Epic Games Spyware

>>...Epic Games Launcher on start up searches for Steam install
and proceeds to get list of files in your Steam Cloud (this includes mostly game saves for every user that has logged in on your PC)
>It will also create encrypted copy of config\localconfig.vdf.
>This file contains your steam friends, their name history (groups you're part of, are considered "friends").

Have you embraced the chink botnet, Yea Forums?

Attached: egs.png (348x504, 32K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Doubt that’s true

>link a forum post
Might as well not link anything at all since it has the same credibility.

already uninstalled

The forum post tells you how to check for yourself, though.

A forum post has more credibility than your denial, bugman.

Attached: s7aZl70.png (1415x658, 244K)

You think I'm going to install the epic store in the first place? Haha. Good one.

Attached: 1323276008007.png (538x396, 15K)

I'm not denying it. I'm saying it's a forum post that can be written by anyone. Just like any post here can be written by anyone. Stating that something has no credibility is not claiming it's untrue. Learn the fucking difference.

And you can check it by yourself you fucking idiot shill.

You're insisting people install and run the epic game store.

>people install chink games like Azure Lane
>people install chink storefronts like Epic Store
>people buy chink phones like Huaiwei
>people work for chink companies outside of China and are forced to sign contracts in Mandarin
Are you even considered human for falling for obvious traps?

If you are afraid of installing spyware then don't complain about other people checking what the spyware does by themselves.

>implying I ever installed this garbage in the first place
free subnautica? free slime rancher? thepiratebay had them free for years you stupid faggots

Attached: 25556DF1-1CCA-4974-8534-C86896FD2244.png (433x493, 106K)

Meanwhile on steam

5.1 Valve and its subsidiaries may share your Personal Data with each other and use it to the degree necessary to achieve the purposes listed in section 2. above. In the event of a reorganization, sale or merger we may transfer Personal Data to the relevant third party subject to applicable laws.

5.2 We may also share your Personal Data with our third party providers that provide customer support services in connection with goods, Content and Services distributed via Steam. Your Personal Data will be used in accordance with this Privacy Policy and only as far as this is necessary for performing customer support services.

Are you fucking retarded. The post tells you how to check it for yourself.

Ching Chong

> I also posted it on resetera
> also mentions Reddit
Way to cancer that associates with trannies, OP. Also, why are these guys always massive idiots? They highlight things in their screenshots that don't matter. They have a point and actual evidence, but they always highlight other useless garbage that just shows they don't have any idea what they are doing.

I expect a response from Epic by the end of the week. You can expect them to get rid of this, or at least find more discreet ways to do it

I'm pointing out the obvious. You shouldn't be so quick to believe a random forum post just because it has pictures. This isn't defending or attacking any stance. It's the voice of reason.

I'm not complaining that other people check. I'm reminding you people that unless you actually check for yourself you're just believing whatever someone else wrote. Don't come at me and tell me to check just because I don't swallow this shit as soon as possible. You need to check for yourself if you're going to behave like it's true. My skepticism is warranted. Your blind belief is not.

I’ll never use the epic store unless the Chinese pull out. no if, and or but.


>Epic is spyware!!!!
Wow, what a revelation. Everybody knew this already you god damned retards. did you actually expect a game distribution store to not be spyware? Steam is also spyware, so id Origin and Uplay. If you don't pirate or buy off GoG you are a corporate cuckold.

user this ain't even about China collecting data. It's about epic collecting data about competitors users.

I'm not going to check for myself because I already decided to not install that shit on my machine in the first place months ago. But I'm also not going to believe whatever people write. A lot of different independent sources are going to need to confirm this before I entertain the idea as being true.

Chinks don't even own Epic, why are you idiots still shitposting about this?

Tencent owns 40% of Epic

Tencent is the majority shareholder. They own 40% of the company which is a larger percentage than any other single entity. This means their vote on any decisions about the direction of the company carries with it an almost guarantee to pass unless it's voted against unanimously which would almost never happen. Do you understand? Owning the largest portion of a company gives you de facto control over that company. China basically owns Epic.

>Tencent is the majority shareholder
This is a lie.The CEO is the lead shareholder and Epic Game sis a private company, so owning shares doesn't work the same way as you think it does for a public company.

Attached: 1526439192672.jpg (851x339, 76K)

You're running on a dumbass circular logic where you will never believe something until you check it by yourself but you also refuse to check it by yourself, I've seen another post about this on leddit too.

They don't own the largest portion of the company you dumb ass, they aren't even the majority shareholder. Do you not know how shares work? They aren't even a public company.

I don't believe something unless multiple, independent, reputable sources confirm it. This is the scientific approach.

k gook

Attached: 1552500722166.jpg (128x128, 23K)

>Tencent is the majority shareholder.
No they aren't
>They own 40% of the company which is a larger percentage than any other single entity.
Not only does 40% not make you the majority shareholder, but there is another entity that has more shares than them.
>This means their vote on any decisions about the direction of the company carries with it an almost guarantee to pass unless it's voted against unanimously which would almost never happen. Do you understand?
You don't seem to understand how companies function, especially private ones. owning shares in a private company does not give you ownership of said company.

Goddammit not this again. Majority shareholder means >50% dumbass. Figures valve drones can't count or use google to look up the definition of majority shareholder. Tim Sweeney owns over half the company. He's the majority shareholder

You have been desperately trying to say this is completely worthless since your first post without even checking if someone else already tested this by themselves, why?

I'm not chinese, so this obviously means nothing to me. Nice coping, though.

>Majority shareholder means >50% dumbass
yeah, in movies

I haven't check the process explorer but yeah the Steam Cloud copy thing is real, very fucking slimy of them, that's my steam id in yellow.

Attached: aa.png (411x629, 50K)

No, real life. You fucking idiot. In what world is anything less than half considered a majority? if you don't own at least 50% of a companies shares, you are a minority shareholder by definition.

If I own 1% of a company and the rest of the shareholders own 0.9% each then I get to decide unless the rest of them can work together against me. Extreme example but unless someone holds >40% on his own then Tencent is the majority shareholder.

Yep, he's retarded. If you amhavebtwo votes and 98 other people have 1 vote each, you can't control jack shit

you cant even type, fuck off

> gets proven wrong
> ignores it and uses an ad hominen
Typical underage valve drone

>unless the rest of them can work together against me
Yeah, they can. And they will. If you aren't controlling more than 50% on your own then others will work together to prevent you from being the sole leader.

Summoning the sealing ritual

yeah calling me a retard sure proves me wrong, not even worth the (you)

You are a god damn idiot. Kill yourself. Shares do not work that way.

Meant for

Bro. It's a forum. Essentially anonymous. It doesn't matter if it's unlikely that people would go through a lot of trouble to fabricate a prank. You're not listening to me.
You're saying there's multiple. I'm saying they're not independent. Actual people with reputations who stand nothing to gain by corroborating need to confirm it's true. Why is this so fucking difficult for you to comprehend. You're chomping at the bit to believe this is true and you're welcome to do so. But to convince me there needs to be legitimate evidence; not screenshots and people going "yeah, me too". That's not enough.

>just install the spyware and see for yourself bro

see I already checked it by myself and now I know it's true, you can fuck right off now.

>inb4 he installed epic
Its the only non-autistic way to used develop game using UE4.

Attached: output.webm (1259x992, 1.85M)

You're some anonymous fuckwad. You have no credibility either.

>can't even quote properly
Fucking idiot.

>the sky is blue, here's evidence and how you can check it by yourself

Here for you lazy fuck.

I've been warning people for months. The launcher is a bitcoin miner and spyware. Tencent have already been caught doing this in the past with other games they own like Ring of Elysium.

The last thread someone posted a screenshot of people trying to log into their account. Out of curiosity I checked my account and someone did in fact manage to get into it (and name and disconnected it from other accounts)

Luckily it was an easy fix since they didn't change the email or anything and I had no payment history on it. It also happened coincidentally a few days before I changed my password on literally everything.

fuck epic games

I have epic games store installed by I don't even play pc games. I just wanted to fiddle with unreal engine and see how they handled animations

I can't believe someone so desperate could be doing it for free.

Shit analogy. Someone's claiming there's a meteor storm outside and telling me to go check it myself.

LOL cant wait for Epic to pay some "journalists" to write articles like "yes Epic store is spying on you and thats a good thing!"

Epic really needs to hire some better shills, the current ones are abysmal.

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I'm just being real with you idiots. Don't go believing everything you read in a forum just because it aligns with your biases. That's retarded. You should be demanding independent confirmation as well.

not even worth the (you) 2: user breathes through his mouth

Attached: yeah it was me alright, retard.png (575x327, 20K)

Everyone here that has the chink spyware installed can check for themselves and your damage control won't do a thing, there are two confirmations here already.

This is literal autism at this point. No one cares this much except you. I don't even know what you're screenshot is trying to say

Nobody here has any credibility if all they do is post text. is the only thing I would believe is legitimate. Your bar for what kind of evidence is acceptable needs to be fucking raised, bro.

It's a product and company so awful and undesirable that it can't possibly be shilled effectively. The best salesman in the world couldn't sell me this untrustworthy, cancerous malware. But yeah, they are getting what they paid for with these mindless Chink drones who barely understand English and throw a bitchfit at everyone constantly, lmao

You have the least credibility of all bud, it's pathetic.

I have just as much credibility as every other fuckboi here. Difference is I'm not making a claim so my credibility is irrelevant.

it means was not me retard

No, you have the least credibility of all since you have been set in pushing a narrative since your very first post, why are you so desperate to defend spyware?

this shit can be easily proven by going to C:\ProgramData\Epic\SocialBackup and searching for your steam ID, it's hardly something only a techy boi can do

The narrative I support is the skeptical, scientific narrative. My demanding legitimate evidence is not defending Epic you retard. It's supporting truth. I don't gobble up every idea of a company doing X, Y, or Z just because there's a forum post somewhere.

Idiot. I don't have that shit installed in my PC.

You aren't skeptical, you are in denial despite clear evidence. Big difference.

The boardwide anti-chink hate brings a smile to my face.

I already told you that can be considered legitimate evidence. This means I believe it to be true. But the difference is I only believed it to be true AFTER I saw some independent evidence.

We are unironically the first line of defense against their cyber warfare spy tactics. This is a legitimate threat and attack.

>this damage control

Attached: 1519813353617.gif (487x560, 877K)

No, your very first post was saying that this shouldn't have been posted, you didn't ask for more evidence. You have been doing nothing this thread other than repeating the argument from authority fallacy, you are a worthless idiot.

Spoilering it doesn't change a thing. Use a picture next time.

I'm not minimizing the chinese threat, but you thinking you're doing anything about it or having an effect is laughable.


You know what would be "scientific"? Not instantly denying something without proof to the contrary.

Ahh yes i too go to metacouncil.com for all of my video game news and information.

>one hour ago since he got btfo
>he's still going

That was illustrating that random posts on forums have the same amount of credibility as posts here because that's true. I just now, just last post explicitly told you that I believe this claim to be true now after seeing evidence. Saying something doesn't have enough credibility to convince me is SYNONYMOUS with saying I need evidence. You should be demanding evidence just like I do.

I never once denied it to be true.

>instant deletion
mad jannies are mad

But he wasn't claiming it was you you retard.

I never claimed it was untrue. I reminded people to consider how credible a claim is without proper evidence.

Not surprising, they didn't make a secret about intending to squeeze every bit of monetizable data form their users from the start.

tranny jannies got that shit on lock down, between that and them spamming boards with yang gang they got their hands full.

>That was illustrating that random posts on forums have the same amount of credibility as posts here because that's true.
So you're saying you would also be desperately trying to stamp it down if it was a first hand post here, would you be doing the same if it was an Epic Approved kotaku post?

HA, I don't care since I don't have any friends. Your turn, EPIC.

It's an automatic system that pops this pasta. You're an imbecile if you think it done manually.

you underestimate those who do it for free

If this is true why is no one else reporting it?

Wow, so a game store uses the games you purchased within it and things like age and gender to market things to you or help you when you have problems with the store

That’s absolutely abysmal
>as opposed to stealing files out of a completely unrelated program
>t-that’s so based

It not just friend lists, it read all steam directory for installed games, configs or achievements.
Basically a brute force data mining

What a logical, unbiased person thinks
>hmm that's interesting, and actually pretty easy to check so let's see if more people report it
>oh they did, seems like it's true then

What you do
>fuck off this is obviously fake retard only twitter screencaps of blue checkmarks can be true
>oh fuck other people are confirming it too, I was merely SKEPTICAL

Fuck off retard.

>It's an automatic system that pops this pasta.
My ban wasn't automated, but okay gook.

I didn't desperately try to stamp anything down. Stop pushing this retarded narrative. Saying I won't believe something without more evidence is not claiming something is untrue. The thing about journalists is that they have something to lose if they lie. They need to print retractions or they shred their credibility. Believe it or not journalists are independent sources. Most are biased, but not regarding a claim like this that can be actually proven. If a media outlet reported on this it would imply that it was at least checked beforehand. If they printed it without checking themselves they would not be in business. The same can not be said about random posters on forums or random posts here. You don't understand the concept of credibility.

Official thread theme


It's a new finding by racist reddit autists. I'm surprised it took them this long t b h, this should have take a day to find. All it takes is running procman and seeing steam in the list. I guess racist autists aren't particularly smart though.

hmm.. getting datamined or free game every two weeks.
Decisions, decision.

Attached: cb7.jpg (506x267, 16K)

>the program does X and you can see this yourself if you do [this]
Fuck off retard.

>Chink botnet is spyware
Steam reigns supreme, baby.

Attached: 1480968907064.png (1750x1750, 894K)

youre retarded

>let's see if people on the same forum that anybody can sign up for at any time without anything to lose
>oh people here say the same thing
>it must be true then
That's not good enough. The evidence needs to be more substantial to be believed, or the claim need to be verified by multiple independent sources to be believed. Some idiots parroting some shit in the same place the claim is being made is not credible. Get your head out of your ass, sheep. Using your logic if enough people in this thread claimed something was true you would believe it.

I have been getting every free game but didn't play any of them yet lmao

I needed better evidence. You should too.

>indie garbage you can pirate anyway if you really want to
yeah totally worth it

>only believes something if it's reported by kotaku
>if some new, interesting development shows up in a discussion forum then you immediately assume it's fake since it didn't come from kotaku even though these things are always reported at discussions forums at first
>calls others sheep

What would qualify as "better evidence"? You can observe that shit with your own eyes.

you're a very special boy, aren't you?

the forum post tells you how to replicate it, did you read it? you can see it first hand, what's better than that.

>create tiananmen square game
>release on steam
>botnet spreads truth to gooks
>gook gobment shuts down epic

Attached: x9fuufj4yy411.jpg (720x706, 89K)

>You're insisting people install and run the epic game store.
that's the only way to verify it.

Only a good, american company is allowed to spy on me.

Attached: 1539200647835.png (680x834, 202K)

I just got shot by Chinese army wtf?

>American good
>Chinese bad.

Attached: 123.png (750x415, 50K)

That's denying it.

More like
>American monopoly good
>American competitor bad

This is the worst you idiots found? This? Online handles and a list of games I've played? What the fuck do I care if they have this?

Are steamcuck paypiggies that retarded? How do you thing pic releated works? Next thing you'll tell me GoG connect is a botnet too.

Attached: 1.png (960x539, 601K)

I already stated that I believe it to be true now that actual believable evidence was posted. I don't have the epic shit on my PC so I can't confirm it with myself.

Stop strawmanning. Believe it or not "journalists" at kotaku have more credibility than you do because you're anonymous and they stand to lose something if they lie. You don't. That forum post doesn't either.

And if I can't confirm it myself I need third party confirmation, from a source that is independent of the first and has nothing to gain by perpetuating a possible deception.

I'm not going to go through the trouble since I have no horse in the race in the first place. I'm not going to put spyware on my machine to check to see if it's spyware after all.

Apparently I'm more special than some of the idiots here who would believe evidence that can be easily fabricated just because it's repeated to be true by other anonymous people and has screenshots that can be faked. It's not enough. Plain and simple.

No, it's not. It's saying "it could be true, it could be untrue, but there's not enough verifiable, unbiased evidence to reasonably believe it to be 100% true" It is however enough evidence to spark an investigation which was the next step. I just wasn't in a position to do that myself because I don't put shit like this on my machine. Instead of simply believing what I want to believe I withhold judgment until I see more credible evidence. As should everybody.

>American monopoly good
>Chinese competitor bad.

>one hour and 15 minutes since he got btfo
>he's still going

Attached: my-militarfu.jpg (3500x2322, 1.02M)

Collecting all your personal data on your PC is the literal definition of a spyware and absolutely not business as usual, I don't care if personal data collection is also used for some worthless "feature".

People apparently need to be reminded that this is the Internet and people occasionally make shit up for laughs.

Attached: 1546873128225.jpg (1080x1080, 421K)

It does it whether you decide to import friends from steam, idiot.

I challenge you to find a native Chinese person that can type English the way I do.

Attached: 1545266062716.png (227x222, 5K)

I just using UE4 to develop games, how the fuck it related to shitnite when I don't even installed it?

winnie the pooh

Cant wait for youtubers to spread it and Epic response.

>~10 friends on steam list
>doing nothing weird on the internet
>never used social media

i really dont give a shit i bet i leak more data just browsing 4channel

Where? Epic is unironically pulling more monopoly style bullshit than steam does.

Is that an endorsement? You want them accessing your data?

Thanks for the demonstration, user. What are you developing?

I don't have fartnite installed and never allowed it to collected this data, why did it do it anyway?

I don't think you quite grasp what a monopoly is, shitforbrains.

>he unironically posts the twitter npc meme

>hurr i'm too scared/tech illiterate to verify it on my own using a step-by-step guide, i'll just for kotaku
10/10 retard

Why can't you confirm it yourself?

someone on the usual suspect trashy far-left trashblogs unironically said that when news of PRISM broke

>some random forum wrote it so how can it be true?
>but I'm not denying it!
Fuck dude take a debate class

You don't know the definition of a monopoly at all, you are a moron.

Are you trying to shame me for not having this spyware installed on my PC in the first place? You should be ashamed for being able to confirm it yourself.

fuck you and delete this

Pic related - do you still remember? I still remember. We weren’t good enough for them then, why would we be now?

Attached: 7661FFE9-0BC1-4A18-B091-9F78EA33762E.jpg (1125x2151, 878K)

this but unironically

That's how logic works. Someone could be lying. That's not claiming they are lying. Are you having trouble understanding this distinction?

>You should be ashamed for being able to confirm it yourself.
my bad
12/10 retard

Virtual machine exists retard

i personally dont care but can understand why it would be an issue for certain people.

this sort of thing has been happening for years and unless you live in China where you get arrested for having a certain opinion it really doesnt matter that much since the data is mostly used for marketing purposes

It's spyware and you have it on your PC and you call me the retard. Nice, pal.

More trouble than it's worth since I have no incentive to put it on my PC at all.

Based retard

Then stop fucking posting if you only want to be a worthless shitposter that doesn't contribute anything at all, retarded faggot.

>It's spyware and you have it on your PC and you call me the retard. Nice, pal.
google virtual machine "pal"
and i actually have the facts now, you don't. why do you even believe it? you believe random posts in the internet? wow what a loser.

>Gears remains Xbox exclusive because piracy
>mfw i pirated all gears games via RGH

Attached: 70215-Cliffyfinal.jpg (550x400, 39K)

No, it's true, but what he isn't sharing is why: because Epic will import and sync your steam friends list.

>virtual machines are bullet proof


Well, not anytime soon if all PC gamers say is how they are gonna pirate the games day 1.

Explain how steam is one then, since you're clearly more educated in the subject than I am.

They are if you're are not retarded

He's mad as fuck he got btfo, he'll post until the thread is archived just to vent.

I'm not here to spoon feed you dumb cunt

Then why does epic want to sell games on pc now?

No, they're not. Not ever infallible.

Time and time again there have been demonstrations of easy escapes to execute code on the host.

That is exactly how it works. You are concluding you cant take what they say at face value, yet denying that you disagree. Are YOU having trouble making the distinction? I'm not the only user to point out your fallacy.

I never installed an Epic game and it still collected all my and my sister's Steam data without our consent and doing god knows what with it, do you think this is ok?

Sure thing retard

Nice of you admit you have nothing ob substance to say.

Keep trusting a VM to project you then.
When something goes wrong call the VM a retard and see how well that turns out.

I'm not implying VMs are bad software, but to trust them 100% is a fool's idea.

checked it out, sadly it's nothing substantial

Which game journalist would you trust to report on this?

All your steam data is already publicly available on the net. You didn't care about it before, you don't care about it now. Stop pretending.

Don't get mad that I'm not gullible.

For not believing unsubstantiated shit until I saw proper evidence? Your teachers failed you.

Listen here, boy. I don't have virtual machine software on my PC right now so now you're insisting I install even more extraneous programs just to confirm something that doesn't impact me at all in the worst case scenario. It's much simpler for me to wait for actual evidence (which I did) before I came to a conclusion (which I did). You people are conveniently ignoring the fact that I believe it's true and I've explicitly linked to the evidence that convinced me.

See above. I didn't deny shit. I believe it's true. I'm ridiculing everybody who believed it without waiting for legitimate evidence. I'm ridiculing people who have the spyware installed on their machines.


I swear to god, people are fucking retarded.

Do you not know how to use a virtual machine? Are you this tech illiterate?

Again. It is syncing your friends list. Is it collecting information on you? Yes, absolutely. More than Steam? Hard to say. Probably less than Google or Facebook. Does that make it OK? No, i'm of the opinion people should receive profit sharing for the digital information companies harvest from them. Are Epic assholes for buying up exclusives like Pheonix Point? Yes, again.

But does crying about them being a botnet have any real merit? Not really, comparatively speaking.

There's no single source I would trust to report on an issue like this if it's a gaming focused outlet. They've all damaged their own credibility so much that any single outlet would not be enough to convince me. There would have to be multiple journalists reporting on it for several days to stand a reasonable chance of being true without any other sources.

Where do I file a complaint to GDPR about this? :^)

UE4 game development got no steam link verification.

>to confirm something that doesn't impact me at all
>spend an hour+ in the thread writing entire paragraphs
l m a o


Not everybody keeps VM software on their PCs. I don't care enough about this to go through that much trouble.

Just gonna leave this here

Attached: the_ebin_store_0.png (1914x4402, 1.46M)

This is golden. You are quite literally an idiot savant. Thank you for providing so many laughs today. I can only assume you're 16.

Wait really? Got a source for that? Are the valve drones crying about tracking actually willingly handing epic their steam info?

Keep making excuses.

>Lying on Yea Forums when everyone know's you're just a shitposter or shill
No, he's wrong

This issue doesn't concern me. The clear gullibility of the people here concerns me.

You realize this is you conceding this discussion. You believed something was true without first seeing legitimate evidence and you're mad someone else is more skeptical.

The hope to expand their market. Consoles aren't always at their strongest.

>i don't care enough about this to go through that much trouble.
>but i'll spend 1.5+ hours shitposing walls of text

No it isn't, it collects far more than just the friends list, localconfig.vdf has pretty much everything about your account including cookies and stuff that is private by default.

>No rebuttal

>The clear gullibility of the people here concerns me.
please direct me to the anonymous Yea Forums post that made you believe this was 100% true.

This is Yea Forums, bud. You don't need a lot of incentive to type shit. I'm mocking you people for believing shit hook, line, and sinker without proper evidence first.

That's a goddamn laugh. Please stop, I'm going to suffocate.


Attached: 21896324324.jpg (1914x4402, 2.89M)

Why would you post this? It's embarrassing for Yea Forums. Using the same exact tool, Reddit was able to find dirt on epic, but all Yea Forums could produce when looking at the same source is just prove how tech illiterate by pointing at all the wrong things and spew memes and racism, and other edgy language. Literally this image has nothing of value to say.

Attached: op-btfo.png (1914x4402, 893K)

>I'm mocking you people for believing shit hook, line, and sinker without proper evidence first.
i verified it myself, you didn't. you just believe what someone else wrote instead. you are far more gullible than me.

remember when epic released how much percent of epic users have steam installed and how many of them use it daily? thats all thanks to spyware :^)

Chinks have really no shame.

Attached: absolutely-disgusting-26789298.png (500x534, 135K)


Attached: file.png (178x240, 90K)

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That people here are gullible? Look at the beginning of the thread at people frothing at the mouth when screenshots and posts on a forum were not instantly believed. If you're referring to the post that made me believe this issue was actually true then is the evidence I was waiting to see before I believed anything.

>Scans and copies data on your computer from unrelated programs without your permission
>Pays money to take away choice of where to buy from consumers
>Made Fortnite

Epic has become quite the monster

Attached: 1483942584153.png (444x440, 157K)

>using words like probably in image
How far up your ass does the Chinese dildo need to go before you question it?

That's what I thought. You don't have an argument because nothing I've said has been false or untrue at all.

I didn't verify it myself. I waited for better evidence. I didn't believe words anyone typed.

go away user I'm trying to spin a narrative here

Attached: j3FswSB.png (990x1540, 838K)

>what is virtual machine
how computer illiterate do you have to be to not know how to run risky shit in a safe sandbox?

Chill out bugman, maybe try yout luck in the next thread.

As long as he gets paid he doesn't care.

Attached: unnamed.jpg (750x603, 86K)

The SteamSpy guy that was hired by Epic said he would share as much stolen data as possible, odds are that they are using the Steam Cloud stuff to get accurate ownership numbers from Steam.

>bought a hawaii phone like 4 years ago before I knew about the insect menace
how CHINKED am I getting right now?

Attached: Bait.jpg (500x500, 43K)

>one (1) use of the word probably
>simply acknowledging that we don't know specifically what ieframe.dll does
>while the fact that ieframe.dll it has nothing to do with China or spies is 100% certain

Everyone knew this from the beginning.
The shills just conveniently ignored it when replying to criticisms.

fucking based elevens

...how is a single webm posted anonymously on Yea Forums more believable than screenshots posted on some forum? how do you go from "Might as well not link anything at all since it has the same credibility" to "Oh a webm on Yea Forums, I believe it 100% now".

>steam privacy agreement, transparent US law
>communist regime's propaganda outlet is looking into your friends and family
>its the same you guys
fucking mongolian

This reminds me of the Origin "spyware" technology illiteracy where they said they were stealing your taxes. When in reality they were scanning for game installs.

Except this is real data collection and people will let them get away with it while they still post that misinfo to this day about Origin.

>some software engineer decides to implement some basic functions to facilitate importing friends and saves in the future
>gets accused of making spyware
well then

>I didn't believe words and screenshots anyone typed on a forum.
>but I believe webms on Yea Forums in Epic hate threads

Attached: nope.jpg (918x688, 66K)

no one would have accused them if they asked permission first. why doing it sneakily without notifying the user?

>Shills can't even deny it, just pretend it's not real
Fucking kek.

It's over epicbros...

Attached: NO.png (1500x259, 29K)

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kys faggot

Attached: 1548809412402.png (1370x1068, 409K)

Yea goyim, the Chinese are to be trusted and dont have the most intricate surveillance system on Earth. Good, good. You are doing the world a favor defending the glorious Reds from anonymous posters on the internet.

How about you actually ask the user permission before breaking the law and violating their privacy?

>Internet Explorer Frame.dll

Just why would Epic want to access it? WHY?

China is a shit country that probably collapse thanks to their dumbass one child law wiping out their women. Valve is a shit company that sat on their laurels and stopped producing anything of note because they were complacent witnesses their kinda shitty store front.

Epic and Steam are both forms of DRM that invade your privacy.

Participate in it or don’t. It’s your choice. Don’t let Yea Forums sway you though, as this website is filled with paid shills, especially when it comes to console or platform wars.

Crawling through and making regular backups of all user data from a competing client is hardly "basic".

Because he's a retard doing damage control, just ignore him.

>until I saw evidence
The evidence was provided in the OP link. You just chose to ignore it.

>breaking the law
What law is it violating?

That's besides the point. The idea is that the guy who posted that provided a way for anyone to check his claims, as such it's entirely worthless to say that the information is not trustworthy without even going through the same process to find evidence of the post's falsehood. It would also be incredibly stupid for him to lie while also providing a procedure everyone can follow which would directly confirm that he is in fact lying.

Also any non-retard would install that shit in a VM isolated from the rest of the system, as such it can be studied without being able to actually steal any of your real data. It's trivially easy to check if this shit is true for anyone who actually cares.

daily reminder if u have even considered installing a game launcher like epic ur the type o nigga to already have shared tons of private info like this

Because it illustrates that what the poster on the forum stated actually happens is true. Now what is actually happening with the program itself is beyond my knowledge because I'm not a programmer. It gives the idea more credibility. Enough credibility that I would be able to garner if I has gone through the trouble to try and confirm it myself. I can't reasonably expect to see evidence that would convince me more than what I would consider enough if I were investigating it myself. If you're adept at interpreting what this all means you're more than welcome to explain it sort of like how did except with what you believe is true.

I've already explained why evidence from one source or multiple potentially biased or anonymous sources is not enough. It shouldn't be enough for you either. If there's a reasonable possibility something was staged or faked then it shouldn't be taken at face value. Which is not the same as saying it should be dismissed as false.

so why are you still using chrome, windows, steam, and discord? why did you invent these opinions in november 2018 so you can keep defending steam?

I wanted to implement some babies in your sister so I raped her. oops, was I supposed to ask for consent first? geez sorry, I'm sure you wouldn't mind though I was only giving her a nice feature.

Because it's a shared library, or collection of code that is intended for any program to be able to use, that performs some function related to web page rendering. The epic games store is built wit web technology, meaning it used HTML pages and JavaScript, so it needs to render that webpage. That's what ieframe.dll is for.

Wow, I guess the designer of Epic's store is taking the whole Steamspy thing to a new level.

Heavily, depending on how much you use your Google account
Just pray they aren't allowed to build 5g towers where you live

Considering I never had any intention to install this on my PC no matter the circumstance it doesn't matter to be if this is true or untrue. I'm not going to download and install VM software just to download and install potential spyware just to make sure it's safe or not to install on my actual OS which I would never do even if it was safe.

Keep crying, steamcuck. You are losing. You are irrelevant.

Attached: div2.png (766x612, 659K)

answer me you bugman.

The chink spyware shit isn't just a meme wtf
On your computer, check C:\ProgramData\Epic\SocialBackup (if you have it installed)
There should be a bunch of .bak files with your steamID at the end.

you agreed to epic doing things to your computer when you agreed to TOS, retarded valvebrony

>The Division 2 Already Has More Pre-Orders Than Original
You do know this was in reference to uPlay, not Epic's Store that nobody but Fortnite players use, right?

Sorry m8 I don't obsessively refresh Yea Forums threads. If you had waited another minute you would have seen your answer. Any software dev can confirm this too. If you look up what is a dll you can also see that it is a /shares/ library, and it contains nothing more than code. It doesn't contain any sensitive data

I don't understand why origin had such a backlash when it was found doing something similar, but not epic

I have always rallied for privacy, why don't you go fuck yourself retarded strawmanning shill?

That doesn't constitute a monopoly, brainlet. Again, you show your complete lack of knowledge on the topic, yet you insist on spewing your butthurt idiocy.


Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-14 Devil May Cry 5 is Capcom's second biggest PC launch ever.png (626x704, 624K)

But you said that games NEED steam or else they will fail. Why were you wrong?

show me where in the TOS you agreed to share private information from other vendors? you know just because you allowed a program to install itself doesn't mean it's allowed to steal your bank account and spy on you. I know it's a difficult concept for a subhuman chink but try to understand.

Epic is getting backlash you mong. The media needs a day to catch on

>I have already explained...
No, you just told us that you're too inept/unwilling to follow the instructions to obtain the evidence you wanted.
Funny that you've spent an hour and a half trying to mislead people when you could have gotten the info you claim to want in 15 minutes or less.

He must be gushing over all the stolen data he can crawl through now, they must have some pretty accurate data on all kinds of Steam stuff including developer data and their games.

That's entirely fine, I also have no interest in using Epic's shit and as such I as well will not bother to check if it's spyware or not. That also means that neither of us has any leg to stand on in order to claim that the post is false, because proving one way or the other is quick and easy for anyone who actually cares and there's no evidence pointing to the post being fake otherwise.

>Because it illustrates that what the poster on the forum stated actually happens is true
>is true
>evidence from one source or multiple potentially biased or anonymous sources is not enough
>I believed a webm on Yea Forums
you're making zero sense dude, just so you know.

then why weren't you obsessively making these threads about steam before november 2018?

Epic is the media's little darling right now, they won't report shit


The things valve drones manage to delude themselves into believing...

had epic installed from before to play UT. just removed that shit.

fuck the dirty chinks.

Oh no but I wanted Epic to play epic games such as... uh, that mobileshit super meat boy and... that one early access indie game...

Well? What law are they breaking, steamnigger?

Remember when he justified Steamspy with "the public deserves to know this information" and then people asked if he'd release the same data for the Epic store and he was "lol fuck no"

Meant for

>That also means that neither of us has any leg to stand on in order to claim that the post is false
I never once made this claim or even insinuated this. I very simply and clearly stated that anonymous posts on forums or here do not have enough credibility to convince me of anything.

I couldn't give a flying fuck about steam I barely use it, I just don't like subhuman Chinese shoving spyware down my throat.

Yet you enjoy your burger spyware, don't you?

>manually refreshing threads in current year
I usually dismiss the shill thing as a meme but no normal poster could be this incompetent

VP of engineering at Epic
>We use a tracking pixel (tracking.js) for our Support-A-Creator program so we can pay creators. We also track page statistics.
>The launcher sends a hardware survey (CPU, GPU, and the like) at a regular interval as outlined in our privacy policy (see the “Information We Collect or Receive” section). You can find the code here.
>The UDP traffic highlighted in this post is a launcher feature for communication with the Unreal Editor. The source of the underlying system is available on github.
>The majority of the launcher UI is implemented using web technology that is being rendered by Chromium (which is open source). The root certificate and cookie access mentioned above is a result of normal web browser start up.
>The launcher scans your active processes to prevent updating games that are currently running. This information is not sent to Epic.
>We only import your Steam friends with your explicit permission. The launcher makes an encrypted local copy of your localconfig.vdf Steam file. However information from this file is only sent to Epic if you choose to import your Steam friends, and then only hashed ids of your friends are sent and no other information from the file.
>Epic is controlled by Tim Sweeney. We have lots of external shareholders, none of whom have access to customer data.

Motherfucker outright admits they collect your data before actually asking permission

Attached: 1489712864870.png (600x455, 194K)


It's literally nothing you fucking idiots.

Show me some negative press ping pong. Even the bad stuff epic does is reported as neutral at best.

>It's literally nothing you fucking idiots.
>Collecting your data without permission and then asking permission is 'literally nothing'

you can't even read, can you, ching chong?

The webm illustrates that files associated with Steam are being accessed when Epic launches. It wasn't a screenshot. It had the thread on the side so it was recorded in real time. This is enough evidence to reasonably conclude that what the poster on the forum claimed was happening was in fact happening. What this actually means is still being discussed, but it is evidence that grants credibility. Do you understand? Without evidence like this there's no way to tell if the poster on the forum is telling the truth about anything at all unless you confirm it yourself. I've already explained that I'm not going to confirm it myself and I never planned to. The ease by which people can confirm it themselves is irrelevant to whether or not a claim needs to possess credibility.

I already have enough chinks trying to hack my gmail, don't need more of this fucking shit in my life.

Why didn't they tell anything about this until people found it out by themselves? This excuse doesn't even make sense since the client makes regular backups of your data even though the import since is one-time and it backs up even if you never use the feature or install any game.

Learn to read nigger. He clearly says they simply make a local copy. Epic does not collect it until you give permission. Why they preemptively make a copy though is a mystery, and makes him hard to believe

> The source of the underlying system is available on github.
As a game dev, this is a complete bullshit.

>some forum post has zero credibility
the point of that forum post was to show others how to replicate and verify with 100% accuracy that it is true, not simply just stating the claim itself like you thought it did, but ok
>anonymous posts on forums or here do not have enough credibility to convince me of anything.
>a webm on Yea Forums that could be jsut as biased and faked as the screenshots on the forum convinced me
you've manged to damage control yourself into an even bigger hole than you were in from the beginning. how deep will you go before you stop posting?

>"journalists" at kotaku have more credibility than you do

github links go nowhere so you cant really verify it. how convenient

I've had their client uninstalled well before they opened a store and even requested for my account to be deleted, since you can't just shut it down yourself.

I guess you're working on the assumption that the poster is completely and utterly retarded then, since he posted instructions as to how to easily disprove his claims. I personally don't assume every random stranger is an utter retard of that level, so to me it seems like a much safer assumption to think that the information is true to some degree at least, especially since the claims made would by no means be so extreme that Epic (and many, many other companies) wouldn't do it.

Not reading through this entire thread sure to be full of retardation and shitposts, so I'll just say it's doing this because it has the ability to link your steam account to import your friends list from it. GoG and Origin both do the same thing. Now feel free to return to your consolefag wars over DRM wrappers.

Your inability to understand what I posted isn't my problem, bro. Someone stating that you can confirm something yourself is enough to convince you of fucking anything, isn't it? Anonymous people you don't know repeating that claim and stating it's true is enough to convince you it's true? Open your fucking eyes. All I did was state that post was not enough. Which is true; it's not enough. It needs to be confirmed and verified by other people. That's how this shit works. You're a fucking retard for not thinking critically about claims. I could fabricate an even more elaborate and believable claim that is ultimately a hoax and people like you would eat it up with a ladle and a grin on your face the entire time. Your lack of imagination as to why someone would go through the trouble to do this is your failure. Don't get mad at me for pointing out your gullibility.

Origin does the same thing. It does it so it can ask you if you want to add your steam friends

I'm masturbating together with Tim Sweeney and you can't stop me.

Tiananmen square 1989

>client crawls through your entire HDD and makes regular backups of public AND private steam data of all users in your PC every time the client launches
>we only use this for the one-time friend import system :) don't worry that it also uploads the entire file, we don't peek ;) trust us

Attached: 1552450305510.jpg (500x500, 26K)

It needs to send that information back home to "steal" anything.
Do you have the unencrypted packets that prove your claim or are you just niggering over shit you don't know about?
>(2) Information Collected Automatically When You Use Our Websites, Games, and Applications
>Information that facilitates a safer and more personalized experience, such as your display name or other user identification provided in connection with your application use or game play, saved preferences, game progress, and device identifiers or usage information for authentication and fraud prevention purposes;

What moral obligation do I have to not pirate these games again? After all, they can always crawl back to Epic and ask for another cash injection.

Attached: 1448162874602.jpg (433x420, 25K)

will it still collect stuff if i just have it installed ?

i've been wanting to uninstall it since all the epic store bullshit but sometimes i need to use the unreal engine 4

>because it has the ability to link your steam account to import your friends list from it.

So why are they scrapping my data from unassociated programs without actually asking permission first?

Lying shill.

if anything you have the moral obligation to pirate them

I'm working on the assumption that people have a lot of different reasons to lie or at least misrepresent data. That's skepticism. Posting the means by which you can replicate what data he has seen does not guarantee you'll reach the same conclusion about what that data means.

>This issue doesn't concern me. The clear gullibility of the people here concerns me.

Nigger, that forum post tells you how to replicate it. Unless you're projecting your own tech illiteracy/laziness onto others, how do you know they didn't check it themselves or they didn't verify it outside of here? No one is here to serve you information on a silver platter. I've verified it myself using a different method and it checks out and no, I won't post a webm of the output.

You're morally okay to pirate whatever Epic exclusives you want user. Devs will never see sales at the level where they'll start to make more money than the payout, and they already got the major payout to fund them for years. Buying those vidya games only helps Epic

Not only is Epic a piece of malware shit but devs don't see any sales money either since their exclusivity deals are minimum sales guarantees which means they only start getting money when they reach the threshold.

but what about Journey? do I wait for it to come out on Steam?

you fucking retarded chink, unless stated otherwise (and not stated otherwise) all collected information is implied to be from the service itself. you failed hard.

Pirate it, the publisher already picked chink money over you.

Yeah that's why they need info on all your games, right?

Does acting like a faggot on the internet make you feel better about yourself?

>that forum post tells you how to replicate it.
And scientific studies disclose how they performed their experiment. That doesn't fucking mean it's unnecessary to check. Unless you also checked for yourself, or waited for independent verification, you believed it without legitimate reason to believe it.
>how do you know they didn't check it themselves or they didn't verify it outside of here
I don't know if they did or didn't. That's the point. Even you claiming you verified it isn't enough. That's not evidence. You can lie. I've seen a webm of someone doing that already though so you don't need to go through the trouble. I've already stated that I believe what the forum post is describing is actually happening is true because I've seen the webm replicating the occurrence. The point I made was that I didn't believe any of it until I saw evidence. It wasn't enough to convince you either because you felt compelled to check for yourself. We had the same reaction; we needed more evidence. You're getting bent out of fucking shape for no reason. The only difference between us is that I don't have that shit on my PC in the first place, and don't have VM software either.

Epic Games literally covered the cost to where piracy won't hurt them. It's like they bought a copy for you.

Didn't the russian steamspy guy make a comment about how many fortnite users had steam installed. I was wondering how they found out at the time but nobody mentioned it, guess this is how.

Steamdrones and their sunk cost panic are honestly eclipsing the Denuvo retards at this point.

>Seeing all the steam baby zoomers crying about the epic store
>Weren't even alive to see valves brute force early push of steam that literally nobody wanted

Attached: 1541127302351.jpg (480x480, 36K)

Believing shit just because someone tells you to makes you a much bigger faggot.

He works for Epic.

yeah i know.

good blue red bad

Then I would like to thank epic and zoomers for my copy of metro exodus.

Any privacy-minded developer knows it's wrong to crawl and collect data without consent even for the most useful and benevolent of cases, and something as worthless as steam friend importing certainly does not warrant this gigantic breach in privacy, there is A LOT of data in those files.

Nice revisionist lies, Zhao

>valves brute force early push of steam

By making games they themselves made exclusive to the store? Nobody gives a shit if Epic's own games are exclusive to its store. Also why in the hell are we using the standards of 2004 to compare to Epic?

Journey is overrated garbage

Remember how they said they know how many of their users have steam installed, and how often they use it?


Attached: aj.jpg (2400x1625, 318K)

No shit, so does Origin and that Nvidia experience thing. It's because their devs are too lazy to do targetted searches for installed games so they just bruteforce the entire harddrive

>posted by a retard running steamwebhelper right now

They didn't make Counterstrike or DOTA

What are you even trying to imply, epicdrone? Whataboutism won't get you anywhere.

I thought it's a kind of game where online features are actually important, no?

capslock bad
lowercase good

why did shartifact fail?

>when your canned response includes 404 links

Attached: 1503470435282.jpg (509x501, 94K)

Origin and Nvidia aren't saving a history of my recently played steam games and how long I've played them though. That's a key difference here.

You can't be late to the party and also suck dick if you want to make money selling vidyer.

Hows praragon/ut4/unreal 3 coming along?

>or DOTA

Valve indeed did make Dota 2. You can still play Dota All-Stars on WC3

>it's ok when Gabe spies on me because Reddit told me PC gaming means I'm master race and don't know how to play PC games without steam

I propose a new banner

Attached: banner.png (575x327, 8K)

Does running Steam access information from your Epic/GOG/Origin/Uplay/and so on folders?

Just go to /int/ or /bant/, retard

Post >yfw you never installed this botnet bitcoin miner because you're smarter than the Chinks

Attached: images.jpg (183x275, 7K)

I challenged you. You are failing the challenge.

>>it's ok when Gabe spies on me

When does Steam scrape data from non-Steam-related programs on your computer?

>By making games they themselves
Ahahahahahahahahahaha fucking zoomers I swear. You do you think Valve made Day of Defeat? Counter Strike? Dota? Left 4 Dead? Portal? Team Fortress? Valve buys out studios and/or flat out steals mods. The only original idea to ever come out of that fat fucks head was Half Life, and MAYBE the name of the company, but I bet he stole that too.

I don't think you realize how self-defeating your shitposting is, you are literally acting like a fanboy for a piece of shit while trying to imply someone else is a fanboy for telling basic facts about privacy.

>mfw all of the people in here that had this installed on their PC already also talking shit about it

Attached: 1541897902279.jpg (540x502, 22K)

Dota 2 and CS are owned by valve they bought the dev companies and they had the license rights Epic however is bribing the devs to ONLY use their shitty client unlike Valve they dont force anyone to use or not use their store

>posted by a retard running Nvidia telemetry service right now

>this epicdrone cope ITT

Attached: 1502595413962.jpg (798x770, 115K)

funny how you obsessively made threads about those games getting cancelled yet you want to censor shartifact failure threads

Because no one plays shitty card games like that unless they're free like Hearthstone, and even then that fad is pretty well dead. Dota fans aren't interested in a card game version of their game either.

And they overcame that bad blood by adding consumer friendly features, communicating with users and generally building good relations. Meanwhile Epic has already called consumers toxic as a basis for not adding reviews and have already stated they won't be pushing for features only exclusives

>Supporting devs with a store front not flooded by garbage and money to grow their studio is "bribing"
Got to love the language use of these valve drones.

How about I crop if first

Attached: banner.png (575x108, 7K)

why did shartifact fail?

>It needs to be confirmed and verified by other people
it's much better if it can be verified by YOU instead of relying on others, which you do. yet you call those people gullible.
>You're a fucking retard for not thinking critically about claims
i am the one thinking critically since i verified it on my own, and you're the one believing random webms on Yea Forums
>Don't get mad at me for pointing out your gullibility.
i've shown i'm far less gullible than you by verifying it on my own

That's my fucking point! I don't call people gullible because I have no proof that they didn't check it, especialy when there's a written instruction. And yes, I was sceptical and wanted more specific information on it, so I did some research myself. And finally no, there a more differences. I didn't write shit until I was sure and didn't call anyone gullible to name 2. Being sceptical is fine and in my book even encouraged, being an ass about it is not.

Haven't made a thread on Yea Forums in years. Stay mad chink


>consumer friendly features
>Getting in bed with beth for paid modding
>Setting up a system to profit directly off user content
>30% cut of every sale
>Zero quality control, store flooded with literal asset flip garbage

The hero we need, but don't deserve.

>all those games valve made don't count because...
Honestly these chinks man.

You should pirate because you can, not because of 'morals'. When somebody downloads a music album from the internet they aren't taking 3000000 thought processes to conclude that it's okay for them to do this shit.


Also, that WEBM could be fake as shit, it's not credible proof anyways.

at all times it's running
your entire post applied to steam and streamdrones. I don't give a shit about epics launcher because it has 0 games I care about and serves no purpose, I'm sick of steam and it's fucking retarded consolefag fanbase and it dying would only be good by PC gaming as a whole.

Why not go through the Steam API like every other company does when you import friends?

>Haha i made an claim but i dont have to explain it >:)
Ya got half an argument bud

What we know:
1. They collect all this data without your consent and make regular backups of it
2. They upload this data to their servers
3. Their EULA is written so that they can upload and use this data in any way they see fit
4. An employee said they will collect as much data as legally possible
Considering these facts, everything is set up so that they do indeed use all the data and the only thing we have pointing to the contrary is this damage control post made after people found out about the data collection saying that only a portion of the data is used, what is the logical conclusion here?


Attached: STB.png (672x449, 38K)

While it's obvious that the program reads those files, there's something I wanted to point out: If that data is that important, shouldn't we be concerned about Steam not encrypting it either?

Attached: 1526020437248.png (600x599, 645K)

>>consumer friendly features
>>Getting in bed with beth for paid modding
>>Setting up a system to profit directly off user content
You mean the thing that happened four years ago and was dropped within days?
% cut of every sale
Man I'd love to see you try and make the argument that GOG are a bunch of greedy fucks too for also taking 30%
>>Zero quality control, store flooded with literal asset flip garbage
Be honest, how often do you actually see asset flip garbage on your store page? Unless that's the kind of stuff you buy Steam is very unlikely to recommend it to you

>consumer friendly features
>Getting in bed with beth for paid modding
>Setting up a system to profit directly off user content
Which they went back on thanks to user feedback :^)
>30% cut of every sale
>Zero quality control, store flooded with literal asset flip garbage
We've told you before xingping, we don't care about shit that only benefits publishers

>it's much better if it can be verified by YOU
Obviously, but I'm not going to bother. I'm correct to call people gullible if they believe shit without legitimate evidence.
>i am the one thinking critically since i verified it on my own
So you say.
>and you're the one believing random webms on Yea Forums
The webm verified exactly what you verified by checking yourself if that's true. Is there something that the webm is lacking that you discovered by checking yourself? If so wouldn't you think it's relevant to bring that up?
>i've shown i'm far less gullible than you by verifying it on my own
We're the same.

So you're mad that I'm an asshole for making fun of people for believing shit without enough evidence. Boo hoo. I'm under no obligation to be nice to people who believe things without thinking first.

>shouldn't we be concerned about Steam not encrypting it either?
It's not standard practice to encrypt absolutely every file in programs under the assumption that your other programs you installed are going to illegally scrape that data

>steam has a browser
>it acts like a typical browser
lmao kid come on. Lying through obfuscation is a thing

>However information from this file is only sent to Epic if you choose to import your Steam friends,
Why does Epic collect your private user data instead of just using Steam's own open API meant for this exact purpose?

Attached: 1533009490808.jpg (222x211, 25K)

I wouldn't call it illegal since you sign your soul away every time you click accept to any TOS or EULA ever made in the past 20 years.

>Man I'd love to see you try and make the argument that GOG are a bunch of greedy fucks too for also taking 30%
They are.

I would imagine they didn't think they needed to or that other companies would do this kind of shit, which is illegal by the way. It would make Steam look paranoid as fuck and they're a pretty transparent company.

Not absolutely every file, but if the info in the file is considered sensitive you should encrypt it, as any piece of malware could have access to it.

Valve didn't consent however, which makes this corporate theft and espionage.

EULAs don't overrule laws.

This is most likely breaks like 1719374 CDPR clauses, why did they even think this was a good idea if they didn't think the payoff was worth it? Friends syncing is not a good excuse.

US government can do things to me. China cannot. I would MUCH rather be spied on by China than the US, because the US can send armed men to arrest me and China cannot, even if I say the T word.

You say that but individuals rarely have the resources to legally combat them whereas companies not only have those resources but they have millions of dollars at stake. It's not a fair comparison. Most people would never possess the means to overrule a EULA simply because it's illegal, and pursuing a class action is almost impossible.

If you're using a Microsoft OS past 3.1 your entire information is available to every government agency in the world anyway. Now continue your false outrage because you have to click a different icon to play the only 2 games on this shit store


If you've done nothing wrong then you have nothing to hide.

>just fucking do it faggot
Didn't know shills took lessons from Shia of all people

Contact the ACLU, then. They have money to burn.

>Tim Shillney will go to prison in your lifetime

Attached: 1552532851705.png (400x383, 13K)

I will if I'm ever wronged for doing something stupid and getting burned for it.

>Wanted Subnautica
>Epic launcher doesn't show up in either program removal window now

Oh fuck

whats my ip then faggot?

Jesus christ, what the fuck

Do these shills actually think their lies are convincing anyone? I refuse to believe these """people""" are under the impression that they are succeeding in any way here. Surely that level of delusion and disconnect isn't possible?

Why no one mentions Humble Bundle or ZOOM Platform?

Wonder how many are shills and how many are attention starved shitposters.

So here's a question: is this a recent thing that they did when they decided to become a """storefront""" or has it always been like this?

>This will be the final nail for epics store says increasingly nervous steam drone for the 55th thread this week

>Obviously much better
then why call those people retarded if you think that's preferable? and a Yea Forums webm is not legitimate evidence, when multiple screenshots on a forum isn't.
>The webm verified exactly what you verified by checking yourself
same with the screenshots, which you didn't believe. but you wouldn't know any of this since you didn't verify it on your own.
>We're the same.
no, you decided to believe some random webm on Yea Forums of all things, i checked the work by verifying it myself.

Epic is good

Valve is shit

Call me chinese names and post memes about censorship

Recent. That's the Chinese ownership in action.

Delusional chink

Your hypocrisy is delicious.
>Won't believe X until proof, which can be easily obtained by anyone.
>Calling people gullible without any proof, because he was too lazy himself.

Unless you're some kind of mind reader, that's some nice projecting.

>epic will overtake steam says increasingly nervous chink shill realizing Vbucks cannot be used to buy rice

Someone in the original source said he had some of the encrypted files from May 2018.

>being that desperate for (You)s

This didn't age well, really shows how quick to defend cancer epicdrones are.

>then why call those people retarded if you think that's preferable?
I call people retarded for believing it and not checking and not waiting. You need to stop misrepresenting what I'm saying to you. Screenshots can be faked extremely easily because all it takes is a little bit of time and the creator of a potential hoax has all of the time in the world. The creator of the webm did it in real time and it would be much more difficult to fake. It's also very likely that the person who made that webm was not the same person who made that thread on that forum so it's much less likely that they had anything to gain by lying. Do not try and act like the two have the same amount of credibility. You're retarded for acting like independent evidence is just as credible as evidence provided by the person who could be responsible for a hoax. Get your head out of your ass. The one person who stands the most to gain by lying is the person you're saying is automatically credible. This is what makes you a retard.

I didn't defend Epic. I attacked people who believe things without credible, independent evidence.

the forum post clearly shows you how you can replicate this yourself, based retard

>it's not a big deal that its collecting data locally-only
>they'll announce there was a mistake in 4 months and all the data was accidentally sent over the network to 20 different receivers, including the Chinese government

This kind of misdirection and hand-waving happens every week in security. There isn't a damn thing you can do it about it either because lobbied laws protect companies from responsibility.

>Backed Phoenix Point because I am a slut for Xcom games
>Cum Gollops stabs me in the back while gloating they will be in the black even if everybody fucked up

Call me retarded because I deserver it.

Explain to me your reasonsing.

>Won't believe X until proof,
I don't believe X until I see proof. This is correct. This is what everyone should do. Explain how this is hypocritical.

>which can be easily obtained by anyone.
This has no relevance. The ease by which information can be gained does not mean this information is true or false.

>Calling people gullible without any proof
I called people gullible for believing it without evidence. If they confirmed it themselves then obviously I'm not talking about them since they had the same reaction that I did. I needed more evidence. They needed more evidence. They sought it out. I did not. This does not mean I no longer required evidence. I just waited to see it before I came to a conclusion. Just like they did. They were more proactive.

This isn't hypocritical or projecting. It's common sense. Don't believe shit without sufficient evidence. If you're not able or willing to gather that evidence then you should wait for it to be provided for you before you make up your mind.

Go ahead and explain to me your rationale behind disagreeing with ANY of the shit I just said.

If you had even the least bit of critical thinking skills you would realize that a post containing basic information and how to obtain that information would be quickly disproven if it wasn't real, why the kneejerk reaction over it?


Nobody said that. EA games sold just fine on Origin after they bailed from Steam. Thing is, the Division 2 is selling well on uPlay, not Epic Games Store. Get wrecked, Epiccucks.

Then refund it retard

Epic threads have the weirdest fucking shitposters, I swear to god.

Attached: 1542995782732.jpg (480x411, 69K)

That doesn't mean it should be believed automatically. How is this confusing you? Someone can claim that something is easily verified. But that doesn't mean nobody should verify it. You shouldn't believe something just because someone says you can look it up for yourself. I can claim my dick is 15 inches long and all you need to do is pull down my pants and see for yourself. Are you going to automatically believe me just because proving it is easy? No. You're still going to say I'm full of shit until the pants are pulled down. That's how it works.

I bought ten dollars worth of epicbux a while back when Paragon was still a thing. About half a year later I got $2,400 fraud from some shithead in China named shang chong or something like that.
It's a real fucking thing. It's not just "your personal information" or what kind of games you play, it's your payment info too. Hope you have a good bank like I did if you choose to install this chingchong piece of shit.

>I call people retarded for believing it and not checking and not waiting
no you called someone retarded for checking it himself. then you said it was obviously preferable to what you did. that makes no fucking sense
>Do not try and act like the two have the same amount of credibility.
they are both made by anonymous posters on a forum which you said was not enough to make you believe in something, neither credible enough to take as evidence...yet i suppose it is for you
>The one person who stands the most to gain by lying is the person you're saying is automatically credible
what the fuck does this even mean, no one is "automatically credible".
>This is what makes you a retard.
what makes me a retard is actually that i keep replying to your posts even when you got btfo by someone else hours ago.

Already did it.

why did shartifact fail?

>they aproached epic
Poor guy, they fucked you and it still wasn't enough

I'm aware it would be quickly disproven if it wasn't real. That doesn't change the fact that it still need to be verified to be true by independent sources. Just claiming something is easy to prove doesn't mean proof is no longer necessary. This is not up for fucking debate.

No it doesn't lmfao

>That doesn't mean it should be believed automatically.
that's why you verify it, moron. he's literally spoonfeeding you how to, it's the point of the post.
>You're still going to say I'm full of shit until the pants are pulled down
in your case, until someone posts a webm on Yea Forums of it.

You can check it yourself, it's not encrypted


This. It's literally popup ad trojan tier.

>no you called someone retarded for checking it himself. then you said it was obviously preferable to what you did. that makes no fucking sense
I called him retarded for arguing when we both approached the information the same way; with skepticism.

I already explained to you that easily photoshopped images is miles away from a webm recorded while this thread is right beside it.

>what the fuck does this even mean, no one is "automatically credible".
Then why are you acting like the thread is automatically credible, or that acting like it's not automatically credible is a fucking crime because that's all I ever did. From the very beginning all I said was a thread on some forum is not credible. That's 100% true. No matter how much evidence that thread provides it's not credible until that information has been confirmed by someone who has nothing to do with that thread. This is indisputable.

>that's why you verify it, moron. he's literally spoonfeeding you how to, it's the point of the post.
Until it's verified it's not credible. Him telling you how to verify it DOES NOT EQUAL YOU VERIFYING IT.

If I showed you a webm of me pulling my pants down and revealing a 15 inch dick while this exact thread was in the background you would be hard pressed to call that evidence not credible.


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Origin was accused of doing the exact same thing years ago. I would be surprised if Discord wasn't doing this as well. And Uplay. And probably W10 itself.

Discord is probably the worst out of all of them. The fact that you can post a Steam key in any random chatroom, even if you're alone, and the key gets scraped by a bot and claimed should concern everyone who uses it.

Someone should tell Gaben this.

>Only wanted to grab subnautica when it was free
>Launcher doesn't show up in either control panel or >Windows 10's own uninstall tools
>Just outright delete it from Program Files and Appdata

Am I safe?

Attached: 1548800971694.jpg (239x290, 14K)

Well, you're Chinese so at best you're gonna have to move that decimal in 15 one place over to the left ;^)

They all probably dreamed at some point of integrating with steam and making moving from one prog to another simple and easy, saved games, friends, etc and all, but it got shut down by steam or themselves.

Not everything is evil.
Not everything is a conspiracy.

>I called him retarded for arguing when we both approached the information the same way; with skepticism.
no you called him retarded for verifying it on his own machine because it was "dangerous", then you said it was preferable to do so.
the forum post is verifiable, the webm isn't.

Discord is owned by the same cancerous Chinks as Epic.

>People are fighting over vidya STORES
fuck this place

All of these are stores that want to compete with Steam though. They'd be stupid not to get valuable data on Steam users so they can do this more efficiently.

Its probably hiding as svchost

what program is this?

No, people are investigating a privacy breach from a store owned by the chinese.

Even collecting data locally-only isn't allowed under GDPR, these guys are retarded.

I was talking about the thread

I don't care what you autist are arguing about, Just wanted to know if XENOSAGA is worth playing.

Attached: Xenosaga1box.jpg (265x375, 21K)

Process Explorer

We're fighting against Chinese shills trying to spin the discovery that the Epic store is a botnet feeding all your data to the Chinese government and mining bitcoin, there are no Epic fanboys. This is NOT a console war type thing, your fucking freedom, privacy, and identity are at stake if you're using it you idiot.

do you not understand that I believed it after i went through the process of verifying it? how smooth is your brain if you cannot see the possibility of that? are you farming (You)s?

It's preferable to gather evidence yourself rather than rely on someone else to provide it for you. That's obvious. If he's installing the epic launcher on his machine without a VM then he's retarded.

>the forum post is verifiable, the webm isn't.
The webm is illustrating the exact same thing the forum post is, except it's using a medium that's much more difficult to deceive people with. You're still harping on about this shit when everybody and their pet monkey knows how easy it is to make shit up for an image when you've got unlimited time to do it. Making up the same exact shit with a webm you're recording in real time is on a completely different level of sophistication that nobody would ever reasonably do because it would require an absurd amount of effort that not even the original person making the claim bothered to do if it was a hoax.

I'll call you retarded now for arguing with me. I never made a claim. All I did was state that claims need to be substantiated. Any argument against this is either completely unnecessary or trying to insist that claims do not need to be substantiated in which case you're wrong. Don't believe shit without proper evidence. Someone telling you evidence is easy to get is not the same as providing legitimate evidence. Forum posts by what is essentially anonymous people are not automatically credible no matter how much evidence they contain or how many of them repeat the same thing. Independent verification is necessary for a claim like this. If you did the legwork yourself that's fine, but if you did then you already know that what I said was 100% true. You felt the same way I did. You needed to confirm it before you believed it. I voiced the same thing you thought. Why people are getting fucking bent out of shape over this is beyond me. I'm not going to apologize for or back down from what I said. Forum posts out of nowhere are not credible by default.

it's more about people defending this crap
when there were doubts about origin being spyware nobody ever defendend that pile of crap

I'm guessing either chinese botfarmer have nothing else to do or simply this zoomer generation is completely made of idiots that are simply defending the epic like WoWfags defended blizzard.

Process Monitor.

Me too, the only one who tried to steer the discussion to store war shittery was an epicdrone.

I'm not saying you shouldn't believe it after you've verified it yourself. I never once said anything even remotely close to this. I was always ridiculing the people who believed it WITHOUT evidence. You gathered evidence yourself so obviously I'm not fucking talking about you.

You're getting it backwards. They're stupid for wanting to get valuable data from Steam users in such a manner. Shit's illegal, yo. Valve can legally sue them for this kind of shit.

The difference is that nobody was using Origin but a lot of people use the Epic launcher. We're also a decade further now and data mining has become the norm and expected.

If multiple people in this thread are testing and verifying these claims for themselves and all reaching the same results and conclusions, then your argument is completely invalid and it makes it a real, confirmed fact.

They'd be stupid to breach privacy laws and act like absolute scum if the data wasn't very valuable.

Epic about to get Soulja Boy'd, kek

>Yes take them over while they are asleep.
>Overheat them and let them burn.

Lmao get fucked whoever installed this chinkshit.

Attached: 1545370273271.jpg (500x387, 51K)

>a lot of people use the Epic launcher

This is a lie though. No one plays Fortnite on PC at all. There is no Epic launcher userbase.

You're retarded. I didn't claim it was untrue. I believe what the thread is describing is happening is true AFTER I saw much more difficult to fabricate evidence of this that wasn't in that forum thread. Do not reply to me as though I'm denying it. I'm not making an argument. I never made an argument. All I did was wait for proper evidence before believing something, and urge people to do the same. Do you understand? I believe it's true. I'm not getting on peoples' asses for believing it's true. I'm getting on their asses for believing it's true before it was confirmed.

>Shit's illegal, yo
and what law does it violate?

Does your banjo only have one string?

>All I did was wait for proper evidence before believing something, and urge people to do the same.
No you didn't, you urged people to ignore the evidence as dismissedly as possible even though everything pointed it to being true.
What happened is that you wished it wasn't true.

Hot off the presses: It also searches through your root certificates.

Attached: 1323028764592.jpg (680x709, 66K)

>data mining has become the norm and expected
this generation of complacent idiots disgust me

it's like the over 40 yo giving away all their personal information to facebook but this time it's kid for their idiotic shooter for babies

Attached: 1545345941067.gif (309x191, 1.1M)

> All I did was state that claims need to be substantiated
and the ones that actually did that, you called retarded. plus the forum post outlines how to verify it on your own which was the ENTIRE POINT of the post, yet you make it out to be just a claim in your knee-jerk post, since i assume you didn't even read the post since your reaction was "anonymous thread = useless".
> Forum posts by what is essentially anonymous people are not automatically credible
nowhere have i said this, yet you keep "harping on it", but it could be verified.
> You felt the same way I did. You needed to confirm it before you believed it.
i actually need to do it confirm it, but you didn't since it was "retarded" and you didn't have the time.
>Forum posts out of nowhere are not credible by default.
but ones that outline how to replicate it can at least be verified for credibility, which was done, and which was the point of the forum post to begin with

Now you're just talking shit. "as dismissedly as possible" I treated non credible evidence with exactly as much skepticism as it deserves. 100% skepticism. I did not claim that nobody should try to confirm it. You're really fucking buttblasted that you believed it before it was confirmed, and you hate that I'm pointing this out.
>What happened is that you wished it wasn't true.
I've already expressed multiple times in this thread that what happens as a result of this bullshit never once affected me and never will affect me. I have no horse in this race. I've never installed any Epic game or their launcher or anything like it (uplay, origin, etc) so I don't wish for it to be true or untrue at all. Doesn't impact me. Don't get pissy with me and try to misrepresent the shit I've said.

Hopefully this tightens up some of their laxness on privacy.

He's Chinese and posting from a script, he probably can't even understand English.

privacy law.
btw terms of agreement of some random software don't override the fucking laws you undaged cunt

>3.5 hours ago since he got btfo
>he's still posting

>You're really fucking buttblasted that you believed it before it was confirmed, and you hate that I'm pointing this out
Actually I was the first in this thread that posted my own evidence with the steam files in the epic folder and I kept calling you a retard while seeing the facts with my own eyes.

>spends the entire thread trying to undermine and deny the evidence like an Epic shill
>now spinning a lie about how he wasn't doing this at all after getting entirely BTFO

Nice backpedaling.

>privacy law.
what privacy law?

He has to defend his honor in this anonymous imageboard

>and the ones that actually did that, you called retarded
They're retarded if they have spyware on their machines in the first place. Don't pull my shit out of context.
>plus the forum post outlines how to verify it on your own
>but ones that outline how to replicate it can at least be verified for credibility
As I've stated this is not sufficient evidence to convince someone. It is not evidence. Pointing out where you can find evidence is not evidence. Thinking something is more likely to be true because someone states how easy it is to be proven true or false is incorrect. You are allowing yourself to be deceived if you are less likely to wait for that evidence simply because someone expresses how easy that evidence is to acquire. I've given you a very simple analogy to help you understand this. Anonymous posts have no credibility by default. Full stop. There's absolutely nothing to lose by lying.
>nowhere have i said this
You continually act as though this is relevant then which is a problem. I reminded people that it's not credible. You're arguing. If you agree with me then why are you fucking arguing?
>i actually need to do it confirm it, but you didn't since it was "retarded" and you didn't have the time.
You really need to get the fuck over me using retarded. I'm not belittling you for confirming it yourself. I'm belittling people who felt no need to wait for any sort of confirmation. If I'm not describing you then you have no reason to be upset.

Nothing I said was wrong or proven wrong. People are retarded for believing shit just because they see some screenshots. Other people are retarded for arguing with this sentiment after they've verified it themselves because they should know that they felt the exact same way I did about how it needed to be verified before it should be believed. They're arguing for no reason.



Feel free to comb over my posts and show me where I defended Epic. All I did was attack people who believed shit without legitimate evidence. Their bar for what is legitimate is extremely low. If they're taken in by something as simple as that they could be taken for a huge ride without much effort at all. It's shameful for people to be so naive.

Anyone able to confirm this? I fully believe it, but no way will I ever download it myself to check.

OP here. New thread at . I'm looking forward to denial user sperging out for another couple hours.

That's just a reminder that most consumers are sheep who preorder digital goods.

>People are retarded for believing shit just because they see some screenshots.
Your post was the fucking second post in this thread completely dismissing the evidence before anyone even posted anything other than the fellow epicdrone saying he doubted it was true, you can't spin it your way, it doesn't match up with reality.

Attacking people calling out Epic is the same thing as defending Epic you pathetic faggot. That's you colluding like a spineless coward, which makes you as good as a Chink shill. I'm pretty certain you are one anyway.

>They're retarded if they have spyware on their machines in the first place
you said it's preferable to verify this on your own, and in your opinion the only way is to have spyware (you can use vm though), so how would that be retarded.
>It is not evidence
no, but it's verifiable, which means the forum post is useful, which was the entire point. it's not just a claim to be ignored so it was useful to post the forum thread.
>You continually act as though this is relevant then which is a problem.
of course it is relevant that the accusation/information given is verifiable by reproducing it on your own, or else no one would know.
>I'm not belittling you for confirming it yourself.
you literally called me retarded for wanting to verify something which you even agreed with. you're on some high horse calling others retards for confirming it on their own.

Its great that epic keeps historical entries of localconfig.vdf too, so that epic will always know what friends you have or have had any time in the past

>because they should know that they felt the exact same way I did
You dismissed it entirely in the second reply ITT since it was a "forum post", they didn't since it provided steps to verify.

Oh God no!!! Now they will know I have steam and play video games!!

5 Yuan have been deposited to your Weibo account, comrade.

>This has no relevance. The ease by which information can be gained does not mean this information is true or false.
No one said that if something is easily verifiable means it's automatically true or false. But saying it's not relevant is just wrong.
What would be the point in that? If you want to create an outrage you're better off NOT posting instructions proving you were lying. So again, definite - no, relevant - yes.

>I called people gullible for believing it without evidence.
Who and how do you know? Where's the evidence that someone here took it at face value? If you're so hellbent on having proof for everything then clearly you have it for your own claim, right?

And for the last time, it's perfectly fine to require evidence and one should be sceptical. That forum post showed how to get that evidence. Screenshots alone would be considered fake or forged. Webm posted above could show a tampered client. Either do it yourself or you're never absolutely sure.

I attacked people for believing anything any random poster says on the fucking Internet just because it accompanied screenshots. You should be ashamed for thinking I did anything otherwise because it means you're incredibly fucking stupid. I've repeatedly attacked Epic and insisted that their software is spyware. This is what I genuinely believed before this thread, and it's what I believe even more now that actual evidence has been provided. That's the important part though; I waited for some evidence. I didn't bend over backwards to believe shit without independent verification.

>reads literally your entire disk
>oh no how will i ever recover....
AHAHAHHAAHAHAH the absolute state of chink spyware users
kill yourself


Attached: 1548967709578.png (600x1078, 485K)

I dismissed the assumption of automatic credibility. Everyone should have. Most people did. Only a few people believed it without restraint. Those are the people I've been ridiculing. This has been my stance from the very beginning and it hasn't wavered once.

Just use a dedicated disk drive, it's that easy, lol.

>Might as well not link anything at all since it has the same credibility.
Might as well link to a thread detailing a way for us to verify the informatio- oh

If you're such a big fan of quality control you wouldn't be here. Yea Forums is filled with asset flip garbage too but you're not jumping ship.

This but unironically.

>you said it's preferable to verify this on your own, and in your opinion the only way is to have spyware (you can use vm though), so how would that be retarded.
It's preferable to gather evidence on your own. It's not preferable to have spyware on your PC. These two statements stand alone. They are both true. The best way to verify if a drug is lethal is to give it to somebody and see if they die. It's preferable to find an alternative way to confirm this. Do you understand the distinction? You need to work through this shit in your head, mate.
>no, but it's verifiable,
I know it is. But it's important to wait until it's verified before it's believed. I didn't claim it should be ignored. I said it wasn't credible. You must not know the proper definition of credibility since you're getting so hung up on this.
>you literally called me retarded for wanting to verify something which you even agreed with
I called you retarded for arguing when we agree with each other about how it needs to be verified. You literally had no fucking reason to argue with me when what I said was 100% true. Confirming it's true before believing it is the right thing to do. If you did this then you did the correct thing. If I called you retarded it's because you were acting like it should have been believed without being verified first which is an understandable mistake for me to make because you won't shut the fuck up about how I called you retarded for doing something you didn't do.

If your intention is to hoodwink people, prefacing what you're saying with "You don't have to believe me, see for yourself" is exactly the sort of thing you would do; especially when it's concerning something most people are completely illiterate with.

>Who and how do you know?
Anyone who argued with the idea that the evidence needed to be corroborated only did so because their egos were bruised from my remark. There's no other rational explanation for their behavior. People who looked for themselves before believing it weren't on the receiving end of my scrutiny and they had no reason to be upset. Their skepticism mirrored my own.