Why is are new games afraid to have attractive women?

Why is are new games afraid to have attractive women?

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Because cis woman are inferior to real woman goy, get with the times bigot

>why is are

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1. They aren't
2. You've been pushing the same outdated narrative since GG that has led to you having a warped perception of the video game industry and reality as a whole.

They make fat and ugly queens feel bad about themselves

It's mostly Western games

Sorry mate, autocorrect

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>why is are

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Because this board fetishizes them so hard in such pathetic ways the developers start feeling embarrassed trough association.

Ive jacked it to more video game girls this gen than the previous

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what a cute

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Are they?

wtf i chose the cage brooch, what is she doing? Where did you get this picture??

what video game is this?

secret ending

Play stop the bully

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Bioshock I think.

>shitposting, porn baiting phone poster

Who would've guessed
Kill yourself

This is the answer. Men - by and large - want to look upon beauty in their art. We want to use art to transcend this shitty, ugly world. Women want only ugliness all around them for the most narcissistic of reasons.

I dunno man, claiming you want to "look upon beauty" while talking trash about another group is kinda narcissistic.

>post Elisabeth

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One has nothing to do with the other.

>posting a bioware man lady
What did the tranny mean by this?

>We want to use art to transcend
>in a porn thread

Can you take your head out of your own ass for a second to see how retarded you are ?

t. blind man and/or faggot

You try way too hard

you play shit games

Thanks for noticing the effort, kouhai

Art, music, architecture and writing have all progressed from the Renaissance until 1945 (arguably 1900). There is no more beauty allowed, only ugliness.
Whether I say this in a "porn thread" (wat) or not has no bearing on the veracity of the words themselves.


I think we're just moving towards a society where women aren't being marketed to sweaty sad people as masturbation material, and are instead being represented more like actual human beings.

Because beauty is both sexist and racist, uglyness is more inclusive

Nice lighting on that parquet.

not him but is this a porn thread?? be honest in your answer, retard
porn or not, i as a man would rather look on pretty things than ugly things so shut up and/or post tits

>How do I english

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It's not like sexy women don't exist in reality. Are you saying that attractive women aren't actual human beings?

Not gonna lie, I would buy any game that had this image part of a cutsene as long as the actual game was mediocre or better

Remember this any time you see sex appeal in entertainment being attacked.

Feminists want it dead because if men can receive sexual gratification from entertainment, it diminishes the sexual bargaining power of women. Judeo-christians want it dead because their book says anything that leads to less childbirth is against god's will (don't use condoms, Africans!), since it was written at a time when only a few million humans existed.

Never get it confused. The reasons they give you are bullshit. They are only hiding their actual motivations.

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No I'm just saying that sexy women are still women. And women are human beings. Whether or not you want to fuck them is irrelevant.

>No I'm just saying that sexy women are still women. And women are human beings.
Agreed, otherwise people wouldn't get the urge to fap to them as much. So what's the problem then?

what video wench does this ass belong to?

third post best post

Fortnite bitch still gets me hard

She's cute

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What you just said makes no sense.
Fuck off newfag

aren't half of the regular posters of Yea Forums watching SFM Overwatch porn, like right now? Overwatch came out after GG.

makes perfect sense. He's implying virtue to himself, something narcissistic people tend to do. If you are virtuous, you show, you don't tell.

You should play right games.

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Go watch 40 year old virgin. The industry is run by adult beta males who have never fucked and they put the pussy on a pedestal.

Narcissists hate being one upped

Thank you Mr game journalist for opening my eyes

Women are stupid and lazy and evil. They are not "equal" to anything or anyone.

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He's still right though?

>humans raised coddled will be bad at surviving on there own

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>woman raised coddled will be bad at surviving on there own

Humans are stupid and lazy and evil. Whether they're male or female makes negligible difference.

his stance is very simplistic and reductionist, making it pointless.

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The dudes were just fine

>Why is are new games afraid to have attractive women?

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>4 years old game

Yeah all that is about as convincing as a flat Earther's meme spam. People are lazy. People are stupid. People will tend to take the easiest life they can get, so if you raise a child and coddle them as if they're more special and vulnerable than others, they'll get used to being taken care of and unsuited for adversity. Doesn't matter if they're male or female. Raise a human hard they'll get hard, raise a human soft they'll get soft.

Only accurate post

>what am english?!?!

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the dudes killed a fucking crocodile and ate it

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Easter Europe and Slav developers don't count, OP was clearly talking about Western developers.

>Why is are

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There is no such thing as "men logic". There is only the same logic available to all humans.

go watch Tropes vs Women in Video Games

Normal men buy the games anyways and they also please the small percentage of feminist and SJW hat play their game.

>don't like exclusively skinny white bombshell types
>you are now operating directly against Yea Forums as a whole

you faggots make this place unenjoyable with the constant conflict don't you ever get tired of it

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>men logic gib world dis

fuck dude was english this person's first language

Because of people like these complaining.

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Sherry is pretty attractive.

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Did a man save this as a .gif?

where's claire

there's a jumpscare or something in it

She isn’t you fucking pedo.
I hope you rot in prison.

Her body is 10/10, you can't deny that

This situation can't be entirely relied upon though since casting producers of a reality show are not looking for an accurate cross section of the general population. Every reality show on TV goes out of it's way to find the most annoying childish bitches possible.

She's 12.
So technically he's not a pedo by any means he's an hebe.

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because it makes the landwhale females that do play games feel bad because they arent skinny and attractive.

If a guy does some dumb shit
>wow that guy is really stupid
If a woman does some dumb shit
>wow woman are really stupid

Sherry is 10yo.

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because it causes too much controversy, play old games and buy art from cool people. fuck these shitty characters and artist. main reason I just fuck with gotcha games, maybe it'll help kill the piece of shit scene faster so it can fade out mainstream culture like skateboarding in the 80's

So N/A and western Europe? What would you say is the most recent western game with attractive women? Overwatch?

Was this Xentho?

The Sherry cunny game is out of control. I want to lick it so bad bros...

She born in 1986 and RE2 happens in 1998.
Also if you looks closely to Sherry's in game model she even have breasts.

Lol, I saw one of my students do this a few days ago. In her defence she had never been to school in her home country and it was her first time calculating in this way.

This statistic is skewed because the reason a lot of fathers are absent is because they're in jail. Which means that fatherless homes are more typically in poorer areas than motherless ones. It's the poverty that affects a kid's upbringing more than anything. It just so happens that single mothers are more correlated to poor minority neighborhoods.

>what is a pussy pass?

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Chloe froim Uncharted 4

>dat SFM where she sells herself for money in an auction and they pump her full of cum

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You can't post things like this without links.




She's flat same as the Earth.

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If he didn't rape her fr and dump her body under a bridge after that, I'll be very disappointed.

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Yep. And?

Someone post that ultimate cuck/daughter thing.

You need to stop playing american games.

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When Bioshock Infinite was coming out Yea Forums bitched about how they made her too ugly to comply to feminists. Nothing ever fucking changes.

>Why is are new games afraid to have attractive women?
because it requires a brain

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Easy: having 2 daughters. Heh, stupid hobbit.

in lost legacy she thicc, for whatever stupid "women should be unattractive" reason she is flat as a board in multiplayer.

Oh fuck, I've never seen this image before but I had this EXACT conversation with a friend a few months ago.


based intellectual user

this just tells me that white people are meek incompetent AND impotent lazy scared fucks who'd rather just lay down and die in a difficult situation

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Mods on full dilation damage control

>not having sex with your daughter
Whats the fucking point?

The conversation started after my mate randomly remembered this snippit of a Chris Rock show.


Ur supposed to fuck your daughters?

this is the true dilation done quick

was meant to reply

>a girl in my high school class got preggo a few years out
>when she had gone to check the gender of the kid a friend of mine asked her "so, is it a boy or an abortion"

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It is also in real life, women nowadays don't like sexy lingerie like that, only faggots pretending to be girls use those, and that is very sad.
So videogames are just following reality

All of them are trannies

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>So videogames are just following reality
You mean propaganda and brainwashing from MSM is paying off.

t. virgin

>So videogames are just following reality
I agree women in videogames are starting to get almost as ugly as real women

fucking christ my sides

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if a game has hot/beautiful/fabulous men/guys/lads in skimmpy outfits, i would be ok with it, no homo.
even my straight little sister enjoyed dead or alive vollyboll more then me, true story

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Fucking hell I'm stealing that one.

Wait, there is propaganda going around to stop women from using sexy lingerie? Or you mean in general?

It's almost always the 2nd or 3rd post in such threads that throws this bullshit.

Don't you have a vidya "journalist" site to manage and some leftist asses to kiss for good points faggot?

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you should be taking english lessons Mr. ESL instead of bitching about "le ebil femminists polluting your games"

btw it was men who destroyed videogames by being thirsty pieces of shit.

>my post got deleted
>thread is still up

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I agree. Nothing wrong with a good bush.

but cis women ARE real women