no Hyrule just an encampment of people trying to survive the apocalyptic wasteland caused by Ganon getting the triforce pieces in his abscence, similar to Wind Waker, except this time no gods came down to help the people of Hyrule, so Ganon is still wreaking havoc and the place is fucked

these people can't think with anything other than their little dicks

I'd love an M rated serious ARPG or WRPG featuring a jaded, cynical old link.
bonus points for consistently dark commentary, about the darkness of Hyrule under Ganon's opressive regime, with sad old bitter link on his vengeance campaign
>there will be no triforce
>we cannot save hyrule
>but ganon will die if it's the last thing I do
>i remember when fairies were still around. better days.

Punished Link with eyepatch and metal arm please.

I kind of like this idea.
>Hyrule is literally just a smoking crater
>Link was out of action for the past 50 years
>Every creature is either extinct or barely suriving
>Zelda is fucking dead and has been for a while
>Link is out for blood, but hes an old man who needs special shit to get around
>Occasionally Link will get hurt when he lifts things and will rub his back and run funny for a while


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None of them. Give me the Hero's Shade instead.

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>Le wholesome XD
Hello red dit


>The metal arm works like the Shiekah Slate and Hookshot

>/wsg/ is a normal, comfy board... slow traffic but that's fine
>Tik-Tok starts blowing up since Vine died
>young teenage girls start gaining a HUUUGE following
>their followers find a home on /wsg/
>regs/old timers who are sick of the tiktok shit fight back with surprise memes that have that stripper guy pop up a few seconds in (they call him Ricardo... who knows what his real name is).
>the Ricardo meme sticks, but the tiktok losers keep doing what they've been doing since late 2018

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Linkle is actually pretty fun to play as in Hyrule Warriors since she's centered around being quick and agile, but I don't think she could carry a whole game by herself.

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Old Link of course.

Reminder we almost had pic related for BotW. Maybe next game.

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He looks like angry green Santa.

wow user, so cool. I hope this thread doesn't die so more people can see this picture.

Just sounds like an even more barren BOTW.