What is Yea Forums‘s opinion of Kirby Air Ride

What is Yea Forums‘s opinion of Kirby Air Ride

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The one good game

Amazing game, needs a sequel with more characters

it's a lot of fun with others

It's pretty good but it clearly hasn't reached its full potential and is dying for a sequel.

>They’ll never make a Kirby air ride 2 with online multiplayer
Why fucking live

I love it.
Super fun.
Nice and simple arcadey fun.

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Post your best kirbys while you state your opinion.

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City Trial is more fun than it has any right to be

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I spent far too many hours with my friends playing it

Pretty good

City Trial mode is one of the best multiplayer modes in existence.

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I didn’t grow up with it, so whenever my friends want to play it now I just think it’s a giant piece of shit.

I truly don’t get it. It feels like a game that’s a quarter finished

>when you find this speedy boi
You've won the game

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Some of my best video game related memories were playing this game with my brother and staying up late.

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Magical game which deserves a sequel more than any other Kirby game.

God, I want to fuck Sectionia's big bee tits.

This is entirely due to nostalgia. But it is my answer to when people ask what my favorite game is.

I love it to death and still play it pretty often for fun.

my brother always takes the winged star and uses a glitch that lets him bounce off the ground and keep flying

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A fantastic game. City trial is just too much fun.

>Get too good at game
>None of my friends want to play anymore because I kick their asses to hard
This game is literally my childhood. If you aint wagon star gang then get out.

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Go to bed, Taranza.

Wuv it U_U

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It will never get its deserved sequel because of BING BING WAHOO kart

Fuck you go back to chugging Meta Knight's acrid sperm Susie. Fuck you.

Boards could stand to be a bit more balanced (I hope you weren't that guy that picked the swerve star every time) but it's got a pretty good thing going on for the most part. Definitely wouldn't mind a sequel.

whats with the comments about jews


Awh that's like all I used when I was younger

This was my first and only gamecube game for a couple months and I liked it at first, but after 2 weeks of only this I hated it, my friends didnt seem to like it either, so everything became much better when I got melee and some other games, this was left forgotten.
Fast forward to present time and I find myself loving the game and playing it every now and then, I just couldn't comp[rehend how fun it can be before.
A sequel with online under the wise of being a battle royale would be amazing.

I played it with my cousins a bit, I don’t remember much besides free roam