Seeing how SXSW is in a couple days lets have a thread. What are your expectations/hopes/dreams for the panel?
Sonic SXSW 2019
boost """games""" physics engine:
>locked down with no freedom to do anything the devs did not intend you to do
>he same level of depth as hallway endless runner mobile games
>can not platform in 3D whatsoever, so they shove 2D sections to take care of it while 3D is autopilot phone game
>all you do is dash left-right and jump/crouch to avoid obstacles
>sonic controls as if he was a 5000lb car
>no flexibility whatsoever, takes very long to turn
>jumping from an inclined plane does not give you signifficant height, feel locked down by the physics engine
Adventure physics engine:
>jump off inclined planes to gain incredible height proportional to speed buildup from spindash
>jump into walls to get insane vertical height
>precise, accurate platforming
>huge potential to have rooftop to rooftop platforming level designs
Make this become pasta adventurebros. We have to change the narrative. The facts are on our side. All these boostfags got is dumb reviews from youtubers taken out of context.
I expect a Sonic movie trailer and whatever rushed out piece of shit they have planned to follow forces since Yakuza is Sega's big series now. Overall a:
>whatever rushed out piece of shit they have planned to follow forces since Yakuza is Sega's big series now
This is 100% true, we truly live in the worst timeline.
based and eggpilled
>horribly amazing sonic movie trailer
>New 2d sonic by mania devs
>sonic racing trailer
>horribly boring sonic movie trailer
>teaser for new 3d sonic
>merchandise collab
>sonic racing
With how hard they're pushing Classic Sonic, I wouldn't be surprised at a teaser for Mania 2 or whatever they'll call it. I can't help but feel like they're putting Modern on the backburner right now and Team Racing is "the Modern game" for right now.
And like everyone's been saying, we're getting a trailer for this piece of shit and I can't wait for Yea Forums to blow up when it drops.
I think there is a chance we might get both a 2D sonic and 3D sonic reveal. I refuse to believe they haven't been working a mania sequel this whole time.
Mania 2 is basically a given, I believe. But do you think they'll use the same engine as Forces (i.e. Lost World's) for the next Modern game? Maybe they'll go back to a Generations style engine?
Either way I'm sure it'll be more underwhelming corridor boosting shit, but I can't help but be curious. I guess I'm just a glutton for watching 3D Sonic continue to stagnate more and more. So much wasted potential.
>please make this become pasta
and yet you're still the only one spamming it.
>But do you think they'll use the same engine as Forces (i.e. Lost World's) for the next Modern game? Maybe they'll go back to a Generations style engine?
I'm not usre if they still have the framework from generations to work off anymore so they will probably just reuse what they have from forces sadly. I'm personally done with boostshit unless they can really impress me like they did when unleashed first came out.
pretty much.
The sonic movie is an advanced April fool's joke and instead we're getting sonic the anime 2.
>I'm not usre if they still have the framework from generations to work off anymore
Well that's why I said "style" not literally the same engine. I only say that because of how lukewarm the reception to Forces was, perhaps they'd want to start fresh again. Wishful thinking on my part, I suppose. But you're probably right. They'll most likely just shit out another game in the same engine anyway.
>I'm personally done with boostshit
I've been done with boostshit since Generations, yeah. It's just so samey and repetitive and most of the stages are just glorified hallways. And don't even get me started on the over-abundance of 2D sections. Christ. It was novel in Unleashed but now it's just become "the sections where you do actual platforming" and it seems like lazy filler. Hell you could argue it was always that way, really.
Movie shit nobody wants
A new race stage for team racing. Guess that announcing dlc would be suicide
A new character for mania plus maybe
If tey are mega retarded a tease for adventure remake who they will fuck up
at least i'm being proactive, unlike you. your kind are the reason why we have had 4 smartphone tier boost games in a row.
Has it really been two years since Forces?
A little over a year. Forces was in November of 2017.
Yeah well guess what? I made the very webm you're using, but I don't spam it in some vain attempt to act like Yea Forums was ever a vocal majority. Plenty of people have already been asking to go back to adventure, especially after Forces, you're just being annoying about it.So it'd be better if you don't just assume everyone you speak to who calls you annoying is a "boostfag".
Sonic World is better than boost games.
it was always like this. unleashed felt different for you because it was one of the most visually impressive games of the time. the way sonic looks while boosting & the animations, were enough to fool you into thinking you were in control. in reality, 99% of it was automated and you just input when cues appear, like a smartphone game.
w/e nig nog.
that webm does not invalidate the good aspects of adventure formula of spindash+jump mechanics.
skipping chunks of the level via shitty movement the devs didn't intend is not good and is not exclusive to the adventure games
Never said it did, Infact I made the webm in response to people who would post the same moment in DX that made you fall through the floor. If anything I'm defending Adventure too by doing that, but again, I'm not being 'that guy' about it either.
More TSR stuff.
Announcement of a new set of Mania Adventures videos.
They hint that they're working on a new Modern Sonic game.
No movie trailer.
Q&A will probably be cringy since they'll have to address the movie.
oh no no no no no
I have lost all hope for Sonic.
>unleashed felt different for you because it was one of the most visually impressive games of the time.
I always appreciated Unleashed for its production values, especially after the disaster that was '06, yes.
>the way sonic looks while boosting & the animations, were enough to fool you into thinking you were in control. in reality, 99% of it was automated and you just input when cues appear, like a smartphone game.
I'm not exactly sure where I implied I thought I was "in control" of Unleashed Modern Sonic but okay. I actually agree with you in principle when it comes to how automated boostshit is. I was just making a point of how 2D sections in those games are just platforming dumps because Sonic Team needs padding for what would otherwise be a very short game if it was all boosting in 3D. Pretty sure they even admitted as much in interviews with regards to why the Werehog was even a thing.
EXCLUSIVE TSR soundtrack reveal
movie trailer with exactly 1 second of actual footage of sonic
Q&A with whoever's being forced to do the panel this year
reveal of a fully competent new sonic game; be it classic, adventure, or boost styled, i'll take whatever
Tyson Heese headed animated series
new 2D game with buttery-smooth handdrawn graphics
new 3D game with a FOCUS on tight, fun physics
I want my Eggman game
I have no hopes nor expectations. Sega has proven over the course of over 20 years that they have no idea what they're doing with sonic. OG sonicfags are the only hope for this franchise, and they're restricted to, yet competent at, 2D games only. SA2 boomers lack the autism necessary to become the dudes who made Sonic Mania, and as a result, the future for 3D sonic will see no improvement, and stagnate eternally so long as Sega has the cash to fund its most recognizable mascot.
Hoping for a TSR demo and new footage or a story trailer and one that shows off customizations more. The game is shockingly absent from the Switch eShop while the CTR remake is there and releases later which makes me believe that they may be releasing a demo, or just that there's no reason to have it listed since all the gameplay footage that exists online is of the PS4 version. Not looking forward to seeing the movie trailer but fully expect to see it as well. Maybe a new game tease for 2020 and some extra content for TSR as well
I doubt SEGA will be the ones to show off the movie trailer.
>And don't even get me started on the over-abundance of 2D sections.
Yeah they have become even worse now that we have classic sonic back. Really what is the point anymore they are just shitty blocky platforming areas with underwhelming controls. They need to man up and make a fully 3D game again.
>SA2 boomers lack the autism necessary to become the dudes who made
There are a fair amount of decent 3D engines out there, I think the main problem is 3D games take way more manpower to produce anything close to a polished project.
my point is that the physics engine is the holy grail of
>fast-paced, yet precise 3D platforming
people have been wanting all this time. Why reinvent the wheel.
it means your input is needed to move the character. you dont just move forward automatically like in boost/2D :)
sonic world & bumper engine feel like unity chink boost knockoff desu.
best fangame i've found to date is this one
It's just pure padding, that's all. And I think it stems from a fundamental problem with the boost formula: it's always encouraging you to boost at all times, which means you're constantly going forward at a shitbillion miles per hour. Someone at Sonic Team must've realized at some point that if boost games were all 3D, players would just constantly boost over all of their levels and be done with the game in ten minutes. So they decided to force 2D sections into the games so they could make the player slow down just enough so that the level wasn't over in ten seconds. It's basically a band aid to a problem, which has sadly been Sonic Team's M.O. for quite some time.
Classic Sonic is just:
>Hey people liked Generations and Mania's coming out, so let's put him in Forces
>also because the Modern Sonic stages are five seconds long hopefully it'll work and no one will notice
Hard to make a story trailer when it's pretty much just text.
>Hard to make a story trailer when it's pretty much just text.
When it was revealed to be mostly text based I was really disappointed. Say what you want about the proportions in Riders but the cutscenes were pretty great regardless.
>fast-paced, yet precise 3D platforming
um yeah no. for as many cool little sequence breaks you can do, sonic still controls like a twitchy icecube
They can show screenshots of different locations with the text boxes like the Zavok one in the volcano stage and the Eggman one in Planet Wisp and show off gameplay of missions user
>sonic still controls like a twitchy icecube
Sonic controls perfect in both Adventure games. Not too fast not too slow perfect floaty jump.
Go replay the games, retard.
I 100%'d both of them a few months ago retard maybe you should go replay them.
unironically funny image
in this webm i went at full speed in an open space. i never felt like I lost control of sonic.
I play them every day. They suck. Not even just controls, they suck altogether. Anyone that defends these games is a genuine retard.
play this webm fck face
Oh so you are genuinely retarded then or mostly likely falseflagging
So... are we gonna talk about possible upcoming games or just spam webms all day? We already know Adventure lets you do a lot.
Oh i see, you're that guy. The one that got booted off of reddit and starting spamming his nonsense about these games with that shitty meme picture and your 500 webms sucking off everything about adventure and bashing everything about boost. Fuck off
Please do don't let these falseflaggers shit up this thread
yes, i too watch the upset electronic video entertainment guy
>attacks the person, not the argument
yup, you lost. nigger.
Fuck sake, just give me something with playable Team Dark, TSR don't cut it.
The only upcoming game is TSR and there really hasn't been anything indicating anything else is even in development right now.
Maybe both of you should fuck off back to r*ddit then.
This we need another game like Sa2 with Sonic Tails and Knuckles mirrored with Team Dark. Dunno how you would translate omega's gameplay though
unfortunately TSR will be a downgrade from sonic allstars racing transexual
>no airplanes
>no boats
SART felt like diddykong racing all in 1. They should have built off that instead of making a game from scratch.
honestly i just want the franchise to die already. mania showed that even if they try to go back to the basics, they can't. sonic will continue to receive garbage games until he's dead
The boat was pretty shit tier so im not too mad about it desu . The plane was pretty kino though. It still looks like a pretty good game and the more they reveal the better it looks.
somehow i feel this is worse than the hessefagging.
It was. It wasn't shit but it was by no means good. Kinda game that just puts you to sleep, boring ass fucking shit.
The devs very clearly DID intend that, do you even emblem challenge bro?
>do you even emblem challenge bro?
>Implying any of these shitposters have played the games
kek you give them too much credit
Post TSR pipe dreams
>Each zone represented by a Chaos Emerald icon
>Mirror mode tracks have a Sol Emerald icon
>Emblems in place of the stickers from Transformed
>Jukebox to listen to stage music
>Sonic Says loading screens like All Stars Racing 1 had
>>Each zone represented by a Chaos Emerald icon
>>Mirror mode tracks have a Sol Emerald icon
This sounds kino so it won't happen.
It's still running on the Starlight Engine (the engine used for Transformed) user, they just made new stages based around the new gimmick and took out transformations
Considering they said they put a lot of fanservice into the game I at least feel like each zone could be represented by a Chaos Emerald. No idea if Mirror tracks will be in the game though
I don't quite understand why you feel this way about Mania
I'll expect less than nothing and still be disappointed. The only noteworthy thing they'll show is the movie trailer. Everything else will just be more TSR stuff.
That Wii U deal Sega made with Nintendo really fucked over Sonic in the end, it was even partly the blame for forces.
it's also rumored to be the reason we still haven't gotten the whitehead remakes of Sonic 1 and 2 on other platforms yet
I'm kinda hoping on seeing Adventure remastered.
At the same time I am praying to the SEGA gods that they didn't convert it to boost2win.
Can you imagine the modern voice cast dubbing Adventure? Sounds like a nightmare, then again if they do the gameplay right(they most likely won't) I wouldn't mind much.
>adventure remake by nu-sonic team
>every asset is remade in lost world and forces' shitty blocky art style
>uses the lost world engine like forces did
>english scripts are rewritten by pontaff
This is exactly what I expect to happen if the Adventure remake does actually happen.
Sonic was never good
Why did sega hire some american to write there japanese games? It just doesnt make sense.
is there any opinion you hold that was not put in your head by a youtuber?
don't you think he's funny? hahahhahahah!!
idiota de internet
>There are people that actually defend this garbage
This franchise is doomed
>since Yakuza is Sega's big series now
To be fair, Yakuza's devs fucked up less than sonic did in the last 14 years
Whatever the new animated Sonic project is
TSR demo
Movie trailer is either legitimately good, so bad it's good, or an enjoyable trainwreck
Update on the future of both modern and classic
Mania 2
Adventure remake or a boost game that isn't half assed
Taxman remakes of 1 and 2 coming to consoles and PC
Taxman 3&K
Unleashed and Colors on PC
Movie trailer is shit
Comic stuff
TSR trailer
Q&A memefest
They probably wanted someone who could more "accurately" translate Colors's goofier script to English. Normies and journos ate that shit up and Sonic's stories have been JUSTed ever since.
>it's also rumored to be the reason we still haven't gotten the whitehead remakes of Sonic 1 and 2 on other platforms yet
That's not a rumor, Stealth said that was the case himself.
Honestly how did Sega translated this?
Then fuck sega for ever striking that deal
Pontaff isn't one person by the way, it's just an easier way to say "Pontac and Graff". Those two are the ones responsible for the localization of nu-Sonic scripts.
>I'm kinda hoping on seeing Adventure remastered.
Why is there this weird influx of people who think this is something that will actually happen? Do you people still take what Iizuka says in interviews seriously?
>Sonic's stories have been JUSTed ever since
They would have been shit either way. Forces' story was mostly handled internally by Sonic Team and still ended up being trash.
That's true, it's been fucked on both ends.
>there will never be another adventure/unleashed-tier sonic story ever again
The only hope is to bring back Shiro Maekawa.
>Those two are the ones responsible for the localization of nu-Sonic scripts
I thought they only localized Forces' script. They were more actively involved in writing the the scripts for games like Colors and Lost World.
What the fuck would be so hard about making more sonic games that play like this? I mean, it worked for the adventure games did they not? All these boost games play like fucking dogshit.
Yeah, I forgot to mention that
Color's script was written by pontac and graff. It was translated to japanese and they heavily toned the shitty jokes down
Oh shit I'm retarded, for some reason I thought it was all like Forces where they just rewrote the Japanese script. Not sure why I was thinking that.
Well, all the more reason to hate them, right?
Why cant they bring back the writer for sonic battle back Yea Forumsros?
To be honest I'm not a huge fan of the cliche shonen-esque stuff either. I'd rather have straight-up adventure plots about lost civilizations and discovering new islands like in S3K. Adventure 1 was close to this, but had a lot of dumb writing outside of Gamma's story. Unleashed was also similar, but it focused too much on Sonic and Chip's predictable relationship and not enough on the Gaia temples and why they're connected to the chaos emeralds, who built them and why, etc.
>jump off inclined planes to gain incredible height proportional to speed buildup from spindash
Play Green Hill and try to spindash off the ramp just passed the loop.
>kids like pongraff writing
>japs like boost games
>euroshits like anything sonic
it's up to us american men to settle the score AGAIN, i see...
>tfw we will never get another SA2 story
Say what you want but there's something hilariously entertaining about seeing shit like the moon get blown up, eggman putting a gun to amy's head, and two hedgehogs fighting a space lizard
I wish Sega would just hire some of the writers from the Boom show instead if they want the general tone of their games to be more humor-focused. The current guys they keep hiring have the most boring/predictable sense of humor ever and seem to only be decent at writing lines for Eggman.
Hoping for Adventure remakes because I'm an adventurefag, and that rumored movie trailer with Gangsta Paradise playing in the background.
They tried to do a "serious" story again with Forces but fucked it up really hard, they're probably scared of taking another shot now
>mfw we wont ever get a Jet Set Radio Future HD port
>mfw there will never be a Jet Set Radio 3, even though Sega was pitched this idea TWICE and Hideki Naganuma wants one
Yep, expect Baldy McNosehair "humor" until the end of time now that Forces scared them away from doing anything even slightly more serious than that
to be fair they deserve it after this shit
This is unironically one of the best lines in the entire franchise. I really don't understand why people are bashing it so much, if they said this in CoD or whatever everyone would be like "damn..."
>if they said this in CoD or whatever everyone would be like "damn..."
Call of Duty doesn't star brightly colored rubberhose characters.