>"The Switch version’s frame rate issues and unique controls also prove to be obstacles, especially since the Switch controllers aren’t really best-suited for shooters."
Why Nintendo release Switch with such shitty gyro controller garbage?
>"The Switch version’s frame rate issues and unique controls also prove to be obstacles, especially since the Switch controllers aren’t really best-suited for shooters."
Why Nintendo release Switch with such shitty gyro controller garbage?
Other urls found in this thread:
The Switch literally is subpar mobile hardware so it makes sense.
Sony doesn't want its fanboys to realize they'll never get Gyro aim, and it being the reason why Switch players stomp the competition.
>NIntendo is cheap trash
And the news is supposed to be what?
Gyro controls are superior to traditional controller shooting though?
hahahahah mobile gamer subhumans
i've never played fortnite
>yfw Sony was right the entire time
It is. Stick controls are objectively the shittiest control scheme for shooters. Im guessing it's another shadowrun where the better control scheme completely btfo the competition and has to be removed from crossplay
>bad for shooters
Weird how splatoon works sweet as tho ennit?
>Gyro unsuited for shooters
i'm regretting buying a switch everyday
Keep seething
>Sony doesn't want its fanboys to realize they'll never get Gyro aim
DS4 supports gyro you dumb nintendo anime tranny
Am I suppose to care about this? PS4 still isn't getting SMTV.
It was a glitch that has been sense corrected. Op is a sad little So(n)yboy
You cared about this when Sony was the bad guy
>pretend outrage over fucking fortnite of all things
already ran out of things to complain about? why not make another thread bitching about xenoblade or zelda
Honestly, do Switch owners even play Fortnite? Any way to keep track of which userbase plays it the most?
>pretend outrage
This reminds me
Nigger it's literally the most played game on switch.
Switch users are the biggest manbabies.
>Why Nintendo release Switch with such shitty gyro controller garbage?
Is not this problem. It's Fortnite itself or in general with any modern game today. Higher framerate can give you a advantage. Games today are tied to framerate to calculate. The example is the rate of fire is tied to your framerate.
No I didn't. No one over the age of 12 gives two shits about Fartnite. Although, in my view Sony is still the bad guy because they aren't allowing crossplay in that Power Rangers game and censorship straight out of the 90s.
I do when I need to do the friend challenges. My shitty phone can't run fortnite.
Any fucking source to back that claim?
>do Switch owners even play Fortnite?
Not really.
Most Fortnite players are apparently on PC and PS4.
The iron-y
It's not a glitch but crossplay isn't dead.
To explain the new update changed how random matchmaking is handled and PS4/Xbox and Switch/Mobile now have separate servers but you can still have xbox and Switch players if you form a team beforehand.
In other words this thread is just sonyfag shitposting as usual.
Lol Switch users are being treated like plebs. In all seriousness though this is good. Switch players cannot compete with Xbox or PC guys.
I like this meme, literally retards that never play shooters say this
>shitty gyro controller
seething stick control faggot
But not superior to mouse and keyboard.
And a PC could run Uncharted 4, what's your point?
Nintendo sure loves their shitty hardware gimmicks, even though they're always to to the detriment of gameplay.
Uncharted isn't a series worth pirating
Not that user, but Fortnite gyro aiming really sucks. Anyone expecting Splatoon level of controls will be severely disappointed.
Survive Together
>Not that user, but Fortnite gyro aiming really sucks. Anyone expecting Splatoon level of controls will be severely disappointed.
>shooter where you have to actually aim at your enemies takes more skill than "shooter" where you can just spray ink around randomly
>this somehow makes splatoon have better controls than fortnite
Epic can't afford it anymore.
You can't be serious? After the bitch fit Nintendo had, plus the millions of dollars spent on advertising cross play and Fortnite?
Of course it's not real you idiot.
It's also the most played game on PS4 so great point made there champ
Back when Switch players were only matched with themselves it was a complete shit show. Mobile players are better then the majority, you could literally run through the map and most players didn't know how to swap weapons.
Performance issues aside I felt sorry for them when they got merged with Xbox and Ps4 players for a bit.