Dante Marry me right now!

>Dante Marry me right now!

Attached: 76EC4432-C51E-431C-A56E-4764BF29D691.gif (476x217, 225K)

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Attached: Devil May Cry - 06 - Rock Queen [BDRip 1280x720 x264 FLAC].mkv_snapshot_04.30_[2018.07.28_18.24.37]. (1280x720, 134K)

Patty putting dirty neets in there place

>Patty spent her whole childhood hanging around demons, weirdos and degenerates at Devil May Cry
Imagine how fun she is now. She's probably a witch in gothic lolita now (seeing it runs in her bloodline) and is gonna storm hell to drag pizza boomer to her party. Or bedroom.

She sure does.

Attached: Patty taking care of trash.webm (602x502, 230K)

Attached: Adelie+best+girl+_3652cb4658e0ba933055e02d298b91c8.png (1056x718, 470K)

Is the anime worth watching? I always avoided it since it seemed low production value, but after playing through DMC5 I'm interested again.

Do you like depressed Dante eating sundaes?


She can only come back if through demon magic she gets de aged back into a cute angry Loli

Attached: 19F6FE15-2DA9-4F5B-A21F-8F8977242AB3.png (348x319, 154K)

>would rather reference the anime than DMC2

Nope. It's just demon of the week format, Dante having a rich blonde loli want his dick is the most amusement people get out of it.

doesn't he do that but with pizza anyway

The anime was just boring, DMC2 is a black mark on everybody who created it and everybody who played it.

I mean, if it's done well then sure yeah. I just always assumed the animation quality and writing would all be subpar since so few adaptations are done tastefully. But if it's at least decent then I might give it the time just to keep scratching that dmc itch.

It's more melancholic and about Dante's daily life more than when he has big jobs coming in. It's fun but very different to what you'd think a DMC anime should be.

can someone post a screenshot of hobo Dante eating a strawberry sundae. I haven't gotten the end mission picture yet

>The anime got more screen time in the recap than DMC2

Attached: This is no longer Crazy modern.jpg (1740x1165, 892K)

Is this good enough?
Don't have the textless version.

Attached: 1552439604716.png (851x768, 771K)

Cute blonde lolis > Ugly birds

Lucia should come back as a DLC character. They gotta give her at least something

Literally who?

there are rumors going around of a dlc with Trish,Lady and Lucia
Don't know if there's any legitimacy to them

It gave us this song.
> it seemed low production value
Dante only ever uses Devil trigger once. It is just a flash of red, and he one shots the Demon off screen.