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I hope you opened fire on the crowd Yea Forums.

I was genuinely fucking angry about generic comrade 2 at that point and once they started chucking rocks I shot them all

Lugo was cool, though. If Adams died I wouldn't have given a shit

I did on the first play through. Once the crowd started throwing rocks it was over for them.

Me too man. I was upset that he was dead and they were cheering. He didn't do anything wrong. He came to help.

I know the cool thing is to hate Spec Ops, but I really enjoyed how far up it's own ass it was. Like, it was almost refreshing to see a gray/brown military shooter completely fuck with my expectations. It's something you expect from over-dramatic JRPGs but not something as generic-sounding as Spec Ops.

Why do people hate spec ops? It's not a bad game.

never ever been some happy to kill civilians and don't give a fuck about anything, at the end I was like why those pussies are caring about sandniggers that much?

Same, even though I knew there was no specific wrong side, They all died.Oh well.

Lugo should've put a bullet in Walkers head if he wanted to help

Only newfags trying to fit in hate Spec Ops


The only thing really going for Spec Ops is its story, so it's not unfair to dislike it.

People have been talking about this game for years, usually to shit on it, but I wanna bring up one small detail I've never seen mentioned anywhere else. In one of the early firefights in that mall area where they're taking away the civilians, there's this one corner you round and as soon as you do a civilian woman runs right in front of you extremely quickly. Obviously I shot her out of reflex because I had been shooting enemies for several minutes beforehand and it was an "active scene" - none of the characters bring it up or anything, it doesn't seem like it matters at all either way, but I think the designers deliberately put her there to fuck with the player and get an early start into making you wonder if you're really the "good guy" in this story. It seems obvious which is why it's so surprising that nobody's brought it up before.

I think the reason why it's not really brought up much is that it wasn't relevant to the story.

You actually shot her? God damn you're trigger happy aren't you?

They did. I remember that part and I realized it was a civilian and held my fire. But yeah, there is no penalty for shooting her in the back.

People keep talking about a dead tree, where is it? I've never seen this in the game.

When Walker and his men are about to use white phosphorus, there was a tree that was inexplicably thriving in Ruined Dubai behind them. If the player turns back, however, he would see the tree to be in reality dead. A sign of Walker's already shaky grasp on reality even then.

Right before the Willy Pete part, more or less when you see victims of previous uses.

just before the white phosphorous scene and after gould dies.

I liked this game for Walkers decent into madness. I don't self insert.

>I don't self insert.
People aren't supposed to self insert into Walker. Self inserters are fucking dumb.

I agree.

I thought part of what made the game work is because the player will himself into Walker into doing all that kind of stuff he did.

No I never self insert. I liked it the same way I'd like a movie with the exact same plot.

For a game that trying to ripoff HoD/Apocalypse Now, I wish it had more levels and crazy adventure. The story should had been more episodic about standalone stories rather than a straight linear one.



I suppose I can't hate you for playing it in a different way. At least you still liked it.

The game critiques Walker as a character and you as a player separately (usually with the same scenes but it's a kill two birds with one stone type of thing)

You're supposed to self insert, it's a jab at cawadooty and halo. You wanna be big bad master chief but you fail and fuck it all up. That's the entire story and point they wanted to make.

>it's a jab at cawadooty
To this day I still believe that the devs clearly didn't played Black Ops

What did the devs mean by this?

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I didn't even get to play this game.

Konrad, the one that Walker "within" the game is the manifestation of his guilt. Thus, they're basically the same person, so "Maybe it's in mine." is basically Shadow-Konrad saying to Walker "Lol, whatever loser."

The game even lists you as a guest at the start of the game

Go pirate it, it's worth it and it's short.

Why. The game was free at some point.

I meant to write this; Konard, the one that Walker "meets" within the game. I excuse myself for whatever misunderstandings you may have.

I still think the game should have had a secret early ending if you choose to walk back to the start after encountering enemies.

By which? The Insurgents or when Walker and his men first start fighting U.S. soldiers? Probably the former I'm guessing.


The reason why it doesn't exist is that the developers were pretentious cunts who tried to make the game about videogame violence and how the real good ending is to simply shut off the game, but they accidentally made really good anti-war propaganda instead. If they made the secret good ending part of the gameplay then they would have been giving credit to the game, which was explicitly their intention. If games are bad, then there can be no good way within the game to achieve any good outcome.

>The reason why it doesn't exist is that the developers were pretentious cunts who tried to make the game about videogame violence and how the real good ending is to simply shut off the game,
Why do you fucking retards keep spouting this meme?

Pretty bad game design though. Mouse acceleration and one-sided over-the-shoulder aiming.

Because there was an actual interview with the developer and they explained that it was all about violence in videogames and how it desensitizes us to actual violence. It was never about the horror of war itself. The game was talking to the player, not trying to make a philosophical point in the context of the game's world and characters. But they failed and the game ended up being better for it. The wrong message was taken from it and it was a better message.

Except the game's message was never to critique the player or war, you fucking retard. God damn. There are interviews talking about how the game is just critiquing Walker and how the player is just an observer.


I guess the other developer was lying then. Or this one. You fucking retard.

That's retarded because a lot of people would trigger it by accident and spoil the whole premise of the game for them.

they are called acceptable casualties

Or possibly that a game is made by large numbers of people who may each have their own disparate interpretations about the product

Do you feel like a hero yet, Yea Forums

I didn't mean to hurt anybody
No one ever does, Walker.

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Or you're a retard who doesn't know how to read? You can't even post this supposed source of yours, you just get mad at other people proving you wrong. Kill yourself.

Well, you made me reinstall the game. I expect to breeze through it tomorrow, I wonder how it will hold up and what other nifty tricks I'll spot.

My favourite and the one where I noticed things are really fucked up was a fight with a heavy armour guy in the clothing shop with mannequins.

I mean you could really easily frame it well.
>Finish first mission
>Walker... should we really press on? We're only three guys and this looks like nothing we can handle.
>an explosion emanates from the city, prompting the player to go help people
>yes or no choice
>yes continues the game normally
>no has walker back out, and shows walker and his squad return home. while not rewarded as heroes dubai is eventually somewhat recovered
It's pretty easy to do. Plus in this day and age everyone knows Spec Ops is a creepy war horror story. It also seems "fun secret endings you get by doing x" is a popular thing now- see Far Cry 4 and DMC5

How is he a retard for you being a mouth breathing autistic cunt who has a shit memory?

Does the game actually let you refuse to do horrible things? Like say no kill runs in stealth games?

It would lessen the impact the game would have on the players. I bought the game having played all MW games and it was a hell of an experience.

That goes against the premise of FPS games back in the day.
There's no walking away at the beginning of CoD or Halo/military shooter games.

I heard that the idea of the game was that, we the players, play games to kill things in games for entertainment; and that we don't put any further thought into it.

Did Walker die in the helicopter crash? Was it all purgatory/hell?

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This game made me wonder, what would it be like to realize that the reality you thought you were in isn't real, and that your mind has been making it all up?
Like, actually realizing that you're psychotic.

No, because it isn't an RPG.

ha ha yeah imagine

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