GTA 6, Bully 2 or New IP

what do you think is their next project?

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Table Tennis 2


It's either Bully 2 (which had leaked artwork), or GTA 6 set in Vice City and South America.

We won't see GTA 6 for a long time

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>cyberpunk GTA will be next

I've lost faith in R* after V

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this is what is likely happening
In a perfect world though it would be Bully 2

WWT-World Wide Theft
basicaly gta but outside the US

>not Manhunt 3

Society will never advance to cyperpunk or futurism at all

Years worth of Red Dead Online DLC

Vice City and San Andres came out in the 2000s though.

Midnight Club: Saudi Arabia

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I wish Rockstar would do smaller projects like Manhunt... if they have so much money why won't they fund small studios to work on side games?

Zombie mode for GTAO

man. i live in a farmboy town of like 2k-3k people. we still have wooden posts that carry electricty above ground (potato nigger here). yet we have an electric car charger next to our aldi. cyberpunk is now, boy.

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Red Dead Revenge

Call me when the world starts to look like looper.

Red Dead Retard

Because those games sell like shit and stuff like Manhunt were much more trouble than they were worth.

>yfw it's bully 2 with a non-sjw female protag
Too good to be true though so it's just going to be GTA6 in half a decade

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>non sjw
>female protag

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EVs are garbage snake oil that's a downgrade to ICE in every conceivable way, stupid fuck, even in carbon footprint

GTA VI would make them the most money.

oni 2

I don't care anymore

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It's gonna be a PS4 exclusive so why should i care