It's fucking shit

It's fucking shit.

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looks like it thats for sure. Such a shame Yoshi blew his load too early and only had one classic

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so is Kirby but all that Nintendies need to be entertained is pretty colors and funny sounds.

Sounds like the music certainly is, from the recent preview impressions. A shame, it was my biggest concern and Woolly World had great music.

No shit, yoshi is a babygame. Did you expect some grand title?

>Few days/weeks before any Nintendo exclusive is released
>Sudden increase of threads about the upcoming Nintendo game
>Its always negetaive and full of shitposing

Really makes me think

Yoshi's Island and Kirby Super Star were easy games but they still had a lot to offer. Everything since then has just been absolute baby garbage. They fell too hard into the marketing.

the game was literally made for 3-5 year olds

Loved Woolly World, but this so boring in comparison.

Did you really expect anything different? Yoshi's Island smashed it, but every Yoshi game since has struggled to be anything more than mediocre.

I guess Touch 'n' Go was alright because it wasn't really even trying to be a "Yoshi" game, it was more arcadey in its execution. Every home console Yoshi game since Island has just sold on the "muh unique artstyle" factor. Funny how your average Nintyfag accuses others of being graphic-obsessed but Nintendo can sell mediocrity a couple of times a year by packaging it in a quirky art style.

Why the fuck is the music so bad when woolly world had a great soundtrack.

the whole point of the graphicfag argument is games being realistic vs stylized though

Is the nsp out?

Nice insight sherlock got any more gems lodged beneath that cranium of yours


Oh, that explains it

Anyways enjoy your $60 fisher price game

That's how Yoshi is, you get one good game in a blue moon and the rest are shit for the next 15 or so years.

It's a game about Yoshi
Why would you expect anything different?

Outside of the music it's the best game in the series so no

Pretty sure Yoshi's Island was some kind of mistake since every Yoshi game except that one has been shit.

Wooly World wasn't bad so it's unfortunate Yoshi returned to shit with this game.

This is where they fucked up. Good-Feel hired a bunch of different composers for Woolly World, but as a result wasted their funding and could only afford the one shitty guy now, you know the one who did the first level music for Woolly World, which is what the entirety of Crafted World is like.

How did we go from this:

To this:

In just a few levels?

>Hacked 3ds last month
>Looking for games to install
>See a new Yoshi's Island game
>Holy shit how did I never hear about this
>Look it up, have a flashback of it being announced and remember how shit it looked

Must of repressed that memory, holy fuck how could something this horrible looking/sounding be made.

first track was made by totaka, the rest of the music was made by the Epic Yarn composer.

Yoshi's Island still had some parts that were challenging. Despite the graphics I would not consider it a game for little kids like the rest of the series. It's okay that Nintendo wants the Yoshi series to be for little kids though.

All these people calling the game shit when they probably haven't even played the demo. The game is great, though it feels a little more like Yoshi's Story than Yoshi's Island. Either way there's tons of creativity in the levels and tons of shit to collect, plus it runs at a butter smooth 60fps which is more than can be said about fucking Kirby.

Fuck off you falseflagging cunt.

>Suddenly, warping through space and time, King Bowser appears!

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it's not even out yet what are you retards going on about

Hahah okay user, why not let people play the demo and come to their own conclusions then? You're just as much of a fucking falseflagger as I am. Personally I really enjoyed it and I'll be picking it up on release.

Are you trying to say they haven't?

He's a fucking brainlet Nintentard.

I played the demo and it was fucking shit. It looks like shit on handheld mode, the game has no challenge or substance to it. FFS you dont even get flutter increase when timing A off an enemy, and you dont even have to press down to make an egg it just does it automatically. The jumps and movement feel stiff as fuck and the music is nursery baby garbage that assaults the ears. Make no mistake, this will be an even bigger piece of shit that these retards will defend just because it says Nintendo on the front cover more than Kirby Star Allies.

The game kinda reminds me of Klonoa a bit

the only really great Yoshi platformer is the original Yoshi's Island

the rest are mediocre games with Nintendo Bonus boosted scores



The fucking PS2 and OG Xbox had 720p and 1080i LMFAO.

>OG Yoshi's Island
Peak Miyamoto answer to DKC
>other 2D Yoshi games
5/10 kiddie stuff made for your average 12y.o nintendo keyboard warrior

Exactly this. It's basically Klonoa without the extra jump height off of enemies, and people are calling it shit. Oh noo it looks like crap in handheld mode (like every other demanding Switch game) and omg the demo didn't have challenge. Well no fucking shit, it was the first stage.

Lol its been that way since normalfags got on the internet. I just never had to listen to them here at first. Like look at any new game in the last year, and guaranteed there was nothing but shitposting once normalfags had a few days to watch a playthrough of it and get their favorite streamer's impressions. Im convinced almost nobody here plays games themselves anymore and just wants to fish for replies.

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is it too much to hope for that Nintendo gets over this obsession with the crafts aesthetic before this gen is done?

user, there's only been three of them this gen

I'm saying there are some who haven't. Obviously there's going to be people who have played it and didn't like it, but there's also people bitching over nothing because they're too nearsighted to realize that the demo was the first stage of the game, so obviously there's no challenge involved yet. Every Yoshi game starts off super easy and gets much harder later on, especially with the "extra" stages. The only legitimate complaint I've read so far is the music, but people said the same thing about DQXI and that game was fantastic.

And the gameplay, although you Sonyions probably aren't familiar with that term.

The fuck, did the game come out already?

Yoshi, just like Kirby games, are always too easy and therefore fucking boring

It's not gonna happen. Yoshi's "shtick" that separates it from other platformers at the moment is the whole crafts look. First it was yarn, now it's crafts, next it might be clay or maybe a futuristic "robo Yoshi" thing. I honestly don't mind it though, I mean we're obviously not getting another fully 2D Yoshi game so something creative like this is the next best thing.

ah yes, the gameplay for 3 year olds. I can assure you, we are definitely not familiar with it as you are.

Kirby I can agree with, but Yoshi games can be fucking tough if you're trying to 100% them. They're no different than Mario or DK in that regard.

that artstyle is bad but the gameplay looks like yoshi's island snes and the music isn't bad either

No. Just shitposters calling it bad.

>demo came out ages ago
>previews discussing the game in its entirety are already out

if you badmouth daddy nintendo youre a shitposter!!!11

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Don't reply to Sonyfags.

Yoshi's Crappy World?

Its a Yoshi game.
All Yoshi games are mediocre to bad.

If it was Super Mario Odyssey 2: Yoshi's World then we'd be talking because the only amazing title centered on Yoshi is Super Mario World 2

Apparantly it's the same song for the whole game just played slightly differently each world or so I've heard.

> Wario Land is dead
> They still make Yoshi games despite not being good for decades

Where's the justice?

They run the leifmotif a little too hard, yeah.
Sometimes it's good.

>ps2 720p
You know that ps3 was a 720p console with a few games beeing 1080p right?

Yoshi games are cancer and for autistic man children.


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