If CODs always the same why do people say they dropped a recent COD for being too different?
Sounds to me he is a stupid customer who falls for generic trailers with vague buzzwords and no actual gameplay
Like NMSfags, it was always obvious the game had no actual content and I dont think Hello games is to blame for that
COD is by the most hated game in history . Almost every other genre fanbase hate COD. Hell they even call bad games in thier franchises “COD clones”. FIFA doesn’t get this amount of hate.
Yet COD always sells and is the best seller. However no one on the Internet talks about it Reddit hates COD, there is no /vg/ COD general.
How does COD do it?
needs more wojak
You're fucking retarded. You think not miss who buy COD are on Yea Forums or even reddit...or on the internet at all? Internet posters are a tiny minority of the game consumer population.
Not miss = normies*
Haven't bought an EA game since, I think it was BG&E
COD is like Yea Forums version of capeshit, except cod writing and acting is better.
literally never preordered nor been tempted to do so in my life
all these zoomers need to fuck off already
I haven't played an EA game in years.
I did pre-order smash bros though
Yea Forums barely shitposts over COD though. Maybe the week one is announced that’s it.
Thats because activision is not as aggressive with viral marketing as disney and other crap companies.
They just do the normal marketing and it just sells.
Its not just retarded zoomers preordering though. If anything, I believe it's old fat faggots who spend their money frivolously or parents for their kids.
Call of Duty isn't that bad, actually. There, I said it.
Depend which ones
Fuck bo3
>us stupid shills, mirite?
Literally the reasons games are shit now. I can't wait for games to drop out of popularity.
This is a Top 3 FPS. Contrarian Yea Forumsirgins will deny this.
It was fun for it's time, but aged pretty poorly. Still, the most balanced CoD by far, even though it's just grenade spam.
Maybe top 3 of it's gen.
Ultimate Doom&Doom 2
Quake 3
aged about as well as a corpse
>there is no /vg/ COD general.
There is but we are dead as fuck to the point where we commonly discuss how to get Yea Forums to talk about cod
Never have and never will buy an EA game
feels good
Its quite customizable and there are lots of complete overhaul wads and maps for it even. And more are been made everyday.
And you can make your own maps easily with programs like Doom Builder.
Its gud still, age doesn't make game bad.
I thought that CoD had been going downhill since the disaster that was Ghosts, though?
>26 posts
biggest cod thread in years
The problem is the the dipshits outnumber you 10 to 1, so no matter how educated you are as a consumer, there are always 10 people ahead of you ready to support EA, Activision, Ubisoft, and the other AAA publishers and their shitty business practices.
Praise kek brother!