Now that this decade is almost over, has this been the worst period in gaming history?
Now that this decade is almost over, has this been the worst period in gaming history?
I would say 1970's, but that's mostly because technology wasnt there.
No but God of Onions was pretty shitty
You know, despite how good the beginning of the 00s was I think that 2006-2009 was so fucking bad that the 2010s were overall better than the 00s. I mean if we're just talking about 2000-2005 vs the 2010s it's no fucking contest but the last few years were the worst in gaming history
It got better near the end, but possibly
It's a toss up between late 360/PS3 gen and early Xbone/PS4 gen
lmao no, the PS3 and 360 sucked dick.
Every generation of games post SNES/Genesis have been progressively worst than the last.
2017-present have been stellar but 2010 until then were fairly dismal. I almost dropped out of gaming entirely until Etrian Odyssey 4 brought me back
I’d say it started in 2016, and then ramped up the next two years. 2019 had been solid so far. Lots of it has to do with Japan putting out better games. American/Euro games became so damn generic at the end of the previous gen/start of this one.
last gen ps3 etc sucked dick
yes, but this game was perfect
I'm tired of dad games
I'm trying to remember what I actually played in 2016, only Monster Hunter Generations and Crypt of the Necrodancer come to mind. However I love the fuck out of both of those games
thats the key though, every genre and every platform has had a very good game in the past couple of years if not more, when a decade ago all we were getting was brown and bloom shooters, boring rehash #343438, or shovelware
GoW 9/10
Spiderman 8/10
DMC5 9/10
RDR2 8/10
RE2 8/10
This year alone has been incredible
The 6 previous god of war games got shat on almost exclusively for being button mashing hack and slashers. GoW reboot actually had fantastic combat in comparison and was a huge step up for the series. Kind of like Re4
2012 and 2013 were awful if you didnt have a 3ds
Nah. 70's and 80's were worse
>GoW reboot actually had fantastic combat
RE4 didn't have pacing issues and shit enemy variety. God of War felt like it held back on ideas for the sequel while RE4 felt like every idea the devs had was thrown in.
A+ reading comprehension
but let's face it. As far as combat goes there are only a handfull of games that do it even remotely well. For example, I would take GoW combat over any kingdom hearts game. It obviously doesn't hold a candle to DMC's combat but it outshined that game in the atmosphere/environment design like crazy
>Everything is brown era
It also brought us DmC and AC Assault Horizon because "we want the CoD audience"
Bloodborne and Dark Souls came out this decade. That is enough for me.
DMC5 was a good answer to GOW4's sins.
Nah this year alone is legendary. 7th gen was worse.
There's been plenty of good games buried in the bullshit but aside from that the industry and the community has gone to total shit.
If we're comparing Story, environments and music, GoW has an upper hand. It was obviously bested in gameplay, but DMC gameplay would have never worked for that game
>I would take GoW combat over any kingdom hearts game
2010-2016: shit
2017-2020: actually pretty good
The period when Capcom was relying on 3rd party devs to handle franchises.
no indies save it
My point is that DMC5 was a natural follow-up to the previous games and an organic extension of where DMC4 left off. I have a few misgivings about it, it ain't perfect, but it was a legitimate justified sequel. God of War 4 barely even resembles the previous games, and chooses to adhere to the most clumsy and banal trends of contemporary action games instead. The combat certainly is not an improvement. It was a lateral movement at best.
It does look and sound gorgeous, but even the story falls flat to me. It wasn't worth digging God of War back up for.
kingdom hearts was shit when i was 10 and it's shit now. grow up
I disagree. I think the new Norse mythology setting as well as the new gameplay mechanics are going to be a solid base to move forward with.
Lately games have been re-using gameplay mechanics to death without any innovation or improvement. At least this was something new that can be improved upon over time.
I agree that the crafting, armor, rpg stats and all that useless stuff was not needed and I hope the do away with it in the next one.
2009-2016 was
I would say so given that pretty much everyone but Nintendo, Atlus and some indies are trying to push an agenda with their games instead of actually making a good game.
>I agree that the crafting, armor, rpg stats and all that useless stuff was not needed
And the walk and talks, and the "puzzles," and the non-climbing, or the Kratos-glides-across-the-room-like-he-has-a-magnet-in-his-gut combat. It's not even a case of the game being too "easy" or something; the hardest difficulties definitely demand some caution and awareness of the game's systems. I just find the game extremely dull most of the time. It's the action game equivalent of Oscar bait, manufactured to tickle peoples' emotional buttons trying its hardest not to let anything else get in the way. I don't think Kratos's development from 3 to 4 feels unnatural; we saw glimpses of this kind of regret and somberness all throughout the series, especially in Ghost of Sparta. But as much as I like Kratos he just doesn't carry the rest of it.
I do think God of War 4 had some cool ideas, though. I really hope you're right about what comes next with it, but I think journalist-pandering is just as likely to sink its sequels.
The armor and stats in GoW was one of the best new additions to the game.
I have no interest in games that don’t allow me to customize my character in some way.
2000-2005 > 2015-2020 > 2010-2015 > 2005-2010
This decade wins the previous one.
Right because arenas are peak atmosphere. Fucking dmc 1 had better atmosphere than God of War. God of War feels like a ps2 linear arena based game. While dmc 1 and a lot of games from that era tried to fucking push boundaries rather than be like every other game.
While I agree those games are good it's just a rerun of 6th gen can we get a fucking new paradigm already.
You don't know what a decade is do you.
You're a special kind of idiot, aren't you?
Did you not read your own post?
What is this post even supposed to mean?
There is nothing in 6th gen that plays like RE2make or Sekiro but I get your point
what are you on about?
Considering we got GoW it's one the best.
What was better in DMC5?
It does. Better than DMC for sure.
Despite '00-'05 being great years, the current decade as a whole was of better quality than the previous one.
It's not that difficult.
>defending kingdom hearts
unironically kill yourself
user, a decade is a period of 10 years, that post covers two and splits them into four.
The worst times have only just begun.
>it's bad because actually added something fresh to series instead of rehashing the boring old formula
You tried
I absolutely refuse to believe you are this dense.
Coming from the person who doesn't know what a decade is.
You're fucking dumb if you can easily fall for the illusions in God of War. The levels are arenas I played through it countless times because I was bored and actually wanted to enjoy the game.
god of war has such a good aesthetic
KH3 was meh
DMC5 was great
God of War was good
I don't really care about GoW but I tried getting into the series following the GoW4 hype. nuGoWs combat is WAY better than old GoW's its not even funny. Old GoW was just a shittier version of DMC and was laden with annoying QTEs and shit. It was brainless action. NuGoW actually requires and rewards some strategic thinking on its higher difficulties. Instead of just being a shittier version of another game it instead was like Souls but with way more of an emphasis on combos. It felt unique. I didn't end up liking nugow or old gow that much but I truly think that the changes to combat were a net positive. I think with a sequel the combat could actually be great if they listened to criticism.
No one fucking said a decade is anything but 10 years, holy shit.
what the fuck are you talking about? You would REALLY hate DMC5 if you think GoW had too many arenas
>NuGoW actually requires and rewards some strategic thinking on its higher difficulties.
Yeah, strategic thinking like pressing the attack button over and over and over until the enemy is dead.
every game is easy on easy mode user, challenge yourself
Yes, most of it was awful and I regret the time zi spent on those games
Because your argument was that God of war had atmosphere but it really doesnt because of all the arenas and the bland look of it all. I can get pretty graphics everywhere else. I loved dmc 5 for the gameplay but if I want atmosphere I definitely didnt get it from God of War.
that'd be 2010-2015
Give me God of War is so poorly designed though, the worst way to go about implementing an hard mode. Enemies just buff themselves and take forever to kill, can't land controls on them anymore either after they frenzy.
I think the combat has potential, but they need to change the camera and ditch the useless RPG elements.
You mean 2005 - 2015
Japanese games have been of consistent quality. You could say there hasn't been much change other than graphics but western games have gone way down hill.
Overreliance on scummy microtransactions, FTP, battle royale, etc attempts to create cash cows rather than good games. Writing has gone completely to shit, since it's apparent everyone hires the same college dropout reddit faggots who's writing and voice acting sounds worse than any given junior high school students, yet its in all the major games.
Instead of the medium "growing up" for lack of a better term, and stopping the silly review scores and hyperbole (everything is either the BEST EVER. MASTERPIECE or TERRIBLE IRREDEEMABLE SHIT), everyone has doubled down on the hyperbole. Every other AAA western game, either by delusion or under the table payments, is lauded as the next Citizen Kane regardless of how generic or poor the actual game and writing is.
I've felt such a huge disconnect from games.
Compare the writing and quality of the following:
Halo 1-3 vs Halo 5
Mass Effect 1, KOTOR vs. Andromeda/Anthem
CoD MW, MW2 vs Division, Titanfall, Apex
Fallout 1-3,NV vs Fallout 4, 76
Fable, Morrowind, Oblivion vs Dragon Age Inquisition
GTA 3-5, RDR, Saints Row vs. RDR2, Cyberpunk
If you are talking about western games, obscenely yes.
Except you, the person who isn't judging them as decades.
I'm gunna post some more atmosphere that will point out your blatant lying
This gen kicks the shit out of the last one, even if everything is a sequel or a remake. God of war, rdr2 and breath of the wild are unironically great
Nah, even western games outside AAA shit got better.
There's a difference between "adding something fresh" and completely reshaping it into something completely different.
>nuGoWs combat is WAY better than old GoW's
Not really. The older games owed a lot to Devil May Cry, but the overall focus of the combat was shifted a little. Playing the harder difficulties of the older games reveals how vital prioritizing enemies and mob control is to the combat systems. The more sweeping attacks of Krato's blades versus Devil May Cry's lock-on system is the catalyst for this and it's the single biggest difference between Devil May Cry's combat and God of War's in their focus. There's no denying DMC has more room for improv and creativity, but you're not giving the old games nearly enough credit.
I can only say that, I guess you're the one with a failing reading comprehension.
kys shill
Game looks good in the earlier levels where your armour doesn't have LE SHINY GOLD AND SHINY GEMS AND GLOWING RUNES everywhere. As soon as you start leveling up and Kratos begins putting on the lategame gear, the artistic value of the game's visuals drops significantly.
That's not how you use a comma either.
If you truly think GOW 2018 is a good game you MUST tell me how old you are. Seriously. Not even the same guy you are replying to
First two are corridors final one is literally a linear arena and one of the biggest offenders in the campaign. All of those areas you go to when using the mechanism that lets you travel between worlds are so obviously ps2 tier levels. Skyrim is more atmospheric than this shit.
my favourite game is F-Zero GX I've been coming here for 8 years
He's some 30 year old boomer who thinks better tech means better game fuck him.
Open World does not equal atmosphere dipshit
>27 year old using "cope"
>coming here past the age of 25
You’re a virgin.
I can just fucking tell.
How embarrassing for you.
Do you consider yourself socially liberal?
>projecting this hard
lol there is legitimate reason to assume someone who sings the praises of gow hasn't had much game experience. There is no line of reasoning to assume I'm a virgin. You are just mad trying to grasp at straws to insult me back
What does the inside of a vagina feel like.
Tell me. Go ahead.
fuck off buzzword spewing chode, literally has nothing to do with anything.
Not only was I right about you being some dumb old nigger that is amazed by currwnt day technology but you're also mentally retarded I'm done arguing with you. Go lose your virginity incel
like the underside of the tongue. kys.
If socially liberal means that I like trannies, illegal immigrants and communists then no. If by socially conservative you mean I hate minorities and muslims then no.
Be your own person fuck labels
This. Everyone memes about GOW's combat as being completely brainless but you fucks played it on normal. Higher difficulties in the older games changed enemy placement and mashing the ol square square triangle was going to get you fucking killed. You had to learn enemy crowd control and what moves to use or else enjoy dying.
Got better in the second half, but 2010-2015 was pretty shitty, except for Dark Souls and Bloodborne
Wait, how would him telling you be proof if you don't know what it feels like?
>no argument
lol, all that projection after someone acknowledges generational behavior. you're such a fuck
Last gen was braun n blum cover based garbo and ironsights fests. Cant get worse than that easily.
Only a virgin would dislike a game like GoW as it shows how emotionally and intellectually underdeveloped you are. More than likely you have very little real social experience or skills and few if any friends. Probably picked on a lot at school I’m guessing?
Chances are you suffer from some kind of degenerate fetish as well.
This describes most people who dislike Sony first party games.
did not expect this many people to be on my side
You haven't been paying attention to this gen have you.
You know, where the AA game developers have all but died, the most popular games are all movie games and even Capcom have casualised their last few decent IPs?
As much as people cry about last gen's brown and bloom at least there were other games to play.
I'm not dumbass I think this year is amazing. But God OF war is shit
>Only a virgin would dislike a game like GoW as it shows how emotionally and intellectually underdeveloped you ar
haha dude there is no connection at all.
If anything liking GOW and Sony games are a sign of low test counts, male feminism, and virignity based on it's vritue signaling, poorly written story with no consistently in its character.
If you havent noticed everyone here is laughing at you
Of the last year (2018) I would say it's easily in top 5
Let me guess, you only have a PS4.
You’re basically saying only Incels dislike GoW
Way to prove my point virgin faggot
If you haven't noticed there are like 5 people arguing against you
I have a PS4 for exclusives, Xbox for multiplayer with friends and multiplat and a Switch obviously for exclusives and indies on the go
Nothing I said suggests that. You are desperate for an insult but still can't find one.
The most incelibate of humans are the male feminist soiboys who love God of War but shit on things like Dead or Alive because they are so terrified of and threatened by attractive women and heterosexual relations.
>elf man cries "that hurt my fee fees"
>kratos tells son to go apologize while hugging a tree and nuturing a pig while having no sex whatsoever
Go tell resetera how much of a big boy you are, and go beg your 250lb blue haired tumblr whale for sex and brag about how you get pussy lol
So GoW isn't in the top 5 then.
Why wouldn't anyone who enjoys videogames have a PS4? They get all the games that matter.
More like 2 compared to the 5-9 against you retards
Hahaha holy fuck. Imagine having a brain as backwards as this.
Grow the fuck up you unfuckable incel
Forza Horizon 4
God of War
Hollow Knight (Switch)
I don't even know what else came out last year
Oh spiderman was alright I guess, if not a little underwhelming
There's a difference between only having a PS4 and having one in addition to something else.
With that said the PS4 hasn't gotten a decent exclusive in years.
>PS4 hasn't gotten a decent exclusive in years.
Cope harder
Not him but wow, your taste is horrendous.
Bunch of virgins arguing over who's the bigger virgin
It hasn't.
The last good one was Gravity Rush 2 after that it's just been mediocrity and waiting.
post your top 5 of 18. I won't judge or anything, maybe I missed something. I'm ok with my taste in vidya it makes me happy
No Gen 2 will always be the worst. This might be the second worst though.
I see the issue, you have absolute shit taste.
>a fucking weeb
Holy fuck. You can’t make this shit up lmao
so this is the famous wizard power...
*User was banned for this post*
>reshaping it into something completely different.
It's not completely different, they didn't make a racing game or fps of it. It's like Resident Evil 4.
>. Playing the harder difficulties of the older games reveals how vital prioritizing enemies and mob control is to the combat systems.
So does in new GoW except less simplistic and way more creative with time-based attacks and builds.
You cannot be serious in saying that nu-GoW is more complex than old GoW combat. You just can't. It's so disingenuous.
God of War 4, Spiderman just last year, yeah totally not.
It undoubtedly is
You can beat whole old games just by mashing square and evade button including bosses. Are you pretending now?
>I played through it countless times
You either can't count very high or you're retarded to play something you don't like so many times.
GoW wasn't bad at all but it really did feel like it was holding back. Valkyrie fights should have been incorporated. The game needed more bosses and more spectacle instead of numerous low stake diversions. They should scrap gear and improve the combat variety and the camera.
Jesus. Talk about mediocre.
They should have made the combat like DMC5 instead of that slow clunky shit. All these Dark Souls simulators don't realize the combat isn't what makes Dark Souls good. Also gotten rid of dad plot and kept things brutal.
In no particular order
Dragonball Fighterz
Hacker's Memory
Labo I'm kidding it's Mega Man 11
Honorable mentions go to
Mania Plus
Warioware Gold
Katamari Reroll
Yakuza Kiwami 2
I remember when people used to shit on games for its combat SOMEHOW being worse than god of war. GOW has always been shit
Literally the taste of a child
360 - PS3 era. From there we got all shitty things that plagues games now
>Never beat GoW 2 and 3 on the hardest difficulties
Commit suicide you giant faggots.
The only people who shit on GoWs combat were comparing it to Ninja Gaiden and DMC, which it is worse than. However it's leagues above what nu-gow has.
Yes, compare the presumed GOTY's from this decade to the 90s & 00s
top kek
Oh, I don't have any interest in anime games usually. I'm sure they're fun
As opposed to playing games in order to grasp a false sense of maturity?
old GOW has the most braindead hack and slash combat. Even darksiders was better
I can use the same argument against you queer. I played GoW3 after finishing 4 because it was free on PSN and combat was so boring that stopped doing so.
That's a blatant, boldfaced like and you know it.
GoW 3 on the hardest difficulty is objectively more complex and difficult than Give me God of War.
No, it's really not. Even normal difficulty GoW 4 has better combat.
This has turned into
>you're lying
>no you're lying
>no you're lying
it's fine, we disagree whatever
>old GOW has the most braindead hack and slash combat.
Dad of War says hi. Not even on the highest difficulties do you have to do more than mash attack, the only difference is that it takes longer to do because of the inflated health.
You've said that you could beat old god of war games by solely mashing square and dodge. That's a lie. It's beyond opinion.
>Not even on the highest difficulties do you have to do more than mash attack
You never played GoW4 user, stop embarrassing yourself.
yeah, I also forgot QTE every 5 seconds during boss fights. You should earn money and play some new games on new systems user.
Why did gaming become so shit after 2006?
Commit suicide you raging, homosexual cunt nigger
Says the person trying to pass the game off as complex.
Knew it
I said more complex not complex. Your reading comprehension is just as bad as your taste in combat mechanics.
Except for the current generation which has had some of the worst games in their respective franchises.
the PS3/X360/Wii by far the worst and most boring generation. Nothing will ever be as bad as that.
>I said more complex not complex.
Which is still implying some degree of complexity you moron.
You can't even do real aerial combos in GoW2018.
There is a difference of something being complex and more complex over something simplistic you idiot.
Yes, you can do them.
>future games.
>link to the past
>fallout 3
poser scum.
Again that's implying a degree of complexity when the reality is that the game is less involved than previous games in the series.
Also take note of how I said REAL aerial combos.
>when the reality is that the game is less involved than previous games in the series.
No, it's not.
>real combos
Nice buzzword.
And there we have it, he has no more arguments.
Nah 7th gen was worse.
>it's not real
>it's less involved
You must be 15 at best. No wonder you can't afford PS4.
Says the person who thinks "real" is a buzzword.
>It's like Resident Evil 4
I see what you're saying, but that's not a completely fair comparison.
>except less simplistic
You can't be serious.
>You can beat the whole old games just by mashing square and evade button
Not on anything above normal.
"real combos" is buzzword. You used it because you don't have an argument or you are too stupid to form one properly.
>but that's not a completely fair comparison.
>You can't be serious.
This is supposed to arguments? Actually, you can't be serious.
>"real combos" is buzzword.
Yeah no it isn't. You literally can't do true aerial combos in God of War 2018.
Feel free to go and find some.
What do you mean "true". Are you this underage that has a problem explaining your buzzwords?
Are you being retarded on purpose or do you really not know what true means?
No, I don't know what true aerial combos mean. Explain retard.
>Dark Souls
Best decade
Easily the best actually
True gives you all the information you need for that sentence to make sense.
There's no way to make that easier.
In any case you still haven't shown anyone any evidence of your claim.
Confirmed for mentally challenged.
Not him but
>1.1attributive Rightly or strictly so called; genuine.
It's spelled out right there for you but you still can't understand basic english.
Here's something for you that might make it easier for your sonyfag mind though You can't jump in Dad of War.
>generic open world game
miss me with that shit
Did you just defend Kingdom Hearts? That game is garbage as hell. Hell yes nu-GoW is better than that.
I asked about "true combos" not definition of word "true" alone. How combos can be "non-true"?. Is he your autistic brother or something?
You know the word aerial was in there too right?
Man, even retards aren't this illiterate.
>has trash like Uncharted and Fallout 3
>no Demon's Souls
What retard made this list?
How do you do an aerial combo in nu-GoW?
Yes, I know, and? Aerial combos can be non-true too? Autism is curable user.
Journos & normies, Souls games are irrelevant no matter how much you cry about it
By launching the enemy in the air and following with combo? Why are you talking about games you never played?
How can anyone be this obsessed with Over The Shoulder Punch Enemies Movie #34920
How can anyone be obsessed with First Person Shoot Enemies Movie #34920
>By launching the enemy in the air and following with combo?
Did you jump on your own to continue the combo in the air?
>Did you jump on your own to continue the combo in the air?
No, but I can hit launched enemy while being on the ground. Standing in the air while hitting enemy looks silly in this game.
>This is supposed to arguments? Actually, you can't be serious.
I really don't see how God of War 4's cool-down timers give it the same amount of depth and variety as the combos and enemy variety of the older games. Even the "build variety" you talk about boils down to basic stat management number inflation; it gives merit to the game's meager exploration and equipment systems but it's not that involving or meaningful to the meat and potatoes of what you're doing. If anything it trivializes things the deeper you get into the game, especially on new game plus.
The vertical aspect of the older games (a la Devil May Cry) alone gives the older games a meaningful dimension to space control that the new God of War just doesn't have thanks to the fact Kratos and every enemy is permanently grounded and wearing magnets. And this space management is something the older games are very much aware of and utilize. Mob control becomes much more pivotal on anything above normal and enemy combinations are much more brutal and unforgiving. There are actually things I like about the new game's combat: it's visceral and feels good to hit shit on a fundamental level just like the old games even if the field of view's duct tape solutions like the threat indicator sap away the fun. Attack animations tend to be natural and impressive, even if the aforementioned magnet targeting dampens their practical significance too.
God of War 4 is constantly trying to have its cake and eat it too. It wants things to be grounded with visual continuity even if it's incongruous with making its action readable or varied. It wants to be energetic but intimate which is a nice idea, but it does this with the game design equivalent of Elmer's glue and nicely-painted popsicle sticks.
>No, but I can hit launched enemy while being on the ground.
There you go it's not a real aerial combo.
At this point you're wading through trash for one good game. Shit went downhill fast shortly after ME1
Because online competition is different every single time you play and is infinitely harder and more of a challenge. The COD format is absolute shit though
>I really don't see how God of War 4's cool-down timers give it the same amount of depth and variety as the combos and enemy variety of the older games.
No, they give bigger one. You can use special attacks in every single battle, unlike old GoW when you are restricted to do so, only if you found magic orbs between some encounters. It's outdated and bad system. GoW4 also give RPG elements that force player to think how prerpare to battles, which equipments effects will be best for which enemies. None of those existed in old GoW games.
>every game has to be multiplayer game now
Zoomer pls go
>they give bigger one
They really don't, though. You still have more options at your disposal in the older God of War games and more involving enemy variety even if certain aspects of your moveset are limited by the magic meter. But the limits of your magic meter aren't arbitrary: they inform the decisions you make and what you do when. Again, enemy prioritization in the older God of War games is vital. The way the magic meter works (including the ability to regain orbs depending on how you dispatch certain enemies) reflects this. It gives meaning to your decisions on a level that a simple cool-down timer does not.
And to clarify one last thing: I don't think God of War 4's combat is bad. I just don't think it's enough to support all the time spent in it or make up for all the shittier things the game does alongside it. If it traded its walk-and-talk segments and snoozeville climbing with more involved exploration and puzzle-solving I'd like the game a whole lot more.
late 00's was the worst
God of 4 had 3 different enemies with a total of 0 brutal kills each.
The fact that there’s a move where you run holding an enemy in front of you but continue to run in place if you hit a wall shows just how little effort they were willing to invest in the combat.
>You still have more options at your disposal in the older God of War games
What options? 90% ot game I was just using square combo because it works on every enemy and boss. You can't regen magic by dispatching normal enemies you are forced to do normal attacks only. Lack of stats and equipment build also work in disfavor. Games are also too much focused on simplistic flashy QTE's.
>90% ot game I was just using square combo because it works on every enemy and boss.
Welcome to GoW18.
>You can't regen magic by dispatching normal enemies you are forced to do normal attacks only
yeah, I know this sucks, but I didn't make first GoW games.
>What options? I was just using square combo because it works on every enemy and boss.
Not above normal it doesn't.
>You can't regen magic by dispatching normal enemies
But you can; you have to use a grab finisher to do so.
>Games are also too much focused on simplistic flashy QTE's.
They're generally spectacle with clear distinctions from the rest of the combat, and you never have to engage with them outside of bosses. I understand why people dislike them but the combat doesn't rely on them at all.
>Not above normal it doesn't.
Yes, it does. Are you saying they are suddenly immune to it? You just have to be more careful and have better timing. Also, where is an answer to my question?
>But you can; you have to use a grab finisher to do so.
That dosen't refill your magic meter. What if you fight with boss? Why are you limited to basic attacks only?
>and you never have to engage with them outside of bosses.
You do fighting with stronger enemies like Minotaurs, Gorgons or Cyclops as far as I remember from first GoW.
>"has this been the worst period in gaming history"
>He asks after the Yakuza series gets life breathed back into it due to the success of 0
Not a chance, babe!
My main issue with God of War is the camera. The animations are amazing and the combat system feels pretty good but the over the shoulder camera means you have to rely on the utterly unreliable radial warning to know if you're being attacked from behind. If they did a better job of copying Dark Souls and zoomed the camera out further then the game would be improved significantly.
Yes this is the worst period, but God of war (2018) is a masterpiece
>Are you saying they are suddenly immune to it?
Square-square-triangle is a useful combo throughout the game because of its stun and range on the last hit, but using it mindlessly will just get you killed above normal. Enemies are too fast and versatile and enemy combinations are too dickish to get away with spamming it without prudence or, in the case of something like the gorgons or the more slippery enemies, even finish the combo at all.
>where is an answer to my question?
The combos available, the weapons variety and mid-combo weapon switching, the magic.
>That dosen't refill your magic meter.
It does for some key enemies, though not all of them. How do you not know this?
>Why are you limited to basic attacks only?
Bosses will often bleed magic orbs between phases alongside red orbs. And, again, it's a meaningful limitation that prevents you from simply waiting and then spamming your powerful attacks which the cool-down timer in God of War 4 makes it all too easy to do.
>You do fighting with stronger enemies
No you don't, it just takes more hits to kill them.
80s-Bad because they are still discovering the basics of videogames
90s-Amazing,the age of discovery and creativity basically
00s-Amazing ,perfecting 3d games ,especially gameplay wise
10s-Decent ,better graphics but some series have gotten better but more boring at the same time(see GOW,COD,AC,Rachet and clank,...) games as fun as DMC 5 are the exception nowadays , and creativity is at the verge of death
a clear step back
>Enemies are too fast
Enemies have the same speed they just do more damage.
>The combos available, the weapons variety and mid-combo weapon switching, the magic.
All those exist in GoW4, how is this more option?
>It does for some key enemies, though not all of them. How do you not know this?
I said it only works for small option of enemies. You are heavly scripted and limited to do so.
>Bosses will often bleed magic orbs between phases alongside red orbs
You can basically do like 2-3 magic attacks and forced to return to square square combo.
> prevents you from simply waiting and then spamming your powerful attacks which the cool-down timer in God of War 4 makes it all too easy to do.
Cooldowns in GoW4 are quite large. Good luck waiting with dodges only to refill your magic bar. Not only fights to take longer but some are much harder like Valkyries.
>No, you don't
Except you do. How do you not know this?
The combat is obviously a big part of why Dark Souls was good
>b-but there's no combos and you only press R1/R2
doesn't matter.
its nothing like dark souls, you can press parry at any time during any animation and it has 2 cooldown moves that you use and plenty of diff ones to choose from. Its fun and not meant to be LUL cuhrayzee hard! the worst part is the kids arrows having to spam square to maximize damage
>Enemies have the same speed they just do more damage.
I'm not saying their speeds changed, I'm saying that their combinations and aggressiveness make square-square-triangle-ing through the game impossible.
>All those exist in GoW4
Not to the same extent. Weapon switching in particular doesn't have the same fluidity because of the animations, and combo options are a lot more limited because of, among other things, the inability to jump for more significant launchers.
>You can basically do like 2-3 magic attacks
>Cooldowns in GoW4 are quite large
That doesn't change anything. You can still quite often just bide time for the cool-down to end by tossing your axe from a distance. I don't really have that much of an issue with the cool-down idea, but I don't think it renders magic in the old games obsolete whatsoever. It's not like the game never gives you magic orbs. You get them between fights, you get them during fights (including bosses, whether it's between phases or from doing things like parrying). The game isn't stingy about them, it just places a restriction on them that isn't negated by time alone.
>Except you do.
No, you don't. It just takes longer to bring them down. I might be wrong about the minotaur enemies, though; I honestly don't remember. I know for a fact it's not necessary for the cyclops or gorgons, though.
>I'm saying that their combinations and aggressiveness make square-square-triangle-ing through the game impossible.
No, it makes it very possible. On higher difficulties you just have to dodge more because you get harder punish.
>Weapon switching in particular doesn't have the same fluidity because of the animations
What animations? You change weapons instantly.
Yes, Poseidon Wrath takes like half of magic meter.
>That doesn't change anything
What? It does because you cant spam it freely but still can use it in every battle.
>I might be wrong
You are, you take Cyclops and Gorgons with QTE too.