What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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not enough anime waifus
too much mondays and not enough lasagnas
Everything. If the reveal didn't tell them how bad thing would get they were blind. Valve went full on greed with this and to be honest dota 2 brand outside the esport scene is not big enough. Also the lore of dota is about meh as you can get. There are some good inside jokes here and there, but not enough to have some say "man dota 2 as a card game SIGN ME UP!"
Nobody played it so no one can explain it
A game that got this reaction at it's reveal did badly? Who could have guessed???
valve was greedy
You have to buy the game, and then buy cards to play the game. It should have been one or the other.
>Buy to play and pay to play
No thanks
>have to pay for the game
>have to pay for the packs
It was doomed from the start. Making the game free-to-play, letting people earn the packs and still sell them would have made the game rocket to success. And do and they would be making billions. Now Valve just squandered all the potential because they got too greedy and thought consumers are just mindless drones.
>daily reminder that Garfield is a hack who lost that match to Finkel years ago because he didn't even knew the rules of his own game
>What went wrong?
Aside from pay to play?
Three-boards gimmick scared casuals.
>puts Artifact's future in question
Artifact's future is absolutely not in question - it's dead
Dota 2 isn't a strong enough IP to carry a card game
No Good eye candy
Pay to play where so many free to play card game options exists
I've got no fucking idea what they were thinking
It's was dessign as a buying boosters/cards symulator first and a game second
>It was doomed from the start. Making the game free-to-play, letting people earn the packs and still sell them would have made the game rocket to success
it really could not have had all 3, at least not in the same way hearthstone does. everything would have been worth like 2 cents because of BRs and pinoys farming that shit 20 hours a day.
what's weird though is that valve put a big focus on the free modes like phantom draft, yet put a 20$ paywall on it anyway. it really should have just been a free to play game and had a 20$ premium access thing that works the same way as buying the game does now, enabling you to buy/sells cards similar to how TF2 does it.
Too much paying but you were buying nothing.
all fucking free, now why should i buy your game?
Forgot pay to win too.
Richard Garfield
whenever gabe talked about the game all he talked about was buying and trading
>Source 2 is wasted on this shit
>dota 2 isn't a strong IP
>irl tcg price model for no reason
>get Richard Garfield to add whacky RNG to your game
>lot of card design actually pretty boring/bad
>market already over-saturated with digital card games
>not free to play
Anyone with a brain knew this shit was gonna crash and burn. It had NO chance to be popular
market was oversaturated, only reason dota 2 didn't die imiediatly to LOL when it came out was because of dota existing. AND IT WAS FREE TO PLAY, imagine dota 2 was buy to play, valve over valve itself yet again.
Because DotA is a famous Esport game.
Adding foils and ramping the rates at which super rares and ultra rares come would not have fucked the economy as hard. Maybe also make it so that you can only get couple free packs a week at most. Farming would have happened, but also people playing and buying packs would have happened. Steam also gets dough from every market purchase so what would they have had to lose?
They decided to make a card game several years after the card games were the hot shit.
Then they should had put it in Dota 2 in the same vein as auto chess
I'm unironically more likely to buy a league of legends card game done by riot than a dota 2 card game done by valve, if i gave a shit about Esporting.
Riot's got shit lore and is a shit company but they'd probably make a less shity card game.
Valve put a price tag on it.
The real question is how hard Artefact hurt the DoTA IP and also Valve in terms of reputation and finance?
Dota IP? None. Valve? Very very little. Since it isn't openly traded company and still owns the biggest marketplace on PC, Valve will still keep making millions with little to no effort.
All they have to do is give the Heavy update and all will be forgiven.
>how hard Artefact hurt the DoTA IP
Literally nothing. I can assure you that the russians and filipinos who plays Dota didn't care nor knowing its existence.
>Valve in terms of reputation and finance?
Well, absolutely nobody believes that Valve will make a good game anymore
You had to buy the game, and there was no way of earning new cards ingame without paying.
someone post the picture where they call artifact the "half life of card games".
Yea Forumsalve fanboys BTFO
From what I've hear the LoL board game is pretty decent.
>Not F2P (free to play)
>Not F2P (fun to play)
>Not streamer-friendly
I came here to post this.
Card game market is already saturated and most of the other games are F2P unlike Artifact which reguires you to buy it in order to play it
This probably isn't the reaction you should be getting when you announce a game after so long
the ONLY mistake Valve made was bringing this game to the attention of Hearthstone players, their inherent stupidity and toxicity ruined this community. all the doomposters are the dumbasses from kripp and forsen's chat who are incapable of unique thought and can only respam the dumbest shit they have seen allday
if Valve ever re releases this game, for the love of Artifact, Mods here have to set up a bot that just bans all posters who ever posted in /r/hearthstone
From what I am reading, Artifact expanding and exploring the Dota was suppose to be one of the major draws of the game.
Dota lore isn't that well liked I suppose?
Does anybody at Valve actually work?
We could burn down their headquarters and by tomorrow nothing would change because Steam exists only in chinese server farms.
>the ONLY mistake Valve made
The real mistake Valve did was make the game a 1 for 1 copy of MTG.
>MTG has a color system that has red, blue, green, black in it
>Artifact has the same thing
>Red cards in MTG are strong, agressive and usually don't rely on magic to win
>Just like in Artifact
>Blue is the 'smart' color with lots of control options
>Just like in Artifact
>Green is all about buffing
>Just like in Artifact
Whenever I see artifact players talk about how good and deep their copy-cat game is I cringe, Pokemon, Yugioh and even Hearthstone managed to make their games and mechanics different from MTG unlike Artifact.
it only confirms that the only reason DOTA2 is popular is because of it's relationship to WC3, which is the only thing they care about. the DOTA2 IP is basically worthless as anything other than a moba.
I doubt many people play Dota for the lore or characters. They play it because of the gameplay. Also if you are REALLY into Dota what are the odds you also like card games and what are the odds you even bother playing another game besides dota for very long?
Kanna is a qt.
The only thing it hurt was their ego
Valve makes millions every day from people buying and selling trading cards and gem sacks, they probably tried this knowing they wouldn't lose a damn thing if it failed.
Well, yeah. Making a digital tcg is probably the laziest, cheapest, cash grab game you could possibly make.
This is unironically one of the reasons. Big devs need to realize that people like attractive characters. FATE is raking in $2 billion in revenue solely because it has big titty sluts in it. If it didn't absolutely nobody would've given a shit.
shitty online cardgames is so 2014, we fortnite nao
>lose like 70% of your player base after one week
>rocky launch
> Pay to start, pay to keep playing and paying
> Fuck-all to do once you really get started
> Dota IP is weak
> Naysayers from the get-go due to universal disappointment after the reveal, which Valve did nothing to rectify or dispel
This game was doomed from the start. Even if it was FTP from the beginning it still probably would have been an only mild success at best.
The odds are still good it would have been a flop regardless.
is she gonna be in dotes anytime soon?
>Claim to fame is MTG designer
>No one talks about his colossal fuck ups
Garfield got lucky with MTG. He is a failure of a game developer of any kind.
Kinda doubt it. I like her mom too
The game just isn't fun, plain and simple
Bad pricing doesn't make 60k people that already bought the game never play it again
>Pay to play
>Can't earn cards for free
>Entered the market in a time where Arena was finding a foothold and Hearthstone was already declining
this is what went wrong
>puts Artifact's future in question
what future?
No one cares about Dota's lore
People only play Dota 2 because they're too stubborn to play LoL or anything else
It cost money to play and the only way you could get cards at launch was by buying them
It wasn't just him, it was a fuckup in everyway imaginable.
>Boring art
>Boring 2d cards when the 3d models exist and there is a whole layer of customization available
>Boring gameplay
>Shit business model
>No cross promotion/functionality with Dota 2
>Launch game in an already saturated market
>Base it on a free to play game
>Charge for it
in it for the long haul
So Garfield is washed up and wanted to make it seem like this wasn't his fault for designing a boring turd?
But there was 1 month of dota-plus!!!!
>dipping close to 0 players at some points
holy fuck
everyone is over complicating it, the truth is it just isn't a fun game
all the other shit is just piling on
>No Rubick
>No Roshan
>No Divine Rapier
>No way to play for any meaningful reward if you're not gud, which makes bringing new players a much harder proposition.
shartibrap has not had the pleasure of hitting 0 concurrent players yet, the lowest has been in the low 200's
>too late to cash in on TGG bubble, not good enough to resurge it
>is a spinoff to a game that not only plays differently, but no fans of DOTA would naturally accept it
>heavily based on paying money for cards, every item having a marketplace listing for sake of "just like real life!"
In short, they never bothered to ask "Why should we make this?" and if they did, they only got one answer and decided to go through with it. That answer being money.
Can I get the short version of this?
>he didn't watch the most kino youtube videos of this decade
>What went wrong?
nobody bought the game. why? i don't know. why didn't i buy it? too expensive for a card game, i wouldn't pay more than 15 outright for a ccg. also the main thing for me is that you have to keep buying packs after buying the game too? like i don't have the money for that shit bro, if i wanted to play a game that required a sub i'd resub to shit wow or try out final fantasy 14 or something. if the game had a free to play mode, i would definitely try it, since valve+richard garfield is a good pedigree
>tfw when I cant enjoy this trainwreck because I bought this shit and never even played it.
>nobody bought the game
It sold more than 500k copies m8.
and also you have to pay to play ranked.
>selling a card game for 20 dollars
>and still forcing users to buy cards
That's what went wrong.
What's Artifact?
I stand corrected
>No GOOD cross promotion/functionality with Dota 2
I mean the lore is neat but not a reason people play the game.
Which is another problem this game had. Its obviously made for people who play dota but they would rather play more dota and those who are new to the dota universe has no idea what the fuck anything is.
Meant for
What smart people should do right just now:
>Buy as many rare good cards from Artifact
Look at the most expensive card: 25 bucks at launch now like 3 bucks or something
Just imagine Valve is goingg to push the game in a few months and than BOOOOM you have so many valuable cards
really? i just assumed it sold like shit cause nobody was playing it, did the playerbase really drop off that harshly in like 12 hours
card games are niche af
3 boards looks even more cumbersome
it is not f2p
>be Valve
>hire some Wizard of the Coast guy to make your trading card game
>he doesn't have enough business sense to make his digital trading card game free2play but instead is still stuck in turbojews of the coast philosophy where you charge your neckbeards out the ass
>gets completely and udderly btfo by japanese digital trading card games which are free2play because you can't sell microtransactions if players don't open the door to let playerbase come play a little bit for free to try to hook 'em
godspeed, user
It dropped over a few weeks.
You're right, there wasn't any cross-promotion. Blizzard has proven how successful that kind of shit is, but valve dropped the ball super hard. I'm sure they would have sold twice as many copies if they had a unique courier offered.
>market already over-saturated with digital card games
This is really the only correct answer. Its already a pretty niche market to tap into in the first place, so you're really gonna have to go big and do something VASTLY different if you wanna pull players from other card games. And going beyond, who was really asking for their to be another deck building card game?
>pay to play
>pay more to keep playing
>pay even more to win
>convoluted gameplay
>non spectator friendly (read: brainless Twitch kids)
>overall design is not cool/cute/sexy/stylish enough to carry it
the current king is (HS) a free to play game, and the second best (mtg) is a household name, it was dead on arrival.
I am 100% convinced that, from the outset, it was designed to drive player engagement with the steam market, and not to provide people with an interesting or fun game to play. The main damning fact is, as you mentioned, that every item has a marketplace listing right out of the gate. They had dreams of fostering a bustling, player-run economy where Valve could get free money just for existing.
Zero marketing for a p2p game of an oversatured genre where all your competitors are f2p titles.
Valve basically had an overinflated ego and was greedy enough from not making enough money from Dota to basically make this. If they had concieved of this at least 4 years prior to when Hearthstone was in its first year or two, it may have been fine. Valve is so full of its hubris to not do any market research on how the market was saturated and that they could do anything in light of that fact because they were convinced the market at up whatever they put out as gold. The business model they made was also shit and partially why the game died.
This shit was never going to work.
>not f2p
>booed on announcement showing that people would much rather have valve working on shit that people actually want
>half life 3 story leaked and main writer left shortly after, making people hate valve even more.
>based on a game that already has millions of players that would much rather play the game it was inspired from
>shit loads of rng to the point you can't even decide where the fuck you are going to place your units.
>one of the card was more expensive than the fucking game in the very first week.
It was doomed to fail. Valve doesn't get a free pás on stupid shit in a long while. I find it fascinating how retarded they are nowadays.
speak of a monkey's paw wish, I really wanted a dota card game similar to hearthstone and we ended up getting this trash game I didn't even buy. Hoping auto chess gets a standalone client.
>not a strong IP
>#1 game on steam for 5+ years
It is a strong IP, just not in North America. The thing is that dota players don't give a shit about any other game, let alone card games, and a lot of the dota player base are third worlders that play in internet cafes so the fiscal model they used was very inappropriate.
>enough from not making enough money from Dota to basically make this.
Doesn't the main Dota2 tournament generate them a shit load of money. The tourney gives like 20% of their actual revenue from tournament related items and that hsit goes up to millions.
>The thing is that dota players don't give a shit about any other game, let alone card games
I think that's kind of what he meant, despite the game having a lot of players it's just not really a strong IP that people are drawn to or want to see other games use the setting of.
It was likable when it was tied to the Warcraft universe. But the Dota 2 lore is tied to nothing, not even itself. There is no consistency to it and it's full of ridiculous bingbongles and flimflams that nobody reads it.
>What went wrong?
Too late to be making another shitty card game.
Auto Chess proves this wrong, Valve was just retarded and made a shitty game
Auto chess isn't a card game