Videogame graphics haven't evolved in 10 years, prove me wrong

Videogame graphics haven't evolved in 10 years, prove me wrong.

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-03-14-21h04m56s384.png (1280x720, 1.41M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Mr. Salieri sends his regards.

>I haven't update my pc in 10 years
>no great pc exclusive in 10 years

>no great pc exclusive in 10 years
That's not the point

Attached: It did.jpg (1170x720, 193K)

RDR2 is an absolute joy to behold even running on the shit hardware it's on.

I can't.

but RE2 and DMC5 are great in 4k

you mean 12

Attached: file.png (1920x1035, 3.44M)

Diminishing returns. They're improving, just much more incrementally.

>couldn't play as Vito in Mafia 3
What the fuck were they thinking?

Attached: vito.jpg (900x900, 72K)

I can't.

Attached: Halo 3_GhostTown.jpg (700x394, 73K)

The point is to have no games right?

There havent been gameplay innovations since 97-98. And when there is an interesting idea its tossed aside, like shadow of mordors nemesis system

Attached: DF10years.png (1020x1022, 1.67M)

Now look at the leap between RDD and RDR.

Graphics at this point don't need to really evolve anymore, hell there's more than a few 6th gen titles that hold up today thanks to their style.
Games should really be focusing on other shit that'll improve the overall experience.

Op said evolve not devolve, faggot

>6th gen titles hold up to current graphical standards
Like which ones?

Attached: 32285276714_7e724c1665_o.png (1920x1080, 3.79M)

IMO, what really need to evolve is CPU speed.

only release from the past few years that actually had me fascinated with it's visuals.
this and maybe TW3. the way in which the trees were affected by wind made for some fantastic moods.

Attached: Red Dead Redemption 2_20190219154819.jpg (1920x1080, 271K)

I honestly prefer RDR1's graphics. Bad example.


Attached: 1396826926115.webm (854x480, 2.88M)

Mafia 2 was so gorgeous
>Winter chapter
>Driving fast
>Wet roads
>Motion blur

Gorgeous game. Looks so much better than every new game's default Unreal shaders.

is this a pro screenshot?

RDR2 looked better

>I honestly prefer RDR1's graphics. Bad example.

Because you're blind

Diminishing returns are a thing you idiot.

What does your preference for an art style have to do with graphical fidelity?

Overrated character.
Tommy is better

Attached: 49344518_718377361890066_2437468440982716416_n.jpg (957x712, 59K)

The way the trees shimmer in TW3 especially in the area to the north is incredible. A real shame about the old lightning engine though, RDR2 shows just how good an impressive lighting engine can be.

I just like clarity over blurriness.

I'm talking about graphical fidelity.

Attached: 1400484677647.webm (720x480, 2.78M)

It's equally as impressive, physically based rendering says hello, not that any of you Yea Forums brainlet consolefags would know what that is

They have, but we've also hit the point of diminishing returns with the current method of Raster Rendering.
The only way to jump ahead again is to swap to Ray Tracing, but even nvidia's "RTX" isn't quite there yet since it's a mix of raster and ray.

How do random modders manage to make better water, skin, grass, etc. than professional developers?

>Posts a modded game

RDR2 is still the best looking game to date

So, this is the power of the PS4, why does the left look so much better?


Random modders don't have to worry about making it run on low end machines or consoles.

has to be

Some of the skin textures in AAA games are of the same resolution that you'd find in Skryim mods (assuming you don't download the super high res ones), but they still look like garbage apart from the face.

There are probably a dozen games that look better than RDR2.

Attached: QuantumBreak 2018-10-09 03-43-27-41.jpg (1920x1080, 508K)

>RDR2 is still the best looking game to date
Behold, consolefag delusion.

Attached: 1540789256730.jpg (1920x1080, 227K)

They don't. What you see in the .webm are very specific settings that only look good in specific conditions. If you used his setup and then, say, went indoors or whatever, it would look absolutely terrible.

it's fucking awesome dude. as someone who's main platform is the PC it saddens me that the most beautiful game from this gen is a console exclusive.
speaks volumes about tech x artistry.
it's even more impressive when you realize TW3 barely sustains 30fps in the middle of the woods, yet RDR2 only goes down when you're in towns.

Attached: Red Dead Redemption 2_20190126173941.jpg (1920x1080, 313K)

working on fewer things at a time/ not having to worry about licensing/ greater experience

I've modded Skyrim countless times, there are plenty of mods to make interiors look amazing.
That's not what I mean though, just specific things such as the way light interacts with the skin.
Makes sense not to bother with small things, but skin and water is pretty major.

Look at all those non-interactive plants and trees

loved that game, shame it'll never get a sequel

RDR is a pretty fantastic looking game on it's own right. Even more impressive is the 4K version on that stupid X console. Love to play it again on it but not dropping $700 on a console with NO GAEMS. RDR2 feels very similar but they dropped a very impressive lighting engine on top and amped up volumetric fog and weather effects to 11.

Attached: Red-Dead-Redemption-2_20190223153107.png (2560x1440, 3.26M)

They care.

Skyrim does look like shit most of the time(mainly because of the base Bethesda made) but some assets are indeed of a higher quality than you'll find in actual games.

Modders are often producing visuals that are on the bleeding edge of things, and generally they use GTA or TES games to show them off. Ambient occlusion, high-res textures, depth of field, lens flares, film grain, cinematic tonemapping, various AA techniques, and other effects were all done before and better via mods than in AAA games.

Attached: 8498968207_2627c7535b_o.jpg (1920x1080, 85K)

RDR2 looks like it's being rendered at 720p, it's no surprise.

user that joke wasn't funny, or have you been living under a rock?


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That video is really awful

>The care.
And they fap.

Attached: 1552161306742.jpg (2791x1570, 2.62M)

RDR 2 is objectively higher fidelity than 1 though. What are you basing your preference on?

Fap a lot.

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what else from the PC aside from KCD has looked half as good as RDR2?

And it looks worse to me. This is beyond art style complaints, I prefer literally every aspect of RDR1's graphics.

Attached: console hold back graphics.jpg (1911x1058, 153K)

I own a pretty decent rig too, and use it more often than my PS4. I cannot fucking wait for RDR2 to come to PC so I can run it at native 1440p and not some fucking retard up-downscaling checkerboarding garbage and disable TAA. But to say RDR2 isn't absolutely gorgeous is downright bad taste.

Attached: DSC01338.jpg (5999x1869, 3.36M)

That isn't even KCD.

Attached: k_putt_22975812889_Star Wars - Battlefront (2).jpg (1920x1080, 660K)

>But to say RDR2 isn't absolutely gorgeous is downright bad taste.
Consolefags, everyone.

Attached: 1547863123752.jpg (1920x1072, 169K)

what made you think i implied it was?

Right looks better.

Attached: 27535467481_1bdc88329c_o.jpg (2560x1080, 459K)

KCD isn't even close to the best looking game.

Attached: 30052299420_c41133ee2f_o.jpg (3440x1440, 2.16M)

the fuck is this from? I need this in my life. Is it the hunter or some shit?

Wait, Quantum Break 2 is happening?

i dont even have RDR2 but you sound like such a faggot. RDR2 is a pretty game. Just because it's not on PC where it would look prettier no doubt, doesn't mean it's not a pretty game.

Metro Exodus is probably the best looking game out right now. Metro is always known for it's unbeatable lighting. It's the first to apply RTX properly too

>But to say RDR2 isn't absolutely gorgeous is downright bad taste.
It CAN look gorgeous, problem is a lot of the times it looks like absolute dogshit due to poor texture quality and terrible lighting a lot of the time.

this BF1?

i was expecting them to look down and have unrealistically huge tits

hope you kill yourself real soon :)

what's this?


That's a good one.

Attached: 1540784313023.jpg (1920x1080, 213K)

but the textures on rdr2 marstons face are quite obviously higher resolution
what are you on, user?

>poor texture quality
A lot of that is to do with the upscaling method used on the PS4 Pro which is where majority of people are playing it on. TAA + poorly implemented checkerboarding makes textures blurry in sections where it can't reproduce the texture data correctly. Consoles running it natively don't have this issue, aka PS4 and Xbox X.
>terrible lighting a lot
Outside of a few cases not really.

what bothers me more than graphics is that the system requirments increasing every passing year for even the simplest games

Why the hell are you getting mad?

which one?

RDR2 looks good but to pretend it looks better than say, Arkham Knight, is bullshit. It tries something similar in using smart art direction to kinda cover the parts where realism is "lacking" but Arkham Knight has infinitely better graphics and a more concise art direction, besides using tricks other than "instagram filter fog" to hide not so well-done places.
Also, one thing that the Arkham series as a whole has that very few games use well is all the lightning and scenery composition which almost forces you to focus on the highlights and ignore the less worked on parts.
But yeah, that game is like 4 years old and I still haven't seen anything that looks better, I'm holding my hopes for RDR2 on the PC but I just don't like R* games from a gameplay perspective.

Attached: DMC5-00003a.jpg (3840x2160, 1.32M)

The first game had passion put into it.
The second is just another GTA5 whale milking simulator.

nice jaggies homie

>cherrypicking bad screenshots
name ONE game where you can't cherry pick a bad screenshot

here's a little tip for ya pal and you can have this one for free, don't sweat it
You can't.

It's about time you realize that high resolutions don't automatically bring good textures. There are literally PS2 games with better texture work than modern games which generally default at 1k textures.

I have yet to see a good example of good textures in this game, care to show me some?

Attached: 1541270525926.jpg (1920x1080, 346K)


With that silky smooth 25FPS lmao

A good looking game wouldn't look this fucking bad at any point.

Attached: 1542369889390.png (1920x1072, 1.13M)

>Couldn't name a game
yeah that's what I thought dickhead

is this pic in defense of RDR2 or against it

you must be insufferable in real life, my god.

I like when remasters run(and look) worse than the original

Attached: 1492954877437.jpg (3840x2160, 857K)

>hahaha I won!!!!!!!!
Congrats man really happy for ya.

>this mad

Its like Skyrim with all the fog hiding the horrible distance scaling.

looks amazing. bet I won't be able to run it like that

i'm not even mad i'm just surprised at your capability to deny a simple fact that rdr2 in fact does look good despite having bad visuals sometimes.
how can somebody waste this much energy on something so trivial is beyond me.

Attached: YeTDcsD.jpg (1437x770, 97K)

Art direction is more important that graphics tech and has been for more than a decade.

Pre-downgrade BF1
Game was too much CoD, too many automatics for being a WWI game.

Attached: Hunt-Showdown.jpg (1280x720, 995K)

Winter and christmas songs was super comfy.

Are you absolutely sure that there aren't a million things missing from Mafia 2 graphics-wise?

is this game anything worth playing yet?

It barely looks good, mostly looks like total shit smeared in vaseline.

How am I wasting energy replying to you? You're "wasting" just as much as well.

Mafia 2 is an underrated gem

You're wrong, OP. Vidya graphics haven't improved in 26 years.

Attached: myst.gif (544x336, 473K)

He's just a pathetic troll, user. Ignore him.

>samefagging now

Attached: 15405558529690.png (1920x1080, 3.55M)

Are your opinions so retarded that samefagging is the first thing that comes to mind when not one but two people call you a fag?
Says quite a lot about you.

it looks good, that's about it


Running it on a PS4 Pro myself so yeah textures rarely ever look good on my machine.

That's because you got close enough to reality where its harder to see the difference between previous steps.

Consider pic related.

You want to get to a circle by using regular polygons, even though you are well aware its impossible to get to an actual circle (because it has infinite points) you are trying to get the closest possible to one. You start with the shape with fewer points, the triangle, then you go up a point one by one until you get the closest possible to a full circle.
You will notice that the more points the shape gets, the harder it is to distinguish it from the previous step.

Now how can this relate to graphics in video games? You can say the circle represents reality, which is also impossible to represent but we try to get the closest we can in own games graphically. We realise that the difference between the ps1 era to ps2 are pretty big compared to the difference between ps3 and ps4, and will be less and less noticable because we are getting closer to reality.

This doesn't mean games now look perfect though, a 100 point polygon can look circleish but its nowhere close to infinite.

Attached: circleanimation.gif (288x288, 65K)

>literally getting this mad that RDR2 looks like shit

I don't understand why people get so defensive about it.

Attached: 1540614510400.jpg (3840x2160, 760K)

Because even though the textures look like shit sometimes it's the most fantastic looking game I've ever played.

And with no evidence I just laugh while I see how ugly it can be.

Attached: 1546923348047.png (1283x719, 1013K)

console " 4k " .

Im pretty sure this graphics card can true 4k 60ps from mid to max settings .

GTX 1070
Rx Vega 64
Gtx 1070ti
Gtx 1080
Gtx 1080ti
Gtx 2060
Gtx 2070
Gtx 2080
Gtx 2080ti
Titan ( from early pascal to current gen ).

Some of those cards are really old so the obvious problem is consoles slowing everything down .

Attached: pslogo.jpg (960x720, 28K)

Where did this pic came from?



Yea Forums

>realtime global illumination
>volumetric lighting
>Physically-based rendering
>subsurface scattering
>hybrid ray-tracing
>significant shader improvements (hair, fur, and muscle specifically)
>the countless improvements in GPU / CPU acceleration like particles and multi-threaded physics shows in weather effects)
>physics-driven animation drivers and improved IK
>photogrammetry now widespread
>a thousand other things you can research just by using Google

You are a faggot. Games look better than they have ever been and continue to improve. Your 2007 meme game having sharp textures doesn't distract from this fact.

Attached: guard_house.png (1366x768, 652K)

I see no reason to try to convince a random user to like something. You seem to have made your mind up anyway, as have I.

i think ghost recon wildlands


Attached: infamous 2 streets.jpg (1024x576, 193K)


Attached: Infamous Second Son streets.jpg (1920x1080, 240K)

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>Shit that ramps up performanxe requirements without actually looking prettier.

I'm not him

All of that bullshit doesn't make games look good, all you need is soul.

Pic you posted looks better than your shitty Tomb Raider game.

>Make a game named MAFIA
>You don't play as a mafioso
Seriously, nobody woudl've cared if they named it "Django but 1960", if i'm buying a game called MAFIA i want an italian cold bloded assassin

>Make a game named Yakuza
>You don't play as a Yakuza
the story still revolves around the organization

Attached: 1546106879608.jpg (1000x667, 256K)

I don't get it, this looks great?

but mafia 3 didnt have anything to do with the mafia

Consolefags, everyone.

Attached: wnt.jpg (3840x2160, 2.89M)

Car games are cheating, all they need to focus on is the car model
Also look at how shitty the floor texture is, then check the tree and what's behind. Once you stop looking at how shiny that model is you'll notice the shortcomings

Horizon games are focusing on everything though.

>all they need to focus on is the car model
"Car games" have to do more with less. They can't just cram the environments full of clutter to overwhelm the eyes and make it look "good". Horizon 4 is pretty ufcking ugly though, I don't know why he thought that picture was a good example.

>Horizon games are focusing on everything
not really
they just bump up the resolution with the 1X/pc and call it a day,
they don't actually improve all the details, they barely try

Attached: pc vs ps4.jpg (3840x2160, 1.56M)

>RDR2 is ug-

Attached: tty.jpg (3840x2160, 1.34M)

looks fine to me

Attached: cit.jpg (3840x2160, 1.52M)



Attached: 2019-03-03_1-30-39_PM-krrwqxbh.jpg (3840x2160, 2.95M)

>blurry as fuck
>looks fine

>Superdetailed car model with pumped up reflection, everything else is blurred
You're proving me right. Since the dawn of console wars, racing games were used as propaganda to see who can cram the most polygons on a rim
Car models for NFS on the PS2 look better than car models of GTA IV on the PS3, because they don't need the player to focus on anythign else

might want to get those cataracts checked lol

Attached: 2019-02-25_7-52-15_PM-zswiq2bj.jpg (3840x2160, 1.93M)

>average RDR2 poster

>How it would look in real life

>How it kind of feels from watching old Western movies

how do modern games look worse on modern hardware compared to pic related, a PS3 game?

Attached: 1325219602263.jpg (1920x1080, 388K)

That's just motion blur

Attached: spg1.jpg (3840x2160, 2.84M)

Of course it is, that's what i'm telling, tracks are designed to look good when you're speeding 250 km/h and don't focus on detail, if you stopped for a second you'd notice texture quality and models not as good as your shiny M3

the game's title in japan is ryu ga gotoku which translated literally is "like a dragon"

Where do you think the performance cost comes from? You think it's just crunching numbers for the hell of it? Just because you have shit untrained eyes doesn't mean games don't look massively better.

The discussion is about graphical fidelity, which has objectively improved over the years.

no shit

>adding blur and ugly effects
What did the brainwashed goy mean by this?

Quantum CPUs when.

well it certainly looks better than op's example

RDR2 embarrasses everything in this thread

Attached: pii2rjmckkc21.jpg (3840x2160, 328K)

Here's one with no blur

Attached: Forza Horizon 4 3_14_2019 7_16_11 PM.jpg (3840x2160, 2.73M)

Attached: OSVZKty.jpg (1920x1080, 223K)

Well what the fuck do you expect? Games can only look so good. If you want better graphics go outside.


including itself LOL


Attached: oi.jpg (3840x2160, 412K)

how many side 3rd-person crouch walking through the woods games are consoles going to make?

not that much....

Attached: SH2PC Title 3_4_2019 10_17_42 PM.jpg (3840x2160, 1.25M)

nah, just topped sales charts last week bud, they already forget RE2 though

Attached: WPWf9ZHFNTqxo9UQRsqkQb.jpg (1280x720, 159K)

You can thank nvidia for gimping the gpu market.

Attached: RESIDENT EVIL 2 3_11_2019 11_29_24 AM.jpg (3840x2160, 1.76M)

The RE Engine makes games look and perform amazing on my toaster of a laptop. It's all about behind the scenes optimization now.

Attached: vrt2sgrezl221.jpg (1920x1080, 125K)

RE and DMC5 don't even look that good. Very nice cutscenes but that's about it.

Step aside, consolekiddies. Unless you can display textures with a higher resolution than 512x512, you don't belong in a graphics thread.

Attached: starwarsbattlefrontii-2017-10-04-22-38-49-069.jpg (3840x2160, 3.19M)

RDR2 possibilities on PC makes pp hard

we still goin' to peecee duuutch?

Attached: 2019-02-18_2-54-58_PM-xhv0qnr3.jpg (3840x2160, 1.41M)

itself and its worshipers mostly

Attached: rdr2_03.jpg (1920x1080, 372K)

stupid dum dum STINKY HEAD

online oculus rift capture the flag is going to be awesome

Attached: 2019-03-03_12-33-17_PM-r2joir0x.jpg (3840x2160, 602K)

Yes, it's called Control.

Attached: battlefront-ii-performance-terrain-Groundcover-Ultra.jpg (3840x2160, 1.49M)

>mostly hair detail and physic was changed
>rest is similiar

Great argument

They haven't even gotten much better since last gen. That's part of the reason the switch is being tolerated.

You mean 6

Attached: 13960128891_57a0f879c2_k.jpg (1536x2048, 1.54M)

looks like GTA 5

The chromatic aberration and lens blur affect in the corners is horrendous

>last gen
Compared to some exceptions on PC like Crysis 3, sure.
Compared to the average game on consoles, fuck no. The jump has been great.

Attached: uncharted-2-train9-1255562823.jpg (1280x720, 202K)

>chromatic aberration
>film grain
God I hate Post-processing. What's even worse is that consolekeks can't disable anything and are forced to play like this. Here an example of good picture quality, everything looks sharp with some subtle DOF to hide the LOD in the distance.

Attached: v0M3s5K.jpg (2048x1150, 388K)

>that one guy on the corner ruining the shot


it was funny when Yea Forums thought that was a photograph, they'd say he was photoshopped in lmao

Why do you hate it so much?

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Attached: Red-Dead-Redemption-2_20181113215404.png (2560x1440, 2.7M)

I hate to tell you dude but that’s a decade now

that screenshot only looked good 5+ years ago.
Vanilla IV holds up so much better. Art style trumps shininess.

Attached: moresoul.png (1920x1080, 1.66M)

post-processing make everything look blurry

Attached: comfy161.jpg (3840x2160, 3.64M)

>right is the same as left except with dusty fog and filters covering shit up

Attached: bch.jpg (3840x2160, 2.51M)

>sustainable 30fps

Attached: 1472847341798.jpg (283x396, 44K)

Law of diminishing returns.


Attached: 21733213.jpg (1280x720, 84K)

Video is shite, comparing trailers is retarded.

Try playing RDR right now and your eyes will bleed with the sub 720p and lack of anti aliasing.

You can increase the shutter speed in the photo mode to the point where there's no blur at all and it still looks just as good, graphically. Especially in Edinburgh and the villages.

Attached: ps3vsps4.jpg (651x1080, 106K)

Most 50-60GB games doesn't even look good as this 3.5GB game.

Attached: 20190308011403_1.jpg (1920x1080, 322K)

Far Cry 2 looks ugly as sin.

Honestly this picture just looks like the right photo tried to up graphical quality in the immediate area while severely limiting the FOV with fog so things aren't immediately rendered

idk much about quantum break, but i have a feeling its linear. games with a larger scope are more technically impressive, while it looks to me the visuals in your pic are on par with rdr2 while still having the smaller scope

here you dick suckers go

Attached: WCCFreddeadredemption228-1480x833.jpg (1480x833, 180K)

I can't really agree with you.

Attached: 20190314022422_1.jpg (1920x1080, 421K)

Wind Waker

>Both titles are being played on the XboxOne X platform

Nigger, try comparing RDR vs RDR2 on the systems they were meant to be played.

RDR absolutely did not look like that on the PS3, not even close

2010 akshully

based retard

this is an in-game character model
now look at a character model from any 2009 game

Attached: 474960_screenshots_20180312052607_1.jpg (3840x2160, 593K)

Looks great on my PC.

Attached: fc2.jpg (1920x1080, 334K)

>saying no
>because it's like mine opinion
>you are retard
Ok, nigger.

Attached: 1549563125673.jpg (210x240, 20K)

Here is a 2007 game instead.

Attached: crysis-screenshot-review-2.jpg (2560x1600, 645K)


Attached: FarCry2_5.jpg (1600x1000, 316K)

>low poly
>low res textures
i can tell

Depends on the game obviously, but to an extent I agree. I was playing Dynasty Warriors 8 and certain aspects look worse than they did in DW4. I don't mind the graphics being bad in a game like Dynasty Warriors, but if a Total War game looks like shit then it would severely affect my enjoyment because the visual spectacle is a lot of the appeal to me. If games still just looked like Half Life 2 10 years from now, or even like still looked like Half Life, I wouldn't be upset so long as the extra resources not spent on unnecessary graphical tuning and baubles went into making real engaging substantial gameplay.

Attached: 20190303032327_1.jpg (1920x1080, 165K)

Imagine being this retarded

>very specific settings that only look good in specific conditions
aweful lot of 'specific conditions' in the gta v modding scene then kek

Attached: 35608402152_81fe8b8476_k.jpg (2048x864, 652K)

Is there a color filter on RDR2?

Attached: 34369978660_801c833e22_k.jpg (2048x864, 607K)

Attached: 34433400750_75dc4c6f4a_k.jpg (2048x864, 865K)

>30 fps with drops
>almost 100% of the scenario is static with zero interaction/physics
>water looks terrible and is as interactive as in Morrowind
>animations "smoothed" to compensate the framerate fluctuations, that makes the game feel like it's in slowmotion all the time
>post processing used to hide low quality of most assets
Great example...

the dynamic lighting system in FEAR still shits all over most games that have come out in the last few years

Attached: 1465339615684.webm (640x480, 2.82M)

>the system RDR was meant to be played on
The PS3 version of RDR was notoriously awful. Worse resolution, worse framerate, worse texture filtering, worse draw distance, worse lighting, etc. 360 was the target platform and it shows.

ur ugleh

Attached: 20170303142603_1.jpg (1920x1080, 549K)

Only S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky can beat it.

>Which Ones
>All those replies can't name a single one

You just proved him right.

the game looks just as good when the weather isn't foggy retard but I'm not going to spoonfeed you.

Games might look better now, but the interaction is getting worse & worse...

ok now post an interior screenshot
no youre not allowed to change filters

Nice plastic city

Nice plastic personality LOL!

Nice plastic brain

LOD is leagues above Skyrim. In fact, what the fuck even is your problem Bethesda?

Attached: xbox_screenshot_rdr2.png (1920x1080, 2.8M)

Depending on time of day yes, I'd say screenshots look better in the morning/evening periods of the day due to the golden hours effect that you get in photography.

Attached: IMG_20190223_191050.png (1992x1152, 3.44M)

Nice plastic good looks you handsome devil haha

Yes, and I don't get why people like it. There's an ugly vignette filter and it looks like the colors were manipulated in LDR, leading to unnaturally gray looking skies (despite there being bloom everywhere). It's also likely the reason their HDR implementation is broken.

I'm sure there's a pretty game underneath all the post processing garbage, but as it is RDR2 is one of the most videogame-y looking games to release in the last 5 years.

I'm shy, don't do this

TESVI and Starfield will look like utter ass compared to this game

Seriously Bethesda what the actual fuck is this?

Attached: xbox_screenshot_tesv.png (1920x1080, 3.04M)

so its not the graphics thats the problem. its the efficiency with the hardware to use said graphics.

Better than fuckin Lincoln clay by a long shot. He literally has no development and is just a stonefaced murder machine.

And all the graphical improvement mods will be creation club only lel

God, nothing gets me harder than good lighting. This is what the devs should be focusing on now. Not using all the extra power to add REAL HAIR FOLLACLES AND DEAD SKIN SHEDDING ACTION, but better lighting, weather and other effects.

Attached: 1539232025863.jpg (236x300, 17K)

We've long hit the point where the main deciding factor for "good graphics" is the artistic capability of the creators rather than tech used. That being said, the next step in graphics requires absolutely silly levels of hardware.

Attached: 1550477876623.jpg (1920x1080, 332K)

RDR2 will only age better with next gen ports and at some point a PC release

I hope it’s more mod friendly. Apparently GTA V is a pain in the ass to mod

i want red and gold to take turns sitting on me

mfw MS:PR looks like a next gen game

Attached: window man.jpg (1280x720, 109K)

You are correct.
Every game since sm64 uses the same texture interpolation.

for modders its a passion project, for developers working jewish producers, its just a way to earn shekels

i like gold's shoulders. i never usually notice shoulders but god damn i wish she would hug me, i bet she could squeeze me really tight. i want to press my face into her chest while she carresses my head and tells me eveyrhing will be ok

Damn... Alien Isolation looks like that???

Attached: Forza Horizon 4 3_14_2019 8_45_57 PM.jpg (3840x2160, 2.48M)

This is the photo mode in the best looking PS3 game. By photo mode, I mean it's an entirely seperate part of the game made just for taking pictures

That's just LA

That sounds pretty fucking annoying. I hated the yellow filter on DXHR. Thankful mods took care of it on PC.

More like 12 years, this is from 2007 on a CONSOLE

Attached: Halo 3_Assembly.jpg (1920x1080, 1.05M)

but it was running on considerably weaker hardware.

>That being said, the next step in graphics requires absolutely silly levels of hardware.
Yep, it'll be a handful of decades before it'll even be viable for consoles. If consoles are even around at that point.

Retards. This is Takodana in Battlefront 2

I'm pretty sure that's by design.

It looks like garbage on those screenshots though with how blurry it is.

I think he's just ignorant about graphical fidelity.

i would do unholy, not entirely legal things to her

Batman Arkham asylum and arkham city look better than some current gen games like nier automata

Attached: maxresdefault (1).jpg (1280x720, 288K)

Where did you develop such a nasty attitude, you console boy? We already have a next gen game on the PC before you've even seen your next gen console.

bidya james

Attached: Forza Horizon 4 3_14_2019 9_10_48 PM.jpg (3840x2160, 3.91M)

Impressive, hopefully rockstar takes advantage of RTX even though the cards are a scam. Hopefully nvidia's next iteration aren't retardedly expensive and piss poor on the amount of tensor cores included.

yeet yeet

Attached: snip.jpg (3840x2160, 822K)

damn videogames and the violence

Attached: snp2.jpg (3840x2160, 650K)

exactly the point.
The only difference between last gen and this gen is the exorbitant amount of bloom and higher resolutions. If developers stopped focusing on higher resolutions and for once used 1080p as a standard then games would actually appear better over more time spent developing graphical tools rather than more pixels in a jpeg.

have a look at this then

lighting that takes in color from the entire scene.

first game clearly has better aesthetics

The fuck is wrong with you guys. Surely nostalgia couldn't be clouding your judgement that hard?

>beautiful on 4K
>buttery smooth at 240fps
>best combat
>best dinos
>best craftting
>best fps
>bst tps
>best rpg
>best survival
>best game ever
Try to keep up pc cucks

>Implyimg that console plebs knows the diference beetween 720p and 4k

>retardedly expensive
Kek poorfag

I could go out and buy two 2080 ti's right now if I wanted to, but I won't because I'd never use them to their potential at all.

>make him a bitch that needs to be saved
>does everything some nobody tells him to do
>aged like shit
He deserved better.

Attached: Mafia_2.jpg (1280x720, 117K)

Nvidia is sand bagging on a refined 14nm process. They could make much denser 7nm cards any time they wanted.

>we want the intel 14nm+++++++ audience
fuck me dude

1080p had always been the standard wtf you taking about

They are always holding back. The first gen 7nm will probably have a small die on purpose, then in RTX 4080 Ti they will increase it to the max.

Attached: 1544288581327.jpg (3840x2160, 2.85M)

Not that great.

Attached: 1470389654469.jpg (1920x1080, 896K)

Looks shit.

Attached: Killzone 2.webm (852x480, 2.94M)

>aka you cant poorfag pleb

>soul vs souless

>Killzone 2
shit man yes!
at it's release it was cutting edge,state-of-the-art tech

They are actually talented and not reddit basedboy developers that got hired due to connections.

what's this?


Photomode doesn't count, user
That's cheating. Even a 10 years old mid-range PC can do some very pretty screenshots in photomode

Kiryu is in and out of the Yakuza like a yoyo though. So not really a fair comparison.

Looks like Crysis 3

I'm still amazed that's the same engine as Just Cause 2
That engine is fucking amazing

yes its true
there was nothing like it back then
you'd need to play that game and see it in motion THEN to understand

Not that big of an improvement.

Attached: Sev.jpg (294x720, 65K)

I did. It was nothing special. They even had to have that shitty fake gameplay trailer that would be impossible to run on the PS3.

Such a shame that engine isn't used for a single player game (with that attention to detail tho)

How did GG fuck up 3 and Shadow Fall so bad?

Attached: KZ2_combat.gif (540x253, 3.71M)

Attached: KZ2_E3_Release.jpg (1150x1850, 543K)

Yes consoles are holding us back. 6 years old technology.

Wildlands maxed out asks for an absurdly powerful PC
But it looks so fucking gorgeous

Attached: swoounfypgky.png (960x540, 1.01M)

I dunno the purpose of this post.

The fake gameplay trailer looks worse than the final version.

also ps3 exclusives at that time were great
uncharted 2 which came out later that year was gorgeous(that was when naughty dog still made games and not shitty soap operas)
they probably had deadlines imposed on them and the passion was lost

So you're just talking about graphics? You're still wrong.

I hate when they overuse motion blur and depth of field. I know that it's to save some processing power (and to hide parts that would look bad) but still

i'm not the same person

Then don't butt into random conversations to derail them.

This makes me sad. I remember after seeing the Cryengine demos that we were only a few years away from literal photorealism.

dem heels tho

you got it all wrong pal
you're having a conversation with SEVERAL people and not only a single person

The Saboteur literally game out 10 years ago and it still looks great even by today's standards. It's fun too. Really surprised it was received so poorly.

Attached: The-Saboteur-PC-Game-Download.jpg (1920x1080, 331K)

It also has some of the best vidya tits ever

Attached: thesaboteur_2.jpg (1600x1200, 164K)

Okay, then. Which guy are you, then? The one I was originally replying to, or the guy who thinks I care about Uncharted?

the uncharted one

delusional poorfags ITT

get jobs, have sex, grow nuts

Attached: 20190312175336_1.jpg (1920x1080, 441K)

That looks good if you're an edgy 13 year old

>looks great even by today's standards


Attached: 20190313102303_1.jpg (1920x1080, 351K)

Ok, now answer why you butted in with something unrelated.

i was just answering to your reply
see this is me

>got both PC mustard race and ps4proshit
I'm amazed about what they did with GoW

Attached: God of War_20181013211840.jpg (3840x2160, 1.26M)

Why the hell did you bring up Uncharted then?

because it was released the same year as killzone 2 and had amazing graphics

That has nothing to do with what we were talking about.

r u trollin rite now?

What does Uncharted 2 coming out that year have to do with whether or not Killzone 2 was special?

Crysis does look damn good even now and it's really fun too. Playing it for the first time because I got the whole series on sale for 8 bucks

Hopefully nuDoom2 will still look good

Attached: 3.jpg (3840x2160, 2.87M)

buddy we're in a thread about graphics
i just mentioned it because i thought uncharted 2 was looking nice and it came out the same year as killzone 2
like in a sense "video games looked better back then"

Are you drunk?

are you?

The problem is that every game dev thinks technology is the way to look good. In these days, it's not. It's style, creativity, and artistic talent. A truly good looking game should continue to look good in ten years.

I don't believe you.

whatever then
i ain't speaking on it no more

Pretty sure that is from the single player, might be in the online map as well, but you'd never notice cause of all the other shit going on constantly

That's good, I was sick of you bringing up random things.

Graphics don’t matter, gameplay does which companies can’t seem to figure out either outside of a few.

RDR2 is better simply because of the pose. looks like a real cowboy instead of a creepy rockstar model.

>1080p standard
>maybe in 2013 faggot
>its 2019 its either 4k or nothing

RDD looked like shit even for the time

Looks like a ps2 switch game
Absolutely disgusting for todays standars faggot

>has bear

>move joystick and smash buttons

>Everyone jerks eachother off over photos of up close detail that nobody actually pays attention to during gameplay
Fuck this up close shit, give me some crazy long view distances and sweeping vistas. Sacrifice some of the up close detail to make the distance LOD not look like muddy potatoes. I want to see for miles.

old game good
new game bad

>move joystick and smash buttons
>smash buttons
are you implying something here?

they have, just not to the extent of a 10 year gap back in the 80s, 90s, or 00s.

It's true though. Just because you lost an argument doesn't make it false.


Attached: that this fuckin guy dude.gif (236x224, 1.89M)

They have to make a whole game, not one water shader.

Jesus, you're a idiot.

Italian suits are fucking sexy

Beyond soulless
Oozes with pure SOUL
Only neo-Yea Forums thinks otherwise

Yap. Something about "new tech" in graphics always HAVING to deploy before it's _ready_, before current GPU are capable of rendering it effectively. aka a game like RDR being able to take full advantage of current-gen tech (to its "fullest"), vs. RDR2 having to make compromises to look basically good by "today's standards". Why is the video game industry like this?

>Unrelated tangent question:
Disregarding graphics, which Mafia has a better/more comfy/more kino atmosphere: 2 or 3? I've only played the demo for 3 and the gameplay was pretty meh imo. 2 seems like it has a more comfy game-vibe though, maybe it's the period it's set in? But especially the winter scenarios.
Looks pretty realistic to me

Yea Forums has really gone down the shitter. I remember when the only responses would agree and show a picture of a recent game with the label 2002 and an old game with the label current year.

Maybe the real poorfag is you and you're just deflecting because you really want to suck nvidias cock but you're too poor to :^)

Fags can't into Forzatography

Attached: K3ZamxI.jpg (1920x1080, 381K)

Attached: 1542992161309.png (973x547, 1.14M)

niggas who actually think graphics have gone nowhere in 10 years are fucking blind

Attached: ob3rz8ynova21.jpg (960x539, 294K)

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Attached: 25byyit43vb21.jpg (1080x1920, 232K)

having a turn rate is not the same as having input delay

these are the same people who say that DotA2 feels clunky

>Videogames haven't evolved in 10 years


Attached: 863fab47-5073-44ad-9888-8f33a811993e.jpg (1120x630, 528K)

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Attached: 4ujd5kihlea21.png (1080x1920, 2.36M)

you can literally see the huge delay before he even starts turning

Xbox One X runs DMC5 at native 4K.

That's all for today.

Attached: 32744989718_d54fc384cc_o.png (1920x1080, 3.17M)

They have, it's just the rate of progress has slowed to a crawl.

Attached: cdccbabc-171f-4029-a025-fe460688c987.jpg (1120x630, 213K)

RDR is just a texture slapped on a model.
RDR2 is going to have more dynamic shit like proper skin stretching and wrinkles when wrinkles makes sense

1 more and that's all.

Attached: b2ndmknchba21.jpg (1920x1080, 276K)

>myst is 26 years old
Fuck, I bought it new

Attached: 1483406499964.jpg (245x231, 20K)

Lighting is leaps and bounds better in Second Son

Give me that thicc momma on the far right pls

>using gran turismo's glamour photo with graphics you'll never see during gameplay

I know RTX is a meme, but racing games would/will look orgasmic with that shit enabled.

b-b-but muh graphics!

So a bunch of blotchy lights and low poly buildings = art

No no no
You see, they're getting older so their skin isn't as smooth as before!

Why the FUCK haven't a bunch of autists banded together to give this game a proper patch, it's one of the few gta-likes I can stand

>on the systems they were meant to be played.
Nigger what? The fuck does this even mean? I play RDR2 on my X just fine, it’s the best looking version of the game.

thought this was a photograph

Halo 3 ran at 1024x576 on the Xbox 360.

I can cherry pick too

Attached: Capture+_2018-12-09-23-15-21.png (1184x720, 843K)

the one on the right has more soul

It always bothers me how somethings are never truly round.

Here's your proof
Also your image is proof in and of itself with the terrible jags

Attached: 501_5MP_Resolution.jpg (600x433, 89K)

I easily spent 2 or 3 hours just aimlessly driving around in driver view with the christmas songs
Peak comfy.

Attached: goat.jpg (1920x1080, 486K)

>posts an 854x480 webm and thinks it proves anything

Why do graphics like this have to be wasted on a fucking hunting game

>blur and ugly effects
If you want to bitch about ugly brown, bloomy, and blurry shit then "10 years ago" is exactly the timeframe where that shit started and its usage has dropped off significantly since then.
The 7th gen had by far the ugliest games ever.

plateaued at crysis

Attached: TriangleComparissonSmall2.jpg (700x176, 17K)

the colors are soothing


Is this GTA 5 ? How does one achieve this, may I ask?

Can't wait for RDR2 on PC. Gonna upgrade my PC for it. Shit looked great on even my PS4.

shut up nigger

>Videogame graphics haven't evolved
commit self suicide against self

Attached: 3214359-24938872013_905e3512b2_o.png (922x519, 1.23M)

Kingdom come was kinda strange though, because it looked good and bad at the same time. imo