Fighting Games

how do we improve this genre ?

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Kill all anime fighters

lowering the execution barrier but keeping the depth of the game, people don't like to hear it but most newcomers will drop a new fighting game quickly if it's too difficult to actually do stuff, they don't even get to the part where they explore the more advanced mechanics, only a few dedicated stay

the main thing is they need to stop being designed for esports competition. fighting games need to be somewhat exploitable and uneven for the most part, not homogenized and locked down

Make them more difficult

is skullgirls an anime fighter?

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Make single player content and dont allow newbies to use multiplayer features until they finish main campaign where harder AIs uses every single cheese tactic people often use in multiplayer.

Wifi filter
Mandatory 60fps benchmark filter
Shitton of single player content
Carefully designed MMO / gacha / freemium economy which gives noobs and whales a reason to have 20 matches every single day to level up pants of their character or grind for cosmetics to pimp up their waifu

SINGLE PLAYER CONTENT which will make reviews say this game is the dark souls of fighting games.

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Protip: Even with lowered Execution these players wouldnt stay.

What makes fighting games great is that they are deep competitive games.

You would have to take out literally everything that makes a fighting game a fighting game to attract a wide audience.

The type of player that gives up because they cant do a hadouken will also give up when the knowledge barrier is too immense for them.

Wifi filter
Rollback / delay option
No fucking esports

It doesn’t need to improve. It’s a niche genre and if we dumb down current games for the sake of esports, the “real” fighting games will die. Nobody will play them except for hardcore fans of each franchise.

Pros will go to the best paying game, casuals will just pick up the easiest game that makes them feel good without having to learn anything and 70% of the other players will follow them just because it will be easier to find people to play with.

The genre is too diverse too. Comparing SFV, DBFZ, Unist, Smash and Tekken and suggesting one to do in all of the franchises is ridiculous.

And they'll drop the game because they don't know how to play against any good player because these same players whining also haven't even tried to make the step towards understanding their opponent's tools, how you can condition them & answer them on a basic level.
Pandering to casuals is a lost cause for fighting games. They WILL leave regardless of how easy the game may be.

>locking MP until people finish SP
No, this is an awful idea. Thank God they don’t let lobotomites like you be a game dev.

>freemiun economy
This would be an amazing idea to make players pay for cosmetics and support the pro scene with that money.

Ensure that Yea Forums has absolutely no input on them

like these suggestions.
do you mean have a fighting game where you create/customize your own character, their outfits, hair, etc.? how would move-sets work?

No more shitty story modes and bring back good arcade mode with good endings. Have some other side single player content as well. Other then that have good tutorials and netcode.

give me the games for free

Skullgirls is a VS style fighter with Street Fighter normal-diversity.

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isn't mk/injustice like that? but the multiplayer are dead

More sexualized females
More sexualized males
Results in more dedication to learning the game so you don't just feel like a pervert playing with nude mods, you have EARNED your place as a nude fighter who doesn't need clothing or armor to kick ass

Also the beard ryu nude mod with pubic hair is THE best male nude mod in any game period

I'll never understand fighting game players who buy the game, play single player modes until they unlock everything, and never play VS, but apparently they make up a huge percentage of the consumer base.

>Wifi filter
>Mandatory 60fps benchmark filter

These three would make the multiplayer experience sooooo much better.

Filter people with bad internet in general.
Like let them make an automated speedtest to the a relatively close by server.

>Make single player content and dont allow newbies to use multiplayer features until they finish main campaign

Completely stupid. I skip the story in all the fighting games I play because they're all dogshit. I just wanna go play against people.

Don't lock MP under that barrier, but the idea of extended Single Player experience is good, especially with AI that's more unique & has specific flaws for players to understand basic means of playing neutral: Make an AI that mostly approaches with Jumps, for example.

netcode and crossplay


For some people the arcade/time attack/ w/e are fun to play because the game can be attacked like any other can. It's also a way to play the game and keeps your timing on stuff fresh without having to mess with playing online- which sucks unless you're outside of Japan. I play 3s arcade all the time because online is fucking garbage and parry is impossible without drastic timing adjustments.

Practice modes are also fun if you just like getting better at execution.

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CSGO in past didnt let you play competitive until you leveled up to level 6 i think?

Why is putting a little obstacle between scrubs and pros clashing online a bad idea?

In game called rumble fighter everybody starts with plain dude / girl in white tshirt and basic martial arts. You have to grind or pay for better clothes / fighting styles.

Think about buying or equipping RYU / KEN fighting style on your persona. Or simply dressing your RYU with pieces of clothing like boots, pants, headband, shirt, gloves and so on. Easy to implement, infinite fashion possibilities and you would have to grind the colors or something like that to het golde gloves.

I think unga bunga mashers are the worst thing for people who actually want to improve and learn. I don't think that's a problem you can really fix, sadly.

I wish server based was a thing. I dont mind not playing with brazilian monkeys or anyone below the equator

reopen video game arcades so young people can gather in the night and throw down
bring the 70s back

Useless to make an AI that does that, when everyone in the lower ranks of any fighting game plays exactly like that and has flaws in their gameplan.

Its not like everyone playing online is a fucking monster, go online and everyone in silver and bronze just jumps all day.

More (diverse) single player content. I'm not paying $60 for a game that has a shitty lazy single player campaign.

If you removed the single player only people from fighting game sales the whole genre would've died a long time ago. You need those kind of people to keep something afloat, not a case like FPS where both casuals and more hardore people just play mutiplayer and neglect SP modes.

>2D fighting games
You don't. It'll be rock paper scissors forever.
>3D fighting games
Remove meters, remove in-fight cutscenes, and make movement priority so you avoid situations where guessing is forced repeatedly with little risk.

The game itself can be peer to peer, which in theory is even better than place a middleman server between players.
But you could use an authentification server to verify their internet is up to par before they can play other people, that would be fine enough.

CSGO can do that because they have more ppl than average fighting game community. It's more diluted in skill level. and ironically, casual is more noob unfriendly than ranked in sfv due to smurfs.

Is there a reason truly 3D fighting games don't exist? Something like for honor but made by a competent FG studio would be interesting, it would also allow for real single player content.

Fighting games are stale as fuck for anyone who isn't 100% on board already.

Don't build your games pandering to casuals
They'll think they're hot shit after beating their friends in a drunken night of versus mode and get their shit slapped in multiplayer
Then they'll drop the game because "tryhards ruin the fun" and then the actual fans are left with a shit game
Just give them an arcade mode, story mode, and an alternate control type where they get auto combos from mashing

Arena fighters like the naruto games and jump force exist.

They are mostly very casual though

Any fighting game player that plays the actual meat of the game--versus mode--is either in practice mode or playing against a human being. And those are the people who continue playing the game after 2 weeks. I guess the recent trend of DLC characters is an attempt to capture their $$ over casuals, which I suppose isn't entirely a bad thing.

How is Tekken not truly 3D?

Not a single fighting game that was casualized to appeal to a wider audience sold better than it's predecessor.

True 3D requires mapping too many of the controls to movement and camera orientation, which results in a shallow combat system

>Lower execution barrier.
>Skill gap is even bigger because people that are already good got even better.

Nice job retard.

>The genre is too diverse too. Comparing SFV, DBFZ, Unist, Smash and Tekken and suggesting one to do in all of the franchises is ridiculous.
this is a good point. there are so many high quality fighting games out, also including anime fighters like blazblue and guilty gear.
problem is the community gets splintered between all these games as a result.

Make the gamespeed a little faster than is comfortable for the average player so that it feels godlike if you pull off a proper reaction to something.
Make most other things balanced so the majority of the game revolves around mindgames and not around abusing some mechanic or tier lists.
Some guaranteed combos though so you need a little practice for execution, but nothing artritis inducing.

Something different then the typical meta human using their arms and legs as well as the occasional fireball to fight each other.

Skullgirls is honorary anime since it's basically conglomeration of various styles of fighting games.

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KOF is pretty much this and people still ignore.

> dont allow newbies to use multiplayer features until they finish main campaign where harder AIs uses every single cheese tactic people often use in multiplayer.
This is a terrible idea. It'd just mean more people quit before ever actually going online. Single player campaigns have a 75% completion rate at the best of times, make it frustrating on top of that and you've killed most of the chance new players will ever go online.

Because it ends up diluting the positive qualities of fighters. How can you play footsies with a guy who can run across the map with ease? You'd have to start making concessions to make it work and at some point it becomes completely detached from a fighting game

I dont play Tekken but isn't it just locked to a 2d plane until you side step? I know SC functions this way.

Im talking about 3d movement like a DMC game, but less crazy of course. The 2d beat em up genre had a revolutionary leap to 3d that i don't feel fighting games ever did

all the current games are fast as fuck. I mean you can abuse the mechanics.gimmicks at lower rank but it's hardly ever useful at higher rank.

>posts Juri
>has absolutely retarded opinions indicating he doesn't actually play fighting games
Really makes you think.

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Would you consider For Honor to be a fighting game? Maybe not traditional as it allows 3D movement, but it does have all kinds of traditional fighter elements. It is very toned down in terms of combos and the like, but I thought the directional fighting was a unique addition.

Yes absolutely. As is marvel. All a game needs to be anime is air dashing, double jumps, long combos, crazy gimmicks.

No, just because there are similarities doesn't make it the same genre. That's like calling dark souls pvp a fighting game.

I'd disagree slightly, T7 simplified some stuff a bit but is doing way better than the last two games. Significantly casualising does nothing for a game though. SFV has been a leaky ship of entrants, DBFZ's numbers are crashing down while T7 is in mostly a good spot despite so little esports money.

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Not fucking play it, SF hasn't been good in literally 20 years.

Just change what kind of footsies you play, increase the range, you can do anything, make the characters attack in any way, make them move as fast or slow as you need. It doesn't have to be and probably shouldn't be street fighter 3d edition, the genre can be rethought from the ground up.

Yeah it really is a shame.

I think saying Dark Souls is a fighting game is MUCH different than saying For Honor is a fighting game. Dark Souls doesn't have button combos to do attacks, nor does it focus on 1v1 duels like For Honor does.

the mvc series is actually pretty unique in regards to flight mode/8 way airdashing

MvC2 and UMvC3 were extremely good
We need another game like that

stylish action games have pretty complex mechanics even with the camera controls.

You aren't thinking through the consequences of these changes. Just give them huge range attacks mean now you have full screen lock down, higher speed means they can just get in with no issue. Suddenly we now have a crappy 3D arena brawler

having auto-combos as an option for story/casual is ok imo, but have it turned off in ranked mode.

>the community gets splintered between all these games as a result.
That is more an issue of no game unifying everything though. There were lots of great games when SF4 was out, most people did play a handful of games but nearly everyone was playing SF4. Playing multiple games has always been a thing, but now the main reason people branch out is SFV sucks dick. The community can seem splintered cause there is no game that everyone wants to play.

tekken is now the only game that has what SF4 and MVC3 had, which is a small group of top-flight competitive players who are mostly unbeatable by lower-level competition, who are capable of doing cool/smart shit in-game that the viewer is not

>how do we improve this genre ?
Stop appealing to casuals by lowering the skill ceiling. Just add a good tutorial.

I hate assist combos, one button combos and comeback mechanics... so if they absolutely need to be there, make it so I don't have to fight losers who don't have time to learn the game so they can mash X and think they have skill. I don't care if I can use it, I don't care if I know how to deal with it; why should someone learn how to play when others believe that they are so entitled to what they do in their own free time that they don't have to learn the game? It's insane. I am the person who wants to play fighting games and get better at them, I am the person devs make fighting games for. At least give me the option to actually play against people who feel the same way by turning that shit off in ranked or player matches.

They can also start by not gutting content from a predecessor, and in worst case scenario selling it as DLC. TEKKEN 7 is great, but it lacks so many different game modes and TEKKEN Bowl is such shit, I feel bad for people who actually paid for it rather than getting it in the season pass. How can they have dropped the literal ball so hard there? No online? No leader boards? No friend-leader boards? No customisations? What the shit.
Don't get me started on the fact it lacks replays, ghost battle data and team battle modes.

I get that, but they're all dependent on juggling crowds of CPU punching bags, not fighting a different player with the same abilities

>dont allow newbies to use multiplayer features until they finish main campaign
Nah man just make it like dota2 where you have to play 100 matched before going ranked. Make people play 1000 unranked matched (offline vs pc doesn't count) before letting them go into ranked.

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my point isn't that the variables I listed are the ones that are going to make a good FG, I havent put any real thought into it. Just that they have control over everything, smash is weird as fuck, pushing people off the stage to kill them is a completely new approach to a win condition. They have the power to do something as weird but still satisfying.

Autocombos suck cause they don't teach you anything. MvC3 had the best idea where L,M,H,S was a basic combo nearly every character could do. It teaches you the basic form of a combo but requires no real skill

>Just add a good tutorial.
>When 90% of people just mash through it or drop soon as proper combos are introduced.

what's the problem with new players playing ranked mode?

It's retarded to grind for gameplay changing/breaking abilities. Everybody needs to have every tools from the beggining and just grind for cosmetics.

imagine someone who had fighting game background and absolutely stomp newcomers due to 1000 game restriction.

A good tutorial explains fighting game things to them like cross-ups, option-selects, tick-throws and conditioning etc. Not just "press back to block and up to jump"

what do you mean? they stomp newcomers regardless

>I havent put any real thought into it.
And if you did you'd realise to it doesn't really work while making a good fighting game. You'd either need to make something distinct from a fighter or start restricting the players more. A higher freedom of movement either means you require oppressive tools to lock your opponent down, or it because a game where they can endless run away and you have little ability to control them. That is why good fighters put more restrictions in

so why put on ranked restriction anyways? It's the same shit over and over regardless game mode

sure, dmc wouldn't work as a fighting game but the simple fact that you can have mechanical complexity in third person means that a smart enough developer could engineer a genuine 3d fighting game with depth.

Not having them in ranked allows for the balance team to focus on the complains of the ranked playerbase. Getting to ranked in dota2 or this hypothetical fighting game means:
>That players care enough about ranked to actually spend time playing unranked
>That after all those unranked games you are suppossed to learn the mechanics(this is why the number of games played needed needs to be high) and won't get fucked by a fireball spam and go complain about lack of balance.


Remove all blocking. That's it, fixed.

Bull-fucking-shit, the golden age of fighting games is over. Now it's niche genre for those that lived with the arcade scene.

Server based makes no sense because both game clients need to be kept in perfect sync.
If you don't know what I mean by this then take a moment to research how fighting game netcode works, and compare it to FPS games that use a client-server model (that permits desyncs, rubber-banding, etc)

DBFZ perfected the genre

Any input more complex than a quarter circle is too complex for 99% of people and therefore it should be simplified.

Yes I love when both me and my opponent throw out a super-dash at the exact same frame and yet I manage to hit him instead of it clashing.

PLEASE be bait.

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More puppet characters.

Make a good 3d fighter,like nuns but way more deep

Fighting game fans are very few in number, are extremely picky over what counts as a "real" fighting game, and they don't even play games, they just bitch online instead. Just let the fightan genre die already. If you want a game on a 2D plane where you play as characters who's objective is to fight one-another, I would play Smash bros instead.
Hot take opinions:
>Smash IS a fighting game
>Smash is more difficult to play than SFV (as an example). Individual commands may be easier in Smash, but Smash has way more complex movement options, and requires higher APM.


Improved depth, mainly towards defensive options. I also prefer slower fighters so I may be biased.

Ok, point to where the Urien/Bison/Guile touched you.

Ranked is a bad mode in general, especially for a genre with short matches. It really doesn't help fuel the positive attitude of improvement that you need to get good at fighters. It rewards win at any cost over focus on improving. Win at any cost is fine for a tournament setting but training like that breeds bad habits. It'd be better if they kept that stuff hidden, instead rewarding players for how they did in a match overall. So instead of you lost -100 points, you get a few messages of did 5 3 hit combos, anti aired 6 times, didn't reach goal of 3 throw breaks etc. Have that add a bonus to what currency you earn per match

I think an overhaul of how AI is handled could do wonders for helping beginners.
AI opponents with a variety of profiles, each based around playing in effective but highly exploitable ways, allowing the noob to learn a lot by countering the various strategies.
Realistically though it's too much work. Game devs seldom put much effort into the AI part of games (not sure if it's a skill set thing, or just a matter of priorities)

Dota 2 also has a recommend and player puntuation based on their behavior. Not letting them get to ranked until a certain point guarantees that they have learned the game, and that other players have already played with them. If they lag like hell or are toxic players they'll get reported and if they are good they'll get recommended. The high game count requirement also filters trolls as they'll need to spend a lot of game hours to go ruin the games of those who play a lot/are good players.
All this has to be accompanied by game support and balance/bug fixes frequenly. Without this the game will die regardless of the community's will.

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As someone who doesn't really like fighting games I got really interested in one from a thread a few days ago. really wish I saved some of the webms but I think it was called samurai showdown V

In the vids the characters were getting killed by just a few attacks and 1 special would insta kill you sometimes

it looked really fun imo because they would get really into the footsies aspect of the game. blocking and dodging was a more important aspect than performing long combos from muscle memory. (which is the part of fighting games that turns me off originally)

pic related i believe was the game

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t. Gringo viado filho da puta

There's a new Samurai Shodown out this year which looks very faithful to the old ones (specials taking off pretty much an entire health bar). Might be cool.

>What are the vergil fights, the credo fight, and the bloody palace
The only thing that DMC "lacks" is a PVP option, you already fight enemies that are either the one's that can be player controlled or some other that behaves like it could be one.

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It's even worse than an anime fighter, it's (may Allah forgive me for uttering this word) a marvel clone

More waifus with big fat fucking tits.
Assfags have the fightan genre dominated right now and its fucking disgusting

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I think you're just thinking about how to make a street fighter game 3d which I agree, you probably cant.

I consider both smash and For Honor types of fighting games, what is fun about the genre can be transplanted onto something new. The genre is dying because we are still playing variations of street fighter 2.

It was Samurai Shodown V Special. Ow. is a classic

Attached: Ow.webm (320x240, 2.94M)

The Vergil fights in dmc 3 are what made me believe a proper 3d fighting game could exist

The genre is dying because in the arcades fighting games were about the only real PvP genre available.

>a marvel clone
But Skullgirls is actually balanced as fuck thanks to the small roster so that alone makes it nothing like marvel.

>The genre is dying
How can that be true when numerous games are selling over 3 million in their first year and new ones keep coming out? You just don't really understand fighting games

what do the arcades have to do with a genre failing to evolve in the present day?

More 3D fighting games and a stronger 3D fighter community. There's not enough competition to improve or become more interesting as games.

Tekken is going strong, but SC6 is dead on arrival, DOA6 is dead on arrival, and there hasn't been a new Virtua Fighter in years. I really want VF4EVO or VF5FS on PC

Oh if you actually care about the games then yes it is dying. Every modern iteration of every major FG is a watered down version of what it used to be, this comes from a identity crisis and the shift to appeal to an audience that doesn't actually like fighting games.

I dont care how much MK sells or sales in general, I care about the total lack of innovation and the complete regression happening all over.

This, fighting games aren’t dead yet. Issue is more lastability so it might be more of a marketing issue. We need Ninja or Pewds to give a fighting game a thumbs up.

brutal footsies like this gets me going
hope the new samurai shodown game will be similar

>They're dead
>Actually I mean they are all bad
Man just stop. Why is Yea Forums so embarrassing when it talks about fighters?

also, they actually are slowing down in sales, Tekken 7 is not the highest selling game in the series by a long shot, SF is in the bin as are all other capcom games. All the other shit is so niche im convinced its only alive because FG's are cheap to make and sell based om leeching onto big name brands.

>also, they actually are slowing down in sales, Tekken 7 is not the highest selling game in the series
But it did sell more than T6 and TT2. Presumably it did better than that F2P Tekken as well. MK keeps growing

so, which major fighting games are currently selling at the level they used to?

the genre has already been ran into the ground trying to appeal to casuals that still don't give a shit unless it is MK and even then the game till dies after a month. Trying to be casual is what ruined SFV.

cool, so Tekken 7 is doing marginally better then 6 while still being less than half the series peak and MK is still a gigatic piece of shit. Fighting games are looking real healthy.

Tekken is also doing better than Tekken 6 did. Bamco said they were happy with SC6's sales but I don't know of any overall numbers.

I used to be a big fan of the Marvel vs Capcom games, MVC2 and UMVC3 were my fav's, but I also liked the old ones like Xmen Vs SF, Xmen COTA, and MVC1. After experiencing the flop that was MVCI, I have no hopes for the genre.

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The genre doesnt need to improve

You do.

>cool, so Tekken 7 is doing marginally better then 6
It has beaten the life time sales and is unlikely to stop. Only need 400k more for 4 million, and the 3.6 number is a few months old now anyway.

>MK is still a gigatic piece of shit. Fighting games are looking real healthy.
lol, you can't even contradict it doing well so just shit yourself. Sure you'll do the same with DBFZ doing well.

different user here

Tekken, MK and SF all have some crazy records to live up to so that's not saying all that much

Play Tekken before talking or you'll keep embarrassing yourself like this

Fuck me, im not arguing with someone who thinks a nether realm game doing well is a good sign for fighting games.

the last thing ill say is, they are regressing in terms of quality and sales across the board and the only reason they continue to be made is they are cheap to make. Their only tactic to boost sales is leeching onto big name brands and crossovers. If you can't see the absolute decline then i cant help you. Considering your love for MK you never will.

Give the player an idea on input speed so they can see why moves aren't linking

Give a tutorial similar to guilty gear

Have better net code so WiFi isn't an issue

I think a 3d fighting game like tekken7 but faster movement, more emphasis on defense options & footsies, and less guessing, would be good.

You're not going to improve shit, you fucking retard.

match wifi players only with other wifi players

Fights in 3D action games only work cause the enemies purposefully leave themselves open, or give you an opportunity where a tool could open then up. If it were two people playing you'd end up with a super defensive game that would resemble the boss fights at all. The standard poke and mixup game wouldn't work cause of the range. Every match would be that one meme Honda match where they just sit there

Stop appealing to welfare niggers that only play to jerk off. Fan service is the fucking game play, which in SFV has always been weak.
No epic moments from SFIV or SFIII or even SFII could ever repeat in SFV, it's just not possible with the dull fighting system in place.
There's nothing exciting about two top competitors playing against each other, even if they are 20 year veterans.

What people forget is that SF3 is what nearly killed the franchise. If it wasn’t for the daigo parry it might’ve been dead.

But that shows the power of those big moments. The SF3 series failure is a mix of things, but qualities were able to shine through by the end. SFV is a weird game cause comebacks are the norm, it is built to make what should be hype moments happen but in doing so they are dull. Which is why 4 years later the big moments are more to do with the player story lines and life changing money. Not the matches.

3S probably would be nothing without moment 37, but the game could facilitate such a cool thing that was instantly recognisable as a display of high skill. SFV just doesn't manage that even in the moments when more skill is on display. Reducing complexity hasn't done anything for fighters. Meanwhile stuff like the slowmo in Tekken 7 is great cause it highlights interesting interactions without removing any skill from them.

Play tekken? Korean backdashing is bullshit. Having to do complicated inputs super consistently to do something as basic as moving backwards at faster than a snails pace is ridiculous.

It isn't hard to kbd. It is one of the easiest thing you can do Tekken, because you can just grind it out.

Samsho was a legit series. Used to play the first one in the arcades. Have yet to find a single button press in a fighting game as satisfying to hit as Haohmarus standing fierce

Make SF6 into Third Strike

>tfw doa6 could be massive when it goes f2p but the bad press surrounding the autism pass will just make people continue playing shit fucker 5 despite it being objectively awful

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>dont allow newbies to use multiplayer features until they finish main campaign
while i agree that more single-player content would be good - see soulcalibur 3 for an example of it done right - that's a step too far.

Fighterz is exactly that and lost almost its entire player base overnight.

It is a marvel clone.

>tfw killer instinct basically did all of these but nobody cared because the fgc is 90% capkeks

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The problem is Killer Instinct was first released on a console nobody had

No one cared because it was on xbox and there was no point in buying that console
Sure it got ported to pc eventually but it was far too late then

*kill all 3d arena fighters

Good, fuck shillbori for downgrading the boobs and fanservice.

That's always the case with these suggestions. There use to be so many people in these threads going I'd totally play a new Soul Calibur that series got it right. Then a new one comes out with 2 story modes and the playerbase is already sub 1,000. At the end of the day it is brand which really makes a game successful, absolutely no one would be playing SFV right now if it weren't for the title.

People want to jerk off about how good they are at video games, but then find excuses for a genre which would expose them for being bad.

Is Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm a fighting game? I feel like this game style has alot of potential but just needs improving

if he beat you, you didnt do it at the same time. you just think you did because of latency. competitive online gaming 101, noob.

It’s pretty hard for a newcomer nonetheless. The proper kbd takes time to get used to weird rythmn.

I wish more boxing simulator figthing

I just think people exaggerate its difficulty. It isn't even necessary early on.

>downgrading the boobs and fanservice

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If 3S came out today moment 37 would have never happened and even if it did everyone would have already seen it on twitter. Because the only reason Justin even tried to super Daigo from across the screen was because japanese tech didn't circulate to the US, as it was common knowledge over there.
Tekken's slowmo is also the epitome of manufactured hype.

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Nobody wants to play a game where even when you hit the other person its rock paper scissors faggot.

>Nobody wants to play a game where even when you hit the other person its rock paper scissors faggot.
Smash Bros is pretty popular though

Crossplay, frame data on moves, visible hitboxes in training mode. Basically everything Killer Instinct did now that I think about it.

>he doesn't know about reading clearly telegraphed moves, reading opponents' behaviors, and counter breakers

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make them free to play or have them cost 20 bucks.

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>even if it did everyone would have already seen it on twitter
That wouldn't change anything. It wasn't about was this possible, everyone knew it could be done. It wasn't secret Japanese tech, just something incredibly difficult and risky. Chipping out with a super is still done today in 3S. It was such a high pressure situation mixed with difficult execution that won him the round. That creates hype even for something we know about.

>Tekken's slowmo is also the epitome of manufactured hype
We could say this about all effects in fighting games. They help accentuate important moments. Slowmo in Tekken does this without reducing skill

>It wasn't secret Japanese tech, just something incredibly difficult and risky.
Everyone and their mom that still plays third strike nowadays can do that parry. Even back then tons of people could do it in Japan, hence why I referred to it as common knowledge.

Slowmo in Tekken helps to "accentuate" important moments in the most intrusive, poorly implemented way possible. Half the time it makes whatever is being slowmo'd take five times longer than it would otherwise and doesn't even play on the round deciding hit.
The game also has a rage system that gives you +ob launchers or free mixups, and with Tekken's launcher damage, that usually ends up deciding the match.

>Everyone and their mom that still plays third strike nowadays can do that parry.
But that is a different point than the one you are making. People are better at this 20 year old game vs is 3S came out today. It is still high execution, to do it under pressure in tournament is still an impressive thing. Even today people don't just parry everything like robots in 3S, including supers. You can't stop faking you know shit about the game now.

> in the most intrusive, poorly implemented way possible.
Apart from people love those moments, it creates tension without ruining the gameplay aspect.

>that usually ends up deciding the match.
Okay you can start posting your copy pasta and images now.

Stop selling fighting games for $60 then proceeding to release 10 dlc characters for $5 each. I want the whole game when I buy it, not a chunk. Although I don't mind paid dlc if the new characters were crowdfunded or are just costume skins/recolors.

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No more esports. No more half game rosters with trickling dlc support

well fluency is pretty important. I've seen so many people get hit whenever they attempt to kbd while being pressured. kbd is not even that important desu
t. blue rank.

Fuck those scrubs. Why would the players that have been playing for decades enjoy a dumbed down version of the game just for the sake of making it more popular with unmotivated retards?

Not him, but there's much more to fighting games than combos. Something you combo monkeys fail to grasp.

I never understood the hate for more characters. Literally every multiplayer game gets update with content, that is old as multiplayer games in general. But fighting games adding more characters is some huge probably, we should just be stuck with 25 base roster and no balance updates cause all support for the game was dropped. More than that means worse graphics, less content in general or a load of reused assets.

This complaint always seems to come from casuals, who also rosterfag the most.

U are the fucking retard, Tekken and soul calibur's movement systems are extremely similar. Ur just being a shitty elitist nigger

Just play them,try Vampire Savior, it's awesome, it's basically Guilty Gear before Guilty Gear came out

>push block
>magic series
>Tech Hit
>high skill ceiling
>EX moves
>great unique roster

I would play it competitively but my hands are usually beat up just after 10 matches, also go play Guilty Gear, and Melty, and UNIST, and Blazblue, and 98

Just go play some games and have fun, learn from your mistakes

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Again, play Tekken. You're just embarrassing yourself acting like a knowitall retard when in reality you have no idea what you're talking about.

More characters aren't the problem. The problem is purposely leaving part of the roster out just to be able to put a price tag on it later. If balance patches happen only because the game is on dlc life support then it was probably a shit game to begin with. Graphics and reused assets should have nothing to do with how much dlc is sold since those should be completed by release.

I don't think there's any inherent incompatibility between the arena fighter subgenre and competitive depth; it's just that the developers who have been working in that genre haven't really tried to make competitive games. You could perhaps argue the gundam vs games are in the subgenre, and those are pretty competitive.

Make it more like smash where it's super simple for casuals but if you want a bit more competitiveness to it, that's also an option

that was a different guy, i have played enough tekken to know you can circle strafe but that wasn't what i was talking about in my original comment. you're being and autistic pedant.

>The problem is purposely leaving part of the roster out just to be able to put a price tag on it later.
But how true this is rarely gets proven. And you really can't claim that is happening 2 or 3 years later. Especially when you can often see changes in the models or animation quality. Most people who throw this out aren't going off more than a gut reaction

>If balance patches happen only because the game is on dlc life support then it was probably a shit game to begin with.
That is literally any multiplayer game. No company will keep balancing a game if they aren't making enough from it. You don't see games that are making no money get regular wide scale balance changes. Especially not ones that add new mechanics.

> Graphics and reused assets should have nothing to do with how much dlc is sold
It has to do with base roster size.

Active balancing and a good combo tutorial

You're an idiot if you think movement is as important in SC6 as it is in T7.
SC6 is a fucking joke on a competitive level, stop posting.

No DoA6 could not be "massive" even in a best case scenario. Fighting games had their golden age, it's over now.

jesus christ you are actually autistic, nobody ever said that shit, I said is there a fighting game that has the same freedom of movement as a DMC game.

More big tits. This will improve any and all genres.

>doa6 could be massive
Said like someone who knows nothing about DOA6. Here's how that series works
>do a string that has a mixup in it
>did he guess wrong? do another string
>did he guess right? now it's his turn to do the string
>holds sometimes
It's so bad.

Tekken 7.
Stop being an idiot. The camera isn't behind the character's back but the freedom of movement is there.

>purposely leaving part of the roster
See, the thing is you can't prove that. Yeah, SFxT had that whole on disc dlc debacle, but no one's really pulled shit like that since. Cross Tag Battle for example had dlc characters hidden in the game, but they were unfinished and no where near done. Then you have games where they either pace dlc out over time, or just release a bunch at once like Soul Calibur 6 or Dragon Ball Fighterz and King of Fighters. For the most part, devs take their time to create these characters and then release them when they're ready. We don't know what's going on behind the scenes to say they're ripping characters from the roster and making them dlc.

Nothing. It's a nice and dying genre. We should just be grateful that it has more staying power than mobas, arena fps, and rts.

>arena fps, and rts.

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Its weird that outside day 1 or early DLC you really don't see that complaint with other genres. I've never seen someone complain in an FPS game that this gun and map added a few years later was obviously ripped from the base game. But for a fighter it is always this game wasn't really complete they held back. Maybe it stems from the perception of fighters, s lot of people don't even really consider the multiplayer side and just see it as a normal game release. Adopting a F2P model might help this a bit, cause honestly the money spent on story modes is a waste.

oop, sorry forgot your autistic, I gotta be specific.
You cant run diagonally, stop replying to me with your stupid shit

>inb4 not Mario games
Yes, Mario games too.

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The execution barrier to play smash as an actual fighting game is stupid high yet people flock to that shit

>You're an idiot if you think movement is as important in SC6 as it is in T7.
You've got that backwards, you see significantly more movement in high level sc6 than in T7.
>SC6 is a fucking joke on a competitive level
Not really. It's got good balance, good character variety, some interesting mechanics, and a dedicated scene. It's probably the best game in the series competitively.

The fuck is this diaper post even

Over the shoulder hand to hand PvP fighting sucks fucking dick for visibility and range judging reasons which is why it's not much of a thing, but Dissidia, Max Anarchy and some other even more obscure kusoge exist. Dissidia NT is somewhere on the border line of where the projectile based games evolved from Virtual On start though.

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Get rid of all the archaic Arcade shit like motions etc.

For Honor and Absolver show how much potential there is beyond 2D and even in if you love sprite-work etc, there is no reason to design games for cabinets. Were Arcades ever a culture defining thing outside of Japan and America?

Reversal edge.

>For Honor and Absolver show how much potential there is beyond 2D
Very little?

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Yeah real unfortunate they added soul charge, supers and reversal edge. Pretty close to the perfect SC game otherwise.

Is annoying because it takes too long, but isn't enough to stop SC6 from being excellent.

>unnecessary high skill floor
>shit sp
>1v1 only makes people salty
>only competitive makes people quit
>combos are boring for the person being comboed, there should be a way to influence them
>combos don't feel natural, just memorization
>dying from chip damage is not hype
>cutscenes take away from gameplay, it's also repetitive
>moves look flashy but have no weight, characters just trip the same way from an ultimate punch as they do from normal ones

Good thing smash already fixed this all this shit 20 years ago and we can stop playing sf2 clones

Not him, but how does his post even relate to combos?

>execution difficulty =/= combos

>wants a game that has this specific quirk for no reason
>calls others autistic
You're a casual 2-digit IQ baby, stop posting any time.

Fighting games stopped doing what they used to, that's the only reason why they've fallen. Fanboys just cannot admit or understand this. The games aren't doing what the used to:

>best graphics on the market
>individual stages and themes for team/character.
>focus on gameplay and content rather than esports.
>freedom of play style partial to experimentation, rather than dumbing down.

The first is THE most important thing in a fighter. Always has been. In the arcades it was to stand out from the crowd. In the 128bit era it was to show off what the console/graphics card could do. ALL THE CASUALS bought fighters for the graphics alone. They had the best graphics you'd see anywhere. That's how good they used to be. Content was the next important thing.

The newer games, while I love them, just don't have the looks and personality yet.

>You've got that backwards, you see significantly more movement in high level sc6 than in T7.
Look at this video and laugh at the absolute state of high level SC6 play

I think maybe if something like KoFXIV had a team mode that could be fun for newbies. The sting of losing alone, sucks ass.

So you're a casual, got it.

The graphics will never happen again cause the money isn't there. When fighting games were actually huge they could afford to shell out the dosh for the best tech around. Maybe if fighting games started selling like EA games or Witcher3, or Battlefield it could. But it's sad to see these games lose the flash of the top graphics, lose anything "extra" like stages and additional themes, different weird modes (Tekken Force, Tag Battle, Arcade Mode, etc), and just get way more streamlined in their gameplay design.

moving on more than 1 axis at a time is a specific quirk :]

Mexicans have a lot for KoF more than anyone precisely because of the arcade cabinets. They just pirated the shit out of KoF.

Tell me how RE doesn't turn SC6 into a trash guessing game?

k first of all she's like bottom tier partner level

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Because there's a variety of different strategies you can use to completely blow it up, hence why you don't see it that often at high levels. RE itself also has 7 options which are weighted differently based on stage position and character matchup, so it's not straight-up RPS. It's ultimately a minor annoyance because, as I said, the animations take a bit too long.

...user that match is from months before the game even came out. Go watch EVO Japan top 8 or something.