Is this the most soulful game of all time?

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Mother shits on Golden Sun


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The GBA was imbued with soul

whatever helps you sleep at night

Not really. If anything it's the opposite, given how little thought is put into the locations and plot and how many NPC replies are bereft of character or wit.

I really want to play this game and its successor. Best way to enjoy them?

>you can even check what people is cooking and each culture has its own unique dish

I wonder if you could even faithfully remake Golden Sun on a modern console. It seems like the characters and atmosphere really gain something from the art style and limitations of sprite based art. It would be hard to really capture the lighthouses or the badass feelings of the main rivals if they're in full 3D with edgy costumes and hair.

man I remember playing golden sun at my friend's house then asking for it for christmas
spent days oblivious to the world playing it when I finally got it
good times

The Golden Sun gba games have soul on a stupid level like too much ,you can feel the passion of the developers while playing them

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>Every culture has unique food
>Meanwhile the cultures themselves are shallow archetypes.
>And the characters populating the villages have nothing of value to say.
>And they aren't even consistent about the culture anyway.

Soul in the wrong places.

>shallow archetypes
>no consistent

>nothing of value to say
HAHAHAHAHA okay we got it, you are shitposting or a retard that didn't realize mind read was basically the best part of the game

it feels like the devs wanted to achieve something like DQ3, with a colorful world where NPCs give important hints. But they failed and like you said nearly all the NPC chatter is pointless noise.

Loved playing this game as a kid

>tfw remember playing on my gameboy at recess in the 4th grade beating the final boss in mars lighthouse

felt so good because i wiped numerous times

>tfw you werent able to beat the final boss fusion dragon in GS1 FUUUUUUCK
>Atleast I ended up beating him... years later


I'm a boomer, but this is probably one of the few games that's actually too fucking ugly for me to play.

Attached: GS.png (960x640, 590K)

>Summon-rushing Doom Dragon
>Not even at full HP
what is this picture

>Shallow Archetypes
Xian is literally the most chop sockey kung fu ass town around, down to NPCs fucking going "AIYYAAAA" in surprise. Fuchin and Lama Temple ain't much better. The other areas in the first game are mostly genericized Euro with a town gimmick.

>not consistent
I've pointed this out when talking about these games before, but Atlin's probably the single most glaring example of how inconsistent and haphazard the world design is. It's a fucking middle european style village in the middle of an area that's asian as fuck on all sides, in the middle of a mountain pass, with the only decent way to get in or out being treacherous mountain paths or straight up going through the damn mines. It's nonsensical and completely inconsistent with the rest of that part of the world map. There's plenty of smaller things like this (random npcs dropping the local accent, but only a few and for no real reason; the game not being able to make up its mind on how rare or unknown psy powers are; etc) but that's the big one.

>You didn't know about mind read!
No, I actually was really let down by what little value I got out of that. The only interaction that used min read to stick out to me in the entire game was the old couple on one side of Kalay and their daughter on the other. Aside from that, there's not much of worth or humor in those mind reads. Like, give me some good stuff from Bilibin, or the dojo in Xian, or Imil. The only NPC I even remember from those three areas who wasn't story related is the rich lady outside of the mansion in Bilbin, and that's because I was disappointed by her mind read dialogue.

Why do fans of this series always fly into a rage when anyone dares to imply these games aren't perfect? Golden Sun has plenty of good points, but the writing put all the detail into the wrong places, especially in the first game.

That boss sprite was clearly never suppose to be blown up that large.

Attached: MothAndMoth-er.png (720x480, 60K)

The scaling in GS bugged me in general. It has a great world map, but it's pixellated to shit because some fuckhead decided they needed to put it on an axis so it could be THREEEDEEEE.

So somebody worked their asses on the sprites or art in general for an idiot to come and fuck it up? KEK

Well most of the sprite art was just digitized 3D models in the first place.

>sailing around
>city in the fog
>its the lost city of lemuria
>guarded by poseidon

>keep sailing
>find crossbone island

Golden Sun and soul don't exactly go hand in hand

I think it's simply messy art direction. You can make appealing designs even with such awkward rendering technology.

Attached: May%2012%202007%2011-04-19AM.jpg (640x480, 51K)

This and GS2 were literally the last jrpgs I played that featured actual good, long and mysterious dongeons.

>the characters populating the villages have nothing of value to say.

pick at least one

Go on, user. I asked already.
Post some worthwhile dialogue from Imil, Bibilin and Xian. Go ahead. You can do that, can't you? You can back up your argument instead of calling me names, right?

For instance, in TLA there is some guy that explains how to cross the Sea of Time, how isn't that useful? Even animals give you clues and lead you to Djinns and shit if you mind-read them.

>>And the characters populating the villages have nothing of value to say.
You can read their minds, nigger.

>Ask for examples from the first game.
>"Well I mean here's a gameplay tip you get in the second game."
Really proving my point, champ. The worthwhile dialogue is sparse as fuck.

Third time's the charm.
Mind reading dialogue, spoken dialogue, I don't care.

I've never understood why Golden Sun is so divisive. It's always seemed pretty innofensive to me but it always has both rabid fans and haters.

this is the best track

Attached: that feel night.png (645x773, 9K)

dude words lmao

This thread is about TLA not GS, champ.

It's a very fun game, with very noticeable flaws. Plenty of valid reasons to like or dislike it, but the two camps are constantly getting pissed at each other.
Not to mention the alleged conspiracy that Discord users got butthurt over how many people were asking for Isaac in smash, so they tried to ruin the community.

You save the world in every other game, but Golden Sun is one of those where it really feels like a grand, epic adventure. Outside of the occasional Tales games I rarely get that feeling since then.

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>It seems like the characters and atmosphere really gain something from the art style and limitations of sprite based art. It would be hard to really capture the lighthouses or the badass feelings of the main rivals if they're in full 3D with edgy costumes and hair.

The "Golden Sun isn't actually anything special" side is WAY older than Discord.

excessive amount of soul

"This is my favourite game"

It's your cookie cutter jrpg shit.

This word literally has no meaning at all in the video game industry.

It would take too long to explain it, but the short version is that the games are extremely derivative and its fans whine online constantly because they feel it got screwed because the games refuse to ever reach a proper climax.

So the people who love it feel like they've been mistreated and turn the games into a sort of martyrdom while the people who don't like it are annoyed by the sycophant fans and get hyper aggressive in trying to get them to admit they're flawed games. It's a weird case of both opinions becoming exaggerated due to the way the fanbase acts. It either does no wrong or does everything wrong.
They're pretty weak games if you've played anything it ripped off. The main problem is they lack anything truly unique, meaning people can't say "X is bad, but at least Y was good."

That's just shitposting. The same few assholes have been pushing that narrative since before Discord was even a thing. They always come up with a new scapegoat to get away from the fact that some people just don't like the games.

pan flutes are the most soulful instrument

100% yup

based. indeed.

there's very few games, if any at all, that did 2D rpg dungeons as interesting and complex as GS games. Not to mention the sheer number of different cultures the games incorporated into the world.

It literally means "devs cared about every facet of the game and it wasn't sold to appeal to the lowest common denominator"

>You will never get a saga frontier PC release where they take their time to actually finish the game and fix all the little flaws to truly make it a masterpiece

Why live lads?

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>GS Thread

Yea Forums is a nice place sometimes. Postan best song

Pretty sure GS is the primary reason I fucking love the sound of Pan flutes. How the hell did Sakuraba knock the OST out of the park like he did? Not saying he is a bad composer but his GS stuff feels like its on another level entirerly compared to his Tales of work



Link to mod(s):

>What is this jank?

Golden Sun Reloaded is a mod for the first two Golden Sun games, the purpose of which in the words of its creator: " to provide a harder and not too straightforward game, meant to be enjoyed by players that are quite knowledgeable with the game mechanics and want to try other things than Megiddo & Summon Rush."

There's a changelog in the link which goes through a lot of what actually changes, but in short the mod focuses on improving the combat system of vanilla; Enemies are significantly buffed, some gameplay design is altered to ward off Summon rushing, classes and Psynergy spells are retooled with new additions and changes.

These changes serve to make the relatively easy combat of vanilla into a deeper, more strategic and fun system that allows the present core mechanics to shine.

>Should I play it?

If you've already played GS and want a fresh experience, absolutely - Just about everyone I've talked to who played the mod recommend it.

Haven't played GS before but still interested? Assuming you've played some JRPGs before, you should be fine. Reloaded will most likely be a more interesting way for an experienced newcomer to play the game than pure vanilla

At the end of the day, its up to you if you want to mod it or not.

>I am clinically retarded, how do I patch the game

Use an IPS patcher:
to apply the mod on a clean ROM of Golden Sun. Alternatively wait for dumpanon who occasionally shows up with pre-patched ROM links in the thread.

>Is there a mod for Dark Dawn?

No. The creator isn't interested in making one, and implementing a similar hack in DD is more technically demanding than GS and TLA so it has yet to materialize.

Attached: miaSheba_GS.jpg (700x1050, 308K)

>yfw you first heard the Elemental stars

It still gives me fucking goosebumps

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>When you first hear the remastered version.

What the hell that's amazing
But I never thought the vanilla gameplay was bad and shallow


As somebody who adores the games, I found it a little spammy and mindless on a previous. Most enemies don't do any significant amount of damage to you, preserving PP or using items or inventory management is never really something you need to do, most encounters can be solved by simply doing regular attacks, and a lot of bosses are curbstomped by the summonrush strat. The battle system in vanilla still has a ton of cool shit in it with classes and the risk-reward of Djinns, but the core gameplay is a little too easy to justify any thoughtful use of it most of the time.

I used the reloaded hack for my last run and it was the fucking bomb - it was a real joy seeing the game push its core mechanics and forcing you to play smarter. If you are like and have played the games like 10 times, give the hack a go - it is a fantastic way to experience the game in a new light.

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Attached: miaShebaJenna_GS.jpg (480x585, 116K)

This game looks great what the fuck, does any other game even look like it?

Jenna, Mia, Sheba.

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Blue hair all day erry day nigga

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>Is this the most soulful game of all time?

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No, that's the original Cave Story.

Definitely the right answer.

booting up the emulator right now, i'll let you lads know

Dumpan some of my GS folder

Attached: gs12Cast.png (800x375, 369K)

Good man - Vanilla or reloaded?

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So we've established that best playable gir is Mia, but what about summons?

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man I can't remember ever summoning Procne at all outside of just once on a punch ant to see what it looked like

Attached: gs_fields_of_angara.png (1000x699, 1.25M)

No it literally isn't.

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>poor man's beyond the beyond

>Golden Sun 1 outsold Mother 1,2,3 combined

Attached: GS_DD_Wallpaper.jpg (1409x1600, 1.92M)

iirc if you use djinn summoning in every boss and collect every djinn, the only summon above 1 djinni summoning that you'll never see in the first game is neptune, but I could be wrong

Boreas, no contest, he's a giant ice processing machine

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What I would give to Camelot and Nintendo for a GS, GS:TLA, and GS:DD Remaster collection... goddamn.

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outselling absolute garbage is not an accomplishment, GS stands on its own two legs, no need to mention sales

Huh, I think I recognize this guy from somewhere

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Golden Sun has some really neat ideas, but it really surffers a little from being way too easy. It's not even a little since it seems like it barely matters what you do and it'll work out. It's also a shame psynergy doesn't really scale in the vanilla games.

A shame the mod crashed for me halfway through.

>designer Babis

who is this beautiful mature man? can I get a quick rundown on him? I seem to recall seeing him walking past me while traveling through roads near the Karagol Lake (yes, it's a LAKE, fuck off, Angaran retards)

PC emulator with a controller of your choice. Plus hook it up to your TV if you can

Don't be silly user, there is no such thing as Alchemy babies

You've just read too many stupid memes on chinese message boards

Attached: babiComputer.jpg (475x464, 66K)

This but with basically any 2d game

>Tuaparang bow to Babi
>In contact with Lemurians
>Controls Tolbi with an iron but fair fist
>Unprecedented knowledge regarding the movements and subsequent revival of Alchemy, going as far as to knowing the plan of the wise one and manipulating the movements of Alex to set the lighting of the lighthouses in motion. (Who do you think set up Saturos and Menardis first excursion into Vale to steal the elemental stars?)
>Owns building companies and universities all over Gondowan
>Direct descendant of the ancients
>Will bankroll the first cities on Anemos (Babigrad will be the first city)
>Owns basically every Psynergy research facility on Weyard
>First Alchemy babies will be Babi Babies
>Said to have 200+ IQ
>Ancient Lemurian scriptures tell of a Demon who will descend upon Weyard and bring an era of destruction and unprecedented death on a global scale
>Owns Cloak ball R&D labs around the world
>You likely have a cloaked Tuaparang agent in your room right now
>He learned fluent Lemurian in under a week
>Nations entrust their gold reserves with him. There is no gold in Ft.Kalay, only Ft.Babi
>He is 67 years old from the space-time reference point of the base human
>In reality, he is a timeless being subsisting on a magic drought capable of halting any and all molecular decay
>The Tuaparang emperor Babi will seize Weyard and guide humanity into a new age of Alchemy, war and conquest

Attached: GreatestMindsOfWeyard.jpg (850x505, 237K)


>Anons actually think Camelot is capable of thinking of a plot like this

It would legit be the twist of the fucking century though

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Just cel-shade it up fampay

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There was a more grounded version, but you really could write the next game as a war between many different interests.
>Babi as the mastermind behind a lot of shit aiming for some mysterious goal
>Alex previously having worked under Babi goes rogue, does his own thing
>Wise one doesn't want shit to go out of control
>Isaac & Co want peace
>Throw sky people, luna and sol adepts in the mix
>All while these void holes of Dark Dawn haven't even been examined once.

Fucking hell there's so much goddamn potential in a GS4. Any shot Nintendo will let Camelot off the sports lease and ask them to make another GS?

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>Nintenbro just waste a kino rpg studio on shitty tennis games
It's no fair

It sure looks cool.

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Even if no other game looks like it that doesn't mean it's not ugly as shit

it's just not the same without the sound effects
they really give it a lot of oomph

I honestly doubt Camelot could still develop a decent Golden Sun. Dark Dawn was already a major disappointment and shows us how much they dissociated with the franchise.

The Djinn system was unique. There were a ton of ways to play around with the different classes and Psynergy that came from different Djinn configurations
And even though it is derivative in the sense that it's a turn-based RPG, it does what it does (battle systems, story, and dungeons) really well.

Weak game popular exclusively among people who hadn't played JRPGs before. There's a reason it's fucking dead.

Definitely not bad, but it was a little easy

>The crunchy noise SFX used for the Ragnarok impact

Attached: goosebumpsJackass.jpg (259x194, 8K)

something even pokemon and mother do so whats the piss?

>open vsboy
>stretch it to full 1080p
hur dur

Have orgies with Isaac/Felix/Ivan/Piers instead.

There's always the last card they could pull and reboot everything. Psynergy vortexes are actually time portals to the past.

I love the way the camera swings around during battle.

Shine plasma is always satisfying to cast.

Attached: IMG_2677.jpg (209x265, 78K)

On the SP. The older model is less expensive and has the sole disadvantage of not being as bright.

>Using Pokemon, aka minimum effort the rpg, as your benchmark

>not Spark Plasma
I bet you don't even Freeze Prism too

Have fun.

Attached: IMG_2676.jpg (416x350, 20K)

Reminder that DD confirme that the Golden Sun party will be kept at prime health as they age.

Meaning Mia will be a MILF for decades

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seething motherfag

To name your crew.


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Pity we'll never see any of the milfs because the series is dead.

Hey man, weirder things have happened. I'd be willing to bet a Golden Sun collection could happen at some point, and after that, who knows?

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Make sure you get the early Sol Blade in Air's Rock in TLA

Don't mind me I just came here to laugh at you fags and your shitty dead series.

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Is this you by any chance

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Is this you by any chance

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People didn't believe this at first, but it was so obviously true from the start.