ITT: The most epic moments in gaming ever

ITT: The most epic moments in gaming ever.

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What version was this?

Pokemon fucking I shit you not Gold.

>Smash 4
>Nigger screaming in mic overhyping a shitty animation
Underage please leave

>The this was my first game ever
>I thought I was fighting a clone or something

>Years later realize it was his father Red.

Holy shit

>Proceeds to get defeated by some rookie kid even after all that training on some desolate mountain
>Proceeds to get defeated by some kid even when as an adult
What a fucking jobber.

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>forgetting the amount of hype that megaman had for smash
>first time seeing his final smash
>forgetting the amount of threads that were on Yea Forums about this
epic bait bro


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no but I had my mind blown when i realized the kid whos your rival in this game is Giovannis son, fuck HGSS is such kino

Klu klux klan?

The autist that come around here during a smash release aren't Yea Forums they are underage twitter faggots like you.

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His father is Red?

okay, THIS is epic

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no lol that guy is retarded

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I thought he falls in the lava when you destroy the heart?

>doesn't say anything
>gets btfo
>suddenly disappears, probably crying like a little bitch


>fuck HGSS is such kino
the giovanni thing is from the pokemon manga

fire red and leaf green have a grunt that mentions giovannis kid having red hair.

pokemon special started in 97 user

i know about the manga, i only said that cause most people would automatically say that the manga isnt canon to the games

dumb pandering shit

>Trace, on.
>Trigger, off.

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Of course, but it was the only fun part of the game.

The core gameplay would have been great if the game didn't drop to 15fps during action


Mt Silver is in Johto, though.

Who was in the wrong here?

That video was trash and you should feel bad for posting it.
Mega man bring in Smash itself was hype as fuck, but the reveal cinematic wad 1000's of time better than the shit you just linked

Yet to experience anything that trumps this.

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>>Years later realize it was his father Red.
That's impossible. Gold and Silver canonically takes place 3 years after Red and Blue, meaning that Red would've been 13 during his battle with Gold on Mt. Silver.

>bring up a vn
fatecuck pls

Came to post this.

It's the only game I can think of where the bad ending is actually better than the "good" one.

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