Grim Dawn


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Diablo 2


New class+something, will probably get tired as it lacks early AoE



I don't know if I should go Oathkeepr + Soldier or + Necromancer.

First time playing GD, any tips?

I got this game expecting a great coop diablo2 like game, turns out you play alone... fuck that.

Get friends.

the multiplayer is deadest

I have this gathering dust in my gog library, because it starts out slow and boring. Should I give it another try? Or is that just how the whole thing goes on?

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I'd tell you but I always get bored by the time I hit level 30

What's the secret to enjoying a hack n slash?
I always end up bored


I'd rather play a good game with friends than a bad game with friends

Find a build you like and enjoy. Clear everything and follow the story.

Did I hallucinate one of the notes about Forgotten Gods including an option to chargen a new character that is boosted to Elite or Ultimate tier with a generic pool of points and gear so you could skip the early/mid game if you wanted to?

It's probably the second most important feature I'm looking forward to, behind the new content/story itself.

I totally missed this

The cadenceshitter soldier. Can't wait to be a useless piece of shit and hold LMB all day.

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I don't understand the appeal of cadence builds

They're safe and easy.

They're comfy.

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Inquisitor/Demolition Man

Attached: WAR_WH.jpg (800x1284, 93K)

That is one of my 2--soon to be 3--100s. Physical meleeman is fun.

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>mobility skills
Sounds like just what I needed to give this game an honest shot. What were they thinking?

>want to make a poison caster
>no solid poison Cabalist builds in the build thread

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Im so hyped for oathkeeper. Why do all their skills look so fucking good on paper? It makes it hard to theorycraft because I want to max them all