Only ever let my kid play what I decide

>only ever let my kid play what I decide
>made him start with gen 3 and then work his way up
>has to complete a minimum of 10-15 classics of the console to "unlock" the new gen
>won't let him play anything from gen 7 onward until he's 15
>won't let him play anything online or on his phone period
>we're currently at gen 6 and he's loving the "new" God of War game everyone is talking about

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Other urls found in this thread:

who are you quoting?

who are you quoting?

I regret doing this
>only let my 5 year old neice play old genesis games
>she gets a crush on Sonic
>draws herself with hedgehog ears

>goes over to friend's house
Heh, nothing personal dad

lol you're a faggot and your son hates you and if you're American he's probably going to kill you soon lol

What's his daily energy drink intake?

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A kid like that doesn’t have friends.

Have the talk with her

>talking with your children
>not just ignoring it and pretending it doesnt exist and everything is fine
Look at this fggt.

I got my kid hooked on WoW as soon as he was old enough to understand the controls, cheapest nanny ever

How does it feel to condemn an innocent to die and not even realize it?

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You should focus more on making him grow up healthy and sociable


Kids know how to avoid being losers like their parents.

This is going to come back to bite you when he turns into an obese autist and puts you in the shittiest care home that medicaid can buy.

i'm fucking glad i started with the bing bing wahoo team

Just as planned

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Games today are shit anyways. Can't wait for MCC

Zoomers BTFO

>forcing your shit taste on others

I'll buy my kid a mini dirtbike instead because I don't want him to become a loser

I'll run a train on my kid with my buddies because I don't want him to become a loser


I don't have any kids and I'll be honest about that instead of playing pretend like OP. But one thing I would not accept is that the little brat would forego his own time for some supposed golden age that is not his or hers. That shitty old music like The Beatles, old films, excessive interest in the literary "greats" and even games I am personally fond of. No, you have a responsibility to your time and to discover and appreciate the great stuff that is happening here and now. It's too late for me, because at one time we do get stuck, but you should be stuck in your time. Not someone else's.

Shut the FUCK UP

nah I'll MAKE my kid enjoy my youth or else.
That's the point, to create a better you.

But you enjoyed your time. Shouldn't a new you do the same? I mean, how is it like you to try to be your father?

>Oh my God dad shut up you're so lame *dabs* *epic fortnite dance*

honestly stop

>years back give niece and nephew dreamcast
>they love jsr, thps2 etc.
>both immediately get into (and today still dabble) art and nephew gets into skateboarding
>nephew would show me new tricks he learned and niece would show me her paintings
Everything is still pretty cool.

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>you have a responsibility to your time and to discover and appreciate the great stuff that is happening here and now
And when that turns out to be 1/100 of what it used to be, what else do you use to fulfill your time? I was born in the late 90s, but because I lived in a third world country where everything was late by a minimum of five years, and there wasn't such a huge focus on only the newest media, my childhood was composed of games and cartoons from the 70s up to the modern 00s stuff, and it was fucking great. I would've much rather my kid has a similar experience than to grow up only on Paw Patrol and Dora the Explorer.

It's important to understand the history of gaming. It makes you appreciate it more

>Zoomers first fps is old core
user I love halo but what you're saying is completely retarded

It's almost as if you develop a fondness for the stuff you are exposed to in your formative years, delayed or not.

How fucking dense do you have to believe that you just happened to be a kid at the greatest possible time and that it's somehow unique? Being a kid is great for most people. We like the things that remind us of that, but in most regards those artefacts are incidental.

That's not really that weird for a kid though

>the meaning of life and existance is to experience
>forcing your kid to repeat the same experiences as you, thus contributing nothing to the global conscience
Lmao ur dumb and gay af yo.

Nah, classics are important. The problem with zoomers is that they don't respect anything that came before their time.

>Wanting your kid to have the same interests as you
Yup. Sounds like a boomer to me.

>being a utilitarian cuck
Experience is unique to the individual.

Did you even read my post? I said I grew up with stuff that *wasn't* only from my period, but from a period before mine spanning four decades. I can identify with 90% of this chart and I feel like that's a lot better than only being exposed to one during your childhood.

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Yes, I read your shitty post and I'm still amazed that I have to spell it out for you: You like it because you were a kid when you witnessed it. When it was made is irrelevant, it's the time of exposure.

They’re video games. They’re not “important”.

this post makes me happy, unfortunately I'll never be like that because my uncles don't have kids

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>retards baiting


Literally nothing wrong with that. I personally would try to make my son not be interested in games and be more outdoorsy. Nothing good has happened to me by spending tens of thousands of hours playing games.

That's what my point was you goosemolester. Trying to force your kids to have a 1:1 experience compaired to yours is retarded.

>not allowing your kids to like anything except the things you like
Jesus christ, this thread is the cringiest thing I've seen all week.

t. 30 year old boomer

I started my nephews on old emulation. once I gave them a chance to play fortnite they completely snubbed the genesis they loved so much. At least they play TF2 sometimes still but holy shit kids are so fucking obsessed with fortnite. constantly doing the retarded dances. TAKE THE ELF HURR DURRR

guess you're leaving then

I'm honestly glad my parents would have designated 'vidya' time or just not allow it on some good weather days. As a kid just wanting to play vidya it seemed lame, but getting the boot outside lead to a lot of fun adventures on my bike with friends.

like what, user?

>4 and 6 year old nephews play San Andreas on their dad's old PC and love it
>they try GTA V on my PC one time they were visiting
>completely lost interest in San Andreas and keep badgering their dad to buy them something that can run GTA V
Mistakes were made

How do I make sure my nephew doesn't have shit tastes once he's old enough to play games, without being an asshole and totally controlling what he can play like OP?

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Not him but whenever I wasn't playing games I was reading books (Was one of the top readers in my school district(s) from elementary to middle school but I utterly stopped reading when I hit high school where I play playing nothing but PC games) or play with kids from the neighborhood, usually soccer.

If they're young enough they'll play anything, kids are enthusiastic as fuck and bored out of their minds. If they reject your offer and ask for Fortnite or some shit then there was never any hope.

Lived near a couple parks and had a huge field behind my house. Just finding cool shit to do as a kid (catching bugs, messing around in a creek, playing made up outdoor games or finding someone with shit to play baseball or football etc.). It all kinda hinged on who was available so when I got the boot I'd immediately go knocking on doors.

Doesn't matter what you do, as long as they are going to school, they are going to learn shit from other kids. Your only option is to never send them to public/private schools at all.

it is already too late. He'll be influenced by his friends and then in turn faggot youtubers/twitch streamers

>appreciate the great stuff that is happening here and now
Such as?
Soundcloud rappers?
Post ironic social media culture?
Awful Netflix originals?

I don't even need to do anything like that honestly. My nephew loves Mario games, he finds the brothers hilarious, (especially Luigi) and he watches clips of the old stuff on YouTube a lot, has already played Mario Maker, and always wants to have a go on whatever I'm playing old or new.
You could give him a cheapo famiclone handheld and as long as it has Super Mario Bros. 3 on it, he's happy to play it for hours.
He's only 6 too. Already beating 3DS games, and most of Super Mario Odyssey on Switch. When he concentrates he's surprisingly competent. Smarter than he makes himself out to be.
Don't restrict, just make the classics available. I might have to install Mario and Luigi remakes onto his 3DS at some point because he'll find those a riot once he can understand RPG mechanics well enough to not immediately die.

I used to hate The Beatles but I have to admit a few of their songs are pretty good. Well covers are. Their songs when they perform them kind of lack flair.
Like Santana's version of While My Guitar Gently Weeps. Paul's solo version of it is pretty good too.

That poor child.Whats wrong with you?Vidya is about fun and what he likes,let him play what he wants faggot.


t. fortniter

>make your child outcast by not letting him play Fortnite and other shit kids play

You fucking retard parenthood is about freedom in moderation not thoughfull tyranny. Because u can't foresee all consequences of your law's.

Shouldn't of given her Genesis then and did the SNES like a normal child should get.

yeap, Dark Age of Camelot was a good game

Fortnite is shit.But let your kids develop naturally and try what they want even if its not your favorite game.

Old thing good. New thing bad.

Shouldn't you be doing homework little boy?

proud of you user
you made them understand

yeah but unironically

What’s good about any of those things?

I'm just gonna let my kid play what he wants. I'll have my old stuff setup of course if he wants to play but I don't think I would care if he didn't get into gaming.

you have to make them develop individual tastes regardless of the era they live in
these two aren't mutually exclusive

How do you oldfags feel seeing Early Zoomers taking over and now posting childhood nostalgia for the LATE 00s-early 10s things like Minecraft and iPhones? It feels kinda surreal, because that stuff used to widely be considered the "Downfall into shit era".

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tippity top tier bait

>sticking around to raise your faggot kids instead of plowing a new 21 year old every other night
lol this generation of beta cucks is so laughable

Feel like ironical shitposting to be honest

Have fun with him playing whatever. You can suggest things sure but respect his tastes in whatever (wide) selection you happened to have with you (curated).
Don't underestimate how dumb kids can be, i only stopped being casul at like 16.

I've got a full emulation library and some of my fav pc games set up on my puter for my incoming son, but I'm not gonna force him to play this or that. I'm just gonna show him what I like/grew up with and let loose from there. I hope y'all enjoy your experience together, but I'd say let him take the reins, if it were me

lurk more, fagaloon

oh good, glad i wasnt the only one with that kinda parenting. Was beginning to wonder if i was actually missing out on something.

Play Fortnite with him. Play it with him so much he gets sick of it and thinks Fortnite is for cringey old pedos like you.

This, and be sure to act super into it, do the dances, all that kind of stuff.
You might lose self-respect, but you’ll be raising him to not be a little faggot.

Sure, if Fornite's still popular by then.

Right now he's currently only 5 months old. I was just asking ahead of time.

Huh i just developed a disdain for nice days and summer. It was much like putting the dog outside in a fenced in yard. Guess thats how it goes living out in the sticks and the nearest neighbor is a mile or so down the road and elderly.

Based and boomer pilled make that zoomer suffer for being born. I can only imagine him talking with his friends about the new zoom zoom games then go home to play some real game his spirit must be crushed already

Then just do that but with whatever stupid shit is popular then.

I'll put money on Fortnite not being relevant with the youths by the time he is one.

Fortnite is already outdated cringe bro, get with the times grandpa

>21 year olds instead of 18 years olds
Where are we, puritan England?

>found the autistic dad

When will we start permabanning Wojaks and Pepes? They LITERALLY never contriubte anything to this website. All they do is shitpost and make up stories.

Wanna know how to fix the "zoomer" generation? Time, time really does heals all wounds. Let kids do whatever the fuck they want, its their generation and soon after their world, not yours. Stop trying to cling to this world and start getting ready to be old, there's some good in this just hear me out. As you get older you tend to appreciate the older things in life music, books, movies, men/women, old tools, and sooner or later video games too. I remember growing up as a kid in the 90's(late 80's really) hating old music from the 80's on back as I always thought it was that generic shit that would always be played everywhere in commercials and movies. It wasn't until my late 20's(30+ now) I started actually listening to some old songs from the 70's and thought to myself, "Hey, this is actually pretty good". Now it didn't have to be my late 20's as I was just never exposed to or just didn't care for actual good old music from before my time but my point is, I eventually learn to appreciate older the older stuff. Now forcing kids to play years of catch up of movies, music, tv shows, and video games is not the way to go with this, maybe a few things but not all of this. Kids need to be able to explore different things and find out what's shit by playing in shit. They are going to grow up and remember all the embarrassing stuff they used to like just like some of you.

Now what's so great about being old? Well as history repeats itself, the next generation will ALWAYS fuck over the previous generation, always. Everything you do and work hard for will be wasted by the next generation, depressing I know. What's great about this is, its like karma, every generation gets their turn and you can always get back at the next generation by spoiling the next next generations. Why do you think grandparents love spoiling their grand kids? That's why when you turn 50+ or close to retirement you make sure you spoil the fuck out any little kid you see.

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>They LITERALLY never contriubte anything to this website
neither did your post, nor mine, for that matter
we are equally worthless

>Allowing your kids to leave the house
C to the U the C to the K!

>Can I stay at Tommys this weekend dad?
>Oh, uh, sure son. Let me just check with your mother
Heh, nothing personal Tommys dad. Hope you like looking after other peoples kids

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>not understanding that kids pick up quickly on new trends that old people don't understand, and shape the future.
you are supposed to learn from your child, not the other way round.

They're definitely overrated, and John Lennon was a cunt. McCartney's solo stuff is infinitely better.

you mean your siblings?

Too long.

Do you think film buffs make their kids start with "the classics" before they can watch their shitty animated films?

films = art
games = toys

>nearly everything that zoomers get nostalgic about is goddamn youtube

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>uses a meme quote
>doesn't argue his point
Wanna know how I can tell that you're a retard?

I would hate you

no way in hell I'm letting my kids near vidya.
I mean just look at yourselves faggots