Can we have another comfy Baba is You thread?
Can we have another comfy Baba is You thread?
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The fact that i'm even seeing a thread for this game is unreal.
>tranny indie game spam
how about you fuck off nigger
redpill me on this game
I like fogs, but Baba seems hard for a smoothbrain like me.
We had a full thread last night, it was nice
I've been stuck on this for nearly an hour and I'm about to break down crying
basedcore puzzle game approved by redditors, tranny discord and gaming "journalists"
the complete polar opposite of games like RE2Remake and DMCV
baba is (you)
>I'm about to break down crying
stop chugging onions
stop taking estrogen
stop playing this game
sell your nintendo switch
Block pushing puzzle game where you manipulate text to change the properties of stuff on the level
>you have to use your brain
>the complete polar opposite of linear hack and slash and corridor shooters
It's kinda addictive but I wouldn't go that far.
can we have benbo quest thread instead
i'm stuck on easier version of this map
I have no idea what to do here
Turn the key into a flag or vice versa, and then control both of them with the open attribute
You should be able to get it from here
The quality of these posts is extremely low, can we please get some mods in here?
someone please help
Extra stages are extra difficult
Played the prototype a while ago, loved it, instabought today, it's giving me a hard time
Needs a hint system so brainlets like me don't get stuck staring at the beginning of each level for half and hour without having a clue where to start.
Although when you get it it's a huge eureka moment which is great.
Try to identify what you can change and what you can't change, then ignore what you can't change and think of the possibilities with what you can
Is it normal to be stuck on a black screen if you're a dirty pirate?
I'll have you know that it's actually a mongolian indie game