>Breath of Fire 4 wasn't his favorite in the series
Breath of Fire 4 wasn't his favorite in the series
Other urls found in this thread:
It would be if not for the awful localization.
No, because 3 and Dragon Quarter exist.
That fucking desert, fucking hell.
DQ still has the best gameplay and setting in the series, 4 is close though.
BoF4 ends so abruptly.
It is
>love for DQ in this thread
People finally came around after
A. BOF was long dead and it was clear it would have died no matter what.
B. It became clear that 1 and 2 are kinda shit anyway.
3 > 2 > 1 >4
Why do you think BoF 1 is shit?
I agree, easily my favorite of the series. My only real problem is the low difficulty, a hard mode hack would be cool to see some day.
The translation really isn't that bad, it has it's problems but it's fairly accurate to the original.
Read this thread, it's a guy playing the US and Japanese versions side by side in an emulator to compare the scripts. Great read.
The desert continent was alright. Comfy, even.
It may have died no matter what, but it could have lasted more and died with more grace, instead of pulling the plug of an incomplete mobile game that happened.
And 1 and 2 are not shit.
Then you didnt really finish it
It has multiple endings
It has very cool furries.
I think people also had a problem with how experimental it was, trying out alot of new stuff that people didn't like.
But honestly I think what they did was good,e.g BoF was always linear so getting rid off the world map was a good move in 4. DQ took it to the extreme tho which didn't strike everyones liking.
To me it's actually one of the best BoF games.
>DQ still has the best gameplay and setting in the series
It has the best gameplay, the setting is poorly developed and just boils down to generic cyberpunk cliches (oppression of the underclass! genetic experiments!). The idea that nobody in a billion years would think to ascend to the surface, even though it's perfectly hospitable, is dumb.
The dragon system is 4 is a straight downgrade from 3.
It's obvious they saw the success of Final Fantasy with its massive cutscene summosn and decided to copy that (bof3 was in development for ff7 and was therefore not influenced by it).
I've only played BoF II, it was mediocre as all hell. One of those JRPGs that I could firmly say anyone should skip.
*was in development before ff7
Controversial opinion: world maps are annoying. They serve no real purpose other than frustrating you by getting lost.
>mfw I spot a BoF thread
I don't really have much to add besides wishing they make another installment, that I don't understand why people complain about 1 and 2 based on other RPGs of the time, and that my favourite was IV as well, despite I started playing them with the first one. I didn't care much for DQ mostly because I hated the MC's design.
Depends on the game. Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy benefit from world maps as they allow for abstractions of distance and give you places to explore for weird goodies and oddities. Games like Breath of Fire, which are an extremely linear affair, don't need them.
Not like there was a lot to get lost. Also it didn't even have any random encounters so not like there was a lot of annoying combat to be had.
>the setting is poorly developed and just boils down to generic cyberpunk cliches
Opposed to poorly developed medieval fantasy settings that boil down to generic fantasy cliches I'll take the generic cyberpunk any day of the week.
Can we stop with the "dragon genes was a good system" meme?
In theory, yes, the gene system is pretty interesting but the execution is terrible. the main problem comes from the fact that not only is BoFIII easy but the cost of becoming a dragon is so great that literally every person will know to just save it until a boss battle. Even when the boss battle occurs the player will obviously just choose the combination of genes they found to be the strongest and not actually experiment with different combinations. The dragon gene system really adds nothing in terms of depth or experimentation to combat.
my favorite is probably 3, they're all good for different reasons
3 and 4 both have very desolate hollow worlds in terms of tone and feeling, 3 develops into that, 4 kind of starts that way and becomes more diverse, but they're both depressing games.
...Making travel easier?
Some times you want to go from X to Y but it isn't interesting or challenging to go trough a lot of places for it.
3's soundtrack is just too killer to even consider anything else.
>Depends on the game. Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy benefit from world maps as they allow for abstractions of distance and give you places to explore for weird goodies and oddities. Games like Breath of Fire, which are an extremely linear affair, don't need them.
Breath of Fire is no more linear than Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy. In every Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest game I ever played, the overworld is shaped like a corridor, conveniently barricaded by mountains and shorelines (and the sea itself is barricaded by reefs, so the game is still linear even when you get a ship) so that you can only proceed down one path, which is inevitably the next plot-critical location, which is typically nestled in some environmental chokepoint so that you HAVE to pass through it and progress the plot before you can access the next part of the world. This leads to very unnatural world design and means there is pretty much no exploration in these games, until you unlock the airship near the end of the game, at which point you've already been forced to traverse the majority of the world in a linear fashion.
Try IV, it's setting is pretty cool as it's a mix of fantasy west and fantasy east which made it feel interesting.
It's interesting as BoFIII was that composer's first real soundtrack they made by themself.
It could've been if it didn't keep crashing halfway through.
I hated how all the dragon forms looked identical in gameplay outside the summon animation. Really killed some of the sense of enjoyment in getting new ones.
The translation might be nice but they cut like 5 scenes.
play the Alefgard trilogy
>Opposed to poorly developed medieval fantasy settings that boil down to generic fantasy cliches I'll take the generic cyberpunk any day of the week.
Except none of them were generic fantasy. Breath of Fire 3 for example has a post-apocalyptic setting where Myria deliberately keeps society stunted by preventing them from developing technology. In Breath of Fire 4 the world is in a transsitional state, deciding whether it wants to rely on the guidance of the gods or rely solely on human self-determinatorrs.
Both settings were a lot more developed than Dragon Quarter, which doesn't hold up under the slighest scrutiny. It really is just a set of cyberpunk cliches, and underdeveloperd cyberpunk is just as generic as underdeveloped fantasy.
Is this the saddest ending theme or what?
Also, check DQ's OST. Sakimoto knows what he's doing.
>posts a piccture where continents are filled conveniently placed very long mountain ranges that funnel you down what is essentially a linear path on the overworld
Thanks for proving my point.
I still have PSTD from Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter. Nobody liked it but I still remember the feeling of dread I felt as my dragon meter slowely reached 100%. I think I got up to like 98.7%. Also, the ants mini game was cool.
I don't know how fucking often I have listened to Donden and Everyday battle.
>Also, check DQ's OST. Sakimoto knows what he's doing.
DQ has the worst OST in the series. Most of it is generic orchestral stuff that is not only fairly bland in of itself, but also doesn't fit the cyberpunk setting in the slightest.
What about 5 user? :^)
>In theory, yes, the gene system is pretty interesting but the execution is terrible.
Then the solution should have been to address its flaws, not remove it outright.
It cut three minor visual gags and one actually important scene. The one important scene being removed is a shame but not a reason to skip the game entirely.
I've played all the games in the series, it's extremely generic outside of the soundtrack and maybe the Woren village if you haven't played many JRPGs that use native american archetypes.
>Except none of them were generic fantasy.
You don't even deserve (You)s, dumb frogposter.
I disagree, but I respect your opinion.
What can I say? I'm a huge fan of Sakimoto. (and Hamauzu, but that's for another topic)
you simp, you can play the game out of order. Once you have the ship the game doesn't block you with reefs etc. like you said, you're free to choose from like 8-10 destinations and even take out bosses earlier than expected.
breath of fire 3 was better
the combo system in 4 pigeon holes all of your characters into being casters
I dunno, I have a soft spot for BoF2
sadly 4 sold so poorly they never made another game in the series.
Yes, but even then I still say BoFIV has overall deeper combat mechanics thanks to the row system and combo system. While it suffers from the low difficulty of BoFIII the ability to change characters on the fly at least encouraged experimentation with making the most powerful and effective combos possible.
Well I have to disagree but you do you user. The influences from asian religions and mythology was cooler to me then a lot of other typical medieval/sci fi hybrid settings that most jrpgs have.
Whats this boomer game?
>The influences from asian religions and mythology was cooler to me then a lot of other typical medieval/sci fi hybrid settings that most jrpgs have.
I'm not arguing that, I'm only saying that it's not really groundbreaking or original when there's tons of games with stuff, or entire series even, like Tengai Makyou.
furry shit politely fuck off
How could we collectively convince Capcom and Nintendo to re-release BOF 3 and 4 on Switch?
I can't really think of any games that do it as a major theme though beside Megaten. While mythology is a common subject jrpgs take inspiration from BoFIV has a lot of really cool things in it.
>That ring of green trigrams is a Primordial/Earlier Heaven bagua. "The fuck is that?", the average goon says. Bagua means Eight Symbols in Chinese, and is an important diagram in Taoist philosophy. It represents the flow and structure of reality, with the trigrams representing parts of reality along with elements of yin and yang. Going clockwise from the trigram at Fou-Lu's feet, they are Heaven, Wind, Water, Mountain, Earth, Thunder, Fire, and Lake. They are also associated with seasons, cardinal directions (with Heaven as north, just like the compass says), emotions, concepts, families, and a whole bunch of other stuff. They're also an element in feng shui, used to map out the house to be in balance with creation and affect the owner's life. There's probably a metric shitload more symbolism here than I'm aware of (especially with the western symbol looking a lot like that Bangla script Om discussed in the previous symbolism update), but the fact that Fou-Lu's standing on Heaven while you approach him from Earth isn't exactly subtle.
Stuff like this is what I mean, symbolism like this is what puts BoFIV above others in my mind.
>NA boxart
>How could we collectively convince Capcom and Nintendo to re-release BOF 3 and 4 on Switch?
Why the Switch specifically?
To be fair that's the only platform with the audience for it. Plus playing BoF3 on PSPVita was great.
A man can only hope, Capcom is getting back on track making good solo player games. I have the feeling that they may go back to it one day. Just needs a new producer who played the games as a kid and appreciates the series.
>European box art
that guy opening the ps4 gift is about to get it
Just a personal preference.
Only played 2, 3, and 4. Skipped 1 and lol5
3 was my favorite, but I was surprised at how much I ended up liking 2's characters. Rand was the fucking boss. Too bad his ultimate form looked like shit.
Breath of Fire II is the only BoF game worth a damn.
ugh, here he is again.
>her special ability is a taunt that makes the enemy attack her
>has the lowest defense and HP of all the characters in the entire game
Dumb bitch
rent free
BOF4 is so damn good with the notChinese stuff.
thread's over
it was nice
I can play now cause its comfy on my phone, never have tried it though
Nina and Spar have lower HP/defense.
>first leans spells she doesn't have mana to cast
canonically dumb
>Never got a chance to play Breath of Fire.
My brother got to decide what games we got and he was almost exclusively a Final Fantasy guy. Where do I start?
Baka! I meant traditional world maps ala Dragon Quest. I prefer SMB3-style world maps.
If you had to pay rent for the BoF you infest we'd be all millionaires by now.
>angel slut cucks you with the catnigger
Yeah, you bet I sided with the villain
I think it'll be harder for you to enjoy all the titles if you pick any order but chronological release order.
III or IV are good to start with, see which interests you more.
>the one with two horse men isn't your favorite
lmao fucking normies
I, II, and III form a trilogy of story, kind of, so you might want to play these 3 in sequence
4 and 5 are unrelated to each other and the rest of the series
Trying way too hard.
Also see the link in , Nina sayign she loves Cray was a translation error. In the Japanese version she said she had a crush on him at one point but knew he loved her sister so never really pursued him.
No one said skipped. Just removing it from the top of the list.
It looked like shit but hit like a god damn truck.
What was your favourite shaman form? Katt was bae.
Oh fuck, I didn't know that. It's hard to blame her, Cray's incredibly sexy.
>Nina and Spar have lower HP/defense.
Wrong. Here is an autistic guide that has spreadsheets for all the stats characters get on level ups:
>Katt is the quickest to gain levels, and the most agile character, not counting Bleu. She has a very high Guts rating. Considering that she has the worst physical and magical defense, she isn't very survivable, and apparently not too smart either, because she likes to 'Dare' opponents into hitting her.
Lol even the writer of the guide made that joke
Well she can get the mana though its not terribly useful.
Has anyone played the PC version of Breath of Fire IV? Did it get censored too? And does it run in windows 8.1 / 10?
>. In every Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest game I ever played, the overworld is shaped like a corridor, conveniently barricaded by mountains and shorelines (and the sea itself is barricaded by reefs, so the game is still linear even when you get a ship) so that you can only proceed down one path, which is inevitably the next plot-critical location, which is typically nestled in some environmental chokepoint so that you HAVE to pass through it and progress the plot before you can access the next part of the world.
"I never played DQI, II, III, VII (whole different can of worms), XI, or FFIII, V, and VI (WOD)."
I know there are linear games in both series. That wasn't my point.
Yeah, again, thanks for showing how you didn't play the game you're talking about. II and III in particular turn you loose and say "fuck it, you figure it out."
4 is a good first experience.
Every game is honestly too different to say if you like one you'll like the others. 2, 3 and 4 are roughly similar but with different themes and systems. 5 is different and weird. 1 is a primitive early FF/DQ-like JRPG.
My recommendation is to play 4 as I think it's a) the most accessible and b) the best. 3 is really a love it or hate it affair imo.
only furries disliked 5
>4 and 5 are unrelated to each other and the rest of the series
4 is a prequel to 1-3. It's blatantly obvious.
Wait, you are retarded enough to believe Ryu in 2 married Nina instead of Katt?
Release order
Go do something productive, Scribblehatch.
fucking japan
i never had a chance, i was destined to be a furry
>I know there are linear games in both series. That wasn't my point.
I played some of those. They're still completely on rails. FF6 especially is completely on rails, and only opens up in the last quarter of the game when the world of ruin section begins. That hardly contradicts my point, as I specifically said:
>there is pretty much no exploration in these games, until you unlock the airship near the end of the game, at which point you've already been forced to traverse the majority of the world in a linear fashion.
IV on pc is literally the same thing as it is on ps1 except the font is worse, that's it.
Was talking about IV, not II.
whats the best way of playing 1&2? snes, gba vanilla, gba with palette/color&sound restoration hacks?
How dare you call the original primitive...
>FF6 especially is completely on rails, and only opens up in the last quarter of the game when the world of ruin section begins.
You'll notice that I put (WOD) next to that one.
Can you guess why? It's also the only example out of the ones I gave where it happens at the very end of the game.
You haven't played the Loto Trilogy of DQ games. They're about as open as JRPGs can fucking get. It's okay to admit you don't know what you're talking about sometimes.
>Wats the best way of playing 1&2? snes, gba vanilla, gba with palette/color&sound restoration hacks?
Snes. The aesthetical changes to the GBA versions are for the worse, and they have no new content or anything that would justify playing them. Even the shitty translation was unchanged.
snes with proper translation patch
BoF 2 is best played on SNES with a translation patch. They really butchered the entire game.
>Loto Trilogy of DQ games
completely ignorant but which are these? only played dq1/2/7 and a little bit of 8
Cray's a tool.
I really only has the original snes and gba release. The gba release uses the same translation as the original so you might as well just play the snes version.
For BoFII there exists a fan translation for the snes version, play that. The gba version of II uses the same legendarily bad script that the English BoFII uses. so skip them.
When does pic related FINALLY get a non-garbage localization/translation patch?
>t-translation error!
Nina is used goods, if she liked another man even in her mind she is ruined
I'd cut 2 out since it isn't really necessary for 3. Other than a callback or two it doesn't really add anything.
It's 1-3. The legendary hero of yore is Loto/Erdrick. 1 is basically completely unstructured and just nudges you in the right direction via hard monsters. There's only two dungeons before the finale and the much larger of the two is optional. 2 lets you do whatever the fuck you want from 1/3 of the game to 2/3, the last third being the finale that's stretched the fuck out due to shit balancing.
BoF 4 feels like a travel game, and I fucking love travel games.
Fair enough.
I guess the only real restrictions is to play 1 before 2 OR 3.
>It's okay to admit you don't know what you're talking about sometimes.
What part of "I played some of those" don't you understand? I was specifically referring to the games you listed:
>"I never played DQI, II, III, VII (whole different can of worms), XI, or FFIII, V, and VI (WOD)."
I have no idea how anyone could think FFV for example is non-linear. It's so on rails that they constantly keep coming up with contrived plot devices for why you can't travel freely (e.g. the whole sinking ship cliche).
He's one of the best written characters in the series. He had no reason to care about Ryu beside him being useful to find Elina. If selling out Ryu was what it took to get Elina back he was willing to do it. It's shitty of him, sure, but perfectly understandable. He develops the most naturally of any of the cast really.
It's a very pretty game, but there's too many forced mini-games and the camera and environment layouts are awful.
Nina has less defense and HP than Katt, don't make me unfold my save file with the ultimate equipment for both.
Running total: Katt LV 50
HP/MP attack/defence/etc.
253/17 211 81 183 73 16
Running total: Nina LV 50
HP/MP attack/defence/etc.
245/309 75 69 115 201 155
Are you dense?
>IV on pc is literally the same thing as it is on ps1 except the font is worse, that's it.
Are you sure though? Because they released PC JP first, and then english version, so maybe they just threw a translation patch on it but without censoring it.
Again, trying way too hard. I never really cared about the romantic relationship aspect of them like some fans seem too but even in IV it's still implied to exist, just not as heavily as in games like II or III.
No, the pc version is the exact same game as the US English version beside a new font and readjusted controls for a keyboard. Everything censored in the ps1 version is censored in the pc version.
>finally make a good game
>series dies
Keeping up the tradition of making Nina the worst girl
This, the same reason why Grandia 1 is a god damn masterpiece.
I understand. I'm pointing to those three in particular, because you balked at an user showing you that early Dragon Quest is absolutely nonlinear.
I'm only calling you out because you keep ignoring the one example you can't rebuff while insisting that none of these games benefit from world maps. Even here you're going for the easiest targets (FF6 and 5) instead of actually addressing the larger point being made.
share your endgame stats, friendos
Yuna did nothing wrong.
delet this pls
>Final Fantasy 8
PS1 JRPGs had such a unique feel to them that no game since then has been able to replicate
I miss them
Name a better character, i dare you
>I'm only calling you out because you keep ignoring the one example you can't rebuff while insisting that none of these games benefit from world maps.
The fact that I didn't respond to a single one of your counter-examples hardly invalidates my point. I was responding to someone who said that FF and DQ benefit from an overworld because they are non-linear. But as I pointed out, the vast majority of FF and DQ are completely on rails. This is undeniable.
The reaosn why the first DQ game is so non-linear is because it was made in a different era, before the jrpg genre proper even existed. It's hardly representative of anything when the next DQ game was already much more linear, and kept becoming more linear with each new entry in the series.
You know, as much as I appreciate BoF trying to do its own thing, Capcom never really learned to hone their RPG design the way Square and Chunsoft's DQ team did. Even smaller companies like Quintet outdid them.
She looks sexier ingame
Honestly most of them are pretty great, which makes Rand's shit design sting more. If I had to pick a favorite I'd go with Sten, but only because he tore everything he came across a new asshole in my playthrough.
>use to play both BoF3/4 when rented from blockbuster in the late 90s
>can't play them again because i hate permanent choices that affect the game and deter grinding when i feel like it
Yeah, people that suggest skipping 1 altogether are retarded. It has good payoff in both sequels.
>You know, as much as I appreciate BoF trying to do its own thing, Capcom never really learned to hone their RPG design the way Square and Chunsoft's DQ team did. Even smaller companies like Quintet outdid them.
In what sense? Dragon Quarter has better gameplay than any Square game I can think of.
And Bof 3/4 certainly have aged more gracefully than the PS1 FInal Fantasies.
pixels are better
fuck off furry
>Killing a pacifist
>Dragon Quarter has better (...)
Yes, and just like Unlimited SaGa, it's terrible.
Fuck off retard.
>posts fanart
nothing is wrong with fanart
fuck off with your soulless, 3d trash
>And Bof 3/4 certainly have aged more gracefully than the PS1 FInal Fantasies.
I disagree. FF7 and FF9, despite poorly aged graphics, still boast better mechanics, better pacing, and better stories than BoF3 or BoF4. I don't know much about Dragon Quarter, but as a general rule for me, the more esoteric you make a JRPG, the worse it gets. That's why nobody likes FF2 or FF8.
Fuck off retard.
>FF9, despite poorly aged graphics
absolute retard
Why do you say that? He's a nice, sexy, masculine boy.
My main love for BoF has always been how much they tried to spruce up the casts. Compared to all FF and DQ party lineups, BoF is always a million times more imaginative (Barring FFIX, admittedly.), shit like Ershin or Scias truly made my day.
Hell Momo and Garr were fittingly similar in that regard.
I love that they tried. (Until they went lmaowhatever in Quarter, but let's not board that ship again.)
Pacing I'll give you but I'd argue BoF3 at least has better mechanics and story.
FF8 is infinitely better than 9
>I disagree. FF7 and FF9, despite poorly aged graphics, still boast better mechanics
FF7 and FF8's combat is far worse than Bof3/4's traditional turn-based combat. ATB is nothing more than a bastardization of turn-based combat, by adding a real-time element that means you can get attacked during your turn, thus defeating the whole point of using a turn-based system. This artificial time pressure also means the optimal strategy in 99.9% of battles is to mindlessly mash the (auto-)attack button as fast as possible before enemies can get any hits in.
It's also incredibly slow. In a normal turn-based game, you input your commands and they are executed. But in an ATB game, you first have to wait for the characters' ATB bars to slowly fill before you can input commands, and after they are executed, you have to wait again for them to fill before you can input new commands, over and over.
>better pacing
What does this even mean?
>and better stories than BoF3 or BoF4.
Lolno. Cloud's personality disorder doesn't make a lick of sense, to say nothing of FF8's 'GFs made us forget we grew up together'. Bof3/4's has much better world building, character writing and antagonists (Fou-Lu anyone?).
Wasted potential. Grandia 1 was a masterpiece, Grandia 2 was okay but flawed and very short, and Grandia 3 was terrible.
3 is easily the worst of the first four games, thank's to the awful early game.
user, I...
... I was never able to beat the final boss...
Yeah I get what you mean, it almost hits as bad as his mom's death.
Grandia 3 has the best combat in the series though.
I would say Ershin behaves relatively fitting, considering the abrupt Spoiler_Bomb.jpg
I have never been quite as impressed as finding out that he was not retarded or speaking in third person but in fact talking about someone else.
Retard alert.
>having this much of a shit taste
Totally agree with you.
Grandia 2 started out great, it has one of the best protagonists in any game. But the end felt kinda rushed and there was no side content at all.
Grandia 1 atleast had 3 extra dungeons.
Let's forget about Grandia 3, I'm pretty sure Enix just wanted to kill the series.
Shit, if this thread lives for another 5 hours I'll post my stats after I get home from work.
Fucking loved this game.
There's not a single 3D PS1 game that hasn't aged poorly in terms of graphics. I don't think that's a particularly controversial statement. Not even MML2 or that Dr. Slump game do all that well.
>FF8 is infinitely better than 9
Gee, I sure love drawing magic and playing card battle games.
>ATB is nothing more than a bastardization of turn-based combat, by adding a real-time element that means you can get attacked during your turn, thus defeating the whole point of using a turn-based system.
There's a thing called Wait mode and it counteracts any of the complaints you make about the system. Nobody is forcing you to use Active mode in any FF with ATB.
>Cloud's personality disorder doesn't make a lick of sense
More like you're too much of a brainlet to grasp the story? It's not even particularly complicated:
>dude has his hometown burned down by his hero and nearly dies trying to fight back against him
>gets revived by a series of experiments involving Jenova cell infusion that completely fuck up his mental state
>conflates his own history with memories of Zack because he was around him the whole time
Each has their pro and cons. FF9 definitely is easier to digest. It comes down to opinion in my opinion.
How could Scias have not ruined the game for you?
Because three was a thing. Not saying 4 was bad, in fact it was really go but i liked three because it had better music, better fishing, and better dragons. 4 had a fantastic story equal to 3 and the combat was improved greatly. 4 Made learning skills easy as fuck and also had more secrets than 3. So yah.
>There's a thing called Wait mode and it counteracts any of the complaints you make about the system.
It doesn't, Wait mode only pauses the real-time flow if you 'retreat' into the items/magic submenu, which is incredibly tedious to have to do every single turn. And at any rate, what does that say about ATB? It means its a shitty system that it needs such a bandaid.
too far man, too far
The protagonist is a literal newborn baby. I kept waiting for some timeskip to show why the main character is doing anything but nope. Still a newborn, picking up a sword and going with the flow. And then finally I get a second party member. A tiny little girl, who I have to escort out of a dungeon now. This is the party heroes they want me to care about? No, why would I force myself to continue playing?
This was an example of shit writing, in one of your endings you have to make him pay
>Not Becoming the Boss and Killing your friends
Ershin is my personal favorite character of the cast honestly. I always have a soft spot for robot characters but Ershin is just a fun character in general. Instead of being a shitty mascot character like so many jrpgs try to force with their more comical character Ershin had a real role that was just as important and influential as any other character.
>More like you're too much of a brainlet to grasp the story? It's not even particularly complicated:
The problem is that Cloud's entire personality revolves around a shitty M Night Shyamalan plot twist.
For starters, before the twist is revealed, Cloud doesn't show any indication he is suffering (aside from some vague hints that the story glosses over), so the end result is that he goes from being a taciturn hero who has internalized someone else's memories as his own without realizing it to...a taciturn hero who outwardly appears the same, but apparently has resolved all those deep-seated issues, no really.
Furthermore, what is even the point of the whole Nibelheim incident? Cloud goes from being a heroic person (which he clearly is, judging by the flashbacks where he rescues Tifa twice and defeats Sephiroth) who failed to qualify for the elite squad of the evil cyberpunk regime (i.e. not a group you'd want to join) to assuming the memories of...Zack, another heroic person who did qualify for the elite squad of the evil cyberpunk regime. As far as catalysts for mental breakdowns go, this comes across as very pedestrian in the grand scheme of things. It's like the writers wanted to have a plot twist and an identity crisis, but couldn't think of any compelling material for such a storyline.
Another big issue that FVII suffers from is the dialogue. Everyone in FVII communicates in very basic English sentences. Despite being a group of misfits, some of which aren't even human, all of the characters have very nondistinct and same-y styles of speech. Since there's also a weird lack of voice acting (not even grunting noises for taking damage), characters don't feel like particularly distinct individuals.
ATB is fundamentally flawed. It's either too slow or gives an inherent advantage to the AI.
Cloud's shit doesn't make any sense because the Jenova cells in him only create a patchwork personality for him when he meets Tifa.
>There's not a single 3D PS1 game that hasn't aged poorly in terms of graphics
Megaman Legends still looks great even today.
>There's not a single 3D PS1 game that hasn't aged poorly in terms of graphics
>start up Breath of Fire 3 again via autobleem on a Playstation Classic
>forgot how rough the game looked for early PS1 3D
sprite animations are wonderful as ever, though. it's surprising how much unique / cutscene-focused animation these kinds of games from Capcom and Squaresoft had back in the day, same for Final Fantasy Tactics
>There's not a single 3D PS1 game that hasn't aged poorly in terms of graphics.
Breath of Fire 3 and 4 are 3D and they still look great.
Combat-wise he was my favorite character, but I will admit that I found his stuttering bizarre. When I found out that he was retranslated for localization and was actually a drunken idiot that made me love him even more.
The censorship in the game is unfortunate, but it's pretty seamless. I don't think any Westerners would have known it was censored unless they heard it from an outside source.
I don't care about comparing franchises, but I agree with this. It would have made way more sense if they used Zack's cells to experiment on Cloud, e.g. Jenova experiments on Zack, and when successful use Zack cells on Cloud, like vaccines IRL.
Isn't it bedtime for you brainlets already?
I was actually really surprised that Scias' character was gutted so much, and for something so mild as being a drunk. That's SNES-era stuff, hadn't most companies moved beyond that by 2000?
Cloud went nutso because he was stuffed in a tank of mako and injected with Jenova cells. Either one of those is enough to fuck someone up mentally.
The intro is the coolest shit, even if i cant understand a word.
There is a timeskip, but it will take you atleast 4 more hours to get there.
Growing up is kind of a theme in this game, you notice how Ryu get's better with the sword as the game goes on, properly using it instead of swinging it around like a retard. This attention to detail is spread all over the game, and if you appreciate that I highly recommend you to keep on playing.
>Wait mode only pauses the real-time flow if you 'retreat' into the items/magic submenu, which is incredibly tedious to have to do every single turn.
You do the same exact thing in every other turn-based JRPG. They're a genre entirely predicated on interactivity through menu browsing. The only difference between ATB and normal turn-based is how turn order is calculated in the long run.
>For starters, before the twist is revealed, Cloud doesn't show any indication he is suffering (aside from some vague hints that the story glosses over), so the end result is that he goes from being a taciturn hero who has internalized someone else's memories as his own without realizing it to...a taciturn hero who outwardly appears the same, but apparently has resolved all those deep-seated issues, no really.
His internal issues resurfaced when Reunion was reaching its later stages. Sephiroth and Jenova played a role in this, as they orchestrated this event and compelled the tattooed figured to head north.
>Furthermore, what is even the point of the whole Nibelheim incident?
To develop the backstory of Cloud, Sephiroth, Tifa, and Zack.
>As far as catalysts for mental breakdowns go, this comes across as very pedestrian in the grand scheme of things.
That wasn't the catalyst for his mental breakdown. Hojo's experiments on his body were. He had Jenova's cells forcefully implanted into him, which Jenova and Sephiroth could control remotely. That being said - the trauma of having your town burn down certain doesn't help him.
True, but Cloud's specific brand of crazy was way too shoehorned.
>Another big issue that FVII suffers from is the dialogue. Everyone in FVII communicates in very basic English sentences. Despite being a group of misfits, some of which aren't even human, all of the characters have very nondistinct and same-y styles of speech.
Sorry but that's some bullshit. I played the english and german version and in both you can clearly tell which character is speaking just by reading the text.
The manga is pretty okay to read on a lazy afternoon.
>You do the same exact thing in every other turn-based JRPG. They're a genre entirely predicated on interactivity through menu browsing.
I'm not talking about menus you dummy, I'm talking about the half-assed ATB system which makes enemies attack you during your turn, this is shit design, plain and simple, for numerous reasons I've outlined. It's a poor middle ground between turn-based and real-time with all the weaknesses of both, but none of their strengths.
I know they definitely censored drunkenness in Misadventures of Tron Bonne and in Brave Fencer Musashi. Both games depicted the alcohol as either root beer or generic soda.
Tron Bonne had a bunch of other censorship too. Best example is that there is a servbot who unlocks his unique ability after being given a porno magazine. His ability then becomes "hentai" and he is found bouncing on and sniffing Tron's bed sheets.
The Western localization made his skill "design" and had him bouncing around on the bed for no reason and talking to Tron about painting the Gessellschaft pink.
When it came to making sprites, Capcom never messes around.
I repeat
Man they didn't even put an ounce of effort into that thing did they?
Fuckin' generic as fuck anime art.
>His internal issues resurfaced when Reunion was reaching its later stages
Yes, and? The point is that Cloud's reasons for a mental breakdown are pedestrian and shallow, not to mention absurd, since he overpowered Sephiroth yet still doubts his capabilities as a fighter. It's all silly and impossible to take seriously.
Compare that to breath of fire 4's ryu, who is literally one half of a being, separated from his counterpart. Of bof3's ryu, who awakens disoriented after being frozen as a fossil for thousands of years. Those are compelling set-ups for a mental breakdown.
There was nothing more disappointing than managing to get to the end of the game and have that counter go wild but still be under 100% at the end of the scene and get nothing for it.
Fuck them. That took a lot of work and I got jack shit for it. I expected a happier ending.
>bof3's ryu, who awakens disoriented after being frozen as a fossil for thousands of years.
But his breakdown was caused by ghosts.
GREAT, now I need to play BoF IV again.
>There was nothing more disappointing than managing to get to the end of the game and have that counter go wild but still be under 100% at the end of the scene and get nothing for it.
>Fuck them. That took a lot of work and I got jack shit for it. I expected a happier ending.
What were you expecting? The point of the D-counter is that it punishes you for using dragon transformations excessively, potentially forcing you to restart the game.
Why would you expect a different ending? And the game already has an overly sappy happy ending (with bullshit deus ex machina magical resurrections to boot).
it gets more hate than it deserves
Ghosts of his others of his race who were wiped out.
That only strengthens the point I was making.
I wanted to get into Grandia. I was gonna start with 2 since that one seemed to be the one everybody loved, but 1's party characters seem so much better, save for maybe the MC.
Which one should I play first?
2 is decent, only got to play 1 for a short while but I couldn't get into it
>Which one should I play first?
1 has the best exploration, story and music
3 has the best combat
2 is a mediocre middle ground
Played the shit out of it in my teen days, now I'm feeling nostalgic.
Nina best girl, ever.
3 has a much better Dragon system and a better Ryu overall.
4 has a much better story except for the very last part which just kinda concludes all of a sudden.
All this talk of Grandia reminds me that they're making HD versions of 1 and 2, but they never had any further details or any more news beyond that. Considering Grandia 2 already has an anniversary port on PC, I wonder just what might actually be "HD" about them.
the games aren't connected at all so it wouldn't really matter. I recommend 2, but just because it's one of my favourite games.
If you like Lunar Silver Star Story and anime movies from the 90s start with 1, you will love it.
Unlimited SaGa is terrible and the people enjoy it are deplorable.
It's certainly a fucking chore to play.
I'm guessing like the FF HD remakes, just improving the resolution and the textures. Would be great for Grandia 1 because it has alot of sprites.
I can imagine polishing things up, using the Saturn version's environmental improvements, but if they put filters on those sprites i'm gonna be fucking sick.
>Implying I'm a man
What's even the difference between all the 100s of jrpgs? They're literally all the same.
>this is shit design, plain and simple, for numerous reasons I've outlined
Well, your reasons are pretty dumb, to be honest. Let's break them down.
>by adding a real-time element that means you can get attacked during your turn, thus defeating the whole point of using a turn-based system
It doesn't "defeat the whole point" of the system, it recontextualizes it to emphasize individual characters' actions rather than your entire party's actions during a turn cycle. As such, this leads to a slightly different and more dynamic flow of battle, as stalling and/or skipping turns for particular party members become legitimate tactics.
>This artificial time pressure also means the optimal strategy in 99.9% of battles is to mindlessly mash the (auto-)attack button as fast as possible before enemies can get any hits in.
This just sounds like you getting too stressed out over enemy turns potentially fucking you over. Honestly, the only ATB game where this is a legitimate issue is the original SNES version of FF4, where combat actions had a noticeable windup period during which an enemy could potential kill your party members. No ATB games after that one really had that problem to the extent that you describe. And as for the tactic of mindlessly choosing attack during turn cycles? Well, that's a problem that plagues most turn-based JRPGs, ATB or otherwise. Rarely do any go beyond a tactical loop of buffing your party, debuffing the enemy, and using elemental weaknesses.
>The point is that Cloud's reasons for a mental breakdown are pedestrian and shallow, not to mention absurd, since he overpowered Sephiroth yet still doubts his capabilities as a fighter.
Care to elaborate on some of those adjectives there, user?
Breath of Fire II is stupidly hard. The Terrapin boss early in the game is essentially impossible.
>It doesn't "defeat the whole point" of the system, it recontextualizes it to emphasize individual characters' actions rather than your entire party's actions during a turn cycle. As such, this leads to a slightly different and more dynamic flow of battle, as stalling and/or skipping turns for particular party members become legitimate tactics.
Are you genuinely this retarded? Normal turn-based rpgs have this as well, with none of the clunky real-time aspects of atb.
Unlimited is just a big and very efficient casual filter, I almost feel pity for those who cannot enjoy it, just like people who can't enjoy DQ.
No it doesn't. "oh no these ghosts are pissed" is super trite.
Guess I'll give 1 a go first then when I get around to it, then 2.
Thanks dudes
Call me shallow, but the deciding factor for whether or not I pick up an RPG usually ends up being the characters I get to use. The more I like them the more likely I'll pick the game up. 1 seems to have the edge on that, but I've admittedly not seen much of either game.
>Unlimited SaGa
literally opposite ends of the JRPG casual/non-casual sphere
The Grandia games all have a revolving door system ala Final Fantasy 4 and Phantasy Star 4. You don't get to choose which characters you use, it's determined by the story.
>awful early game
What? The whole young ryu part was the best part of the game. Are you one of those weird people who liked the Garr rope-pulling mini game or the desert?
Yeah fuck that, just give me a higher resolution, no filters and definitely no FF6 steam version. AND DONT EVEN DARE TO TOUCH THE SOUNDTRACK. FFX HD-Remaster gave me PTSD.
I meant Dragon Quarter, you clueless nigger.
>Normal turn-based rpgs have this as well, with none of the clunky real-time aspects of atb.
You're not explaining what's so clunky about the real-time aspects of ATB beyond the stress of having an enemy potential take a turn before or during one of your party member's turns, which itself can be dealt with by smart tactics and preparation.
Yeah have to agree, the GBA version is easier and has a lower encounter rater than the SNES version. But fuck the GBA version.
Also, it's criminal how underated this song is
Almost 32 year old Boomer here. This song brings back some strong middle school feels.
Algernon, the boss protecting the owl fruits still gives me trouble every time I decide to playthrough it.
Oh yeah waiting for Guard Scorpion to put his tail up is so smart and deep.
I didn't have too much trouble until the very end. That shit was nearing Mt. Itoi levels of bullshit. Never ran from so many fights AT FULL HP in my life
Ah, didn't know that. That's kind of a shame.
Do you get to choose whoever at the end of the game?
That frog merchant that raped Nina4 was better.
It's the first boss you baka...
>Breath of Fire II is stupidly hard. The Terrapin boss early in the game is essentially impossible.
Yeah, that game is a fucking mess balance-wise. Ridiculous encounter rate, loads of money grinding, and the Fusion system is a swing and miss.
>complain about enemies taking turns too soon
>use the complete opposite situation as a counterexample to my point
>said example is an intentionally easy tutorial boss in the first fifteen minutes of the game
>You're not explaining what's so clunky about the real-time aspects of ATB beyond the stress of having an enemy potential take a turn before or during one of your party member's turns, which itself can be dealt with by smart tactics and preparation.
The advantage of real-time is having units act simultaneously, leading to more dynamic combat situations. The Grandia games actually utilize this aspect: e.g. it's possible to intercept an enemy who's rushing to attack you, or interrupt an enemy who's casting a spell, etc.
The FF games do not utilize this advantage at all, since units can never act simultaneously. The real-time aspects are just clunky and only encourage silly nonsense like retreating into the items/magic menu so that enemies don't attack you during your turn. You'll note how Grandia actually PAUSES the game when it's your turn for a very good reasons.
Never played a BoF, which one should I play?
Grandia 1 has great character interaction and is kinda funny, also every single character you get to control is memorable. But it sometimes lacks drama, still Justin (protag) is a relatable little fucker.
Grandia 2 has a better connection between story and characters imo, and the protag is one of the god damn best heroes you will ever play as. He is down to earth, thoughtful and a very relatable dude. The rest of the cast is also awesome.
Both games are great considering characters. 1 is quirky and 2 more dramatic.
Breath of Fire 1! No matter what the dummies in this thread say, it is NOT PRIMITIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But it was.
Start with 4 or 3. 4 would be my personal recommendation.
>and the protag is one of the god damn best heroes you will ever play as
He isn't. Ryudo starts out interestingly enough, but it quickly devolves into shonen-tier nonsense where he has to let go of cynical side and learn to love the world. Blegh.
should I go for the PC ver or just emulate it
its archaic
I love early game Ryudo's dialogue. Reformed Ryudo is not only bland, but the transition occurs way too quickly. One town he's snarking every other sentence, the next he's asking the inhabitants about their culture so he doesn't offend them.
Yeah, I know that feeling my man. Back then I always went to sleep with my console running to listen to game music while sleeping.
I feel like Grandia 2 is when Game Arts' character writing started getting noticeably worse. Lunar 2 was the peak of it, to be honest.
you've probably never even played dq zoomie hipster faggot. That game was garbage
If Capcom ever brings BoF back, they need to do it now while they're back on their shit.
1 is simple and straightforward, 2 is balls hard but has a rather interesting story if you can get into it (and maybe use the fan re-translation), 3 is effectively the standard entry point for most fans and moderately challenging while also having a surprisingly long story, and 4 is pretty condensed in length and great for beginners thanks to not being that difficult.
Only approach Dragon Quarter if you really want something different from the norm, it's a rather extremely abnormal game.
Well yeah, after he killed a certain somebody he kinda loses his edge, but still he is one of my personal favourites. I think the end of the game is just rushed in general that's why he doesn't really get to shine anymore.
Still he burts with personality and him and Skye make for a memorable duo. He also has a critical mindset and speaks it if he feels like it.
To be honest, I am attracted to both girls and boys, which makes me a faggot. And that's the only thing you guessed in your post.
Yeah I'd rather not have a BoF that's geared to the west.
There is barely any difference. I think the font on the PC version is different but else it's the same.
>Better stories
This but I'd rather it stays dead. For what purpose would Capcom want to bring back their red-headed stepchild of a series?
>He didn't turn Ursula into an aoe attacking deathmachine
Every characters comes stock with an element to combo with and stuff like Ursula's all attack mortar, Sylias' deathblow (and the enemy skill with the same function) Megaphone/Blitz ect. Generally make spells sub-par
3 is better.
Anyone got a mega link or something so I can download 4 when I get home?
2 is better than both, tard.
3 and 4 are good to start with, 2 if you want more, 5 is great but it's essentially designed as an antithesis to the series and is a dungeon crawler instead of an adventure jrpg and makes autists REEEE
>it's a rather extremely abnormal game.
It's just your usual BoF repurposed into a pseudo roguelite in a cyberpunk setting, hardly anything extreme or abnormal.
4 sucked. Especially coming off 3. Boring characters, boring locations that didn't make use of the great art style, boring character builds, and an unfinished story to boot. The game relies too heavily on it's combo system which is stupidly broken. Also I'll never understand why they ditched the gene system.
Definitely use the fan translation. Breath of Fire II's official localization is the only one I have ever seen that is not only unfaithful to the source material, but doesn't even adhere to the basic rules of the English language. It's largely incoherent.
emuparadise or cdromance
6 was the best and you literally can't prove me wrong
fan translation is not faithful either dipshit but its still better than the "official" one
It is abnormal compared to the previous entries.
I guess I should say Ershin's backstory and Fu Lou and his segments were pretty great. But other than that the game was pretty underwhelming.
Well, if you put it that way, yes.
The balance of the game and the gameplay loop are completely different. To say DQ is not an extreme departure for the series is absurd.
what, it has 2, and they're entirely decided by what you do at the very end boss. don't try and make it sound like it has multiple endings that require multiple playthoughs you faggot. you literally just load and fight the final boss again and pick the other option
But it's not a meme, it's the truth.
Could it be improved? Of fucking course it could, every system in every game in the world could be. But it was still the best dragon system by a country mile of any bof game
but it was
3 was great, 1 was great, DQ was a great game but not BoF, and 2's fan translation was great. There aren't any real misses in this franchise other than the final game that nobody will acknowledge exists, including myself.
If this isn't pure again I'm going to come back and slap you user
Horrendous taste, senpai.
2 mostly. 1 is near unplayable and not particularly good. 2 is a great snes rpg, but if you don't play it before you play 3 or 4 you'll literally never go back to it cause you'll be spoiled by the better games.
>1 is near unplayable
Maybe if you're borderline retarded.
2 is better than both those, retard
>It's blatantly obvious.
This is the opposite of what's true, the fuck?
If you assume it's in the same world, 4 is very clearly a sequel long after the events of 3 where the desert has overtaken the world cause myria isn't there to stop it
>he didn't play through 1 over a dozen times as a child
what the fuck is wrong with you? the only game on the SNES I replayed more was lufia II.
That was a pretty random insult lol
>Dragon Quarter has better gameplay than any Square game I can think of.
any game where you will literally game over and have to start again because you got into too many fights is retarded.
at least with saga games it's only stat wise or level wise it fucks you, it doesn't forcibly send you back to the bottom fucking floor and go LOL GO AGAIN
2 is moderately good but certainly ranks the lowest of the BoF games for me. 4 > 3 > (DQ)=1 > 2
subpar waifus
>Exiled because of your wings and passed around by bandits.
Has Nina has the worst fate?
>for me
stopped reading right there
She also got cucked by a cat.
>any game where you will literally game over and have to start again because you got into too many fights is retarded.
You don't have to, you just aren't good at resource management. That said, it's not easy, but, saying it's impossible is silly. I reloaded saves/gameovered around 2500 times while attempting to save DMeter, but I managed a no SOL reset run and got to final boss at 97.4% meter.
>any game where you will literally game over and have to start again because you got into too many fights is retarded.
You would only have to restart if you were a complete retard who spammed the dragon form during normal fights.
heck, I used the dragon form on all the boss fights and I finished the egame easily.
it definitely is not, if he doesn't play a game with a less retarded encounter rate first he might get through 2, otherwise he won't. also the combat systems are straight up worse and not as deep. the story isn't as good, the villain isn't as good. 2 is a great game but it's nothing compared to 3 and 4 lad
it's complete ass, like most very early rpgs that were a companies first foray into the genre. bof1 is probably worse than ff1 to play these days
as a kid i had a sega m8, i was busy playing phantasy star and shining force. i didn't play snes games till later
Best Nina design.
2 is still better than both 3 and 4
BoF I is better than FF6.
>any game where you will literally game over and have to start again because you got into too many fights is retarded.
Except nothing like that ever happens in DQ?
Or are you the kind of guy who deliberately wastes your Dragon form on trash then complain about it?
>at least with saga games it's only stat wise or level wise it fucks you
SaGa games fuck you over depending on how you fight, not how much you fight, unless we're talking about Unlimited where you have to mind your turn economy on timed quests, and even there, most of those quests still allow you to fight plenty of stuff, there's maybe two or three quests on a real strict turn timer, which is an inherent part of the challenge on how good you are at planning.
DQ is real good at what it does, problem is, most people have bad habits, and DQ is one of those very rare games who tries to correct those mistakes and years of horrible pavlovian conditioning, which is why casuals hate it, and SaGa games too, with Unlimited at the top.
I love saga games/last remnant, and don't really like bof5.
>Rather than experiencing the entire game in a single play-through, Dragon Quarter is designed to encourage the player to play through the title multiple times in order to experience the whole story.[4] Using the Scenario Overlay (SOL) System, certain plot points and areas of the game are only accessible if the player's D-Ratio number is high enough. When players begin the game, their D-Ratio is represented as the fraction 1/8192, and can only be raised by continually restarting the game and using the SOL: Restore function, which allows them to begin a brand-new game while carrying over all accumulated items, equipment, and skills found up until that point.[4]
This is shit design to me, and that's why I don't like it.
saga has the same simplistic combat system as final fantasy/dragon quest
Dragon Quarter is a lot more interesting with the way you can utilize the environment and with the emphasis on crowd control
>This is shit design to me
You are retarded. You can easily finish DQ on your first playthrough. The SOL system is just a meme, the only thing it adds is a few superfluous cutscenes that you can just watch on YouTube.
PS1 JRPGs better than BoF3/4:
FF Tactics
Chrono Cross
FF 7
This is objectively true
>saga has the same simplistic combat system as final fantasy/dragon quest
>Chrono Cross
>FF 7
All these have worse combat and story than Bof 3/4. Worse translations, too.
4/4 misses, in fact 2 of those are objectively the worst games on the console, congratulations user
>bof1 is probably worse than ff1 to play these days
You are legit out of your mind.
>never finished 2 because I was disgusted they turn into monsters
>hated 3
>loved 4
>5 was okay but had a rough start
Don't you fucking post her while being such a bitch.
>they turn into monsters
I assume he means the fusions.
Yeah, wtf. NOTHING is slower and more tedious than NES FF1.
>which just kinda concludes all of a sudden.
Blame Breath of Fire 4 having an 11 month development cycle, which isn't unheard of at the time but it was rushed out the door to make more PS1 franchise money before the PS2 came out. The devs even noted that there were ideas that weren't able to be implemented on a tight deadline, and that sonuvabitch Yuna was going to get killed if the game wasn't rushed.
It's impressive how cohesive, functional and good 4 came out as is.
Based Kattposter
in the realistic ending he does die, though. everyone does.
I've only played 3&4 and I'm quite split between those in terms of which one is superior.
Should I get around to playing 1,2 and 5?
I am curious though, did the guys who worked on the series + Megaman Command Mission eventually leave Capcom?
>hit timeskip
>that fucking overworld theme after you leave the mines
I still like 4's ost too, but the jazzy stuff in 3's just too good.
I love 3's Dragon system.
Are there other games like that?
it's the only one with such an in-depth system, the gene splice system was basically ditched. If they had improved on it a bit it would have been a really good system, it was already pretty decent.
>go on a roadtrip with your other self
That's honestly a solid ending for a manga adaptation
God the pixel art in this game was so fucking good. The games that came out during the transitionary stage between traditional sprites and 3D art looked so beautiful.
I replay the Mana Khemia games precisely for this reason, the spritework really feels like it meant something to the creator and wasn't just a an uninspired 3D model they whipped together in 20 minutes.
The sprites in 3/4 make my dick rock hard but they're pretty fucking boring games. I haven't been able to get further than the 3-4 hour mark in either.
So you never made it out of the baseline tutorials of either, then. They aren't -exactly- "it gets better after x" games but they do start a little slow for some people.
4 was a fucking awful half finished game and the only people who love it was because it was their first.
My first was BoF1
Am I allowed to have more then one game I liked in a series?
no, we have to fight over which one is the best in this already small fanbase.
Which game had the completely fucked up part in the tower filled with organs?
BoFII is actually the only game I've played. I remember reading the fuck out of a strategy guide for BoFI and being so intrigued by it. Is it worth checking out or should I go to III?
what's there to lose if you try out 1 first? If you end up liking it then finish it before 3.
>what's there to lose if you try out 1 first?
Time, I have a massive RPG backlog. I'm only 60 hours into DQ7, for fucks sakes.
>I'm only 60 hours into DQ7
only 20 more hours left to go, you're not going to play bof1 for 10 hours to determine whether you like it or not.
if you do, my one and only piece of advice is never, ever sell/use a W. Antler you find from a chest. Doing so can gate you for many hours while attempting to get one from an incredibly rare monster that is incredibly hard to properly kill and kills many people's motivations to continue in an otherwise excellent game. Gold bar counts to an extent as well but at least you can just grind gold to buy another if you sell that by accident.