fucking Steam
Fucking Steam
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DLSite English needs to up their game. Or at least change the name of the charge on your credit card bill. Maybe Epic killing Steam would be a good thing.
Billy D is an angry incel /pol/ weeb tard.
get fucked, you sicko
I don't recall any lolis in that game though.
Why pedophiles think they deserve any right?
He would fit well on Yea Forums
haha you deserve it
There weren't, but the release was initially delayed because Steam asked them to remove the pink-haired girl from the game entirely before they changed their minds. They're giving this dev a hard time.
>DLSite English needs to up their game
Fucking please. They need to do some rebranding and make a dedicated english service. I want to stop seeing porn on steam without censoring myself.
good less clutter in my store
>explotiation of minor
>fictional character
Never understood this logic. They are not real. Why is it ok to murder children, like you can do in nonbanned games, but not exploit them?
Campo Santo faggots strike again.
Are there actually minors in that game or is this another Witch from Dragon's crown bullshit?
>Maybe Epic killing Steam would be a good thing.
There are no minors in that game
>pedophiles getting BTFO
What's the problem here?
how do they know her age
>Or at least change the name of the charge on your credit card bill.
Maybe tell people to stop reading your bank statements you fucking pansy.
its some west coast faggot just saying if it has a cute face then ban it. theyve banned cute faced characters with huge tits and womanly bodies before.
wait I thought hollywood lizard jews were promoting pedophilia
So this is just another sjwitch hunt built on lies and they'll get away with it yet again.
There's one character with small breasts and that's it. No actual lolis. See
Is this game actually good? i heard it had ntr
Anime = minor.
Get fucked, pedo.
>banning cartoon characters for looking a certain way
do we really imahe need this shit posted here?
it's kinda insulting how they're saying that small breasts mean that you're not an adult yet.
she has very big boobies for a minor
a minor is not a child
It's not really NTR in any traditional sense. The two main characters are just fuckbuddies. The female does fuck other guys yes, but the male character also fucks other women. As for the gameplay, it's basically a simple rpg monster hunter parody. I'd rate it an okay/10. Nothing special, but not bad.
It's nice that OAG reports on censorship but that's all it has going for it, the site is a shitty tabloid full of exaggerations, hyperbole, and outright misinformation on top of articles regularly being rushed out with insufficient research and requiring several revisions. It's little better than Kotaku, just with a different target audience.
Except you can't kill kids in most games. And the few you can, you get heavily penalized
It'll get in eventually (just like the base game did) and all the redditors ITT will be BTFO as always
>a drawing on a piece of paper is not a child
that boy ain't right
steam mods are allowed to ban anything they want for any reason and nobody can do anything about it other than gabe and he doesn't seem to care much these days. flat no management structure was a mistake.
Does Billyboy have a life at all? Seems like he's just browsing the web for things to write clickbait about
>tfw daemon slave is no more
This. Normies simply won't win against the legion of pedogamers who are the last sane group left on this planet
At base level you'd think so but in truth they wish to ban it. At younger ages women are still relatively pure of jewish media taint (or at least are still within recovery range), meaning they are less likely to do degenerate shit like cheat and sleep around, or try to divorce for money. It also often leads to having more children because the first one comes whe she's still young. This goes straight against what (((they))) want, but they're not dumb so they pretend to advocate it but behind the covers they support it being banished forever. Note however that I'm talking about actual long-lasting unions like oldschool marriages, not literally exploting minors for work or sex in your basement.
>one flustered faggot
What's is this DLC about?
It was not a mistake before they hired the SJW that made Firewatch
>nazi pedophile
>it is okay for fuckbuddies to fuck other people
Give me just ONE reason why love between a child and a man, as long as both consent is bad.
It literally is though? Dumb virgin
Children literally cannot consent.
Because doctor Silverbergstein said so and he's my greatest ally.
You've probably been this mad about that site and saying this same thing over and over for a couple years now. Don't give up, and godspeed champ.
According to whom? Power hungry adults is who. That's like saying kids can't say no to anything at all.
stop right there
Enjoy your stds
how come Resetrannies are left speechless everytime this is posted?
But they can agree to a sex change and hormone treatment that will affect their entire lives and likely lead to suicide, right?
Yeah more room for train simulator DLC
Imagine if this was real exploitation, they would probably accept it like in Netflix.
>can say yes or no
>cant consent
oh so that's why you mutilate their genitals at birth without asking
>Jews is why my fat ugly uncle didn't molest my tiny asshole
Reminder: Anti-pedo is codeword for anti-white. It's literally in our culture.
Yes they can
When I was a kid I consented to tons of things
I love cunny so much bros.
>teach a baby these two words
>babby can now consent
>fug babby
Western society stigmatizes people, especially girls, who have sex too young, making it difficult to have good relations later in life, but children don't understand this.
People that tend to be the more vocal against to loli drawings are actual pedophiles or closeted pedos.
Daily reminder that the Danes couldn't find a causative effect between lolicon and child molestation: archive.fo
what is this game and should i play iit
>hentai game DLC
just buy it somewhere else. Fuck steam. It's just fat middle aged roasties that envy young 2d sluts.
All these faggots talking about diddling kids when the actual problem here is that the game doesn't have any minors in the first place.
Thanks saved
delete thsi
Does the DLC have new characters or it's just the same ones from the main game with new scenes? If its the latter, then it makes no sense to ban the DLC when the base game is already on Steam.
Posting headlines from this piece of trash site should be an instaban.
Resetera pedos love to shift the blame
That game was very disapointing, didn't do anything for me at all.
Reminder that Danes also think fucking dogs, pigs and horses is natural and thus legal
I agree, but only if the same is applied to Kotaku, Polygon, and Twitter screencap threads.
>implying Yea Forums hasn't been pro-pedo until you filthy magapedes invaded and forced your cuck culture on the site
didn't this game also get taken down, but accepted back for the exact same reason
probably some assblasted sjw employee in valve is doing this
I'm sorry that you don't know what condoms are.
this is going to sound like some crazy shit, but people do it irl too. i married a woman from hong kong, we are both the exact same age. when we were still dating, back when we were like 25 i use to get comment from people that did not know me very well, about "don't you think shes a bit too young for you" because she looked like she was 16. shes petite and very youthful in appearance, its resulted in some people getting up in arms over it before knowing her actual age. now that we are both 31 i still get the occasional friend of a family member who chides/questions me for not getting someone my age, even though my wife is technically 4 days older than me.
Figures the children on Yea Forums think they're empowered and can consent to things far beyond their mental capacity. Literally the most underaged board on Yea Forums.
Cope harder incel
Looks like the normalfags are rising up
>degenerate likes fucking animals
>animals aren't compatible
>degenerate is out of gene pool and has no bearing on human evolution going forward
>degenerate likes fucking animals
>illegal so has to have a beard family
>fathers little degenerates who also like fucking animals
>more degenerates in the world than before
Allowing animal fuckers to reproduce is a net loss for humanity, let the Welsh have their sheep.
They are all jelly as fuck
Yeah, one of my exes had a flat chest and got the same shit for it and had self-esteem issues because of it. I guess "body shaming" only applies to fatties.
Meanwhile Evenicle is still on Steam, despite constantly depicting underage girls getting raped.
yeah because having an orgasm requires 200IQ
>first two points literally says child sex dolls and fictive cp cause people to commit sexual assault on children
Let me guess, you're an EOL shitter from United States of kikes?
This is why I support gay marriage
The gay gene will snuff itself out in a few generations
Danish man once told me its legal to fuck sheep if its of opposite sex so..
Daily reminder that Billy dated trannies and got cucked once, which led him on his "crusade"
there is no gay gene or else it would have. its a defect and/or disorder.
imagine having pro-pedo pdfs on fucking speed-dial
recent studies say nothing like that at all
>race traitor
You and your imported whore will both hang on the blessed day of the rope
well thats whats so fucked about it. i don't think they are jealous, but it gets frustrating to deal with. my aunt for example has been the most outspoken about the relationship, accusing me of having yellow fever, and flat out asked her if she was a mail order bride at one point, which heavily offended my wife, especially since she makes a lot more money than me.
yeah, that has happened as well but lucky for me my wife does not seem to care.
Well whatever it is gays being evolutionary dead ends instead of marrying a woman and having kids to keep appearancs is a good thing
based lolichad
How are the Steam drones defending this?
Which is also weird, why can’t I kill kids in an r18 game?
Since we don't know the source it is all the better to keep them from passing their genes on in case that's a factor.
Bisexuals are the ones who need to be purged, forget even genes they're just a wellspring of STDs.
what about bi people you fucking retard
Shame you just posted proof of the contrary then. Maybe learn a second language if you're gonna cite them.
>accusing me of having yellow fever
What an absolute cunt, I hope you called her a cunt to her face.
Because they know, and they know we know.
Because its pornographic, not real, but the intent is to beat off to it.
>The Justice ministry.
>Police- and Punishmentdepartment
>Slotsholmsgade 10
>1216 Copenhagen K
>Re: Request for comment regarding sex-dolls that look like children, and fictional child-pornography.
>The Justice Ministry has in writing (this "writing" is a noun) of 15. february 2017 to Sexological Clinic and Visitations- and Treatment Network (their own translation: "Mental health services in the Capital Region of Denmark"), requested a comment that can illuminate:
>First off, whether possession of sex-dolls that look like children, can lead persons to commit sexual assaults (the exact legal definition is of course iffy, but the writer probably didn't worry about exact legal terms themselves), or if such possession can prevent people with sexual thoughts of children from committing assaults on children.
>Secondly, whether fictional child pornography, that aren't realistic portrayals and thus don't appear in the same way or close to the same way as on photographs and film, can lead persons to commit sexual assaults on children.
>In relation to the request can be informed, that the Visitations- and Treatment Network in 2016 was host for 14. conference in International Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders (IATSO) with the title: Desistance from Sexual Offending - About Treatment and Other Effective Approaches. Here a part of the world's leading researchers had been present, and digital assaults on children was the focus of many of the speeches and discussions.
>In connection with the reply to the request from the Justice Ministry, contact has been made with these colleagues and experts abroad. There has furthermore been been made a comprehensive literature search.
>Whether the use of fictional pictures and sex-dolls increases the risk of committing sexual assaults among persons with sexual thoughts of children, is not directly informed in scientific research, research that is relevant to the questions will be examined.
>allow zoophilia
>but only if it's straight
This fucking made my day.
I just want 5 minutes alone with all you sick fucks. I'll show you a fucking lesson.
Thats just a degenerate fetish, its not a real thing.
today i will tell plebbits to fuck off
these HAVE to be false flags now hahahaha
I'll cum on your daughter cute face
>there's an unironic chink lover in this thread
You must die. We'll cut of your dick and choke your whore with it while you get to watch, before we gut you.
t. kotaku employee
the bi gene will still get spread out into the gene pool, you can't win loser
The Danish paper states the opposite. Guessing you pedophiles edited and retranslated the Danish one to suit your agenda.
I like this art style. These girls look like they suck a mean dick.
Internet tough guy alert
Is this game any good?
You can buy loli onaholes with naked girls on the box straight from US Amazon. Sometimes when I'm fucking it I think about the mexican getting paid minimum wage not allowed to go to the bathroom at the warehouse that had to wrap it up and ship it off to me (along with many others).
sorry i'm not into faggots
oops, see i forgot to mention the best part. she only dates black guys, and has 2 kids by 2 different guys. most of the family avoids her on account that if she catches you outside of a family gathering she tries to get you to buy into one of her pyramid schemes involving cosmetics.
>actually wanting normalfags to know about loli
>Kicked off PS4
>Kicked off Steam
How about you pedo scum just kill yourselves already?
>there's no correlation between pedophilia and arousal to drawings depicting children
Guess that's why there's cp board shills on 8ch /shota/ and /ss/
My father once told me these wise words many years ago
>women are never sexier than when they are 14
DLSite has a long fucking way to go before it becomes a real store. For example, did you know that all user reviews there are cherrypicked and edited to be positive? Not a conspiracy theory, I saw it in action because I used to submit reviews there and all of my shit was edited to make it sound like praise. I quit doing that when a review where I called one CG set boring was just flat out blocked.
>hentai game
Really now?
Oh well I like the game so I will give it a pass I guess.
>thinks loli is some kinda secret club
Fucking autistic moron
Everytime OneAngryGamer says there's no minors there's a schoolgirl somewhere.
It's funny because the nip who drew that got busted for cp possession
You keep playing dumb, friend.
There is LITERALLY nothing wrong with fucking schoolgirls.
Literally retarded.
It may be called "DLC" but it actually is content that was developed after release
Does the JP site also do that? I knew the English one was completely cucked for a while
Normies and ironic weebs fear the loli.
Nobody is arguing that strawman. Prove a causative relationship between lolicon and child exploitation.
yes you are
why are you lying nigger
Because he knows Yea Forums is stupid enough to believe any post even if no source is provided.
Remember if you want to ruin someone, just call them a pedophile and people won't even ask for proof.
You don't even know what pedophilia is. I don't defend pedophiles, but I won't side with morons that get triggered by hentai either.
*sees thread* *picks up shotgun*
looks like it's time to take out the trash
Truth is harsh, we know. But I'm not worried your fragile ego can't deal with it, you're masters of double think after all.
Have one last (You), you braindead retard
Does this DLC even have any new characters to criticize?
Steam demonstrating pretty well what it's all or nothing when it comes to hentai
it's not
it's beneficial
Got to come out of your basement for that to happen you impotent LARPer.
Yeah, I guess those
I bet she cunnyposts
Do Steam RPG maker hentai games even allow shota and loli content? I remember one game had the /ss/ content cut out and so I stopped pirating english translated games for steam.
cope harder, incel.
thank you, have a nice time teaching babies to say yes
she looks like she was born out of incest
Maybe you should, you know, read the whole thing?
>white older anglo literally defending pedophilia and even incest
Every damn time. These subhumans are no better than Jews or Muslims
Turn every minor into a gnome, problem solved, or just release the game without porn.
>even steam knows autistic anime drawings are depicting children
>closet virgins still trying desperately to damage control with stupid fucking excuses
which their parents consented to
> Men find children sexually arousing so we should let men fuck our children despite whatever psychological damage it might cause
>psychological damage
>poltard starts to break out his graphs
Fascinating how you dumb cucks will believe a single sick person the moment they say something you agree with, yet deny thousands saying the opposite, with evidence. Truly a unique trait among angoblins
>causing psychological damage
U wot, violent rape will but just simple sex wont
If someone knows what the "Fakku" on my bank statement is they can't judge anyway.
>tfw no short haired petite gf
Why do kikes fear loli porn?
>to this day 1:20 kids get raped in the UK
>have the biggest audacity to cry "pedophile" at the drop of a hat
is this the obligatory laugh at Bongs thread? I'll start
Watch Leaving Neverland, retard.
Start posting said evidence
Jannies confirmed pro pedo. Rev up the CP dumps lads, they've given us the go-ahead signal.
>life ruined
>nothing to lose, nothing to stop them anymore
>kills your entire family and all friends
>cripples you for life so you can contemplate your stupidity
Actions have consequences.
>thousands saying the opposite
>30 year old roasties jealous of pictures
Bongs are the most hypocritical people on the planet.
They constantly bitch about things Americans do, but you can see Brits commit the same stuff.
/pol/ is conservative and hates pedophiles, but now they're suddenly pedos, too? You know this boogeyman would be fine if there was at least some kind of coherent logic behind it, but there isn't.
Yeah, because sexual relationships always stay as just that, and don't ever evolve into complex emotional and romantic relationships that might cause damage in a situation where it's between an adult and a literal undeveloped child.
Why? To counter a literal who's non-existing evidence? Nah, I'll let you keep on believing that cunt. Makes it more likely for you to get busted one day.
Fuck off retard.
All game stores that have DRM should be killed. DRM is fucking dumb.
/pol/ hates lolis and anime. Wtf are you on about?
So are you saying /pol/ is actually gay pedoes?
>Turn every minor into a gnome,
Exactly what I intend to to
But I will use robots instead and offer the original models off-site
>no jew last name
absolutely based and c-pilled
better busted that repressed
Nearly every Disney child star.
threads like this should be used to gather evidence and put people on watchlists
I don't understand. If it doesn't have minors in it, then why did it get banned?
>moving the goal posts
Was sex even mentioned? Not that I'm agreeing with your point.
/po/ has always been gay pedos
Everyone on 4channel is on a watchlist
including you?
>woah real data, better make fun of it to make my conscience feel better about pretending it doesn't exist
definition of cope
>one angry faggot OP
>pedophiles everywhere
So it's true what they say about gamers being degenerate MUH DICC NIGGUHs
watchlist does nothing if you never act on it.
I hope the robots are actual robots, and not grey skin human with some lines.
Fuck off, visual novels are NOT video games.
/po/ is indeed a disgusting place. Folding paper is such a weird hobby.
You people should join leftists. Their goal is to legalize pedophilia after all.
They're all alone in the world. I'm glad they are being fucking out in the spotlight and ridiculed. Fuck these sick fucks. They deserve to be pointed out and shamed.
That's not a VN though. This is about an actual porn rpg.
I don't want that, I just want people to leave fiction alone.
Forget the original models, just make a lewd robot game.
I need it.
Its happening whether is via leftists or via Islam
Every anime girl is a minor to them it's never going to end.
? But leftists hate lolicon.
I want to like this game but the male protagonist completely ruins the experience for me, if it was only Azel the game would be perfect.
Why even impose limits in digital worlds ? how can they even tell how old a drawing,3d model is ?
what the fuck
>I agree that steam had a right to take down rape content, why would a small group of people be allowed to have what a majority considered disgusting?
Fuck you faggots
You motherfuckers are pathetic. No wonder women hate gaymers.
I hate actual pedos but I don't give a shit about drawn lolis and shota. Leftists are the opposite of me.
hurts muh feefees
>200+ posts
>98 ips