God of war

god of war
>94 on metacritic
>9.2 user score

what went right?

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Other urls found in this thread:


PS4 players aren’t virgins thus have superior taste.

A complete game with no microtransactions, DLC, pre-order only bonus, etc

Dad journalists loved it because it reminded them of taking their wife's son to the store to buy some girl clothes.

looks like a tryhard MMA fighter

this and the game is huge without being copy-paste shit

>Rehashed boss fights
>Backtracking out of the ass
>Ends on massive sequel bait
>A complete game

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>A complete game

No tranny agenda

Critics and normies are easy to impress.

Just make The Last of Us with a different skin.

It got dumbed down for an even dumber audience

>what went right?
marketing and shills

ape escape 4 wasn't made

Despite what Yea Forums says, it's a pretty good game

>zoomers hate backtracking with new abilities to open up new areas

It's 40 hours at most with side content and copy-pasted enemies and bosses, the fuck?

Plays about as good as one too

This was my favorite fight of TLOU.

Attached: GowBoss.webm (800x450, 3M)

this, you fight like 9 trolls and all of them are the same with just one different ability, same can be said with the stone things

Yea ForumstendoGAF will forever be assmad that God of War not only released to massive critical praise but also won more GOTY awards than BoTW in the year of a Rockstar release.

Pic related, something nincels will never relate to.

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I hate nintendo as much as the next contrarian but GoW was not deserving of GotY or actually it was considering it now sits alongside thing such as Overwatch, DA:I and BotW as overrated garbage.

It pandered to casuals who only care about graphics and like movies more than video games.

Compared to the rest of 2018, it was easily the best.

GoW deserved to win out of those nominated games. My pick was MHW but GoW deserved it way more than say RDR2 and definitely way more than BoTW did (Nier deserved to win that year)

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That is the furthest thing from a compliment.

Yet it has a combat system that makes BoTW look like babbyshit.

It was a pretty fun game.

>didn’t play on give me god of war mode
Imagine being this casual.

>I hate nintendo as much as the next contrarian
So, this is the power of Nintenfatlard cope.....

this game sucks

Pandering to the lowest common denominator pays out

Didn't realize I entered the BoTW thread.

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>it didn’t deserve to win
>but it was the best
>lol who cares

Honestly Nintendofags are pathetic waste of shit.

No I unironically hate nintendo from a contrarian point of view. They get put on such a high pedestal on Yea Forums but 90% of games I've played of theirs are underwhelming as fuck. BotW was the bullet to the head of overrated Nintendo games.

Rent free

BotW was a fun game to explore but holy fuck the combat was trash. I don’t dven mind the weapon breaking but flurry rush trivialized everything

I disagree. Never even finished it.

>GoW deserved it way more than say RDR2
Yeah no lol. GotY was definitely paid for, you don't find it odd that the same voting pool gave RDR2 an all round higher score yet somehow GoW gets more votes at the end?

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*dabs on the fat poorfag nincels of Yea Forums*

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Probably the best Zelda combat had been up to that point though.

>shitposted by NintendoGAF for years
>ends up with higher user score and more GOTY awards than Zelda
Learn your place, toddlers.

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Dont worry guys, once Sony buys all the other studios no one has to fight over the quality of the games.

Yeah it shows how Rockstar/Nintendo bonus is real.

GoW has more collective goty awards than RDR2, which has LESS awards than RDR1. Just let it go, dude. RDR2 was a bad rehash that didn’t bring anything new to the table.

>thread to say GOOD things about the game
>still post the meme you stole from nintentards
You're not very smart aren't you?

>popular vikings tv show
>god of war
>thor ragnarok
>thor kicking ass in Infinity War
maybe people like vikings and Norse stuff.

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I'm a nintendo fan and I still have a PS4 and played this game, I mean I'm not poor, imagine being able to only buy the cheapest console (aka PS4).

Because not only was it a great game itself, but also a really good GoW game
A companion system that wasn't absolute trash and some actual development for Kratos/Atreus. Only things that really hurt me was not giving Múspelheim justice (I'm a fan of it) and Niflheim being mostly a farmfest
Plus, Sigrun was one od the few bosses in games that were challenging without having THIS inflated stats compared to the rest of the Valkyries. I don't think I was ever as satisfied with beating a boss as with this one

>journalist are SJWs according to Yea Forums
>snoycucks will swallow anything snoy shits out
I guess it pushed all the right buttons

>let's just forget about the actual metascore so I can post this hehe

The large marketing budget.

It's not about income. It's about mentally ill Nintendo manchild fanboys that can't cope with Sony games getting more praise than their toys.

Stop being delusional. It wasn't 10/10 revolutionary like people say but it's definitely a strong 9-9.5.

>PS4 players aren’t virgins
That's where you're wrong. Our poor virgin eyes can't handle the body of a female fellow sexless sony boi

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Honestly one of the best games I ever played

RDR2 has two 97 scores. Is it better than BoTW then?

Metacritic reflects hype more than quality.

Did you miss half the people that are shitting on it?

He said while posting games made for virgins

Also funny how the console wars shitters always lurk these threads

Definitely had more fun and got more play time out of RDR2 whereas with GoW even though I got it for half price I still felt ripped off and was left wondering how the FUCK it was even close to being considered for goty.

You see, I find it funny that even when OP has all the good intention in the world by creating this thread, Sony negros are still so fucking idiotic that they can't have a thread without shitposting in their current enemy (Nintendo for now), all your threads are about shitting on Zelda or calling the Switch a toy or whatever.
I'm PC+PS4+Switch before you start calling me nincel or whatever (you always do), but holy shit guys, can you discuss your own fucking games without being idiots at least for once? I should know better and just stay away from any Sony exclusive discussion, but man I wish I could just fucking talk about the game without your forced console war bullshit for once.

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Not even, it’s your typical clunky euphoria engine open world game that puts all its effort into presentation but none into gameplay. 8/10 at best

>Sony wanting to keep disgusting weeb virgins away
Based as fuck if you ask me, also kill yourself.

And people care more about Joker in Smash and shitposting about BOTW. Sony always wins ;)

Shut up nintenfatlard

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i played through the whole game and it's neither of those things. copy pasted bosses everywhere

A devoted ay of snoyboys. I'm looking forward to playing it desu desu desu nico nico nii

Cope harder fat incel

Even if you were right, which you aren't, how is 8/10 a bad game. Kys fucking retard you're worst than vydia "journalists". I sincerely hope someone fucking stomps on your testicles so that the idea of you reproduces isn't even remotely possible.

Console war shitters are like the niggers of the board.
Niggers shit up a country no matter how good the other people are, just like console war shitters shit up the board, everyone would be better without you fucking parasites.

Agreed bro, fuck weebs and fuck female depictions. Sony is based

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Unironically this.
Sony forcing incels to start lifting weights and getting laids instead of being so pathetic


They aren't virgins therefor have kids. That's why they eat shit like this, it feels relatable to them.

retarded sonybots and sjw "journalists" likes interactive movies, the game is shit for anyone with more then half a brain

Yikes samefag harder you fat nincel

Wait, you can "throw" the axe while it's flying around?

t. seething snoy tranny

Yea Forums says japan has uncensored porn on all there games yet they censor the genitals how do you explain that???

grow some balls faggot, you may be needing a weekly test injection

ohnonono you weren't supposed to point this out

Master piece of a game made for high test Chads.

Nice one OP. Look at all the coping.

There's a point where extreme masculinity becomes gay, Kratos is past that point, the incredibly deep voice, beard etc. all of it instead of looking manly makes him look like some homosexual trying to cover up his homosexuality, the icing on the cake is him dragging his son around as if to say "I do fuck girls, here's proof" does anyone actually think he's cool?

Imagine being this mentally occupied by fags

You sound like a tranny

>Tfw you are never a contrarian,ex:REmake 2 is one of the best RE , DMC 5 is probably the best DMC but you feel like GOW 4 is the worst of the series

How is it worse than 3? That game was retarded in so many ways. Barlog's absense was noted.

It's just an observation, watch some of the fucking trailers for instance:


His voice is hilarious.
and you sound like a homo loving faggot.

It's a complete and polished game.

Fuck man I loved it desu ,I havent played it in a very long a time but I have really good memories of it like 2 and 1

Kino trailer

Haha what a fucking moron

GoW died one month after release. RDR2 still has discussions all the time and tops weekly sales charts. Relevancy is everything, GoW isn't relevant at all one year later.

Too much testosterone for a beta such as yourself?

Yet it won all the GOTY awards despite releasing months earlier.

> BBbbut review scores
By this logic, these are the best games ever
> 1. Ocarina of Time (99)
> 2. SoulCalibur (98)
> 3. Chrono Trigger (97)
> 4. Perfect Dark (97)
> 5. Super Metroid (97)
> 6. Metroid Prime (97)
> 7. Portal (97)
> 8. Super Mario 64 (97)
> 9. Super Mario World 2 (97)
> 10. Super Mario Galaxy (97)
> 11. Super Mario Galaxy 2 (97)
> 12. Super Mario Bros 3 (97)
> 13. Super Mario Odyssey (97)
> 14. Breath of the Wild (97)
> 15. Grand Theft Auto III (97)
> 16. Grand Theft Auto V (97)
> 17. Grand Theft Auto SA (97)
> 18. Resident Evil 4 (97)
> 19. Metal Gear Solid 2 (97)
> 20. Red Dead Redemption 2 (97)
> 21. Grand Theft Auto IV (96)
> 22. Final Fantasy VI (96)
> 23. Chrono Cross (96)
> 24. Twilight Princess (96)
> 25. The Wind Waker (96)
> 26. Code Veronica (96)

No one cares or will remember those awards user. So you're telling me you would rather win awards? Then your product be extremely successful and relevant deep in the future?

Why are Nintendo and Rockstar games so overrated?

Because all other devs are fucking scrubs compared to them?

Now post it with without the Nintendo and Rockstar bonus inflation

GTA San Andreas & III are objectively groundbreaking, and deserving of their scores. The rest are shit though

The game was extremely succesful and will be remembered until the next master piece sequel is made you drooling retard

>Bu bu muh nu-devs like Fromsoft or uh CDPR should be the ones getting high praised in 2019!!!
>No Nintendo and Rockstar!!! REEE!!!

Why is this getting discussed so much today? Was there an update?

Nigger it didnt have new game+ at first and was only added cause they realized how stupid a choice that was. Fuck outta here

Nintendo bonus doesn't exist, but excluding Rockstar games it looks like this
> 1. Ocarina of Time (99)
> 2. SoulCalibur (98)
> 3. Chrono Trigger (97)
> 4. Perfect Dark (97)
> 5. Super Metroid (97)
> 6. Metroid Prime (97)
> 7. Portal (97)
> 8. Super Mario 64 (97)
> 9. Super Mario World 2 (97)
> 10. Super Mario Galaxy (97)
> 11. Super Mario Galaxy 2 (97)
> 12. Super Mario Bros 3 (97)
> 13. Super Mario Odyssey (97)
> 14. Breath of the Wild (97)
> 15. Resident Evil 4 (97)
> 16. Metal Gear Solid 2 (97)
> 17. Halo: Combat Evolved (97)
> 18. Final Fantasy VI (96)
> 19. Chrono Cross (96)
> 20. Twilight Princess (96)
> 21. The Wind Waker (96)
> 22. Code Veronica (96)
> 23. GoldenEye 007 (96)
> 24. Half-Life 2 (96)
> 25. Bioshock (96)
> 26. Half-Life (96)

What you're describing is RDR2, not GoW

Can you exclude all the soÿ bing bing wahoo Nintendo trash?

>but excluding Rockstar games it looks like this
Why so inscure of a dev that's beloved world wide and influenced many Japanese devs?

>"empty" start playing

>all that bing bing toddler shit

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>people loved the game so much they wanted to play through it again
>devs listened to the fans and even added new content for ng+
That makes them even more based as fuck

>Get to the gatekeeper of hell
>"Oh shit sounds like a fight"
>It's just the fucking troll boss for the 6th time in a row

Good fucking god.

Stop seething Snoy's

This is the most copy pasted game to come out in years.

>thread about God of War
>pathetic nincels come squirming into the thread
LMAO every time. Go get laid

NG+ is for gay faggots, you should feel lucky enough bitches whined for them to add it.

Snoy's can't stop crying & seething pathetically about Nintendo, their victim complex is so pathetic. They use "Reviews" to try and shit on Nintendo fans, but then cry about "Nintendo bonus" whenever a Nintendo game is rated highly.

I got bored with it after the part with the elves.
So monotonous.

He sounds like a dude tired of his past angry self

Aww angry little nincel

Rockstar isn't Snoy and has more roots to Nintendo than them. There's no reason to be so inscure about another dev.