Stockholm Syndrome: The Game
>t.epic chink
It's a sign that things are not doing so well for Microsoft. Halo was once the definitive reason for buying an xbox. Xbox has been on the decline for years and Microsoft is coming out of their stubborn ways.
Anyway we'll see if this even goes anywhere. The age of battleroyales is now so only boomers will play halo
that has nothing to do with stockholm Syndrome.
t. victim of stockholm syndrome
fun fact, it is the biggest buzzword anyone can use to define someones actions. same with other "" mental illnesses " but take this as a grain of salt.
>The age of battleroyales is now so only boomers will play halo
And that's a good thing.
I mean Stockholm would be to be forced to play a shitty game/practises till you grow numb and end up appreciating it.
None of those games in the collection are bad and many people would gladly pay an average price for so many games. Maybe a bit jewish but we don't lose anything for gaining new ports.
I know it's jsut shitposting or so I want to believe. I really wonder how many of these kind of threads are falseflag or actually serious.
>Microsoft does nothing but give PC the middle finger for 12 years
>Starts porting a 12 year old game to PC
That's still not stockholm syndrome, you fucking mouthbreather. Google that shit and stop vomitting buzzwords
>None of those games in the collection are bad.
Halo 4 is a well polished game with a good multiplayer and good level design and ai, but it was kind of soulless and uninspired. The way they depicted forerunners and how they expanded on the universe and master chief's story was kind of dumb. Human-covenant war is way more interesting.
youre not wrong, i think a lot of threads also are generated to make conversy and force certain conversations on to Yea Forums. google emtpy internet
Same desu
Not sure if Sonygg3r or Epic Shill.
Just in case
Tiananmen Square Massacre 1989
Well that could be mediocre at worst. Having 1 mediocre game in the collection doesn't seem so bar, moreover when the vast majority will get it for just 1 or 2 games.
Speaking about it, will it include Halo 3's FORGE?
I already played it on the xbox and I am happy to play it in a better form on PC.
Fuck you poor nigger.
Wait there's gonna be crossplay in this?
I had halo 12 years ago, checkmate faggot
this still would've worked without the fucking wojak
I had Halo 3 12 years ago and now I'm going to have it again
checkmate reddit
>The age of battleroyales is now
big fucking YIKES
>game is on PC
>someone shitting on it must be a sonybro
I love Halo but I really don't want to be bunched in the same group with shitposting trash like you.
It requires an Xbox account so yes, most likely.
You been living under a rock, peabrain-kun?
>news everyone is either indifferent or excited about
>how can I try to make everyone as miserable as me?