Vidya buyfag

What're ya

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Other urls found in this thread: Master Female Protagonist.html

too fat

Thinking I might get the Solid Snake nendoroid pretty soon, to go with my Isabelle one.

I just won auctions for Toushin Toshi 2, Kichikuou Rance and Min Naraken artbooks.
They'll be arriving within month or so.

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Waiting for Mythra to release, haven't found much else I want for now.

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whats the most you should spend on a figure? there's one i'm interested in but its about $150+

I feel kinda bad for spending so much on the deluxe set when the one inkling is enough for me but that big-ass roller looks too cool

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She's cute. Can't wait for S76

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Depends on how much you want said figure/how good it is
Back when I started buyfagging, that was pretty much my limit for quality figures like Alter shit but if you know something you like will be extremely rare/hard to find in the future/the scale is fucking huge, then I say take the plunge

More like too thin.

Where are the proper tits? Where's the plump butt?

That depends on a ton of variables. What did you have in mind?

There no limit if you can afford it

Waiting for her sister to come, Pyra feels a bit alone right now. She should be out in 4 days, unless GSC does its thing again.

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Based jack admiring the view

I mean if you're a big enough fan of the character/series I'd say go for it. Keep in mind the extra shipping costs, and if you have the option to, do NOT get the cheapest one.

I see on amiami they have it pre-owned for like $110 bucks but with no details on the supposed dirt/damage. Plus a figure like that is very likely a hotglue victim.

this thread is fucking stupid can we all migrate to the thread two spots to the right of this one in the catalog

It'll be nice to have two anyways.

Hoping the figma line will make it to Sombra. I'm on edge after the HotS NECA line got canned and so far the figmas are really good.

>t. retarded seething poorfag normalfag

That's animes

Soon (July)

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>4 days

Source for an exact date? Last I checked the site and amiami still had it listed for March.

Also, Pyra second batch or Pneuma reveal when.

Vertfags still on suicide watch

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Got this recently. It's alright I guess.

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Here you go user, it's on their planning (jp site only, as she's supposed to be an exclusive)
> グッドスマイルカンパニー「ヒカリ」JAN: 4580416940580

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there's thick and then there's too thick... she's too thick

I agree it's a but much, but it's good quality, was decently priced and she was the only part of that boring ass game I enjoyed.

Careful, Yea Forums really likes Dragon's Crown Master Female Protagonist.html

going to be getting when she comes out in August. Had I known about this figma sooner I probably would have pre-ordered.

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Any Decent Mad Payne figs.

Good for Yea Forums, it's important to define yourself by what you like and not by what you hate.

I see a lot of anime figures, isn't this the "vidya buyfag" thread?

There's probably some people rocking the Call of Duty brand keyboards or idiots buying overpriced editions of Assassin's Creed for a dinky statue, but they're just not as sociable on Yea Forums.

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>Aigis suplexing Samus
>Jack Frost getting a wonderful view

>literally only one anime character posted

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Latest vidya related loot. Sorry for image quality.

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I'm so glad the japan version has english subtitles

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t. low test


I want this so bad...

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>not asuka

why u guys buying barbie dolls ?

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did you add glasses to that Samus figure

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I don't see any vidya related ones that catch my eye, but this one seems nice.

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