Grim Dawn
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Diablo 2
New class+something, will probably get tired as it lacks early AoE
I don't know if I should go Oathkeepr + Soldier or + Necromancer.
First time playing GD, any tips?
I got this game expecting a great coop diablo2 like game, turns out you play alone... fuck that.
Get friends.
the multiplayer is deadest
I have this gathering dust in my gog library, because it starts out slow and boring. Should I give it another try? Or is that just how the whole thing goes on?
I'd tell you but I always get bored by the time I hit level 30
What's the secret to enjoying a hack n slash?
I always end up bored
I'd rather play a good game with friends than a bad game with friends
Find a build you like and enjoy. Clear everything and follow the story.
Did I hallucinate one of the notes about Forgotten Gods including an option to chargen a new character that is boosted to Elite or Ultimate tier with a generic pool of points and gear so you could skip the early/mid game if you wanted to?
It's probably the second most important feature I'm looking forward to, behind the new content/story itself.
I totally missed this
The cadenceshitter soldier. Can't wait to be a useless piece of shit and hold LMB all day.
I don't understand the appeal of cadence builds
They're safe and easy.
They're comfy.
Inquisitor/Demolition Man
That is one of my 2--soon to be 3--100s. Physical meleeman is fun.
>mobility skills
Sounds like just what I needed to give this game an honest shot. What were they thinking?
>want to make a poison caster
>no solid poison Cabalist builds in the build thread
Im so hyped for oathkeeper. Why do all their skills look so fucking good on paper? It makes it hard to theorycraft because I want to max them all